

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-15

汤 珂 (Tang, Ke)
教育背景 2000年7月毕业于清华大学,获得经济学和工程学士学位
工作履历 2008年9月 至2009年9月 中国人民大学汉青研究院讲师
2009年9月 至2013年9月 中国人民大学汉青研究院副教授
2013年10月 至2014年10月 中国人民大学汉青研究院教授、副院长
2014年11月 至今 清华大学社会科学学院经济学研究所教授
学术兼职 执行编辑,Quantitative Finance
副主编, Journal of Commodity Markets
副主编, Emerging Market Finance and Trade
奖励与荣誉 2004年 加州大学伯克利分校金融工程硕士最佳论文David Pyle奖
2010年 教育部“新世纪人才支持计划”
2010年 北京市哲学社会科学二等奖
2012年 中组部“青年拔尖人才支持计划”()
2013年 国家科学基金
学术成果 代表成果:
1.A Tale of Two Premiums: The Role of Hedgers and Speculators in Commodity Futures Markets, with Wenjin Kang (SUFE) and Geert Rouwenhorst (Yale University), Journal of Finance, forthcoming.
2.Commodity As Collateral, with Haoxiang Zhu (MIT), Review of Financial Studies, 2016, 29, 2110-2160.
3.Economic Linkages, Relative Scarcity, and Commodity Futures Returns, with Jaime Casassus (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile) and Peng Liu (Cornell University) , Review of Financial Studies, 2013, 26, 1324-1362.
4.Index Investment and the Financialization of Commodities, with Wei Xiong (Princeton University), Financial Analyst Journal, 2012, 68, 54-74. (ESI 高被引论文, Google Scholar 1000+)
5.Commodity Investing, with K. Geert Rouwenhorst (Yale University), Annual Review of Financial Economics, 2012, 4, 447–467.
6.Long Term Spread Option Valuation and Hedging, with Michael Dempster (Cambridge University) and Elena Medova (Cambridge University), Journal of Banking and Finance, 2008, 32, 2530-2540.
7.No-arbitrage Conditions for Storable Commodities and the Modelling of Futures Term Structures, with Peng Liu (Cornell University), Journal of Banking and Finance, 2010, 34, 1675-1687.
8.Estimating exponential affine models with correlated measurement errors: Applications to fixed income and commodities, with Michael Dempster (Cambridge University), Journal of Banking and Finance, 2011, 35, 639-652.
9.The Stochastic Behavior of Commodity Prices with Heteroskedasticity in the Convenience Yield, with Peng Liu (Cornell University), Journal of Empirical Finance, 2011, 18, 211-224.
10.Time-varying Long Run Mean of Commodity Prices and the Modelling of Futures Term Structure, Quantitative Finance, 2012, 12, 781-790.
11.Determinants of Oil Futures Prices and Convenience Yields, with Michael Dempster (Cambridge University) and Elena Medova (Cambridge University), Quantitative Finance, 2012,12,1795-1809.
12.The Determinants of Homebuilder Stock Price Exposure to Lumber: Production Cost versus Housing Demand, with Peng Liu (Cornell University) and Xiaomeng Lu (Cornell University), Journal of Housing Economics, 2012, 21, 211-222.
13.Maximal Affine Models for Multiple Commodities: A Note, with Jaime Casassus (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile) and Peng Liu (Cornell University), Journal of Futures Markets, 2015, 35, 75-86.
14.Corporate Governance and Firm Liquidity: Evidence from the Chinese Stock Market, with Changyun Wang (Renmin University of China), Emerging Market Finance and Trade, 2011, 47, 47-60.
15.Size and Performance of Chinese Mutual Funds: The Role of Economy of Scale and Liquidity, with Wenjun Wang (Renmin University of China) and Rong Xu (Renmin University of China), Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2012, 20, 228-246.
16.Are Chinese Warrants Derivatives? Evidence from Connections to their Underlying Stocks, with Changyun Wang (Renmin University of China), Quantitative Finance, 2013, 13, 1225-1240.
17.China’s Imported Inflation and Global Commodity Prices, with Changyun Wang (Renmin University of China) and Shiyi Wang (Renmin University of China), Emerging Market Finance and Trade, 2014, 50, 162–177.
18.Cross-Market Soybean Futures Price Discovery: Does the Dalian Commodity Exchange Affect the Chicago Board of Trade? with Liyan Han (Beihang University) and Rong Liang (Renmin University of China) Quantitative Finance, 2013,13,613-626.
19.Institutional Asset Pricing, with Heterogeneous Beliefs, with Zhigang Qiu (Renmin University of China), Shiyang Huang (London School of Economics) and Qi Shang (Renmin University of China), Journal of Banking and Finance, 2013, 37, 4107-4119.
20.商业银行竞争、效率及其关系研究--以韩国、中国台湾和中国大陆为例(与黄隽合作) ,《中国社会科学》并被《新华文摘》转载, 2008年。
22.中国商品期货投资属性研究(与钟腾合作), 《金融研究》,2016年第4期。

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