

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-15

姓 名 :姜培学
技术职务 :教授
办公电话 :
通讯地址 :清华大学能源与动力工程系,100084
电子邮件 :jiangpx@tsinghua.edu.cn
教育背景1981.9-1986.7 清华大学热能工程系燃气轮机专业,本科
1986.10-1991.2 苏联莫斯科动力学院热能动力系工程热物理专业,博士(Ph.D.)
工作履历1991.2-1993.4 清华大学热能工程系,博士后
1993.4-1993.11 清华大学热能工程系,讲师
1993.11-1997.7 清华大学热能工程系,副教授
1994.9 - 1997.6 清华大学热能工程系,副主任
1997.7- 至今 清华大学热能工程系,教授
1998.9-1999.8 英国曼彻斯特大学工学院,访问
1999.9-2000.1 清华大学热能工程系工程热物理研究所,副所长
2000.2-2001.8 清华大学热能工程系工程热物理研究所,代所长
2001.9-至今 清华大学热能工程系工程热物理研究所,所长
2002.9 -2008.6 清华大学热能工程系,党委书记
2008.5-2014.4 清华大学科研院,常务副院长;清华大学第九届学术委员会,秘书长
2015.6.1-2015.7.1 日本东京大学,特任教授
2015.5–2020.5 清华大学校务委员会,委员
2017.01-2019.12 英国谢菲尔德大学,客座教授
2017.7 - 至今 清华大学热能工程系,主任
Experimental Heat Transfer期刊顾问编委
Heat Transfer—Asian Research期刊顾问编委
MPEI Bulletin期刊编委
学术成果 在热质传递与热系统领域,系统揭示了多孔结构、微纳尺度、强变物性、强激波等对热质传递产生的复杂影响机理,建立发展了微多孔介质局部非热平衡换热理论,推动发展了超临界压力流体流动换热理论、提出并发明了高温表面热防护新方法与新技术;成果应用于能源动力、航天航空、制冷低温、CO2高效利用与安全封存等领域。发表学术期刊论文约300篇,SCI检索130余篇、EI检索170余篇;论文总引用3500余次,SCI他引1600余次。参编《热工手册》(2002,机械工业出版社)、《换热器》(第二版)(第八篇第六章(微型换热器),2013年1月,中国石化出版社)、《中国电力百科全书》(第三版)《火力发电卷》《热工学基础分支》副主编(2014,中国电力出版社)。作为第一完成人获国家自然科学奖二等奖1项、省部级一等奖和二等奖各1项,获第八届茅以升北京青年科技奖,授权发明专利23项。自2014年连续三年入选爱思唯尔中国高被引榜。
1. Protopopov V. S., Kuraeva I. V., Tokmakova O. V. and Jiang Pei-xue, "Experimental apparatus for investigating natural convective heat and mass transfer of water at super critical pressure", (in Russian), Tekhnologia Energonocitelei, Trudy MEI, vol.208, pp.41-44, 1989.
2. Protopopov V. S., Kuraeva I. V. and Jiang Pei-xue, "Diffusive convective model of formation of deposit on plate surface for natural convection", (in Russian), Tekhnologia Energonocitelei, Trudy MEI, vol.630, 1991, pp.47-52.
3. Protopopov V. S., Kuraeva I. V. and Jiang Pei-xue, "Diffusion mass exchange on thermogravitational laminar water convection close to heated vertical wall", (in Russian), Teploenergetika, No.5, 1992, pp.48-52.
4. Protopopov V. S., Kuraeva I. V. and Peisyue T, "Diffusion mass transfer with laminar thermogravitational convection of water about a vertical heated wall", Thermal Engineering, vol.39, No.5, pp.260-264, 1992.
5. Jiang Pei-xue, Ren Ze-pei, Wang Bu-xuan, Protopopov V. S. and Kuraeva I. V., "Natural convective heat and mass transfer on a vertical heated plate for water flow containing metal corrosion particles", J. of Thermal Science, vol.1, No.1, 1992, pp.11-18.
6. Jiang Pei-xue, Ren Ze-pei and Wang Bu-xuan, "Natural convective heat and mass transfer of water with corrosion products at super-critical pressures under cooling conditions", J.of Thermal Science, vol.2, No.1, 1993, pp.25-31.
7. Jiang Pei-xue, Ren Ze-pei and Wang Bu-xuan, "Convective heat and mass transfer of water at super-critical pressures under heating or cooling conditions in vertical tubes", J. of Thermal Science, Vol.4, No.1, pp.15-25, 1995.
8. Jiang Pei-xue, Ren Ze-pei, Wang Bu-xuan and Wang Zhan, "Forced convective heat transfer in a plate channel filled with solid particles",J. of Thermal Science, Vol.5, No.1, pp.43-53, 1996.
9. Jiang Pei-xue, Wang Bu-xuan, Luo Di-an and Ren Ze-pei, "Fluid flow and convective heat transfer in a vertical porous annulus",Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, Vol.30, No.3, pp.305-320, 1996.
10. Jiang Pei-xue, Ren Ze-pei, Wang Zhan and Wang Bu-xuan, " Forced convective heat transfer in a porous plate channel", J. of Thermal Science, Vol.6, No.3, pp.197-206, 1997.
11. Jiang Pei-xueand Ren Ze-pei and Wang Bu-xuan, "Numerical Simulation of Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Porous Plate Channels Using Thermal Equilibrium or Non-Thermal Equilibrium Models”, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, 1999, Vol.35, No.1, pp.99-113.
12. Jiang Pei-xue, Wang Zhan, Ren Ze-pei and Wang Bu-xuan, "Experimental Research of Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Plate Channel Filled with Glass or Metallic particles", Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 1999, Vol.20, No.1, pp.45-54.
13. Pei-xue Jiang, Ze-pei Ren and Bu-xuan Wang, "Turbulent Convection Mass Transfer of Water with Internal Mass Sources",Heat Transfer-Asia Research, 29(3), pp.166-180, 2000.
14. Pei-xue Jiangand Ze-pei Ren, "Numerical Investigation of Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Porous Media using Thermal Non-Equilibrium Model”,International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol.22, No.1, pp.102-110, 2001.
15. Pei-xue Jiang, Ming-hong Fan, Guang-shu Shi and Ze-pei Ren, "Thermal-Hydraulic Performance of Small Scale Microchannel and Porous Media Heat Exchangers”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.44, No.5, pp.1039-1051, 2001.
16. Pei-Xue Jiang, Guang-Shu Si, Meng Li and Ze-Pei Ren, “Experimental and numerical investigation of forced convection heat transfer of air in non-sintered porous media”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol.28, No.6, pp. 545-555, 2004.
17. Pei-Xue Jiang, Meng Li, Yong-Chang Ma, Ze-Pei Ren,“Boundary conditions and wall effect for forced convection heat transfer in sintered porous plate channels”,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.47, No.10-11 , pp. 2073-2083, 2004.
18. Pei-Xue Jiang, Meng Li, T.J.Lu, Lei Yu, Ze-Pei Ren,“Experimental research on convection heat transfer in sintered porous plate channels”,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.47, No.10-11 , pp. 2085-2096, 2004.
19. Pei-Xue Jiang,Rui-Na Xu,Meng Li, “Experimental Investigation of Convection Heat Transfer in Mini-Fin Structures and Sintered Porous Media”, Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer,Vol.11, No.4, pp. 391-405, 2004.
20. Pei-Xue Jiang, Yi-Jun Xu, Jing Lv, Run-Fu Shi, S. He and J.D. Jackson, “Experimental Investigation of Convection Heat Transfer of CO2at Super-Critical Pressures in Vertical Mini Tubes and in Porous Media”, AppliedThermal Engineering, Vol.24, pp. 1255-1270, 2004.
21. Pei-Xue Jiang, Lei Yu, Ji-Guo Sun, Jue Wang, “Experimental Research and Numerical Simulation of Convection Heat Transfer in Transpiration Cooling”, AppliedThermalEngineering, Vol.24, pp. 1271-1289, 2004.
22. S. He, W.S. Kim, P.X. Jiangand J.D. Jackson, Simulation of mixed convection heat transfer to carbon dioxide at supercritical pressure, Int. J. of Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 218 Part C, pp.1281-1296, 2004.
23. S. He, P.X. Jiang, Yi-Jun Xu, Run-Fu Shi, W.S. Kim and J.D. Jackson, A computational study of convection heat transfer to CO2at supercritical pressures in a vertical mini tube, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 44, pp. 521-530, 2005.
24. Shiping Yuan and Peixue Jiang, Thermal Conductivity of Nanoscale Thickness Nickel Films, Progress in Natural Science, Vol. 15, No. 10, pp. 922 - 929, 2005.
25. T. Lu and P. X. Jiang, S. Q. Shen, Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Convective Drying in Unsaturated Porous Media with Bound Water, Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 41, No. 12, pp. 1103 - 1111, 2005.
26. Pei-Xue Jiang, Xiao-Chen Lu, Numerical simulation of fluid flow and convection heat transfer in sintered porous plate channels, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,Vol. 49, No. 9-10, pp.1685-1695, 2006.
27. Xiao-Chen Lu, Pei-Xue Jiang, Conjugate heat transfer analysis for film cooling flows, Journal of Thermal Science, Vol. 15, No.1, pp. 85 - 91, 2006.
28. Ben Lu, Pei-Xue Jiang, Experimental and Numerical Investigations of the Heat Transfer and the Pressure Drop in a Rectangular Channel with Angled Ribs, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol.30, No. 6, pp. 513-521, 2006.
29. Shiping Yuan and Peixue Jiang,Thermal Conductivity of Small Metallic Particles,International Journal of Thermophysics, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp.581-595, 2006.
30. Pei-Xue Jiang, Run-Fu Shi, Yi-Jun Xu, S. He and J.D. Jackson, Experimental Investigation of Flow Resistance and Convection Heat Transfer of CO2at Supercritical Pressures in a Vertical Porous Tube, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, Vol. 38, pp.339-346, 2006. (
31. Qi-Xin Liu, Pei-Xue Jiang, Heng Xiang, Molecular Dynamics Study of the Thermal Conductivity of Nanoscale Argon Film, Molecular Simulation, Vol. 32, No. 8, pp.645-649, 2006.
32. Pei-Xue Jiang, Rui-Na Xu and Wei Gong, Particle-to-fluid heat transfer coefficients in miniporous media, Chemical Engineering Science,Vol. 61, pp.7213-7222, 2006.
33. Jian-qiang Deng, Pei-xue Jiang, Tao Lu, Wei Lu, Particular characteristics of transcritical CO2refrigeration cycle with an ejector, Applied Thermal Engineering,Vol. 27, No. 2-3, pp.381-388, 2007.
34. Pei-Xue Jiangand Xiao-Chen Lu, "Numerical Simulation and Theoretical Analysis of Thermal Boundary Characteristics of Convection Heat Transfer in Porous Media", International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow,Vol. 28, pp. 1144-1156, 2007.
35. Pei-Xue Jiang, Rui-Na Xu, Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Mini-Fin Structures, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow,Vol. 28, pp. 1167-1177, 2007.
36. Rui-Na Xu and Pei-Xue Jiang, Numerical Study of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Mini-fin Structures,Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer,Vol.15, No.2, pp. 129-145, 2008.
37. Pei-Xue Jiang, Yu Zhang, Run-Fu Shi, Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Convection Heat Transfer of CO2at Super-critical Pressures in a Vertical Mini Tube, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 51, No. 11-12, pp.3052-3056, 2008.
38. Pei-Xue Jiang, Yu Zhang, Yi-Jun Xu, Run-Fu Shi, Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Convection Heat Transfer of CO2at Super-Critical Pressures in a Vertical Tube at Low Reynolds Numbers,International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 47, No. 8, pp. 998–1011, 2008
39. Qi-Xin Liu, Pei-Xue Jiang, Heng Xiang,Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Film’s Size and Vacancy Defect Effects on the thermal conductivities of Argon Thin Films,Molecular Simulation,Vol. 34, No. 6, pp. 645–650, 2008
40. Heng Xiang, Pei-Xue Jiang, Qi-Xin Liu, Non-equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Study of Nanoscale Thermal Contact Resistance, Molecular Simulation,Vol. 34, No. 7, pp. 679–687, 2008
41. Qi-Xin Liu, Pei-Xue Jiangand Heng Xiang,Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Non-Fourier Heat Conduction, Progress in Natural Science, Vol. 18, pp. 999–1007, 2008
42. Pei-Xue Jiang, Yu Zhang, Chen-Ru Zhao, Run-Fu Shi,Convection Heat Transfer of CO2at Supercritical Pressures in a Vertical Mini Tube at Relatively Low Reynolds Numbers,Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 32, pp. 1628–1637, 2008
43. Rui-Na Xu and Pei-Xue Jiang, Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow in Microporous Media, Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 1447-1455, 2008.
44. Pei-Xue Jiang, Run-Fu Shi, Chen-Ru Zhao, Yi-Jun Xu, Experimental and Numerical Study on Convection Heat Transfer of CO2at Super-critical Pressures in Vertical Porous Tubes, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 51, No. 25-26, pp. 6283-6293, 2008
45. Wei Peng, Pei-Xue Jiang, Influence of Shock Wave on Supersonic Film Cooling, AIAA J. of Spacecraft and Rockets , Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 67-73, 2009.
46. Li Zhihui, Wang Yu, Jia Dounan, Jiang Peixue, Research on the Influence of the Narrow Gap Size on the Two Phase Dispersed Flow, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 29, No. 5-6, pp. 1146–1152, 2009
47. M. Sharabi, W. Ambrosini, S. He, Pei-Xue Jiang, Cheng-Ru Zhao,Transient 3D Stability Analysis of SCWR Rod Bundle Subchannels by a CFD Code,Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power– Transaction of the ASME, Vol. 131, No. 2, No. 022903, 2009
48. Pei-Xue Jiang, Chen-Ru Zhao, Run-Fu Shi, Yang Chen and Walter Ambrosini, Experimental and Numerical Study of Convection Heat Transfer of CO2at Super-Critical Pressures during cooling in Small Vertical Tube, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,Vol.52, No.21-22, pp.4748-4756, 2009
49. Wei-Yu Zhu, Tao Lu, Pei-Xue Jiang, Zhi-Jun Guo, Kui-Sheng Wang, Large eddy simulation of hot and cold fluids mixing in a T-junction for predicting thermal fluctuations, Appl. Math. Mech. -Engl. Ed. 30(11), 1379–1392 (2009)
50. Y.Q. Liu, P.X. Jiang, J.G. Sun, Transpiration Cooling of a Nose Cone by Various Foreign Gases, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 53, pp.5364-5372, 2010
51. T. Lu, B. Liu, P. X. Jiang, Y. W. Zhang, H. Li, A two-dimensional inverse heat conduction problem in estimating the fluid temperature in a pipeline, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 30, pp.1574-1579, 2010
52. Zhi-Hui Li, Pei-Xue Jiang, Yu-Zhang, Experimental Investigation of Convection Heat Transfer of CO2at Super-critical Pressures in a Vertical Circular Tube, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science,Vol. 34, pp.1162-1171, 2010
53. T. Lu, P.X. Jiang, Z.J. Guo, Y.W. Zhang, H. Li, Large-eddy Simulations (LES) of Temperature Fluctuations in Mixing Tee with/without a Porous Medium, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 53, pp.4458-4466, 2010
54. Qi-Xin Liu, Pei-Xue Jiang, Heng Xiang, Mocelcular dynamic simulation of thermal conductivity of an argon liquid layer confined in nanospace, Molecular Simulation,Vol.36, No. 13, pp.1080–1085, 2010
55. Chen-Ru Zhao, Pei-Xue Jiang, and You-Wei Zhang, Flow and Convection Heat Transfer Characteristics of CO2Mixed with Lubricating Oil at Super-Critical Pressures in Small Tube during Cooling, Int. J. of Refrigeration, Vol. 34, pp.29-39, 2011
56. Fu-Zhen Zhang, Pei-Xue Jiang, You-Wei Zhang, Efficiencies of subcritiacal and transcritical CO2inverse cycles with and without an internal heat exchanger, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 31, pp. 432-438, 2011
57. T. Lu, B. Liu, P. X. Jiang, Inverse estimation of the inner wall temperature fluctuations in a pipe elbow, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.31, pp. 1976-1982, 2011
58. Chen-Ru Zhao, Pei-Xue Jiang, Experimental Study of In-tube Cooling Heat Transfer and Pressure drop Characteristics of R134a at Supercritical Pressures, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 35, No.7, pp.1293-1303, 2011
59. Wei Peng, Pei-Xue Jiang, Yang-Ping Wang, Bing-Yuan Wei, Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Convection Heat Transfer in Channels with different Ribs, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.31, pp. 2702-2708, 2011
60. Yinhai Zhu, Peixue Jiang, Hybrid vapor compression refrigeration system with an integrated ejector cooling cycle, Int. J. of Refrigeration,Vol.35, pp. 68-78, 2012
61. Wei Peng, Pei-Xue Jiang, Large Eddy Simulation of Film Cooling with Internal Coolant Cross-flow Effects, J. of Propulsion and Power,Vol.28, No.1, pp. 160-169, 2012
62. Wei Peng, Pei-Xue Jiang, Experimental and Numerical Study of Film Cooling Heat Transfer with Internal Coolant Cross-flow Effects, Experimental Heat Transfer, Vol. 25, Issue 4, 2012, pp. 282-300
63. Qi-Xin Liu, Pei-Xue Jiangand Heng Xiang, Experimental and MD Study of Gas Flow Characteristics in Nanopores, Chinese Science Bulletin,Vol.57, No.13, pp. 1488-1493, 2012
64. Shu Luo, Ruina Xu, Peixue Jiang, Effect of reactive surface area of minerals on mineralization trapping of CO2in saline aquifers, Petroleum Science,Vol.9, pp. 400-407, 2012
65. Pei-Xue Jiang, Heng Xiang, Rui-Na Xu, Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Thermal Conductivity of Nanoporous Media, Science China, Vol.55, No.8, pp. 2140-2147,2012
66. Fu-Zhen Zhang, Pei-Xue Jiang, Thermodynamic analysis of a binary power cycle for different EGS geofluid temperatures, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.48, pp. 476-485,2012
67. Pei-Xue Jiang, Chen-Ru Zhao, and Bo Liu, Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of R22 and Ethanol at Super-critical Pressures, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, Vol.70, pp. 75-89, 2012
68. Rui-Na Xu, Yu-Li Huang and Pei-Xue Jiang, Internal Heat Transfer Coefficients in Micro-Porous Media with Rarefaction Effects, Science China, Vol.55,No.10, pp. 2869-2876,2012
69. Y.W. Wang, T. Lu, P.X. Jiang, P.F. Cheng, K.S. Wang, Large-eddy Simulations of Fluid Mixing in Tee with Sintered Porous Medium, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 33(7), pp.911-922, 2012
70. Feng Luo, Rui-Na Xu, Pei-xue Jiang, Numerical Investigation of the Influence of Reservoir Heterogeneity and Injection/Production Well Locations on CO2Geological Storage with Enhanced CH4 Recovery, Applied Energy,Vol. 102, 2013, pp. 1314-1323
71. Yinhai Zhu, Peixue Jiang, Jiguo Sun, Yanbin Xiong, Injector Head Transpiration Cooling Coupled with Combustion in H2/O2Subscale Thrust Chamber, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 27, No.1, 2013, pp. 42-51
72. Zhen Zhang, Pei-Xue Jiang, Yu-Ting Hu, Jia Li,Experimental investigation of continual- and intermittent-spray cooling,Experimental Heat Transfer,Vol. 26, No. 5, 2013, pp. 453-469.
73. Yuan-Qing Liu, Pei-Xue Jiang, Yan-Bin Xiong, Yang-Ping Wang, Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Transpiration Cooling for Sintered Porous Flat Plates, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 50, No. 1, 2013, pp. 997-1007
74. Pei-Xue Jiang, Bo Liu, Chen-Ru Zhao, Feng Luo, Convection Heat Treanfer of Supercrtical Carbon Dioxide in a Vertical Micro Tube from Transition to Turbulent Flow Regim, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 56, Issue 1-2, 2013, pp. 741-749
75. Yinhai Zhu, Peixue Jiang, Jiguo Sun, Yanbin Xiong, Injector Head Transpiration Cooling Coupled with Combustion in H2/O2Subscale Thrust Chamber, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 27, No.1, 2013, pp. 42-51
76. Eric Nolan, Russell Rioux, Peixue Jiang, G. P. Peterson, Calvin Hong Li, Experimental Study of Contact Angle and Active Nucleation Site Distribution on Anostructure Modified Copper Surface in Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement, Heat Transfer Research, Vol. 44, Issue 1, 2013, pp. 115-131
77. Yuan-Qing Liu,Pei-Xue Jiang, Yan-Bin Xiong, Yang-Ping Wang, Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Transpiration Cooling for Sintered Porous Flat Plates, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 50, No. 1, 2013, pp. 997-1007
78. Feng Luo, Rui-Na Xu, Pei-xue Jiang, Numerical Investigation of the Influence of Reservoir Heterogeneity and Injection/Production Well Locations on CO2Geological Storage with Enhanced CH4 Recovery, Applied Energy, Vol. 102, 2013, pp. 1314-1323
79. Zhen Zhang, Jia Li, Pei-xue Jiang, Experimental investigaton of spray cooling on flat and enhanced surfaces, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.51, pp. 102-111, 2013
80. Xiao-Long Ouyang, Pei-Xue Jiang, Rui-Na Xu, Thermal Boundary Conditions of Local Thermal Non-Equilibrium Model for Convection Heat Transfer in Porous Media, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 60, 2013, pp. 31-40
81. Yuan-Qing Liu, Pei-Xue Jiang, Yan-Bin Xiong, Yang-Ping Wang, Ji-Guo Sun, Effects of Local Geometry and Boundary Condition Variations on Transpiration Cooling, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 62, 2013, pp. 362-372
82. Deodat Makhanlall, Josiah Munda and Peixue Jiang, Entropy generation in a solar collector filled with a radiative participating gas, Energy, Vol.60,pp.511-516, 2013
83. Zhen Zhang, Pei-Xue Jiang, Yu-Ting Hu, Jia Li,Experimental investigation of continual- and intermittent-spray cooling,Experimental Heat Transfer,Vol. 26, No. 5, 2013, pp. 453-469.
84. Deodat Makhanlall, Josiah L. Munda, Peixue Jiang,Radiation energy devaluation in diffusion combusting flows of natural gas, Energy, Vol.61,pp.657 -663,2013
85. Binglu Ruan, Ruina Xu, Lingli Wei, Xiaolong Ouyang, Feng Luo, Peixue Jiang, Flow and Thermal Modeling of CO2in Injection Well during Geological Sequestration, International Journal of Greehouse Gas Control, Vol.19,pp.271-280,2013
86. Fu-Zhen Zhang, Pei-Xue Jiang, Rui-Na Xu, System Thermodynamic Performance Comparison of CO2-EGS and Water-EGS Systems, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.61, No. 2, pp. 236-244, 2013
87. Xiao-Long Ouyang, Kambiz Vafai, Pei-Xue Jiang, Analysis of thermally developing flow in porous media under local thermal non-equilibrium conditions, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 63, 2013, pp. 768-775
88. Zhu Yinhai, Liu Bo, Jiang Peixue. Experimental and numerical investigation on n-Decane thermal cracking at supercritical pressures in a vertical tube. Energy & Fuels, Vol. 28,No. 1, pp. 466-474, 2014
89. F.Luo, R.N. Xu, P.X. Jiang, Numerical Investigation of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in a Doublet Enhanced Geothermal System with CO2as the Working Fluid (CO2-EGS), Energy, Vol. 64, pp. 307–322, 2014
90. Wei Peng, Pei-Xue Jiang, Effect of Shock Wave on Supersonic Film Cooling with Slotted Wall, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.62, No.1, pp. 187-196, 2014
91. Jiang P.X., Li X.L., Xu R.N., et al. Thermal Modeling of CO2in the Injection Well and Reservoir at the Ordos CCS Demonstration Project, China. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol. 23, pp. 135-146, 2014
92. Zhu Yinhai, Jiang Peixue. Experimental and numerical investigation of the effect of shock wave characteristics on the ejector performance. International Journal of Refrigeration, Vol.40, pp.31-42, 2014
93. Zhu Yinhai, Jiang Peixue. Bypass ejector with an annular cavity in the nozzle wall to increase the entrainment: experimental and numerical validation. Energy, Vol.68, pp. 174-181, 2014
94. Y.B. Xiong, Y.H. Zhu and P.X. Jiang, Numerical Simulation of Transpiration Cooling for Sintered Metal Porous Strut of the Scramjet Combustion Chamber, Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol.35, No. 6-8, pp.721-729, 2014
95. Zhen Zhang, Pei-Xue Jiang, Xiao-Long Ou-Yang, Jian-Nan Chen, David M. Christopher, Experimental Investigation of Spray Cooling on Smooth and Micro-Structured Surfaces, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 76, 2014, pp. 366-375
96. Zhou L., Wei L., Du X., Yang Y., Jiang P., Wang B., Effects of nanoparticle behaviors and interfacial characteristics on subcooled nucleate pool boing over microwire, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 57, 2014, pp. 310-316
97. Zheng Huang, Yinhai Zhu, Yanbin Xiong, Pei-Xue Jiang, Investigation of transpiration cooling fo sintered metal porous struts in supersonic flow, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.70, No.1, pp.240-249, 2014
98. Zhou L., Li Y., Wei L., Du X., Yang Y., Jiang P., Wang B., Multi-jet flows and bubble emission during subcooled nucleate boiling of aqueous n-butanol solution on thin wire, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 58, 2014, pp. 1-8
99. Zhu Yinhai, Jiang Peixue. Experimental and analytical studies of the shock wave length in convergent and convergent-divergent nozzle ejectors. Energy Conversion and Management,Vol. 88, pp. 907-914, 2014
100. Chen-Ru Zhao, Pei-Xue Jiang, Predictions of In-Tube Cooling Pressure Drops for CO2Mixed with Lubricating Oil at Supercritical Pressures, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.73, No.1, pp.529- 538, 2014
101. Zhen Zhang, Pei-Xue Jiang,David M. Christopher, Xin-Gang Liang, Experimental Investigation of Spray Cooling onMicro-, Nano- and Hybrid-Structured Surfaces, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.80 ,2015 ,pp.26-37
102. T. Lu, H. L. Wang, P. X. Jiang, A Thermo-Hydro-Mechanics Bidirectional CouplingMathematical Model for Drying of Biological Porous Medium, Drying Technology, Vol. 33: 420–428, 2015
103. Z. Huang, Y.H. Zhu,P.X. Jiang, Yan-Bin Xiong, Investigation of a porous transpiration-cooled strut injector, Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol.31, No.1, pp.278-285, 2015
104. Zheng Huang, Yin-Hai Zhu, Yan-Bin Xiong, Pei-Xue Jiang,Investigation of supersonictranspiration coolingthroughsinteredmetalporous flatplates, Journal of Porous Media, 18 (11): 1047–1057, 2015
105. Cheng Gao, Rui-Na Xu, Pei-Xue Jiang, Pore-scale numerical investigationsof fluid flow in porous media using lattice Boltzmann method, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol.25, No.8, pp.1957-1977, 2015
106. Zheng Huang, Yan-Bin Xiong, Yuan-Qing Liu, Pei-Xue Jiang, Yin-Hai Zhu, Experimental investigation of full-coverage effusion cooling through perforated flate plates, Applied Thermal Engineering,Vol.76, No.1, pp.76-85, 2015
107. JC Manceau, J Ma, R Li, P Audigane, PX Jiang, R Xu,…Two‐phase flow properties of a sandstone rock for the CO2/water system: Core‐flooding experiments, and focus on impacts of mineralogical changes,Water Resources Research, Vol.51,No.4,pp.2885-2900,2015
108. T.Lu, W.W. Han, P.X. Jiang, Y.H. Zhu, J. Wu, C.L. Liu, A two-dimensional inverse heat conduction problem for simultaneous estimation of heat convection coefficient, fluid temperature and wall temperature on the inner wall of a pipeline, Progress in Nuclear Energy, Volume 81, pp. 161–168, 2015.
109. Zhou L.P., Du X.Z., Yang Y.P., Jiang, P.X., Wang B.X. Thermocapillary effect on bubble sweeping and circling during subcooled nucleate pool boiling of water over microwire. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 88 , 2015 , pp.276-283
110. Wei Peng, Xiao-kai Sun,Pei-xue Jiang, Effect of Coolant Inlet Conditions on Supersonic Film Cooling, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets,Vol.52, No.5, 1456 -1464, 2015
111. Zheng Zhenchen, Zhou Leping, Du Xiaoze, Yang Yongping, Jiang Peixue, Wang Buxuan, Numerical investigation on Marangoni convection of binary fluids in a closed microcavity, Applied Thermal Enigineering, Vol. 88, pp. 464-472, 2015
112. Deodat Makhanlall, Fuzhen Zhang, Ruina Xu, Peixue Jiang.Exergy-topological analysis and optimization of a binary power plant utilizing medium-grade geothermal energy.Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.88, pp.459 -463, 2015
113. Ruina Xu, Le Zhang, Fuzhen Zhang, Peixue Jiang,A Review on Heat Transfer and Energy Conversion in the Enhanced Geothermal Systems with Water/CO2as Working Fluid, International Journal of Energy Research, Vol.39,2015, pp. 1722-1741
114. Xiaolu Li, Ruina Xu, Lingli Wei, Peixue Jiang,Modelling of Wellbore Dynamics of a CO2Injector during Transient Well Close-in and Start-up Operations, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control,Vol.42, pp.602-614, 2015
115. Bo Liu, Yinhai Zhu, Junjie Yan, Yuntao Lei, Bo Zhang, Pei-Xue Jiang, Experimental investigation of convection heat transfer of n-decane at supercritical pressures in small vertical tubes, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,Vol.91, pp. 734–746, 2015
116. Rui-Na Xu, Feng Luo, Pei-Xue Jiang, Experimental research on the turbulent convection heat transfer of supercritical pressure CO2in a vertical serpentine mini tube, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.91,No.24, 2015, pp. 552–561
117. Lixing Zheng, Jianqiang Deng, Yang He, Peixue Jiang, Dynamic model of a transcritical CO2ejectorexpansion refrigeration system,International Journal of Refrigeration, Vol.60,2015, pp. 247–260
118. Ruina Xu, Rong Li, Jin Ma, and Peixue Jiang, CO2Exsolution from CO2Saturated Water: Core-Scale Experimentsand Focus on Impacts of Pressure Variations, Enviroment Science and Technology, 2015, Vol. 49, pp. 14696?14703
119. Zheng LX, Deng JQ, He Y, Jiang PX.Dynamic simulation on operating modes of ejector in transcritical CO2ejector expansion refrigeration cycles, Science and Techonology forthe BuiltEnviroment, 2016, Vol. 22, No.1 , pp. 15?29
120. Huaqing Xue, Peixue Jiang, Ruina Xu, Bo Zhao, Zhou Shangwen, Characterization of the reservoir in Lower Silurian and Lower Cambrian shale of South Sichuan Basin, China, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, Vol. 29, pp. 150?159
121. Jian-nan Chen, Zhen Zhang, Xiao-long Ouyang, Pei-xue Jiang,Dropwise Evaporative Cooling of Heated Surfaces with Various Wettability Characteristics Obtained by Nanostructure Modifications, Nanoscale Research Letters, 2016, Vol. 11, pp. 1-16
122. Zhang, Y., Lu, T., Jiang, P. X., etc., Investigation on thermal stratification and turbulent penetration in a pressurizer surge line with an overall out-surge flow, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2016, Vol. 90, pp. 212-233
123. Fu-Zhen Zhang, Rui-Na Xu, Pei-Xue Jiang,Thermodynamic analysis of enhanced geothermal system using impure CO2as geofluid, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.99, pp.1277 -1285, 2016
124. Peixue Jiang, Xiaolu Li, Ruina Xu, Fuzhen Zhang, Heat Extraction of Novel Underground Well Pattern Systems for Geothermal Energy Exploitation, Renewable Energy, Vol.90, pp.83-94, 2016
125. D. Makhanlall,A. Z. Sahin,P. Jiang, Entropy Generation and Optimization Analysis for Gas Flowin Rectangular Ducts with Volumetric Radiation, Arab J Sci Eng(2016) , 41:1609–1615
126. Bo Zhou, Peixue Jiang, Ruina Xu, and Xiaolong Ouyang, General slip regime permeability model for gas flow through porous media, Physics of Fluids, Vol.28, 072003-1~23, 2016
127. Xiaolu Li, Peixue Jiang, Ruina Xu, Lingli Wei, Experimental investigation on the natural convection heat transfer inthe vertical annulus of a CO2injection well under steady-stateconditions,International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control,Vol.52, pp.387–400, 2016
128 . Jian-nan Chen, Zhen Zhang, Xiao-long Ouyang, Pei-xue Jiang, Rui-na Xu,Numerical Investigation on the Flow Dynamics and Evaporative Cooling of Water Droplets Impinging onto Heated Surfaces: an Effective Approach to Spray Cooling Mechanisms, Langmuir, Vol.32, No. 36, pp.9135 –9155, 2016
129. Bo Zhou, Ruina Xu, Peixue Jiang, Novel molecular simulation process design of adsorption in realisticshale kerogen spherical pores, Fuel,Vol.180, pp.718-726, 2016
130. Rong Li, Peixue Jiang, Cheng Gao, Feng Huang, Ruina Xu, Xue Chen, Experimental Investigation of Silica-Based Nano?uid Enhanced Oil Recovery: The E?ect of Wettability Alteration, Energy Fuels, Vol. 31, pp. 188?197, 2017.
131. Yinhai Zhu, Bo Liu, Pei-Xue Jiang, Tairan Fu, Yuntao Lei,Inverse heat conduction problem method for estimatingthe heat flux on a two-dimensional triangular wall based on the measured temperature, Journal of Thermophysics and heat Transfer, Vol.31, Issue 1, 2017, pp.205-210
132. Lu, Ben; Peng, Wei; Jiang, Pei-Xue, Experimental and numerical study of the effect of conjugate heat transfer on film cooling, Experimental Heat Transfer,Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 355-368, 2017
133. Xu, Ruina; Li, Rong; Huang, Feng, Jiang, PX, Pore-scale visualization on a depressurization- induced CO2 exsolution, Science Bulletin, Vol. 62, No. 11, pp. 795-803, 2017
134. Zhu, YH, Wang, ZC, Yang, YP, Jiang, PX, Flow visualization of supersonic two-phase transcritical flow of CO2in an ejector of a refrigeration system, International Journal of Refrigeration, Vol.74, pp. 354-361, 2017
135. Zhao, C.-R., Zhang, Z., Jiang, P.-X., Bo, H.-L., Influence of various aspects of low Reynolds number k-ε turbulence models on predicting in-tube buoyancy affected heat transfer to supercritical pressure fluids, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol.313, pp.401-413, 2017
136. Xu RN,Zeng KC,Zhang CW,Jiang PX, Assessing the feasibility and CO2storage capacity of CO2enhanced shale gas recovery using Triple-Porosity reservoir mode, Applied Thermal Engineering,Vol.115, 1306-1314, 2017
137. Zhang, L.,Jiang, P.X., Wang, Z.C., Xu, R.N., Convective heat transfer of supercritical CO2in a rock fracture for enhanced geothermal systems, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 115, pp.923-936, 2017
138.Pei-Xue Jiang, Fu-Zhen Zhang, Rui-Na Xu, Thermodynamic analysis of a solar–enhanced geothermal hybrid powerplant using CO2as working fluid, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.116, pp. 463–472, 2017
139. Peng, W., Sun, X., Jiang, P. , Wang, J., Effect of continuous or discrete shock wave generators on supersonic film cooling, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.108, pp.770-783, 2017
140. Jiang, P.-X., Huang, G., Zhu, Y. , Liao, Z., Huang, Z., Experimental investigation of combined transpiration and film cooling for sintered metal porous struts, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.108, pp. 232-243, 2017
141. Peng Wei, Sun Xiaokai and Jiang Peixue, Effect of ribbed and smooth coolant cross-flow channel on film cooling, Nuclear Enigeening and Design, Vol.316, pp. 186–197, 2017
142. Jiang, P., Zhang, L., Xu, R., Experimental study of convective heat transfer of carbon dioxide at supercritical pressures in a horizontal rock fracture and its application to enhanced geothermal systems, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.117, 2017, pp.39-49, 2017
143. Huang, WJ, Zheng, DX, Xia, CX, Feng, LJ, Dong, L, Jiang, PX, Affinity regulation of the NH3 + H2O system by ionic liquids with molecular interaction analysis, Physical ChemistryChemicalPhysics, Vol. 19 No. 24, pp. 16242-16250, 2017
144. Rui-Na Xu, Feng Luo, Pei-Xue Jiang, Buoyancyeffect on turbulent heat transfer of supercritical pressure CO2in a vertical mini-tube based on continuouswall temperature measurements, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.108, pp. 232-243, 2017
145. Yin, LF, Jiang, PX, Xu, RN, Wang, WT, Jia, L, Visualization of flow patterns and bubble behavior during flow boiling in open microchannels, Int. C. inHeat andMassTransfer, Vol. 85, pp. 131-138, 2017
146. Yin, LF, Xu, RN, Jiang, PX, Cai, HF, Jia, L, Subcooled flow boiling of water in a large aspect ratio microchannel, Int. J. ofHeat andMassTransfer, Vol. 112, pp. 1081-1089, 2017
147. Wang, C,Xu, RN,Song, Y, Jiang, PX. Study on water droplet flash evaporation in vacuum spray cooling, Int. J. ofHeat andMassTransfer, Vol. 112, pp. 279-288, 2017
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