

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-15

管理科学与工程系 教授
清华大学经济管理学院 副院长
电话 (86) (10) **
办公室 伟伦楼 258F
办公室开放时间 周五 11:00-12:00

徐心,清华大学经济管理学院教授、副院长。国家科学基金获得者,教育部。从事信息系统学科基础理论研究,主要研究领域包括IT商业价值、IT与公司治理和内控、社会媒体、资本市场信息环境、商务计算与分析等。在国际学术期刊和会议上发表论文50余篇,其中多篇发表在Management Science,MIS Quarterly,Information Systems Research,Strategic Management Journal,Contemporary Accounting Research等管理学国际顶尖期刊,影响因子总计57,Google Scholar引用4000次。据汤森路透(InCites)统计,候选人有4篇论文为Web of Science同学科前1%高被引论文。
研究成果于2016年获得首届中国信息经济学乌家培奖,2015年获第75届美国管理学年会(AOM)组织通讯与信息系统并列最佳论文奖(加拿大温哥华),2014年获MIS Quarterly 年度(唯一)最佳论文奖,2009年获第30届国际信息系统年会(ICIS)最佳论文提名(美国亚利桑那),2007年获第19届亚太地区国际会计年会Vernon Zimmerman最佳论文奖(马来西亚吉隆坡),2004年获第10届美洲信息系统年会(AMCIS)国际研究领域最佳论文奖(美国纽约),2003年获第24届国际信息系统年会(ICIS)最佳论文奖(美国西雅图),2002年获第23届国际信息系统年会(ICIS)最佳论文奖(西班牙巴塞罗那)。
现任国际信息系统学会中国分会副主席,中国信息系统协会常务理事,中国信息经济学会常务理事。担任 MIS Quarterly(MISQ)Senior Editor (2016-2018),Information Systems Research(ISR)Associate Editor (2012-2015)。2012年获ISR年度杰出副主编奖(AE of the Year)。

Selected Papers
1. Karahanna, E., Xu, S.X., Xu, Y., Zhang, N. 2018. “The Needs-Affordances-Features (NAF) Perspective for the Use of Social Media.” MIS Quarterly, forthcomig.
2. Ho, J.L.Y., Tian, F., Wu, A., Xu, S.X. 2017. “Seeking Value through Deviation? Economic Impacts of IT Overinvestment and Underinvestment.” Information Systems Research, 28(4): 850-862.
3. Pincus, M., Tian, F., Wellmeyer, P., Xu, S.X. 2017. “Do Clients’ Enterprise Systems Impact Audit Quality and Efficiency?” Contemporary Accounting Research, 34(4): 1975-2021.
4. Tian, F., Xu, S.X. 2015. “How Do Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Affect Firm Risk? Post-Implementation Impact.” MIS Quarterly, 39(1): 39-60.
5. Xu, S.X., Zhang, X. 2013. “Impact of Wikipedia on Market Information Environment: Evidence on Management Disclosure and Investor Reaction.” MIS Quarterly, 37(4): 1043-1068. ***MISQ Paper of the Year Award***
6. Heish, J.J. P.-A., Rai, A., Xu, S.X. 2011. “Extracting Business Value from IT: A Sensemaking Perspective of Post-Adoptive Use.” Management Science, 57(11): 2018-2039.
7. Ho, J., Wu, A., Xu, S.X. 2011. “Corporate Governance and Returns on Information Technology Investment: Evidence from an Emerging Market.” Strategic Management Journal, 32(6): 595-623.
8. Dong, S., Xu, S.X., Zhu, K. 2009. “Information Technology in Supply Chains: The Value of IT-enabled Resources under Competition.” Information Systems Research, 20(1): 18-32.
9. Zhu, K., Kraemer, K.L., Xu, S.X. 2006. “The Process of Innovation Assimilation by Firms in Different Countries: A Technology Diffusion Perspective on E-Business.” Management Science, 52(10): 1557-1576.
10. Zhu, K., Kraemer, K.L., Gurbaxani, V., Xu, S.X. 2006. “Migration to Open-Standard Interorganizational Systems: Network Effects, Switching Costs, and Path Dependency.” MIS Quarterly, 30(special issue): 515-539.
A. Journal Papers
1. Karahanna, E., Xu, S.X., Xu, Y., Zhang, N. 2018. “The Needs-Affordances-Features (NAF) Perspective for the Use of Social Media.” MIS Quarterly, forthcoming.
2. Ho, J.L.Y., Tian, F., Wu, A., Xu, S.X. 2017. “Seeking Value through Deviation? Economic Impacts of IT Overinvestment and Underinvestment.” Information Systems Research, 28(4): 850-862.
3. Pincus, M., Tian, F., Wellmeyer, P., Xu, S.X. 2017. “Do Clients’ Enterprise Systems Impact Audit Quality and Efficiency?” Contemporary Accounting Research, 34(4): 1975-2021.
4. Tian, F., Xu, S.X. 2015. “How Do Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Affect Firm Risk? Post-Implementation Impact.” MIS Quarterly, 39(1): 39-60.
5. Karahanna, E., Xu, S.X., Zhang, N. 2015. “Psychological Ownership Motivation and Use of Social Media.” Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 23(2): 185-207.
6. Xu, S.X., Zhang, X. 2013. “Impact of Wikipedia on Market Information Environment: Evidence on Management Disclosure and Investor Reaction.” MIS Quarterly, 37(4): 1043-1068. ***MISQ Paper of the Year Award***
7. Liu, A., Liu H., Xu S.X. 2013. “How Do Competitive Environments Moderate CRM Value?” Decision Support Systems, 56: 462-473.
8. Xu, S.X., Zhu, C., Zhu, K. 2012. “Why Do Firms Adopt Innovations in Bandwagons? Evidence of Herd Behavior in Open Standards Adoption.” International Journal of Technology Management, 59(1/2): 63-91.
9. Heish, J.J. P.-A., Rai, A., Xu, S.X. 2011. “Extracting Business Value from IT: A Sensemaking Perspective of Post-Adoptive Use.” Management Science, 57(11): 2018-2039.
10. Ho, J., Wu, A., Xu, S.X. 2011. “Corporate Governance and Returns on Information Technology Investment: Evidence from an Emerging Market.” Strategic Management Journal, 32(6): 595-623.
11. Dong, S., Xu, S.X., Zhu, K. 2009. “Information Technology in Supply Chains: The Value of IT-enabled Resources under Competition.” Information Systems Research, 20(1): 18-32.
12. Dedrick, J., Xu, S.X., Zhu, K.X. 2008. “How does Information Technology Shape Supply Chain Relationships? Evidence on the Number of Suppliers.” Journal of Management Information Systems, 25(2): 41-72.
13. Xu, S.X., Xu, Y., Zheng, X. 2008. “Communication Platforms in Electronic Commerce: A Three-Dimension Analysis.” Info, 10(2): 47-56.
14. Zhu, K., Kraemer, K.L., Xu, S.X. 2006. “The Process of Innovation Assimilation by Firms in Different Countries: A Technology Diffusion Perspective on E-Business.” Management Science, 52(10): 1557-1576.
15. Zhu, K., Kraemer, K.L., Gurbaxani, V., Xu, S.X. 2006. “Migration to Open-Standard Interorganizational Systems: Network Effects, Switching Costs, and Path Dependency.” MIS Quarterly, 30(special issue): 515-539.
16. Zhu, K., Dong, S., Xu, S.X., Kraemer, K.L. 2006. “Innovation Diffusion in Global Contexts: Determinants of Post-Adoption Digital Transformation of European Companies.” European Journal of Information Systems, 15(6): 601-616.
17. Zhu, K., Kraemer, K.L., Xu, S.X., Dedrick, J. 2004. “Information Technology Payoff in E-Business Environments: An International Perspective on Value Creation of E-Business in the Financial Services Industry.” Journal of Management Information Systems, 21(1): 17-54.
18. Xu, S.X., Zhu, K., Gibbs, J. 2004. “Global Technology, Local Adoption: A Cross-Country Investigation of Internet Adoption by Companies in the United States and China.” Electronic Markets, 14(1): 13-24.
19. Zhu, K., Kraemer, K.L., Xu, S.X. 2003. “E-business Adoption by European Firms: A Cross-Country Assessment of the Facilitators and Inhibitors.” European Journal of Information Systems, 12(4): 251-268.

B. Conference Papers & Presentations
1. Guo, Y., Li, Y., Wei, Q., Xu, S.X. “Make the Business Case for Data Analytics: Design a Customer Emotion Management System in Call Centers.” 2017 International Conference on Information Systems, Seoul, South Korea, December 10-13, 2017.
2. Liu, A., Pincus, M., Xu, S.X. “Real Activities Management and Volatility of Operating Cash Flows: The Impact of Enterprise Systems.” Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association (AAA), San Diego, CA, August 4-9, 2017.
3. Rai, A., Sambhara, C., Xu, S.X. “Enterprise System Implementations: Role of Information Risk, Internal Controls and Environmental Uncertainty.” 2016 International Conference on Information Systems, Dublin, Ireland, December 11-14, 2016. ***ICIS Best Full Paper Nominee***
4. Heish, J.J. P.-A., Rai, A., Xu, S.X., Yin, Z. “Managing Supply Base Complexity through All-in-One Intermediaries: IT-enabled Capabilities and Economic Outcomes.” 2016 INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Nashville, TN, November 12-13, 2016.
5. Dong, J., Karhade, P., Rai, A., Xu, S.X. “Information Technology and Innovation Outputs: The Missing Link of Search Evolution.” 2015 Academy of Management Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 7-11, 2015. ***AOM OCIS Best Paper, First Runner Up***
6. Liu, A., Xu, S.X., Yin, Z., Zhang, X. “Can Investors Benefit from the Wisdom of Crowds? Evidence from Wikipedia and Insider Trading.” 2015 CAAA (Canadian Academic Accounting Association) Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario, May 28-31, 2015.
7. Liu, A., Xu, S.X., Yin, Z., Zhang, X. “Does Wikipedia Attenuate Outsiders’ Information Disadvantage? Evidence from Insider Trading.” 2015 Financial Accounting and Reporting Section (FARS) Midyear Meeting, Nashville, TN, January 16-17, 2015.
8. Pincus, M., Tian, F., Wellmeyer, P., Xu, S.X. “Do Companies' Enterprise Systems Impact Audit Quality and Efficiency?” 2014 Contemporary Accounting Research (CAR) Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, October 17-18, 2014.
9. Dong, J., Karhade, P., Rai, A., Xu, S.X. “Dynamic Adjustment of Information Technology and Research & Development Investments for Problemistic Search: The Moderating Role of Corporate Governance.” INFORMS Conference on Information Systems & Technology (CIST), Minneapolis, MN, October 5-6, 2013.
10. Ho, J., Tian, F., Wu, A., Xu, S.X. “Payoff to Information Technology Investment: A Herding Perspective.” Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association (AAA), Anaheim, CA, August 3-7, 2013.
11. Dong, J., Karhade, P., Rai, A., Xu, S.X. “Incentive Alignment versus Monitoring: The Roles of Corporate Governance Mechanisms in Dynamic Adjustment of Information Technology Resources for Innovation and Rent Generation,” the 21st European Conference on Information Systems, Utrecht, Netherlands, June 6-8, 2013.
12. Dong, J., Karhade, P., Rai, A., Xu, S.X. “Information Technology in Innovation Activity of the Firm: Theory and Synthesis,” the 21st European Conference on Information Systems, Utrecht, Netherlands, June 6-8, 2013.
13. Dong, J., Karhade, P., Rai, A., Xu, S.X. “Dynamic Adjustment of IT Investments: The Moderating Role of Board Independence.” Organizational Communication & Information Systems (OCIS) 2012 International Paper Development Workshop, Boston, MA, August 3, 2012.
14. Liu, A., Xu, S.X., Zheng, X. “Competition and the Value Implications of Customer Relationship Management Applications.” the Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association (AAA), San Francisco, CA, July 31-August 4, 2010.
15. Ho, J., Wu A., Xu S.X. “Corporate Governance and Returns on Information Technology Investment: Evidence from an Emerging Market.” the Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association (AAA), San Francisco, CA, July 31-August 4, 2010.
16. Lai, R., Xu, S.X., Zhu, K. “How does IT Affect Inventory? The Role of Moderators and Mediators.” the 4th China Summer Workshop on Information Management, Wuhan, China, July 19-20, 2010.
17. Ho, J., Wu, A., Xu, S.X. “Corporate Governance and Returns on Information Technology Investment: Evidence from an Emerging Market,” the 9th Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, Wuhan, China, May 29-30, 2010.
18. Lai, R., Xu, S.X., Zhu, K. “Does Information Technology Reduce Inventory? New Evidence Using Instrumental Variables to Address Endogeneity.” the 4th Workshop for Empirical Research in Operations Management, Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania, November 12-13, 2009.
19. Xu, S.X., Zhang, X. “How Do Social Media Shape the Information Environment in the Financial Market?” the 30th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Phoenix, Arizona, December 15-18, 2009. ***ICIS Best Conference Paper Nomination***
20. Lai, R., Xu, S.X., Zhu, K. “Does IT Really Reduce Inventory? Opening up the Black Box between IT and Inventory.” the 20th Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE), Phoenix, AZ, December 14-15, 2009.
21. Xu, S.X., Xu, Y., Zheng, X. “Analyzing the Effectiveness of Communication Platforms for Electronic Commerce: A Three-Dimension Framework,” the 17th Biennial Conference of the International Telecommunications Society, Montreal, Canada, June 24-27, 2008.
22. Lai, R., Xu, S.X., Zhu, K. “Does Information Technology Reduce Inventory? New Doubts from Evidence Using Executives’ College Majors as an Instrumental Variable,” the 19th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), La Jolla, California, May 9-12, 2008.
23. Ho, J., Wu, A., Xu, S.X. “Corporate Governance and Returns on Information Technology Investment: Evidence from an Emerging Market,” the AAA 2008 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Research and Case Conference, Long Beach, California, January 10-12, 2008.
24. Dedrick, J., Xu, S.X., Zhu, K. “Information Technology and the Number of Suppliers in a Supply Chain: Is there a Relationship?” Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-41), Big Island, Hawaii, January 7-10, 2008.
25. Dedrick, J., Xu, S.X., Zhu, K. “How Does Information Technology Shape Supply Chain Structure? Will a Manufacturer Use Fewer Suppliers?” 2007 Conference on Information Systems & Technology (CIST), Seattle, Washington, November 3-4, 2007.
26. Ho, J., Wu, A., Xu, S.X. “Corporate Governance and Returns on Information Technology Investment: Evidence from an Emerging Market,” the 19th Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 11-14, 2007. ***Vernon Zimmerman Best Paper Award***
27. Dedrick, J., Xu, S.X., Zhu, K. “Electronic Procurement and the Number of Suppliers: An Empirical Analysis,” INFOMRS Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington, November 4-7, 2007.
28. Ho, J., Wu, A., Xu, S.X. “Shaping up for Performance Impacts of Information Technology: The Role of Corporate Governance,” the Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association (AAA), Chicago, Illinois, August 5-8, 2007.
29. Ho, J., Wu, A., Xu, S.X. “Reaping Information Technology Payoff: Does Corporate Governance Matter?” the First China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM’07), Shanghai, China, July 22-23, 2007.
30. Xu, S.X., Zhu, K. “Network Effects and Herd Behavior in Open Standard Adoption,” the 16th Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE), University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA, December 10-11, 2005.
31. Zhu, K., Kraemer, K.L., Xu, S.X., Korte, W., Gareis, K. “Understanding Technology Adoption by Different Firms: A Context-Augmented Innovation Diffusion Perspective,” the 10th INFORMS Conference on Information Systems & Technology (CIST), November 12-13, 2005.
32. Zhu, K., Kraemer, K.L., Xu, S.X., Korte, W., Gareis, K. “What Drives E-Business Adoption by Firms? The Role of Innovation Attributes and Context,” the 3rd e-Challenges Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 19-21, 2005.
33. Zhu, K., Kraemer, K.L., Xu, S.X. “Factors Affecting E-Business Diffusion in Organizations: Differences between Developed and Developing Countries,” the 10th Americas’ Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), New York, August 5-8, 2004. ***AMCIS Best Paper Award of the International Track***
34. Zhu, K., Xu, S.X. “Value of Information Technology in E-Business Environments: The Missing Links in the Renewed IT Value Debate,” the 25th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Washington, D.C., December 12-15, 2004.
35. Zhu, K., Kraemer, K.L., Xu, S.X. “Internet Technology Diffusion at the Firm Level: Empirical Evidence from Asia-Pacific Region, Europe, and North America,” International Symposium: IT/IS Issues in Asia-Pacific Region, Washington D.C., December 11, 2004.
36. Zhu, K., Xu, S.X. “E-Business Transformation: A Process-Oriented Study of its Value Creation in Organizations,” INFOMRS Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, October 24-27, 2004.
37. Dedrick, J., Xu, S.X., Zhu, K. “Assessing Drivers of E-Business Value: Results of a Cross-Country Study,” the 24th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seattle, Washington, December 14-17, 2003. ***ICIS Best Theme Paper Award***
38. Zhu, K., Kraemer, K.L., Xu, S.X. “A Cross-Country Study of E-Business Adoption Using the Technology-Organization-Environment Framework,” the 23rd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Barcelona, Spain, December 15-18, 2002. ***ICIS Best Paper Award***

C. Book Chapters
1. Xu, S.X. “Social Media and Financial Market Information Environment,” in Emerging Electronic Commerce – Participant Behavior, Tsinghua University Press, 2013, ISBN: 23.
2. Zhu, K., Xu, S.X., Kraemer, K.L., Dedrick, J. “The Global Diffusion and Convergence of E-Commerce: Cross-Country Analyses,” in Global E-Commerce: Impacts of National Environments and Policy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2006, ISBN: .
3. Zhu, K., Kraemer, K.L., Xu, S.X., Korte, W., Gareis, K. “What Drives E-Business Diffusion among Firms? Evidence from European Companies,” in The European E-Business Report: A Portrait of E-Business in 10 Sectors of the EU Economy, Enterprise Publications, Luxembourg, 2004, ISBN: .

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    杨柳管理科学与工程系 副教授 CV下载 电话 (86) (10) ** 电邮 yangliu@sem.tsinghua.edu.cn 办公室 伟伦楼 218 办公室开放时间 周二 10:00-12:00个人简介研究成果研究项目媒体报道杨柳博士现任清华大学经管学院管理科学与工程系长聘副教授。杨柳博士主要研究兴趣在运营管理与经济学的交叉领域,比如排队经济学、行为经济学。主要关注的领域 ...
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  • 清华大学经济管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-姚雯
    姚雯 经济系 副教授 电话 (86)(10) ** 邮箱 yaow@sem.tsinghua.edu.cn 办公室 伟伦楼 432 办公室开放时间 周四 13:30-15:30 个人主页 wenyao.weebly.com 个人简介研究成果研究项目媒体报道姚雯,清华大学经管学院经济系副教授。2006年获得复旦大学计算机科学与技术学士学位及英国伯明翰大学计算机系统工程学士学位。2011年获得美国宾 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-15