

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-15


经济系 副教授


电话 (86) (10) **
电邮 zhengjie@sem.tsinghua.edu.cn
网页 http://www.sem.tsinghua.edu.cn/zh/zhengjie
办公室 伟伦楼 561
线上交流开放时间 周四 14:00-17:00 (2020年春季学期)


郑捷,清华大学经济管理学院经济系副教授,清华大学经济管理学院经济科学与政策实验室(ESPEL)常务副主任,国际学术期刊Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization副编辑(Associate Editor),Research in Economics副编辑(Associate Editor),Journal of Asian Economics执行编辑(ExecutiveEditor)。2003年获得清华大学经济学学士学位,同年获北京市高校优秀毕业生、清华大学优秀毕业生称号。2005年获得清华大学经济学硕士学位。2007年获得美国华盛顿大学经济学硕士学位,同年获华盛顿大学经济系最佳助教奖、最佳第三年论文奖。2011年获得华盛顿大学经济学博士学位。

2011年7月至2017年12月,以助理教授身份任职于清华大学经济管理学院经济系。2015年9月至2016年3月,以访问身份受聘于香港中文大学经济系,教授微观经济学原理、中级微观经济学、微观理论高级专题等课程,访问结束后受邀担任香港中文大学经济系荣誉副研究员(Honorary Research Associate)。2018年2-4月,以费尔南.布罗代尔资深(Fernand Braudel Senior Fellow)身份访问欧洲大学研究院(European University Institute)。
研究领域包括经济理论、信息经济学、实验经济学、行为经济学、金融经济学、产业组织、中国经济。当前研究主要为理性泡沫、自我控制、社会型偏好、参照依赖、交通系统优化以及在信息设计、实验设计、机制设计等方面的研究。目前担任国际学术期刊Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 的副编辑(Associate Editor),Research in Economics的副编辑(Associate Editor),Journal of Asian Economics执行编辑(ExecutiveEditor)。曾在世界计量经济学会全球大会(ESWC 2010, 2015)、世界博弈论学会全球大会(GAMES 2016)、国际经济学会第16届全球大会(IEA 2011)、英国皇家经济学会年会(RES 2011)、博弈论国际会议(ICGT 2012,2019)、经济科学学会全球大会(ESAWM 2013,2017)、世界计量经济学会北美夏季年会(NASMES 2011,2017)、美国中西部宏观经济学会议(MMM 2010)、美国中西部经济理论与贸易会议(MWIEG Spring 2009,Fall 2010)、世界计量经济学会亚洲年会(AMES 2011,2013,2016,2019)、第1届世界计量经济学会中国年会(CMES 2013)、中国留美经济学会中国年会(CES 2010,2011,2013,2014)、中国博弈论与实验经济学学会首届会议(CGTEEA 2010)、中国博弈论与应用国际会议(CICGTA 2012)等国际会议上宣讲学术论文。目前已有论文发表(或被接收)于Nature Communications、American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings)、Management Science、Games and Economic Behavior、Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization、Experimental Economics、Review of International EconomicsInternational Review of Economics and Finance、Economics Letters、Automation and Remote Control、TheChinese Economy等国际期刊,且有部分工作被收录入Handbook of Experimental Economic Methodology。曾有译著《微观经济学原理》、《宏观经济学原理》(原作者为 Robert H. Frank 与 Ben Bernanke)。因在信息经济学领域的学术贡献,2016年被中国信息经济学会授予"中国信息经济学2016青年创新奖"和"中国信息经济学2011-2015理论贡献奖",2017年和2018年再获青年创新奖


2011年与钟笑寒教授、连暐虹教授共同建立清华大学经济管理学院经济科学与政策实验室(ESPEL),并负责管理实验室至今,目前担任实验常务副主任。2013年、2014年、2015年连续三年负责组织清华大学理论经济学与行为经济学国际会议(Tsinghua Conference on Theoretical and Behavioral Economics)。任教以来为博士生资格考试微观经济学出题,并担任清华大学教代会代表(2014-2019)。曾担任经管本科班级经16班班主任(2011-2015),目前担任经管本科班级经80班班主任(2018-2022),多次被评为校级、院级“优秀班主任”。历年参与经济系新教师聘用和研究生录取的材料审阅与面试工作,并为众多学生活动提供指导、担任评委。2016年春季、秋季两个学期担任清华大学经管学院经济系学术活动协调人。


800x600期刊:Games and Economic Behavior, Economic Theory, Experimental Economics,Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Pacific Economic Review, China Economic Review, Health Economics, Economics Bulletin, Contemporary Economic Policy, Singapore Economic Review, International Review of Administrative Sciences, Frontiers of Economics in China, Mathematical Reviews, 世界经济 (The Journal of World Economy), 经济学报 (China Journal of Economics), 管理科学学报 (Journal of Management Sciences in China), 系统工程理论与实践 (Systems Engineering – Theory & Practice),心理学报 (Acta Psychologica Sinica)
科研项目申请:国家自然科学基金青年项目、面上项目评审专家 (National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant Applications)
实验审批:Centre for Experimental Social Sciences, Nuffield College, University of Oxford

中国信息经济学会理事(China Information Economics Society)
中国组织经济学研讨会理事(China Conference on Organizational Economics)
中国行为与实验经济学论坛学术委员会委员 (China Behavioral and Experimental Economics Forum; China BEEF)
中国微观经济理论论坛学术委员会委员 (China Microeconomic Theory Forum)


2015年世界计量经济学会第11届全球大会(ESWC 2015)经费资助奖励

[25] Cultural Difference and China’s Cross-Border M&As: Language Matters, with Zeng Lian, Wenli Sun, and Dan Xie,International Review of Economics and Finance, accepted (working paper version)

[24]International Trade with Social Comparisons, with Zeng Lian, Jaimie Lien and Lin Lu,Review of International Economics,accepted(working paper version)
[23] Optimal Subsidies in the Competition between Private and State-Owned Enterprises, with Mingzhi Li and Jaimie Lien,International Review of Economics and Finance, accepted(working paper version)
[22]A Dynamic Model of Bertrand Competition for an Oligopolistic Market, with Zeng Lian,Frontiers of Dynamic Games: Game Theory and Management, St. Petersburg, 2018, book chapter,Birkh?user, accepted (working paper version)

[21]One Step at a Time: Does Gradualism Build Coordination?, withSam Asher, Plamen Nikolov and Maoliang Ye,Management Science,accepted (working paper version,online supplementary materials)
[20]Flexible or Mandatory Retirement? Welfare Implications of Retirement Policies for a Population with Heterogeneous Health Conditions, with Zhenhua Feng and Jaimie Lien,International Review of Economics and Finance, forthcoming (working paper version)
[19]Riding to Wall Street: Determinants of Commute Time using Citibike, with Weixing M. Ford, Jaimie Lien, and Vladimir V. Mazalov,International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications,August 2019, 22(5): 473-490(working paper version)
[18]Pricing ofPlatforms in Two-Sided Markets with Heterogeneous Agents and Limited Market Size, with Zhenhua Feng, Taoxiong Liu and Vladimir V. Mazalov,Automation and Remote Control,July 2019, 80(7): 1347-1357(working paper version)
[17]“Bilateral Conflicts Theory and Applications(“双边冲突的理论与实践” in Chinese),” with Xiao Chen, Jiandong Ju, and Jie Ma,Nankai Economic Studies(南开经济研究), 2019, 2: 101-121

[16]Keeping Up with the Neighbors: Social Interaction in a Production Economy, with Zhenhua Feng and Jaimie Lien,Mathematics, September 2018, 6(9): 162 (working paper version)
[15]A Game-Theoretic Model of Virtual Operators Competition in a Two-sided Telecommunication Market, with Julia V. Chirkova, Jaimie Lien and Vladimir V. Mazalov,Automation and Remote Control,April 2018,79(4): 737-756
[14]Are Work Intensity and Healthy Eating Substitutes:Field Evidence on Food Choices under Varying Workloads, with Jaimie Lien,Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,January 2018, 145: 370-401(此文获中国信息经济学2018青年创新奖)
[13]Information Sharing in Private Value Lottery Contest, with Zenan Wu,Economics Letters,August 2017, 157: 36-40(working paper version)
[12]A Robust Reference-Dependent Model for Speculative Bubbles, with Mu Zhang,Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,May 2017, 137:232-258(working paper version)(此文获中国信息经济学2017青年创新奖)
[11]Ex-ante Fairness in the Boston and Serial Dictatorship Mechanisms under Pre-exam and Post-exam Preference Submission, with Jaimie Lien and Xiaohan Zhong,Games and Economic Behavior,Special Issue in honor of John. O. Ledyard, January 2017, 101:98-120(working paper version)
[10]Wardrop Equilibrium for Networks with the BPR Latency Function, with Jaimie Lien, Vladimir V. Mazalov, and Anna V. Melnick,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 9869:Discrete Optimization and Operations Research(Proceedings of the 9th International Conference, DOOR 2016), p. 37 - 49.
[9]A Model of Capital Allocation, Education and Job Choice in China, with Jaimie Lien and Wei Wang,The Chinese Economy,Special Issue: Some Challenges to Economic Growth and Stability in China, 2016: 49(5): 307 - 326 (working paper version)
[8]Extortion Can Outperform Generosity in the Iterated Prisoners' Dilemma, with Jaimie Lien, Zhijian Wang, Bin Xu and Yanran Zhou,Nature Communications, 2016,7: 11125 (working paper version) (Impact Factor 11.47)(此文获中国信息经济学2016青年创新奖)
[7]Preference Submission Timing in School Choice Matching: Testing Fairness and Efficiency in the Laboratory, with Jaimie Lien and Xiaohan Zhong,Experimental Economics,2016, 19(1): 116-150(working paper version)
[6]Incentive Mechanism of Ability-Based Grouping: An Economic Analysis Based on Contest Game(“基于竞赛模型的分层教学激励机制研究” in Chinese), with Hao Chen and Xiaohan Zhong,China Journal of Economics(《经济学报》), 2015, 2(4): 36-61
[5]Deciding When to Quit: Reference-Dependence over Slot Machine Outcomes, with Jaimie Lien,American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings, 2015, 105(5):366-370(working paper version)(此文获中国信息经济学2011-2015理论贡献奖)
[4]Infinitely Repeated Games with Self-Control: A Dual-Self Interpretation of the Monks Story, with Wei Wang,Automation and Remote Control, 2015, Vol.76(3), pp.521-534(working paper version)
[3]The Relationship between Economic Theory and Experiments, with David K. Levine,Handbook of Experimental Economic Methodology, ed. Guillaume Frechette and Andrew Schotter, Oxford University Press, Ch.2, pp.43-57, February, 2015(working paper version)
[2]Multi-Period Complete-Information Games with Self-Control: A Dual-Self Approach, with Wei Wang,Operations Research Transactions, 2012, Vol.16(4), pp.95-104
[1]Open Source Software Movement:A Challenging Opportunity for the Development of China’s Software Industry, with Mingzhi Li,Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2004, Vol.2 No.3, pp.47-52
"The Relationship between Economic Theory and Experiments," with David K. Levine, Handbook of Experimental Economic Methodology, ed. Guillaume Frechette and Andrew Schotter,OxfordUniversityPress, Ch.2, pp.43-57, February 2015

"A Dynamic Model of Bertrand Competition for an Oligopolistic Market," with Zeng Lian,Frontiers of Dynamic Games: Game Theory and Management, St. Petersburg, 2018, book chapter,Birkh?user, forthcoming (working paper version)


Chinese translation of "Principles of Macroeconomics (2nd Edition)," by Robert H. Frank & Ben Bernanke, Tsinghua University Press, 2004 (ISBN 69) (with four other translators)

Chinese translation of "Principles of Microeconomics (2nd Edition)," by Robert H. Frank & Ben Bernanke, Tsinghua University Press, 2004 (ISBN 73) (with four other translators)

[1]Representativeness Biases and Lucky Store Effects, with Jaimie Lien and Jia Yuan, revision requested byInternational Economic Review

[2]Multi-period Matching with Commitment, with Mu Zhang, revision requested byGames and Economic Behavior

[3]Where You Stand Affects the Risks You Take: Socially Reference-Dependent Risk Attitudes, with Jaimie Lien

[4]Strong Bubbles and Common Expected Bubbles in a Finite Horizon Model

[5]AsymmetricRent-Seeking Contests with Multiple Agents of Two Types, with Tao Cai and Qian Jiao

[6]The CMO’s Dilemma: A Dual CMO-CEO Model of Strategic Decision Making, with Ryan Krause, Richard Priem, Kimberly Whitler, and Guangliang Ye

[7]Returning a Treasure: Revisiting the Asymmetric Matching Pennies Contradiction, with Jaimie Lien and Lin Zhang

[8]Fairness, Efficiency, and the Allocation Mechanism for Vehicle Plates: A Comparison of the Related Policies in Beijing and Shanghai, with Dong Wei

[9]Managing Competitions Using Information: Information Disclosure Policy in Contests with Heterogeneous Players, with Qian Jiao and Jaimie Lien

[10] Self-Controlling by Loss Aversion, with Jianxia Yang

[11]What Brings Consumers Back for More? Evidence from Quantifiable Gain and Loss Experiences in Penny Auctions, with Jaimie Lien and Minbo Xu

[12] Bad Bonuses: Incentive Incompatibility in the Chinese Income Tax Code, with Jaimie Lien and Xiaohan Zhong

[13]A Fairness Condition for Unfair Contests: Multi-Dimensional Discrimination with Asymmetric Agents, with Xiaoyu Cheng and Jaimie Lien

[14] Status-quo and Expectations-based Reference Dependence, with Jaimie Lien

[15]Discouraged or Motivated at University? Goals and Reference Points in Academic Performance, with Jaimie Lien

[16] Major Earthquakes and Time Preference Indicators, with Jaimie Lien and Qingqing Peng

[17]InformationAsymmetry, Job Switching Mobility, and Screening of Abilities: A Tale of Two Sectors, with Xiao Chen, Wenqing Pan, and Tian Wu

[18]From Leininger and Linster to Morgan, with Zhonghong Kuang

[19] How Does Time Scarcity Influence Individual Performance in a Multi-tasking Context?, with Guangying Chen

[20] Gift Expenses and Risk Sharing: A Theory of Signaling and Evidence from Rural China, with Ruixin Wang

[21]Welfare Implications of a Flexible Retirement Policy, with Zhenhua Feng and Jaimie Lien

[22] Bayesian Persuasion in Sequential Tullock Contests, with Jian Chen and Zhonghong Kuang

[23] Multidimensional Tullock Contests, with Jaimie Lien and Hangcheng Zhao


[1] Restructuring a Partnership with Ownership Limits, with Stephanie Lau
[2] Battle of the Sexes with Subjective Priors, with Jaimie Lien and Yongchao Zhang
[3] Savings, Layaway or Credit?, with Hanming Fang and Jaimie Lien
[4] Behavioral Voting: Theory and Evidence, with Kang Rong
[5]Hybrid Auctions, with Hanjoon Michael Jung
[6] Business Cycle and Job Search Effort of the Unemployed, with Simon Chang and Shirui Wang
[7] First Mover Advantage versus Price Advantage – The Role of Network Effect in the Competition between Proprietary Software (PS) and Opensource Software (OSS), with Mingzhi Li and Jaimie Lien
[8]Information Structure, Bubble Frequency and Bubble Size, with Jaimie Lien and Mu Zhang
[9] Reference-Dependent Moral Hazard in Auto Insurance Claims, with Feng Gao and Jaimie Lien
[10] A New Solution to Nash’s Bargaining Problem, with Jaimie Lien
[11] Auctions for Public Commodities, with Hanjoon Michael Jung and Jaimie Lien
[12] Optimal Joint Design of Timing and Information Disclosure in Tullock Contests, with Jian Chen and Zhonghong Kuang
[13] The Value of the Knowledge of Others, with Guangying Chen and Jaimie Lien
[14] The Moving Store Phenomenon, with Guangying Chen, Zeng Lian and Jaimie Lien
[15] Information, Competition, and Spatial Price Discrimination, with Jaimie Lien and Yongchao Zhang
[16] Timing in Bricks versus Clicks: Real and Virtual Competition with Sequential Entrants, with Mingzhi Li and Jaimie Lien
国家自然科学基金青年项目(负责人,项目批准号:**), 2013/01-2015/12 (结题绩效评估“特优”)

清华大学自主科研项目(负责人Jaimie Lien),2015/10-2018/09
国家自然科学基金青年项目(负责人Jaimie Lien,项目批准号:**), 2014/01-2016/12
教育部博士学科点专项科研基金(负责人Jaimie Lien,项目批准号:20**0), 2014/01-2015/12
国家自然科学基金面上项目(负责人李明志,项目批准号:**), 2013/01-2016/12
国家自然科学基金青年项目(负责人高明,项目批准号:**), 2013/01-2015/12
清华大学自主科研项目(负责人Jaimie Lien,项目批准号:2012Z02182),2012/07-2015/06
清华大学人文社科振兴基金项目(负责人Jaimie Lien,项目批准号:2011WKYB018), 2012/03-2013/12
Normal 0 false false false EN-US ZH-CN X-NONE
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    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-15
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    朱玉杰金融系 教授CV下载电话 (86) (10) **电邮 zhuyj@sem.tsinghua.edu.cn办公室 伟伦楼 411办公室开放时间 星期二 16:00-17:00个人简介研究成果研究项目媒体报道朱玉杰现为清华大学经管学院金融系教授,博士生导师。清华大学经济管理学院教学办公室学术主任,清华大学经济管理学院金融工程实验室副主任。朱玉杰教授兼任中国金融协会金融工程专业委员会副秘书长、中 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-15
  • 清华大学经济管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-祝林
    祝林经济系 助理教授CV下载电话 (86) (10) **电邮 zhulin@sem.tsinghua.edu.cn办公室 伟伦楼 555办公室开放时间 周一 15:00-17:00 个人简介研究成果研究项目媒体报道清华大学经济管理学院助理教授。祝林博士2004年获中国科学技术大学统计学学士学位;2006年获印第安纳大学伯明顿分校数学硕士学位;2012年获印第安纳大学伯明顿分 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-15
  • 【完善学术评价制度】清华大学学位评定委员会2020年第二次全体会议举行
    回到学术本真铸就一流学术品位清华大学学位评定委员会2020年第二次全体会议举行清华新闻网4月11日电(记者吕婷摄影石加东)4月9日下午,清华大学学位评定委员会2020年第二次全体会议举行。校长、校学位评定委员会主席邱勇主持会议。副校长、校学位评定委员会副主席杨斌,校学位评定委员会副主席贺克斌、陈晔光 ...
    本站小编 Free考研 2020-04-14