Lateral insulated gate bipolar transistor (LIGBT) on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) is widely applied in power integrated circuits, due to its low on-state voltage, high input impedance and high current capability[1-8]. However, LIGBTs exist the contradiction relationship between the turn-off loss (Eoff) and the on-state voltage (Von). The lateral injection-enhanced gate transistor (LIEGT) is proposed to improve the current capability and achieve a lower Von[9]. The U-shaped channel LIGBT with dual trenches is adopted to enhance carrier stored effect and obtain a low Von[10, 11]. However, the lower Von usually results in a higher Eoff. To reduce the Eoff, the shorted-anode (SA) LIGBT provides an additional electron extracting path by introducing the N+ anode region, but it brings a snapback effect[12]. The separated shorted anode (SSA) LIGBT needs a large cell pitch to solve this problem by increasing Ls (the length between N-buffer and N+ anode), leading to a low area efficiency[13]. For the segmented (SEG) anode LIGBT, a very large geometry ratio of the P+ and N+ anode is needed to eliminate the snapback effect[14]. The multi-segment anode (MSA) adopts multi-segmented P+ anode and P-buried layers in anode regions to increase the anode distribution resistance and thus eliminates the snapback effect, while its improvement on Eoff is limited[15]. The STA LIGBT suppresses the snapback effect by forming segmented deep trenches between P+ anode and N+ anode, but the path between the trenches should be small enough to eliminate the snapback effect, which will limit the improvement on Eoff on the contrary[16].
In this paper, a novel DT-NPN LIGBT featuring an NPN structure, double trenches and an N-CS layer is proposed to achieve a better tradeoff between the Von and Eoff. The proposed device eliminates the snapback effect within a small device dimension by adjusting the parameters of the embedded NPN structure. It achieves a low Von due to the carrier storing effect enhanced by the double cathode trenches and N-CS layer. Meanwhile, the double cathode trenches enhance the latch-up ruggedness. This paper is implemented by TCAD Sentaurus Device simulation tools[17], which includes the models of high field saturation mobility, Philips unified mobility, Auger recombination, Enormal mobility, Shockley–Read–Hall recombination, and Lackner avalanche generation.
Device structure and mechanism
Fig. 1 shows the schematic cross-sectional views of the proposed DT-NPN LIGBT, double trench segment anode LIGBT (named SEG LTIGBT), and double trench separated shorted anode LIGBT (named SSA LTIGBT). The proposed LIGBT features an NPN structure at the anode side, consisting of N+ anode, P-well and N-buffer. Moreover, there are cathode trench gate (CTG), cathode blocking trench (CBT) and an N-type carrier storage (N-CS) layer at the cathode side for the three devices mentioned above. The implantations for N-CS and N-buffer layer are implemented at the same time to achieve better performance without more cost. The CTG and CBT are carried out within the same process step. The key parameters used in simulations for the three devices are shown in Table 1. Np and Dp are the doping concentration and depth of the P-well region at the anode side for DT–NPN LIGBT, as shown in Fig. 2. The carriers’ lifetime is 1 μs for all devices.

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(Color online) Schematic cross-sectional views of (a) DT-NPN LIGBT, (b) SEG LTIGBT, and (c) SSA LTIGBT.
Parameter | DT-NPN | SEG | SSA |
N-drift length, Ld (μm) | 54 | 54 | 54 |
SOI layer thickness, Ts (μm) | 25 | 25 | 25 |
Buried oxide thickness, tbox (μm) | 3 | 3 | 3 |
N-drift doping, Nd (1014 cm?3) | 2 | 2 | 2 |
N-buffer doping, Nbuffer (1016 cm?3) | 6 | 2 | 6 |
N-CS doping, Ncs (1016 cm?3) | 6 | 6 | 6 |
P-body doping, Np-body (1017 cm?3) | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Gate oxide thickness (μm) | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.1 |
Trench depth (μm) | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Key parameters for LIGBTs.
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Parameter | DT-NPN | SEG | SSA |
N-drift length, Ld (μm) | 54 | 54 | 54 |
SOI layer thickness, Ts (μm) | 25 | 25 | 25 |
Buried oxide thickness, tbox (μm) | 3 | 3 | 3 |
N-drift doping, Nd (1014 cm?3) | 2 | 2 | 2 |
N-buffer doping, Nbuffer (1016 cm?3) | 6 | 2 | 6 |
N-CS doping, Ncs (1016 cm?3) | 6 | 6 | 6 |
P-body doping, Np-body (1017 cm?3) | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Gate oxide thickness (μm) | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.1 |
Trench depth (μm) | 4 | 4 | 4 |

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(Color online) Equivalent circuit of the DT-NPN LIGBT. Rp-body and Rp are distributed resistance at the cathode and anode region, respectively.
Fig. 2 shows the equivalent circuit of the DT-NPN LIGBT. At the initial forward conduction stage with CTG turned on, the device operates in unipolar mode and the electron current is dominant. The P-well acts as an electrons barrier and hinders the electron from flowing through the N+ anode directly. As the anode voltage increases, the P+ anode/N-buffer junction turns on and the LIGBT quickly transforms from unipolar mode to bipolar mode without snapback effect. Meanwhile, the double cathode trenches and N-CS layer prevent holes from flowing to the cathode directly. Then, the carrier storing effect is enhanced in the N-drift and the Von decreases sharply. During the turn-off stage, the shallow P-well is fully depleted and the NPN structure is activated to provide a low-resistance path to extract the electrons rapidly. Hence, the turn-off time and the Eoff are decreased. The vertical channel and the hole bypass along the CTG and CBT respectively could decrease the distributed resistance at the cathode side, and then the proposed device enhances the immunity of latch-up effect and widens the safe operation area (SOA).
Results and discussion
Fig. 3(a) shows the dependences of BV and Von on the P+ anode doping concentration (NA). For low NA, the Von of proposed DT-NPN LIGBT is smaller than that of the conventional (Conv.) LIEGT in Ref. [9] because the N-CS layer is dominant to increase the carrier density and decrease Von. It is contrary for high NA value, because the N+ anode results in the hole injection of the proposed device much smaller than that of Conv. LIEGT. Obviously, the BV of Conv. LIEGT decreases dramatically with the increasing NA, while it almost remains stable for the DT-NPN LIGBT for different NA. For NA = 1 × 1018 cm–3, the BV = 614 V of the proposed LIGBT is 7.3% higher than BV = 572 V of Conv. LIEGT. Fig. 3(b) compares the current component at breakdown. The Conv. LIEGT exhibits an open-base P–N–P transistor breakdown mechanism because the leakage current increases distinctly with the increasing NA and the hole leakage current is higher than electron leakage current. In contrast, the DT-NPN LIGBT behaves MOS-like blocking mechanism as the electron leakage current is dominated and almost irrelevant to NA. Because the embedded NPN structure suppresses the hole injection of the P+ anode/N-buffer junction. Particularly, the DT-NPN LIGBT relieves the conflict demand of NA on high BV and low Von, and then Von and BV can be designed separately.

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(Color online) (a) Dependences of the BV and Von on NA. (b) Breakdown characteristics. Here Ie and Ih represent the electron current and hole current, respectively.
Fig. 4 illustrates the snapback characteristics of different LIGBTs with the same NA. The proposed LIGBT eliminates the snapback effect by the optimizing the Np and Dp, without increasing length in the x-direction. However, the SSA LTIGBT still shows a little ΔVSB even the length Ls = 40 μm. The SEG LTIGBT also has a snapback effect, even when the width WP/ WN of P+/ N+ anode reaches 79/1 μm. Fig. 5 shows the total current density distribution and the flowlines extracted from Fig. 4. In Fig. 5(a), one current flowline derives from the P+ anode for the DT-NPN LIGBT, which means the P+ anode/N-buffer junction is turned on and the device changes from unipolar mode to bipolar mode at a smaller VA. Owing to the barrier effect induced by the P-well, the proposed LIGBT shows snapback-free effect with compact dimension in x-direction. However, the SSA and SEG LTIGBTs require large extra dimensions above 40 μm in x-direction and 79 μm in z-direction respectively to reduce the ΔVSB, because all the current flowlines derive from the N+ anode and both devices are still in unipolar mode, as shown in Figs. 5(b) and 5(c).

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(Color online) Snapback characteristics for different devices. Wp/Wn is the width of P+/N+ anode. ΔVSB is snapback voltage.

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(Color online) Total current density distribution and the flowlines for (a) the proposed LIGBT (at point A in Fig. 4), (b) the SEG LTIGBT (at point C in Fig. 4), and (c) the SSA LTIGBT (at point B in Fig. 4).
Fig. 6(a) shows the influences of Np and Dp on the forward conduction characteristics. With the increasing Np and Dp, the snapback effect is weakened and eventually eliminated, because larger Np and Dp values increase the electron barrier height and width at P-well/N-buffer junction to hinder N+ anode from extracting electrons, as shown in Fig. 6(b). Therefore, the increasing Np and Dp are beneficial to decrease the ΔVSB and Von, but increase the Eoff as shown in Fig. 6(c). The snapback effect is eliminated with Np = 1.5 × 1016 cm–3 and Dp = 1 μm, or Np = 3 × 1016 cm–3 and Dp = 0.5 μm.

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(Color online) Influences of the Np and Dp on (a) forward conduction characteristics at VG = 15 V, (b) conduction energy band distribution of P-well/N-buffer junction in the y-direction and (c) ΔVSB, Von and Eoff. qψH and WH are the height and width of electron barrier. To entirely suppress the snapback by optimizing the Np and Dp, the qψH is about 0.75 eV.
Fig. 7 compares the forward conduction characteristics of four LIGBTs with different cathode structures. The proposed LIGBT shows the lowest Von of 1.25 V because both the double trenches and the N-CS layer increase the hole density at the cathode side and enhance conduction modulation effect in the drift region. The Von of the LIGBT with Type1 cathode structure increases to 1.37 V, owing to the deletion of N-CS layer[18-20]. The LIGBT with Type2-cathode structure, without the CBT and N-CS layer, decreases the hole density at the cathode side and then Von increases to 1.54 V. The LIGBT with a planar gate reaches the highest Von of 1.94 V. The inserted hole density distribution verifies the current modulation effect induced by the N-CS, CBT and CTG, respectively.

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(Color online) Forward conduction characteristics. Insets: hole density distribution for different LIGBTs at the cathode side (@ y = 4.1 μm) and schematic cross-sectional views of four different cathode structures for LIGBTs with the same anode structure as that of the proposed DT-NPN LIGBT.
Fig. 8 shows the switching characteristics of different LIGBTs at the same Von without snapback effect. The devices start turning off at t1 = 20 μs. The proposed LIGBT achieves the fastest switching speed of 54 ns because the embedded NPN structure provides a larger width of extra electron extraction path than the SEG LTIGBT and MSA LIGBT. However, the Conv. LIEGT exhibits the longest tail current and higher Eoff, because its excess carriers stored in the drift region mainly depends on recombination to disappear without extra electron extraction path. Fig. 8(b) shows the electron concentration distributions of the proposed LIGBT and SEG LTIGBT from t1 to t5 period labeled in Fig. 8(a). It is quite obvious that the electron density of the proposed LIGBT is lower than that of the SEG LTIGBT at the same time, owing to the activated NPN with a wider rapidly electron extracting path. As shown in Fig. 8(c), a large number of current flowlines flow through the embedded NPN structure during the turn-off period of the proposed LIGBT.

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(Color online) Switching characteristics: (a) switching waves, the inset shows the simulation circuit with RG = 10 Ω and LS = 10 nH, (b) carrier distribution at different time, (c) current flowlines through the embedded NPN structure at t3.
Fig. 9 shows the IA–VA characteristics for the DT-NPN LIGBT and MSA LIGBT at VG = 10 V and 15 V. In the on-state, the cathode distributed resistance Rp-body should be small enough to avoid triggering the parasitic NPN transistor (N+ cathode/P-body/N-CS) at the cathode side. For the proposed LIGBT, the CBT and CTG force the hole current flowing vertically, which is conducive to decrease Rp-body. In contrast, the hole current inevitably flows under the N+ cathode and easily triggers the latch-up effect, even a P-buried layer is formed below the N+ cathode. Therefore, the DT-NPN LIGBT exhibits much better latch-up ruggedness than MSA LIGBT.

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(Color online) IA–VA characteristics for the DT-NPN and MSA LIGBT.
Fig. 10 shows the Eoff–Von tradeoff of different LIGBTs at the load current density of 100 A/cm2. Due to the contribution of double trenches at cathode side and embedded NPN structure at the anode side, the proposed IGBT shows better tradeoff than other counterparts. The Eoff value of the proposed LIGBT is 55% lower than that of Conv. LIEGT at the same Von of 1.22 V. Meanwhile, the proposed LIGBT decreases the Von by 4.8%, 7.4% and 38.6% compared with SEG LTIGBT, Conv. LIEGT, and MSA LIGBT at the same Eoff, respectively.

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(Color online) Eoff–Von tradeoff of different LIGBTs.
Fig. 11 depicts the key fabrication steps of the proposed LIGBT. In Fig. 11(a), N-CS/N-buffer implantations are implemented at the same time. To ensure the reliability of double trenches and eliminate the snapback effect, the P-body/P-well implantations are implemented under different doses and masks in Fig. 11(b). The double trenches could be formed at the same time, as shown in Fig. 11(c). All the steps can be implemented by the feasible and mature trench BCD technology.

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(Color online) Key fabrication steps. (a) N-buffer and N-CS-layer implantations. (b) P-well and P-body implantations. (c) Trenches etching, oxidation, and poly-silicon deposition. (d) Implantations for N+/P+ regions and formation of metal contacts.
A novel 600 V class DT-NPN LIGBT is proposed and investigated. Due to the electron barrier of P-well, the proposed LIGBT entirely avoids the snapback effect within small cell pitch, while it delivers an electron extracting path during the turn-off stage to decrease Eoff. The double cathode trenches and N-CS layer enhance the carrier storing effect to achieve a lower Von. Therefore, the proposed LIGBT acquires superior tradeoff characteristic between Von and Eoff compared with the Conv. LIEGT, MSA LIGBT and SSA LTIGBT. The proposed LIGBT reduces the Eoff by 55% compared to the Conv. LIEGT at the same Von, and decreases the Von by 38.6% compared to the MSA LIGBT at the same Eoff. Moreover, the DT-NPN LIGBT improves the BV by 7.3% and relieves the dependence of the BV on the NA. In addition, the DT-NPN LIGBT enhances the latch-up ruggedness, because the double trenches form vertical channels and provide a hole by-pass path to reduce the cathode distributed resistance.
This work is supported by Postdoctoral Innovative Talent Support Program under Grant BX20190059, the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation under Grant 2019M660235, the Sichuan Science and Technology Program under Project 2018JY0555 and the Science and Technology on Analog Integrated Circuit Laboratory under Project 6142802180509.