Smart Contract-Based Negotiation for Adaptive QoS-Aware Service Composition
通讯作者:Wang, PW (reprint author), Renmin Univ China, Sch Informat, Beijing, Peoples R China.; Wang, PW (reprint author), Minist Educ, Key Lab Data Engn & Knowledge Engn, Beijing 100872, Peoples R China.
关键词:Service composition; negotiation; distributed ledger technology; smart contract; Bayesian nash Equilibrium
摘要:Smart contracts ( SCs) run on the distributed ledger technology ( DLT) platform and can implement agreements between participants without a trusted third party. This paper uses the DLT and SC techniques to build distributed applications composed of existing services. In practice, there are many functionally-equivalent services on the Internet. To beat their competitors, the service providers usually offer flexible QoS and use dynamic pricing strategies. Moreover, the service providers can change ...More
Smart contracts ( SCs) run on the distributed ledger technology ( DLT) platform and can implement agreements between participants without a trusted third party. This paper uses the DLT and SC techniques to build distributed applications composed of existing services. In practice, there are many functionally-equivalent services on the Internet. To beat their competitors, the service providers usually offer flexible QoS and use dynamic pricing strategies. Moreover, the service providers can change at runtime, e.g., they may encounter problems so that their QoS drops suddenly. This makes achieving the optimization goal at runtime ( e.g., the maximization of the utility) more difficult. To address this problem, first, this paper proposes an SC-based negotiation framework. The SCs can ensure that the transactions are automatically and reliably performed as agreed upon between the service requesters and providers. The DLTs can provide the reliable data of the requests and responses of the service requesters and providers to the SCs. In addition, the SCs can identify the troubled service providers, and find other service providers to replace them at runtime. Second, this paper proposes a Bayesian Nash equilibrium ( BNE) of the service providers. In the BNE, the cost-efficient service providers offer the high QoS the service requester asks for and report their costs truthfully. This BNE enables the selection of the cost-efficient service providers and the achievement of the ( near) maximization of the service requesters' utility. This paper implements the proposed negotiation framework on a DLT platform called Hyperledger Fabric. The experiment results demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms the existing approaches and can adapt to the changes of the service providers. ...Hide
百度学术:Smart Contract-Based Negotiation for Adaptive QoS-Aware Service Composition
基金:Ministry of Science and Technology of ChinaMinistry of Science and Technology, China; National Key Research and Development Program [2016YFB1000700]; National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaNational Natural Science Foundation of China [61003084, 61232007, 61472428, 61620106007]
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Smart Contract-Based Negotiation for Adaptive QoS-Aware Service Composition
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