The Co-Movement and Asymmetry between Energy and Grain Prices: Evidence from the Crude Oil and Corn Markets
通讯作者:Zhang, XB (reprint author), Renmin Univ China, Sch Appl Econ, Beijing 100872, Peoples R China.
关键词:crude oil market; corn market; asymmetry; price discovery
摘要:This paper investigates the co-movement and asymmetric interactions between energy and grain prices, based on the evidence from the crude oil and corn markets, the most important energy and grain markets, respectively. Time series analysis indicates that there is a consistent trend between the crude oil price and corn price with a significant positive correlation coefficient 0.7471 during the sampling period, from January 2008 to February 2016. In addition, we find that there is a long-run equil ...More
This paper investigates the co-movement and asymmetric interactions between energy and grain prices, based on the evidence from the crude oil and corn markets, the most important energy and grain markets, respectively. Time series analysis indicates that there is a consistent trend between the crude oil price and corn price with a significant positive correlation coefficient 0.7471 during the sampling period, from January 2008 to February 2016. In addition, we find that there is a long-run equilibrium relationship between the two commodities' prices. Moreover, while linear Granger causality tests suggest that there is a two-way Granger causality relationship between the price changes in the two markets, non-linear Granger causality tests suggest that there is only a one-way causality relationship from corn to oil price. However, both linear and non-linear Granger causality tests indicate the asymmetry of causality relationship between the two markets (the price change in corn market can more significantly Granger cause the change in crude oil market). Further analysis suggests that the contribution of the corn market to price discovery in a large commodity market is larger than that of the crude oil market. ...Hide
百度学术:The Co-Movement and Asymmetry between Energy and Grain Prices: Evidence from the Crude Oil and Corn Markets
基金:National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaNational Natural Science Foundation of China [71603267]; Natural Science Foundation of BeijingBeijing Natural Science Foundation [9192012]
The effects of carbon taxation in China: An analysis based on energy input-output model in hybrid units.Zhang, Hongxia, Hewings, Geoffrey J. D., Zheng, Xinye,.ENERGY POLICY. 2019, 128, 223-234.
Household energy consumption in rural China: Historical development, present pattern and policy implication.Wu, Shimei, Zheng, Xinye, You, Chaoying, et al. .JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION. 2019, 211, 981-991.
Direct and Indirect Effects of Energy-Intensive Industries on Energy Consumption in China.Wu, Shimei, Zheng, Xinye, Song, Feng,.EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE AND TRADE. 2019, 55(6), 1216-1228.
The effects of carbon taxation in China: An analysis based on energy input-output model in hybrid units.Zhang, Hongxia, Hewings, Geoffrey J. D., Zheng, Xinye,.ENERGY POLICY. 2019, 128, 223-234.
The Co-Movement and Asymmetry between Energy and Grain Prices: Evidence from the Crude Oil and Corn Markets.Chen, Zhan-Ming, Wang, Liyuan, Zhang, Xiao-Bing, et al. .ENERGIES. 2019, 12(7).
The Co-Movement and Asymmetry between Energy and Grain Prices: Evidence from the Crude Oil and Cor
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