Syllables constitute proximate units for Mandarin speakers: Electrophysiological evidence from a masked priming task
通讯作者:Zhang, QF (reprint author), Renmin Univ China, Dept Psychol, 59 Zhongguancun St, Beijing 100872, Peoples R China.
关键词:phonemic overlap effect; proximate units hypothesis; spoken production; syllable priming effect
摘要:Languages may differ regarding the primary mental unit of phonological encoding in spoken production, with models of speakers of Indo-European languages generally assuming a central role for phonemes, but spoken Chinese production potentially attributing a more prominent role to syllables. In the present study, native Mandarin Chinese speakers named objects that were preceded by briefly presented and masked prime words, which were form related and either matched or mismatched concerning their sy ...More
Languages may differ regarding the primary mental unit of phonological encoding in spoken production, with models of speakers of Indo-European languages generally assuming a central role for phonemes, but spoken Chinese production potentially attributing a more prominent role to syllables. In the present study, native Mandarin Chinese speakers named objects that were preceded by briefly presented and masked prime words, which were form related and either matched or mismatched concerning their syllabic structure, or were unrelated. Behavioral results showed a previously reported interaction between prime and target syllable type. Concurrently recorded EEG also exhibited this interaction and further revealed that syllable overlap modulated ERPs mainly in the time window of 300-400 ms after picture onset. By contrast, phonemic overlap modulated ERPs from 500 ms to 600 ms. This pattern might suggest that speakers retrieved syllables before phonemes and strengthens the claim that for Chinese individuals syllables constitute primary functional representations ("proximate units"). ...Hide
百度学术:Syllables constitute proximate units for Mandarin speakers: Electrophysiological evidence from a masked priming task
基金:National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaNational Natural Science Foundation of China [31471074]; Key project of Beijing Social Science Foundation in China [16YYA006]; Central Universities fundamental research funds; Renmin University of China [18XNLG28]
Syllables constitute proximate units for Mandarin speakers: Electrophysiological evidence from a masked priming task.Zhang, Qingfang, Damian, Markus F.,.PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY. 2019, 56(4).
The Effect of Lexical Cohort Size Is Independent of Semantic Context Effects in a Picture-Word Interference Task: A Combined ERP and sLORETA Study.Ouyang, Mingkun, Cai, Xiao, Zhang, Qingfang,.FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE. 2019, 13.
Rhythmic pattern facilitates speech production: An ERP study.Zhang, Ning, Zhang, Qingfang,.SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2019, 9.
Syllables are Retrieved before Segments in the Spoken Production of Mandarin Chinese: An ERP Study.Feng, Chen, Yue, Yuan, Zhang, Qingfang,.SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2019, 9.
The Effect of Lexical Cohort Size Is Independent of Semantic Context Effects in a Picture-Word Interference Task: A Combined ERP and sLORETA Study.Ouyang, Mingkun, Cai, Xiao, Zhang, Qingfang,.FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE. 2019, 13.
Syllables constitute proximate units for Mandarin speakers: Electrophysiological evidence from a m
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