Origin of Nitric Oxide Reduction Activity in Flavo-Diiron NO Reductase: Key Roles of the Second Coordination Sphere
通讯作者:Chen, H (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Res Educ Ctr Excellence Mol Sci, Key Lab Photochem, BNLMS,Inst Chem, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.; Lai, WZ (reprint author), Renmin Univ China, Dept Chem, Beijing 100872, Peoples R China.
关键词:flavo-diiron protein; N-N formation; N-O cleavage; NO reduction; second coordination sphere
摘要:The second coordination sphere constitutes a distinguishing factor in the active site to modulate enzymatic reactivity. To unravel the origin of NO-to-N2O reduction activity of non-heme diiron enzymes, herein we report a strong second-coordination-sphere interaction between a conserved Tyr(197) and the key iron-nitrosyl intermediate of Tm FDP (flavo-diiron protein), which leads to decreased reaction barriers towards N-N formation and N-O cleavage in NO reduction. This finding supports the direct ...More
The second coordination sphere constitutes a distinguishing factor in the active site to modulate enzymatic reactivity. To unravel the origin of NO-to-N2O reduction activity of non-heme diiron enzymes, herein we report a strong second-coordination-sphere interaction between a conserved Tyr(197) and the key iron-nitrosyl intermediate of Tm FDP (flavo-diiron protein), which leads to decreased reaction barriers towards N-N formation and N-O cleavage in NO reduction. This finding supports the direct coupling of diiron dinitrosyl as the N-N formation mode in our QM/MM modeling, and reconciles the mechanistic controversy of external reduction between FDPs and synthetic biomimetics of the iron-nitrosyls. This work highlights the application of QM/MM Fe-57 Mossbauer modeling in elucidating the structural features of not only first, but also second coordination spheres of the key transient species involved in NO/O-2 activation by non-hence diiron enzymes. ...Hide
百度学术:Origin of Nitric Oxide Reduction Activity in Flavo-Diiron NO Reductase: Key Roles of the Second Coordination Sphere
基金:National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)National Natural Science Foundation of China [21873103, 21833011, 21673286]
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Origin of Nitric Oxide Reduction Activity in Flavo-Diiron NO Reductase: Key Roles of the Second Co
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