Heterogeneous activation of persulfate by Co3O4-CeO2 catalyst for diclofenac removal
通讯作者:Zhang, GM; Chang, HZ (reprint author), Renmin Univ China, Sch Environm & Nat Resource, Beijing 100872, Peoples R China.
关键词:Co3O4-CeO2; Persulfate; Diclofenac; Sulfate radical; Interaction
摘要:A series of Co3O4-CeO2 mixed metal oxides were synthesized by co-precipitation method and successfully used to activate persulfate for diclofenac removal. The effects of Co:Ce mole ratio, calcination temperature and calcination time on the catalytic activities were investigated. Results showed that the activity of Co3O4-CeO2 catalysts increased with Co:Ce mole ratio from 1:9 to 7:3, and decreased with the calcination temperature from 300 to 800 degrees C. 90% diclofenac was removed with Co7Ce3-3 ...More
A series of Co3O4-CeO2 mixed metal oxides were synthesized by co-precipitation method and successfully used to activate persulfate for diclofenac removal. The effects of Co:Ce mole ratio, calcination temperature and calcination time on the catalytic activities were investigated. Results showed that the activity of Co3O4-CeO2 catalysts increased with Co:Ce mole ratio from 1:9 to 7:3, and decreased with the calcination temperature from 300 to 800 degrees C. 90% diclofenac was removed with Co7Ce3-300-1 catalyst (Co:Ce = 7:3, calcinated at 300 degrees C for 1 h) after 15 min. Moreover, short calcination time and low temperature resulted in smaller crystallite size, more structural defects, more active crystal surfaces and larger surface area of the catalyst, which led to higher removal efficiency of diclofenac. The high ratios of Co2+/Co3+, Ce3+/Ce4+ and O-ads/O-latt were very important to enhance the catalytic activity. Finally, a potential reaction mechanism was proposed based on characterization of the fresh and spent catalysts. ...Hide
百度学术:Heterogeneous activation of persulfate by Co3O4-CeO2 catalyst for diclofenac removal
基金:Fund for building world-class universities (disciplines) of Renmin University of China
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Heterogeneous activation of persulfate by Co3O4-CeO2 catalyst for diclofenac removal
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