Near-infrared Photothermal Conversion Based on Polymer Materials
通讯作者:Wang, YP (reprint author), Renmin Univ China, Dept Chem, Beijing 100872, Peoples R China.
关键词:Polymer materials; Photothermal conversion; Near-infrared light
摘要:Near-infrared (NIR) light occupies a large proportion of sunlight and possesses unique advantages of deep penetration into biological tissues and high maximum permissible exposure to the laser. Therefore, the utilization of NIR light is of great significance in the areas of energy, medical imaging, and photo-therapy. However, the utilization of near-infrared light based on traditional mechanisms, such as photochemistry and photoelectricity, is usually very low owing to the fast vibrational relax ...More
Near-infrared (NIR) light occupies a large proportion of sunlight and possesses unique advantages of deep penetration into biological tissues and high maximum permissible exposure to the laser. Therefore, the utilization of NIR light is of great significance in the areas of energy, medical imaging, and photo-therapy. However, the utilization of near-infrared light based on traditional mechanisms, such as photochemistry and photoelectricity, is usually very low owing to the fast vibrational relaxation and internal transformation in these wave ranges. Upconversion and two-photon absorption can convert NIR light into light with shorter wavelength but these two methods often rely on high-power light source irradiation, and the conversion efficiency of NIR light is low. On the basis of the mechanism of non-irradiation transition, polymer-based photothermal conversion plays a novel role in efficient utilization of NIR light. In this work, recent progresses of our group in the applications of near-infrared photothermal conversion materials, especially polymer materials, are reviewed. Firstly, the concept of photoannealing is proposed on the basis of photothermal conversion. In contrast to the conventional annealing process, such as solvent annealing and thermal annealing, photoanealing process of polymer has the advantages of good spatial selectivity and biocompatibility. It has been applied to the remote control of particle shape, volume, and porosity in organism, which can serve as a powerful tool for the noninvasive treatment. Besides, flexible, self-repairing, and highly sensitive near-infrared light sensors are prepared by combining photothermal materials with thermal fluids. The resultant NIR sensing fluids have better sensitivity than the commercial NIR sensing semiconductor does, and they can be combined with the inkjet printing technology to achieve low-cost production with high throughput. Finally, the conjugated polymer with multiple intramolecular hydrogen bonds and Donor-Acceptor structure is designed to achieve good absorption in the NIR-II region, which has deeper penetration than light in NIR-I region does. This special polymer has been used for remote power supply for implantable electronic devices through energy coupling. ...Hide
百度学术:Near-infrared Photothermal Conversion Based on Polymer Materials
Near-infrared Photothermal Conversion Based on Polymer Materials
本站小编 Free考研/2020-04-17
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