New Calderon reproducing formulae with exponential decay on spaces of homogeneous type
通讯作者:Yang, DC (reprint author), Beijing Normal Univ, Sch Math Sci, Minist Educ China, Lab Math & Complex Syst, Beijing 100875, Peoples R China.
关键词:space of homogeneous type; Calderon reproducing formula; approximation of the identity; wavelet; space of test functions; distribution
摘要:Assume that (X, d, ) is a space of homogeneous type in the sense of Coifman and Weiss (1971, 1977). In this article, motivated by the breakthrough work of Auscher and Hytonen (2013) on orthonormal bases of regular wavelets on spaces of homogeneous type, we introduce a new kind of approximations of the identity with exponential decay (for short, exp-ATI). Via such an exp-ATI, motivated by another creative idea of Han et al. (2018) to merge the aforementioned orthonormal bases of regular wavelets ...More
Assume that (X, d, ) is a space of homogeneous type in the sense of Coifman and Weiss (1971, 1977). In this article, motivated by the breakthrough work of Auscher and Hytonen (2013) on orthonormal bases of regular wavelets on spaces of homogeneous type, we introduce a new kind of approximations of the identity with exponential decay (for short, exp-ATI). Via such an exp-ATI, motivated by another creative idea of Han et al. (2018) to merge the aforementioned orthonormal bases of regular wavelets into the frame of the existed distributional theory on spaces of homogeneous type, we establish the homogeneous continuous/discrete Calderon reproducing formulae on (X, d, ), as well as their inhomogeneous counterparts. The novelty of this article exists in that d is only assumed to be a quasi-metric and the underlying measure a doubling measure, not necessary to satisfy the reverse doubling condition. It is well known that Calderon reproducing formulae are the cornerstone to develop analysis and, especially, harmonic analysis on spaces of homogeneous type. ...Hide
百度学术:New Calderon reproducing formulae with exponential decay on spaces of homogeneous type
基金:National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaNational Natural Science Foundation of China [11771446, 11571039, 11726621, 11761131002, 11871100]
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New Calderon reproducing formulae with exponential decay on spaces of homogeneous type
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