Adolescent type D personality and social networking sites addiction: A moderated mediation model of restorative outcomes and affective relationships
通讯作者:Lei, L (reprint author), Renmin Univ China, Dept Psychol, 59 Zhongguancun St, Beijing 100872, Peoples R China.; Lei, L (reprint author), Renmin Univ China, Ctr Internet Social Psychol, 59 Zhongguancun St, Beijing 100872, Peoples R China.
关键词:Adolescents; Type D personality; Social networking sites addiction; Restorative outcomes; Affective relationships
摘要:Type D personality denotes the joint tendency towards negative affectivity and social inhibition. The recent research has regarded Type D personality as a risk factor of social networking sites addiction. The current study aimed to test whether restorative outcomes would mediate the relation between Type D personality and social networking sites addiction, and whether affective relationships would moderate simultaneously the mediating process. A valid sample of 679 adolescents (mean age = 13.29 ...More
Type D personality denotes the joint tendency towards negative affectivity and social inhibition. The recent research has regarded Type D personality as a risk factor of social networking sites addiction. The current study aimed to test whether restorative outcomes would mediate the relation between Type D personality and social networking sites addiction, and whether affective relationships would moderate simultaneously the mediating process. A valid sample of 679 adolescents (mean age = 13.29 +/- 0.77 years) participated in our paper-and pencil survey. Results showed that, after controlling for age and gender, Type D personality positively correlated with social networking sites addiction, and it increased social networking sites addiction via escalating participants' restorative outcomes. Moreover, only affective relationships with friends moderated the mediating effect: for adolescents with low levels of affective relationships with friends, the indirect effect of Type D personality on social networking sites addiction was significant; contrarily, the indirect effect for high levels of affective relationships with friends was non-significant. The current study indicated that Type D personality as a risk factor interacted with other factors (e.g., affective relationships with friends) to contribute to adolescent social networking sites addiction. The limitations and practical implications were discussed. ...Hide
百度学术:Adolescent type D personality and social networking sites addiction: A moderated mediation model of restorative outcomes and affective relationships
基金:Renmin University of China; Key Research Institute in Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education (Academy of Psychology and Behavior, Tianjin Normal University) [14JJD190005]
Adolescent type D personality and social networking sites addiction: A moderated mediation model of restorative outcomes and affective relationships.Nie Jia, Li Wendi, Wang Pengcheng, et al. .Psychiatry research. 2018, 271, 96-104.
Cyberbullying and depression among Chinese college students: A moderated mediation model of social anxiety and neuroticism.Wang Wei, Xie Xiaochun, Wang Xingchao, et al. .Journal of affective disorders. 2019, 256, 54-61.
Selfie-viewing and facial dissatisfaction among Chinese adolescents: A moderated mediation model of general attractiveness internalization and body appreciation.Wang Yuhui, Fardouly Jasmine, Vartanian Lenny R, et al. .Body image. 2019, 30, 35-43.
Adolescent type D personality and social networking sites addiction: A moderated mediation model of restorative outcomes and affective relationships.Nie Jia, Li Wendi, Wang Pengcheng, et al. .Psychiatry research. 2019, 271, 96-104.
Adolescent type D personality and social networking sites addiction: A moderated mediation model of restorative outcomes and affective relationships.Nie Jia, Li Wendi, Wang Pengcheng, et al. .PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH. 2019, 271, 96-104.
Adolescent type D personality and social networking sites addiction: A moderated mediation model o
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