Spatial distribution of tuberculosis and its association with meteorological factors in mainland China
期刊名称:BMC infectious diseases影响因子和分区
关键词:Geographically weighted regression,Meteorological factors,Spatial distribution,Tuberculosis
摘要:The incidence of tuberculosis (TB) remains high worldwide. Current strategies will not eradicate TB by 2035; instead, by 2182 is more likely. Therefore, it is urgent that new risk factors be identified.An ecological study was conducted in 340 prefectures in China from 2005 to 2015. The spatial distribution of TB incidence was shown by clustering and hotspot analysis. The relationship between the distribution patterns and six meteorological factors was evaluated by the geographically weighted reg ...More
The incidence of tuberculosis (TB) remains high worldwide. Current strategies will not eradicate TB by 2035; instead, by 2182 is more likely. Therefore, it is urgent that new risk factors be identified.An ecological study was conducted in 340 prefectures in China from 2005 to 2015. The spatial distribution of TB incidence was shown by clustering and hotspot analysis. The relationship between the distribution patterns and six meteorological factors was evaluated by the geographically weighted regression (GWR) model.During the 11?years of the study period, TB incidence was persistently low in the east and high in the west. Local coefficients from the GWR model showed a positive correlation between TB incidence and yearly average rainfall (AR) but a negative correlation with other meteorological factors. Average relative humidity (ARH) was negatively correlated with the incidence of TB in all prefectures (p?<?0.05).Meteorological factors may play an important role in the prevention and control of TB. ...Hide
百度学术:Spatial distribution of tuberculosis and its association with meteorological factors in mainland China
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Spatial distribution of tuberculosis and its association with meteorological factors in mainland Chi
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