

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-21


本期主题: Bank branching and window dressing
We explore a signaling channel that banks strategically raise loan-loss provisions (LLPs) prior to application for branching to impress banking regulators. Since deregulation on geographic restriction, city commercial banks (CCBs) can apply for inter-province branching but still need approval from the regulator. CCBs may dress up financial reports by higher LLPs, which present an overly positive image to impress regulators and thereby increase the likelihood of approval. We document evidence in line with the signaling story of window dressing. To address the endogenous decision of branching application, we employ propensity score matching estimators and a quasi-natural experiment of deregulation reversal. In addition, our results are robust to placebo tests of alternate timing of application. We rule out other explanations for adjusting LLPs, particularly earnings management.

报告人:宫迪副教授, 对外经贸大学金融学院
时间:10月28日(周三) 12:15
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宫迪博士担任对外经贸大学金融学院副教授、银行管理系系主任。他在中国人民大学财政金融学院获得金融学学士学位,在荷兰蒂尔堡大学获得经济学硕士和博士学位。研究领域为商业银行、信贷市场、金融监管。学术论文见诸于Journal of Banking & Finance,Journal of Empirical Finance等。他主持一项国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,参与多项国家社科基金重大项目、国家自然科学基金面上和青年项目、北京市社科规划重点项目,参与国家发改委、进出口行、亚洲金融合作协会、大兴区金融办等横向课题。入选对外经贸大学“惠园优秀青年****”,目前担任对外经贸大学“一带一路”PPP发展研究中心研究员,曾担任欧洲银行中心青年研究员,曾在世界银行、芬兰央行、伦敦政经学院、鹿特丹商学院学术访问。
