

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-21


本期主题: 外资快餐店的肥胖效应:来自中国的证据

This study examines the obesity effect of proximity to US fast food restaurants (KFC or McDonald) on Chinese. We first provide some stylized facts and raise the hypothesis that proximity to KFC or McDonald increases overweight. We then put the hypothesis into a test using the China Health and Nutrition Survey data. Exploiting community (district in urban area and village unit in rural area) level KFC or McDonald density within 10 KMs by using the geo-coding information, we find that the exposure to KFC or McDonald adversely affects people obesity. Our results are robust in a number of further checks and placebo tests. The pro-obesity effects are more pronounced for the lower educated than high educated, and for men than women. Further welfare analysis indicates that ignoring obesity outcomes would substantially underestimate the welfare disparity between high educated and low educated people in China.

报告人:林发勤教授, 中国农业大学经济管理学院
时间:10月21日(周三) 12:15
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林发勤,中国农业大学经济管理学院杰出人才、教授、博士生导师、国家农业市场研究中心研究员、国际经济研究所执行所长, SSCI期刊China Economic Review副主编, 《长安大学学报》(社会科学版)编委, Asian Development Policy Review执行主编。澳大利亚阿德莱德大学和对外经济贸易大学经济学双博士。曾经担任中央财经大学首届“龙马青年****”、中央财经大学国际经济贸易学院国际贸易系主任、院长助理、国际贸易教工党支部书记等职务。研究方向为国际贸易学和发展经济学的应用研究,已在Journal of International Economics(国际经济学顶尖期刊), Journal of Development Economics(发展经济学顶尖期刊), European Economic Review(经济学综合类顶尖期刊),Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization(行为和组织经济学高水平期刊),Journal of Comparative Economics(比较经济学顶尖期刊)等国际SSCI期刊及国内权威CSSCI期刊《经济研究》,《管理世界》等发表了60多篇学术论文。同时,作为负责人主持国家自然科学基金项目(3项)、北京自然科学基金项目、农业部项目多项,多次获得“安子介”国际贸易研究奖。
