

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-18

朱利平 职称:教授、博士生导师(统计与大数据研究院)

朱利平博士曾是《The Annals of Statistics》,《Statistica Sinica》等国际重要学术期刊的Associate Editor。目前是《Journal of Multivariate Analysis》, 《Statistics and Its Interface》, 《Statistical Analysis and Data Mining》和 《Journal of Systems Science and Complexity》等SCI期刊的Associate Editor, 《Statistics, Optimization and Computer Science》期刊统计领域Field Chief Editor,以及《系统科学与数学》和《应用概率统计》期刊编委。


19、Tingyou Zhou, Liping Zhu, Runze Li and Chen Xu (2019): Model-free forward regression via cumulative divergence. Journal of the American Statistical Association. To appear
18、Shujie MA, Liping ZHU, Zhiwei ZHANG, Chih-Ling TSAI and Raymond CARROLL (2019): A robust and efficient approach to causal inference based on sparse sufficient dimension reduction, The Annals of Statistics, To appear.
17、Jian HUANG, Yuling JIAO, Xiliang LU and Liping ZHU (2018): Robust decoding from 1-bit compressive sampling with ordinary and regularized least squares. SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, 40(4), 2062-2086
16、 Liping ZHU,Yaowu ZHANG and Kai XU(2018):Measuring and testing for interval quantile dependence. The Annals of Statistics 46(6A): 2683-2710
15、Liping ZHU, Kai XU, Runze LI and Wei ZHONG (2017): Projection correlation between two random vectors. Biometrika. 104(4): 829-843
14、 Xingdong FENG and Li-Ping ZHU(2016):Estimation and testing of varying coefficients in quantile regression. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 111(513):266-274
13、 Kelin XU, Wenshen GUO, Momiao XIONG, Li-Ping ZHU and Li JIN(2016):An estimating equation approach to dimension reduction in longitudinal data. Biometrika. 103 (1):189-203
12、 Yanyuan MA and Li-Ping ZHU (2014). On estimation efficiency of the central mean subspace.Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B. 76(5) 885-901
11、 Yanyuan MA and Li-Ping ZHU (2013). Efficient estimation in sufficient dimension reduction. The Annals of Statistics. 41(1) 250-268
10、 Yanyuan MA and Li-Ping ZHU (2013). Efficiency loss and the linearity condition in dimension reduction.Biometrika. 100(2) 371-383
09、 Zhou YU, Li-Ping ZHU, Heng PENG and Li-Xing ZHU(2013):Dimension reduction and predictor selection in semiparametric models. Biometrika. 100(3):641-654
08、 Yanyuan MA and Li-Ping ZHU (2013). Doubly robust and efficient estimators for heteroscedastic partially linear single-index model allowing high-dimensional covariates.Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B. 75(2) 305-322.
07、 Runze LI, Wei ZHONG and Li-Ping ZHU (2012). Feature screening via distance correlation learning.Journal of the American Statistical Association. 107(499), 1129-1139.
06、 Yanyuan MA and Li-Ping ZHU (2012). A Semiparametric Approach to Dimension Reduction.Journal of the American Statistical Association, 107(497), 168-179.
05、 Li-Ping ZHU, Lexin LI, Runze LI and Lixing ZHU (2011). Model-free feature screening for ultrahigh dimensional data.Journal of the American Statistical Association. 106(496). 1464-1475.
04、 Le-Xin LI, Li-Ping ZHU and Lixing ZHU (2011). Inference on primary parameter of interest with aid of dimension reduction estimation.Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 73(1) 59-80.
03、 Li-Ping ZHU, Tao WANG, Lixing ZHU and Louis FERRE (2010). Sufficient dimension reduction through discretization-expectation estimation. Biometrika, 97(2), 295-304.
02、 Li-Ping ZHU, Lixing ZHU and Zhenghui FENG (2010). Dimension reduction in regressions through cumulative slicing estimation.Journal of the American Statistical Association, 105(492) 1455-1466.
01、 Li-Ping ZHU and Lixing ZHU (2009). On distribution-weighted partial least squares with diverging number of highly correlated predictors.Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B. 71(2), 525-548.


1. 国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金项目
2. 中组部青年拔尖人才计划
3. 教育部新世纪优秀人才计划

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