

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-17

薛涧坡(副教授,副系主任) 职 务:副教授,副系主任
系 所:在岗教师
电 话:
邮 箱:jpxue@ruc.edu.cn

个人简历 教育经历 1997年9月至2003年7月,北京大学经济学院,经济学硕士

工作经历 2008年10月至2010年9月,香港中文大学经济学系,副研究员

研究方向 宏观经济理论与政策,财政理论与政策,经济增长理论
讲授课程 本科生课程:财政学(公共经济学),动态优化,数理财政学,解读金融危机,Fiscal Policy in China;研究生课程:经济数学方法
研究成果 发表论文
[1] Huang, K.X.D., Q. Meng and J. Xue, 2017. Balanced-budget Income Taxes and Aggregate Stability in a Small Open Economy, Journal of International Economics, 105, 90-101. (SSCI)
[2] Meng, Q. and J. Xue, 2015. Balanced-budget consumption taxes and aggregate stability in a small open economy, Economics Letters 137, 214-217. (SSCI)
[3] Xue, J. and C.K. Yip, 2015. Balanced-Budget Rules, Elasticity of Substitution and Macroeconomic (In)Stability, Journal of Public Economic Theory 17, 196-218. (SSCI)
[4] Xue, J. and C.K. Yip, 2014. Factor Substitution and Taxation in a Finance Constrained Economy, Journal of Mathematical Economics 55, 101-112. (SSCI)
[5] Xue, J. and C.K. Yip, 2013. Aggregate Elasticity of Substitution and Economic Growth: A Synthesis, Journal of Macroeconomics 38, 60-75. (SSCI)
[6] McGough, B., Q. Meng and J. Xue, 2013. Expectational Stability of Sunspot Equilibria in Non-Convex Economies, Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 37, 1126-1141. (SSCI)
[7] Xue, J. and C.K. Yip, 2012. Factor Substitution and Economic Growth: A Unified Approach, Macroeconomic Dynamics 16, 625-656. (SSCI)
[8] Palivos, T., J. Xue and C.K. Yip, 2011. Illegal Immigration, Factor Substitution and Economic Growth, in de La Grandville (ed.), Frontiers of Economics and Globalization 11, 455-482.
[9] Huang, K.X.D., Q. Meng and J. Xue, 2009. Is Forward-Looking Inflation Targeting Destabilizing? The Role of Policy's Response to Current Output under Endogenous Investment, Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 33, 409-430. (SSCI)

[1] Xue, J. and C.K. Yip, 2016. Balanced-Budget Rules and Aggregate Instability: The Role of Consumption Taxes in a Monetary Economy, Pacific Economic Review, in press.
[2] Xue, J. and C.K. Yip, 2016. Home Production, Consumption Taxation and Economic Stability, minor revision at Journal of Macroeconomics.
[3] Xue, J. and C.K. Yip, 2016. One Child Policy in China: A Unified Growth Analysis.
[4] Huang, K.X.D., Q. Meng and J. Xue, 2017. Can Balanced-Budget Fiscal Policies Be Stabilizing? under review.


2016-2018 “开放经济条件下的稳定性税收政策”,面上项目,中国人民大学科学研究基金。(进行中)
2013-2015 “货币约束下平衡预算法则与经济波动的关系”,北京市青年英才计划。(已结项)
2012-2014 “收入分配失衡,内生经济波动与稳定性的税收政策:基于CES生产函数的分析”,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,项目批准号:**,主持人。(已结项,结项评价优秀)
2011-2013 ”Balanced-Budget Rule, Elasticity of Substitution and Macroeconomic (In)Stability”,人文社会科学国际期刊论文发表培育项目,中国人民大学。(已结项)

[1] Meng, Q. and J. Xue, 2009. Indeterminacy and E-Stability in Real Business Cycle Models with Factor-Generated Externalities, Computational Economics 15th International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance, University of Technology, Sydney.
[2] Xue, J. and C.K. Yip, 2012. Balanced-Budget Rules, Elasticity of Substitution and Macroeconomic (In)Stability, PET 12, Taipei.
[3] Xue, J. and C.K. Yip, 2012. Aggregate Elasticity of Substitution and Economic Growth: A Synthesis, 2012 WEA Annual Conference, WEAI, San Francisco, USA.
[4] Xue, J. and C.K. Yip, 2013. Balanced-Budget Rules and Aggregate Instability: The Role of Consumption Taxes in a Monetary Economy, 2013 WEA Annual Conference, Seattle, USA; PET 13, Lisbon, Portugal; SAET 2013, Paris, France.
[5] Huang, K.X.D, Q. Meng and J. Xue, 2013. Returns to Scale and Equilibrium Stability under Interest Rate Rules: The Role of Firm-Specific Factors, 2013 WEA Annual Conference, Seattle, USA.
[6] Xue, J. and C.K. Yip, 2013. One-Child Policy and the Long-Run Development of China: a Unified Growth Approach, the Fourth Annual Conference on Chinese Economy, Fudan University, Shanghai; 2015 Peking University; 2016, Renmin University of China.
[7] Meng, Q. and Xue, J., 2015. Balanced-budget Consumption Taxes and Aggregate Stability in a Small Open Economy, 2015 WEAI Annual Conference, WEAI, Hawaii, USA.
[8] Xue, J. and C.K. Yip, 2016. “Home Production, Consumption Taxation and Economic Stability,” GTD 2016, Taipei.

[1] 澳门大学经济学系, May 2009. Indeterminacy and E-Stability in Real Business Cycle Models with Factor-Generated Externalities.
[2] 对外经贸大学,国际经济与贸易系,Oct. 2009, Factor Substitution and Economic Growth: A Unified Approach.
[3] 浙江大学经济系, Nov. 2009, Factor Substitution and Economic Growth: A Unified Approach.
[4] 上海交通大学安泰管理学院, Oct. 2011, Indeterminacy and E-Stability in Real Business Cycle Models with Factor-Generated Externalities.
[5] 北京大学经济学院, Oct. 2011, Balanced-Budget Rule, Elasticity of Substitution and Macroeconomic (In)Stability.
[6] 中山大学岭南学院, Dec. 2012, Balanced-Budget Rules and Aggregate Instability: The Role of Consumption Taxes in a Monetary Economy.
[7] 上海财经大学,Nov., 2016, One Child Policy in China: A Unified Growth Analysis.

2008, Best Thesis Award, Department of Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

社会兼职及荣誉 学术和社会兼职
审稿人 Macroeconomic Dynamics, Pacific Economic Review, Journal of Macroeconomics, Economics Bulletin, etc.

2015, 2017 中国人民大学优秀教学奖
2010-2011年度,2014-2015年度 中国人民大学优秀班主任

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