
中国人民大学劳动人事学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王 桢

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-17


副教授,心理学博士。中国人民大学劳动人事学院职业开发与管理系主任,中国人民大学人才选拔与评价研究中心副主任,北京行为科学学会理事。美国管理学会(AOM)会员,中国管理研究国际学会(IACMR)会员,国际应用心理学会(IAAP)会员,国际心理学会(IAP)会员。担任《Journal of Organizational Behavior》、《心理学报》、《南开管理评论》、《管理评论》、《心理科学进展》、《心理科学》等杂志审稿人。担任智联测评研究院专家委员会首席专家,中国人民解放军海军总医院特聘专家。
2004-2010 中国科学院,心理学博士
2008-2009 美国亚利桑那州立大学,博士联合培养
2000-2004 北京大学,心理学学士、经济学学士
2010 至今 中国人民大学劳动人事学院
2008 共青团北京市委组织部
2007 香港岭南大学商学院
2006 香港理工大学康复科学系
Yang, F., Liu, J., Wang, Z., & Zhang, Y. (in press). Feeling energized: A multilevel model of spiritual leadership, leader integrity, relational energy, and job performance. Journal of Business Ethics.
Guan, Y., Wang, Z., Gong, Q., Cai, Z., Xu, S., Xiang, Q., Wang, Y., Chen, S., Hu, H. & Tian, L. (in press). Parents’ Career Values, Adaptability, Career-specific Parenting Behaviors and Undergraduates’ Career Adaptability. The Counseling Psychologist.
Yu, K., Wang, Z., Huang, Y. (in press). Work-family conflict and organizational citizenship behavior: The role of job satisfaction and decision authority. Frontiers of Business Research in China.
Yan, X., Wang, Z., Su, J., & Luo, Z. (in press). Relationship between core self-evaluation and team identification: The perception of abusive supervision and work engagement. Current Psychology.
Yang, F., Liu, J., Huang, X., Qian, J., Wang, T., Wang, Z., & Yu, H. (2018). How supervisory support for career development relates to subordinate work engagement and career outcomes: The moderating role of task proficiency. Human Resource Management Journal, 28(3), 496-509.
Guan, Y., Jiang, P, Wang, Z., Mo, Z., & Zhu, F. (2017). Self-referent and Other-referent Career Successes, Career Satisfaction and Turnover Intention among Chinese Employees: The Role of Achievement Motivation. Journal of Career Assessment, 44(5), 379-393.
Wang, Z., Li, C., & Li, X. (2017). Resilience, Leadership, and Work Engagement: The Mediating Role of Positive Affect. Social Indicator Research, 132(2), 699-708.
Li, Y., Wang, Z., Yang, L.-Q., & Liu, S. (2016). The crossover of psychological distress from leaders to subordinates in teams: The roles of abusive supervision, psychological capital and team performance.Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 21(2), 142-153.
Wu, C., & Wang, Z. (2015). How transformational leadership shapes team proactivity: The mediating role of positive affective tone and the moderating role of team task variety. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 19(3), 137-151.
Liu, L., Bond, M., Guan, Y., Cai, Z., Sun, J., Yu, Q., Fu, R., Wang, Z. (2015). Parents’ music training motivation and children’s music learning achievement: An investigation in the Chinese context. Psychology and Music, 43(5), 661-674.
Wang, Z., Tjosvold, D., Chen, Y.F., & Luo, Z.X. (2014). Cooperative goals and team performance: Examining the effects of advice network. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 31(3), 835-852.
Guan, Y., Guo, Y., Bond, M. H., Cai, Z., Zhou, X., Xu, J., Zhu, F., Wang, Z., Fu, R., Liu, S., Wang, Y., Hu, T., & Ye, L. (2014). New job market entrants’ future work self, career adaptability and job search outcomes: Examining mediating and moderating models. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 85, 136-145.
Liu, S., Hu, J., Li Y., Wang, Z., & Lin X. (2014). Examining the cross-level relationship between shared leadership and learning in teams: Evidence from China. Leadership Quarterly, 25(2), 282-295.
Guan, Y., Wang, Z., Zhou, W., Liu, Y., Yue, Y., Zhang, Y., Liu, H., & Liu, H. (2013). Career locus of control and career success among Chinese employees: A multi-dimensional approach. Journal of Career Assessment, 21(2), 295-310.
Zhang Z., Waldman D., & Wang Z. (2012). A multilevel investigation of leader-member exchange, informal leader emergence, and individual and team performance. Personnel Psychology, 65, 49-78.
Wang Z., Chen Y., Tjosvold D., & Shi K. (2010). Cooperative goals and team agreeableness personality composition for constructive controversy in China. Asian Pacific Journal of Management, 27, 139-153.
Waldman, D. A., Wang, Z., & Zhang, Z. (2016). Shared leadership and team performance: The moderating effects of demographic faultlines. Academy of Management Proceedings.
Zhang Z., Wang Z., Waldman D., & Shi K. (2009). When is LMX instrumental to leader emergence? A cross-level moderation analysis. Paper selected for Academy of Management Proceedings.
杨克俭, 王桢, 闫晓飞, 郎红娟, 罗正学. (2018). 辱虐管理对职业成功的影响:领导-成员交换和工作投入的链式中介作用.中国临床心理学杂志, 26(4), 804-807.
王桢, 杨志, 林思恩, 李旭培, 郭晶. (2017). 神经人因学: 培训效果评估新方法.中国人力资源开发, 8, 99-107.
李育辉, 王桢, 黄灿炜, 万罗蒙. (2016). 辱虐管理对员工心理痛苦和工作绩效的影响: 一个被调节的中介模型. 管理评论, 28(2), 138-148.
陈乐妮, 王桢, 骆南峰, 罗正学. (2016). 领导-下属外向性人格匹配性与下属工作投入的关系: 基于支配补偿理论. 心理学报, 48(6), 710-721.
江新会, 钟昌标, 张强, 王桢. (2016). 中国心理授权的一个特性: 影响力导致的消极效应及其边界条件. 管理评论, 28(3), 139-153.
王桢, 陈乐妮, 李旭培. (2015). 变革型领导与工作投入: 基于情感视角的调节中介模型. 管理评论, 27(9), 120-129.
王桢, 陈乐妮. (2014). 领导者情感的作用机制: 一个跨层的整合观点. 心理科学进展, 22(1), 122-129.
王桢, 李旭培. (2013). 变革型领导和情绪劳动策略: 工作投入的中介作用. 管理学家, 18, 21-30.
曲如杰, 王桢, 焦琳, 时勘. (2013). 领导成员交换关系对研发人员创新行为的权变影响研究. 科学学与科学技术管理, 34(7), 156-165.
李旭培, 时雨, 王桢, 时勘. (2013). 抗逆力对工作投入的影响: 积极应对和积极情绪的作用. 管理评论, 25(1), 114-119.
王桢, 罗正学, 李旭培. (2013). 团队变革型领导与团队成员工作态度: 基于多层线性模型的研究. 数理统计与管理, 32(1), 100-112.
杨付, 王桢, 张丽华. (2012). 员工职业发展过程中的“边界困境”: 是机制的原因, 还是人的原因. 管理世界, 89-109.
王桢. (2012). 团队内工作投入的人际传导机制. 心理科学进展, 20(10), 1531-1537.
李旭培, 石密, 王桢, 时勘. (2012). 上级反馈和工作反馈对公务员组织公民行为的影响. 人类工效学, 18(3), 35-39.
王桢, 李旭培, 罗正学, 林琳. (2012). 员工心理授权与离职意向: 工作倦怠的中介作用. 心理科学, 35(1), 186-190.
李旭培, 王桢, 时勘. (2011). 组织认同对公务员组织公民行为的影响: 上级信任感的调节作用. 软科学, 25(8), 82-85.
王桢, 罗正学, 苏景宽, 时勘. (2011). 临床医学学科带头人胜任特征模型建构-量化与质化结合的方法. 管理评论,23(5), 70-77.
江新会, 王桢, 王筱璐, 时勘. (2010). SRQ-20在地震灾区学生中使用的信效度报告. 中国心理卫生, 24(4), 313-317.
梁川, 王桢, 江新会, 时勘. (2009). 汶川地震后高三学生心理健康状况调查及其形成机制. 中华行为医学与脑科学, 18(8), 743-746.
王桢, 时勘. (2009). 呼叫中心合作性团队的管理实践. 中国人力资源开发,2009年4月,50-53.
王筱璐, 王桢, 时勘. (2008). 工作场所中员工抑郁症状的发生机制及干预模式. 管理评论, 20(10), 75-82.
时勘, 江新会, 王桢, 王筱璐, 邹义壮. (2008). 震后都江堰市高三学生的心理健康状况及抗逆力研究. 管理评论, 20(12), 9-14.
杨宇, 王桢, 陈毅文. (2008). 动漫行业创业者胜任特征研究. 人类工效学, 14(4), 16-19.
王桢, 曾永康, 时勘. (2007). 出院后精神疾病患者的职业康复. 心理科学进展, 15(6), 916-922.
许青武, 王桢, 罗正学. (2007). 学科带头人胜任特征模型建构. 第四军医大学学报, 28(21), 1979-1981.
陈雪峰, 王桢, 胡卫鹏, 时勘, 高晶. (2007). 大学生社交焦虑对压力和心理健康的影响. 中国卫生研究, 36(2), 92-94.
王桢, 陈雪峰, 时勘. (2006). 应对方式、社会支持与大学生心理健康的关系. 中国临床心理学杂志, 14(4), 378-381.
王桢, 时勘,高晶. (2005). 大学生职业自我效能影响因素分析. 中国临床心理学杂志, 13(2), 162-164.
Wang, P., Wang, Z., & Luo, Z. (2018). Linking Supervisors' Work Role Salience to Employees’ Work-Family Conflict and Turnover Intention. Paper presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois.
Wang, Z., & Li, Y. (2017). Team proactive personality and team performance: the effect of collaborative job crafting. Paper presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia.
Liu, S., Wang, Z., Liu, X., & Li, X. (2017). A tall tree catchers the wind? A new perspective of informal leadership. Paper presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia.
Waldman, D. A., Wang, Z., & Zhang, Z. (2016).Shared leadership and team performance: The moderating effects of demographic faultlines.Paper presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA.
Wang, Z., Li, Y, & Huang, C. (2016). Proactive team members constitute high-performance teams? The Effects of collaborative job crafting and empowering leadership. Poster presentation at the 31st International Congress of Psychology, Tokyo, Japan.
Li, Y., Wang, Z., Liu, S., Wan, L., Kong, Y., & Yang, D. (2014). Distress crossover in teams: The mediating roles of abusive supervision and multiple boundaries. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia.
Wang, Z., & Su., Z. (2012). CEO transformational leadership, collaborative human resource management and employee outcomes. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston.
Liu, S., Wang, Z., & Liu, F. (2012). The influence of postheroic leadership on individual learning: A cross-level examination. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston.
Wang, Z., Tjosvold, D., Chen, Y.F., & Luo, Z. (2012). Cooperative goals, advice network, team performance and boundary conditions. Paper presentation at the biennial meeting of the International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR), Hong Kong.
Waldman, D., Wang, Z., & Zhang, Z. (2012). Team faultlines and hierarchical leadership processes in relation to shared leadership and its effects. Paper presentation at the biennial meeting of the International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR), Hong Kong.
Wu J., Wang Z., & Huang L. (2011). The interaction effect between online trust and web site interactivity on highest purchasing price. IEEE the 5th international conference on management and service science. Wuhan, China.
Wang Z., Li X., & Shi K. (2010). The relationship among transformational leadership, work engagement and emotional labor strategy. IEEE Symposium on Web Society Proceedings.
Wu J., Wang Z., & Huang L. (2010). The relationship among propensity to trust, institution-based trust, perceived control, and trust in platform. IEEE Symposium on Web Society Proceedings.
王桢,罗正学,时勘(2009)。团队共享型领导: 前因、结果和权变因素探讨。第12届全国心理学大会,山东济南,中国
Zhang Z., Wang Z., Waldman D., Shi K. (2009). When is LMX instrumental to leader emergence? A cross-level moderation analysis. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Wang Z., Tjosvold D., Shi K. (2008). the antecedents of constructive controversy – beyond common goal. Paper presentation at the 29th International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany
王桢,时勘,Tjosvold D. (2007)。 团队成员人格特点和合作性目标的关系。第11届全国心理学大会,河南开封,中国
Wang Z., Shi K., Development and Validation of a Competency Model for Managers in PR China. (2006). Poster presentation at in the 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Athens , Greece
国家自然科学基金。团队领导行为对团队有效性的多重作用机制 (**)。核心成员。2010-2013。
国家自然科学基金。企业员工的工作-家庭冲突管理与平衡(**) 。项目成员。2004-2007。
美国NIAAA,NIMH,FIC合作项目(1R01 TW006359)。Stigma and Behavioral Health in Urban Employers from China and USA。项目人员。

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