1.生态环境部环境规划院,长江经济带生态环境联合研究中心,北京 100012
2.河北省地质环境监测院,河北省地质资源环境监测与保护重点实验室,石家庄 050021
3.中国地质大学(北京)水资源与环境学院,北京 100083
作者简介: 宫志强(1991—),男,硕士研究生。研究方向:污染场地调查和水土污染防治等。E-mail:1206227525@qq.com.
通讯作者: 陈坚,situchen@qq.com
中图分类号: X703
Optimal method of groundwater pollution plume capture by single well
GONG Zhiqiang1,2,,LIU Mingzhu3,
LIU Weijiang1,
TIAN Xizhao2,
KANG Yang1,
LI Shuyan1,
CHEN Jian1,,
1.Yangtze River Economic Zone Ecological Environment Joint Research Center, Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Beijing 100012, China
2.Hebei Key Laboratory of Geological Resources and Environment Monitoring and Protection, Hebei Geological Environmental Monitoring Institute, Shijiazhuang 050021, China
3.School of Water Resources and Environments, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China
Corresponding author: CHEN Jian,situchen@qq.com
CLC number: X703
关键词: 抽水实验实测法/
Abstract:In view of the limitations and errors in the acquisition methods of capture radius and stagnation points of different pumping wells, two types of contaminated sites, such as unconfined aquifer and confined aquifer, were taken as examples. Subsequently, the capture radius and stagnation point of a single well are calculated by using the measurement method, the analytical solution formula method and the numerical simulation method, respectively. Through comparative analysis, the limitations and accuracy of the three methods under different conditions were studied. The optimum methods for obtaining the capture radius and stagnation point of different types of contaminated sites were discussed. The results show that for the type of confined aquifer, a low error of 3.2% between the calculated value of analytical solution and the measured value occurred. For the type of unconfined aquifer, its groundwater level drawdown could not be ignored with respect to aquifer thickness, a relatively high error of 80.7% between the calculated value of analytical solution and the measured value occurred. When the hydrogeological conditions were fully mastered, the error between the numerical model simulation result and the measured value did not exceed 10%. Therefore, when the hydrogeological conditions in the field met the assumed conditions of the analytical solution formula, the analytical solution formula could be used to obtain the capture radius and stagnation point of a single well, otherwise, the numerical simulation or field measurement method should be used to obtain the relevant parameters. This study provides a reference for selecting suitable methods to obtain the capture radius and stagnation point of different types of contaminated sites.
Key words:pumping test method/
analytic solution formula/
numerical simulation/
capture radius/
stagnation point/
Figure1.Schematic of contaminated plume capture radius
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Figure2.Contour of groundwater table before pumping in confined aquifer
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Figure3.Contour of groundwater table after pumping stability
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Figure4.Contour of groundwater table before pumping in unconfined aquifer
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Figure5.Contour of groundwater table after pumping stability in unconfined aquifer
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Figure6.Particle tracking of single well capture radius in contaminated sites of confined aquifer
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Figure7.Schematic of boundary conditions
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Figure8.Particle tracking of single well capture radius in contaminated sites of unconfined aquifer
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Table1.Comparison between the capture radius and stagnation points obtained by different methods
场地类型 | 参数类型 | 抽水流量/ (m3·d?1) | 抽水实验 实测值/m | 解析解公式 计算值/m | 数值模 拟值/m | 解析解公式 法误差值/% | 数值模拟法 误差值/% |
承压水类型 | 捕获半径 | 120 | 290 | 293.7 | 285 | 1.3 | 1.7 |
驻点 | 120 | 95 | 93.5 | 98 | 1.6 | 3.2 | |
潜水类型 | 捕获半径 | 60 | 88 | 33.3 | 84 | 58.4 | 4.6 |
驻点 | 60 | 55 | 10.6 | 50 | 80.7 | 9.1 |
场地类型 | 参数类型 | 抽水流量/ (m3·d?1) | 抽水实验 实测值/m | 解析解公式 计算值/m | 数值模 拟值/m | 解析解公式 法误差值/% | 数值模拟法 误差值/% |
承压水类型 | 捕获半径 | 120 | 290 | 293.7 | 285 | 1.3 | 1.7 |
驻点 | 120 | 95 | 93.5 | 98 | 1.6 | 3.2 | |
潜水类型 | 捕获半径 | 60 | 88 | 33.3 | 84 | 58.4 | 4.6 |
驻点 | 60 | 55 | 10.6 | 50 | 80.7 | 9.1 |
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通讯作者: 陈坚,situchen@qq.com
作者简介: 宫志强(1991—),男,硕士研究生。研究方向:污染场地调查和水土污染防治等。E-mail:1206227525@qq.com 1.生态环境部环境规划院,长江经济带生态环境联合研究中心,北京 100012
2.河北省地质环境监测院,河北省地质资源环境监测与保护重点实验室,石家庄 050021
3.中国地质大学(北京)水资源与环境学院,北京 100083
收稿日期: 2018-12-04
录用日期: 2019-05-24
网络出版日期: 2019-10-11
关键词: 抽水实验实测法/
English Abstract
Optimal method of groundwater pollution plume capture by single well
GONG Zhiqiang1,2,,LIU Mingzhu3,
LIU Weijiang1,
TIAN Xizhao2,
KANG Yang1,
LI Shuyan1,
CHEN Jian1,,
Corresponding author: CHEN Jian,situchen@qq.com
1.Yangtze River Economic Zone Ecological Environment Joint Research Center, Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Beijing 100012, China2.Hebei Key Laboratory of Geological Resources and Environment Monitoring and Protection, Hebei Geological Environmental Monitoring Institute, Shijiazhuang 050021, China
3.School of Water Resources and Environments, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China
Received Date: 2018-12-04
Accepted Date: 2019-05-24
Available Online: 2019-10-11
Keywords: pumping test method/
analytic solution formula/
numerical simulation/
capture radius/
stagnation point/
Abstract:In view of the limitations and errors in the acquisition methods of capture radius and stagnation points of different pumping wells, two types of contaminated sites, such as unconfined aquifer and confined aquifer, were taken as examples. Subsequently, the capture radius and stagnation point of a single well are calculated by using the measurement method, the analytical solution formula method and the numerical simulation method, respectively. Through comparative analysis, the limitations and accuracy of the three methods under different conditions were studied. The optimum methods for obtaining the capture radius and stagnation point of different types of contaminated sites were discussed. The results show that for the type of confined aquifer, a low error of 3.2% between the calculated value of analytical solution and the measured value occurred. For the type of unconfined aquifer, its groundwater level drawdown could not be ignored with respect to aquifer thickness, a relatively high error of 80.7% between the calculated value of analytical solution and the measured value occurred. When the hydrogeological conditions were fully mastered, the error between the numerical model simulation result and the measured value did not exceed 10%. Therefore, when the hydrogeological conditions in the field met the assumed conditions of the analytical solution formula, the analytical solution formula could be used to obtain the capture radius and stagnation point of a single well, otherwise, the numerical simulation or field measurement method should be used to obtain the relevant parameters. This study provides a reference for selecting suitable methods to obtain the capture radius and stagnation point of different types of contaminated sites.