

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-31

中文关键词冶炼场地重金属含量有效态含量空间分布来源解析 英文关键词smelting siteheavy metal concentrationbioavailable form contentspatial distributionsource analysis 中文摘要 以韶关某冶炼厂为冶炼行业典型工业区,对冶炼厂区内土壤中的Cd、Pb、Hg、Sb、As、Zn、Cu、Cr和Ni等9种重金属元素的总量和有效态含量进行了测定,利用ArcGIS 10.2进行了冶炼厂地土壤中重金属空间分布的插值分析,采用的污染状况评价方法有单因子污染指数法、富集因子法和潜在生态危害指数法,重金属来源分析方法有相关性分析法和主成分分析法.对研究区土壤的重金属污染状况及来源进行分析.结果表明,Cd和As的单因子指数为1.50和2.13,分别属于轻微污染和轻度污染;Pb的单因子指数为5.58,属于重度污染.As、Hg和Zn的富集因子为3.73、10.4和22.4,分别属于中度污染、重度污染和严重污染;Cd、Pb的富集因子超过40,属于极重污染,受人为污染程度明显.Pb和Cd的有效态占总量的质量分数较高,分别在0.57%~46.0%和0.87%~69.2%之间.其次为Zn和Cu,而Hg、Sb、Ni、As和Cr的有效态质量分数均在5%以下.研究区重金属潜在生态风险指数的空间分布由西向东整体呈由低到高再降低的变化趋势,其中北部点位的指数显著高于其他点位,可能存在局部泄漏.Hg和Sb的空间分布与其他元素不同,呈现中部区域较高、东西部区域较低的特点.相关性和主成分分析结果表明,Cu、Zn、As、Cd和Pb元素之间的相关性显著,主要来源为工业生产活动的输入;Hg和Sb元素之间具有显著的正相关性,但与其他元素无相关性;Ni的主要来源更符合自然输入的规律. 英文摘要 Taking a smelter in Shaoguan as a representative site of a typical industrial zone for the smelting industry, the total and bioavailable concentrations of nine heavy metal elements Cd, Pb, Hg, Sb, As, Zn, Cu, Cr, and Ni, and their spatial distributions in the soil of the smelter were studied, the latter through the interpolation analysis functionality of ArcGIS 10.2. The pollution status evaluation methods included the single factor pollution index, enrichment factor, and potential ecological hazard index methods; the analysis methods of heavy metal sources included correlation analysis and principal component analysis. The results showed that the single factor index values of Cd and As were 1.50 and 2.13, indicating light pollution; the single factor index of Pb was 5.58, indicating heavy pollution. The enrichment factors of As, Hg, and Zn were 3.73, 10.4, and 22.4, indicating moderate pollution, heavy pollution, and severe pollution, respectively; the enrichment factors of Cd and Pb exceeded 40, indicating extremely heavy pollution. The bioavailable form contents of Pb and Cd comprised a relatively high ratio of the total amount, ranging from 0.57%-46.0% and 0.87%-69.2%, respectively, followed by Zn and Cu. However, the mass fractions of Hg, Sb, Ni, As, and Cr were all less than 5%. The spatial distribution of the potential ecological risk index of heavy metals in the study area showed a trend from low to high, with a decreasing trend from west to east. The index at the northern point was significantly higher than at other points, indicating potential local leakage. The spatial distribution of Hg and Sb was different from that of other elements, being higher in the central area and lower in the eastern and western areas. The correlation analysis and principal component analysis results showed that the correlations between Cu, Zn, As, Cd, and Pb were significant, and the main source was inputs from industrial production activities. There was a significant positive correlation between Hg and Sb, but there was no correlation between these elements and other elements. The main source of Ni was probably natural input.



相关话题/环境 实验 北京 中国环境科学研究院 污染