中文摘要 采集津冀辽地区典型3湖库(于桥水库、衡水湖和大伙房水库)表层沉积物样品共29个,利用GC-MS检测了16种多环芳烃含量.结果表明,沉积物中ΣPAHs(ng·g-1)分别是337.3~1604.1(均值820.0)、461.1~1497.5(均值932.3)和102.3~2240.5(均值564.9).与国内其他河流湖库相比,3个典型湖库PAHs污染均处于中等水平.3个湖库在环数占比上有着一致性,均以高环数的高占比为主.通过特征比值与主成分分析法进行PAHs源解析,结果表明,3湖库污染主要以燃烧源(包括石油类燃烧、煤及生物质燃烧)为主,少部分为石油源.其中汽油和柴油不完全燃烧污染贡献占比51.4%,煤和薪柴燃烧污染来源贡献为22.3%.风险评价结果显示,于桥水库、衡水湖和大伙房水库表层沉积物中PAHs总体处于中等偏低水平,但对Flu、InP和DahA这3类物质的监控应当加强,做好对应应急措施. 英文摘要 In this research, 29 surface sediments samples of three typical lake reservoirs (in Yuqiao Reservoir, Hengshui Lake, and Dahuofang Reservoir) in the Jin-Ji-Liao area were collected and investigated, and the contents of 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were detected using GC-MS. The results show that the Sigma PAHs (ng·g-1) in the sediments were 337.3-1604.1 (mean value 820.0), 461.1-1497.5 (mean value 932.3), and 102.3-2240.5 (mean value 564.9), respectively. Compared with other domestic rivers and lakes, the pollution levels of the PAHs in the three typical lakes were all at a medium level. The three lakes and reservoirs had consistency in the ratio of the number of rings, which is primarily high. PAHs source analyses were carried out by the characteristic ratio and primary component analysis method, and the results show that three lakes reservoirs pollution were caused mostly by combustion sources (including petroleum, coal, and biomass combustion), with a few petroleum sources. Additionally, the pollution contribution ratio of incomplete combustion of gasoline and diesel oil was 51.4%, and the pollution contribution ratio of combustion of coal and firewood were 22.3%. The risk evaluation results indicate that PAHs in the surface sediments of Yuqiao Reservoir, Hengshui Lake, and Dahuofang Reservoir are generally at a medium and low level, but the monitoring of three types of substances, Flu, InP, and DahA, should be strengthened, and corresponding emergency measures should be taken.