微生物种间相互作用锰氧化节杆菌鞘氨醇盒菌生物强化 英文关键词microbial interspecies interactionsMn(Ⅱ) oxidationArthrobacterSphingopyxisbioaugmentation |
作者 | 单位 | E-mail | 宁雪 | 清华大学水质与水生态研究中心, 北京 100084 | ningx17@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn | 梁金松 | 中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 饮用水科学与技术重点实验室, 北京 100085 | | 柏耀辉 | 中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 饮用水科学与技术重点实验室, 北京 100085 | | 廖恺玲俐 | 生态环境部对外合作与交流中心, 北京 100035 | | 刘会娟 | 清华大学水质与水生态研究中心, 北京 100084 | | 曲久辉 | 清华大学水质与水生态研究中心, 北京 100084 中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 饮用水科学与技术重点实验室, 北京 100085 | jhqu@tsinghua.edu.cn |
中文摘要 |
锰氧化微生物的催化作用能将二价锰的氧化速率提高几个数量级,影响自然界锰元素的价态变化和归趋.以往研究大都关注锰氧化单一菌株,而笔者前期研究揭示了两株细菌(Sphingopyxis sp.QXT-31和Arthrobacter sp.QXT-31)的种间相互作用能够触发Arthrobacter sp.QXT-31产生锰氧化活性.为了进一步揭示其发生的普适性、机制及潜在工程应用,以另外3种Sphingopyxis菌株为研究对象,采用纯培养、比较基因组学和转录组分析等研究手段,发现其中1株菌也能触发Arthrobacter sp.QXT-31产生锰氧化活性,表明微生物种间相互作用触发锰氧化具有一定的广泛性.进一步筛选了可能参与菌株相互作用的基因,发现Sphingopyxis的抗生素合成基因转录水平普遍上升,表明其可能参与了触发Arthrobacter sp.QXT-31产生锰氧化活性.基于以上发现,最终在反应器中验证了利用微生物种间相互作用强化二价锰氧化去除的可行性. |
英文摘要 |
Mn(Ⅱ)-oxidizing microorganisms can catalytically increase the oxidation rate of divalent manganese by several orders of magnitude, and affect the valence state and fate of elemental manganese. In addition to Mn(Ⅱ)-oxidization by a single microbial strain, our previous studies revealed that interspecies interactions between two bacterial strains (Sphingopyxis sp. QXT-31 and Arthrobacter sp. QXT-31) could trigger the Mn(Ⅱ)-oxidizing activities of Arthrobacter sp. QXT-31. In order to further explore its universality, mechanism, and potential engineering applications, research was conducted on three other Sphingopyxis strains using culture-dependent experiments, comparative genomic analysis, and transcriptome analysis. The results showed that one Sphingopyxis strain could also trigger the Mn(Ⅱ)-oxidizing activity of Arthrobacter sp. QXT-31, which could be regarded as a hint for the prevalence of Mn(Ⅱ) oxidation triggered by microbial interspecies interactions in the natural environment. Furthermore, the upregulation of the antibiotic synthesis pathway in Sphingopyxis was observed just before the Mn(Ⅱ)-oxidizing activity of Arthrobacter sp. QXT-31 was triggered, thus suggesting its possible involvement in stimulating the Mn(Ⅱ)-oxidizing activity of Arthrobacter sp. QXT-31. Finally, we demonstrated that using microbial interspecies interactions to enhance the oxidative removal of Mn(Ⅱ) in a manganese removal reactor is potentially feasible. |