

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-31

中文关键词太湖新型污染物非甾体类消炎药(NSAIDs)时空分布生态风险 英文关键词Taihu Lakeemerging pollutantnon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)temporal and spatial occurrencerisk assessment
廉杰江南大学环境与土木工程学院, 无锡 214122lianjie9304@163.com
李祎飞江南大学环境与土木工程学院, 无锡 214122
王晓暄江南大学环境与土木工程学院, 无锡 214122
叶彬江南大学环境与土木工程学院, 无锡 214122
邹华江南大学环境与土木工程学院, 无锡 214122
江苏省水处理技术与材料协同创新中心, 苏州 215009
国民核生化灾害防护国家重点实验室, 北京 102205
史红星国民核生化灾害防护国家重点实验室, 北京 102205
中文摘要 非甾体类消炎药(non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,NSAIDs)是太湖水体中检出频率较高的一类药物残留物,但目前尚无研究从整个时空角度报道多种典型NSAIDs混合物在太湖的赋存情况.为此,采用高效液相色谱串联质谱(HPLC-MS/MS)技术检测了全太湖19个断面5种典型NSAIDs(双氯芬酸、布洛芬、吲哚美辛、萘普生和酮洛芬)的赋存浓度,分析了NSAIDs的时空分布规律及其与环境因子的相关性,并应用混合风险熵值(mixture risk quotient,MRQ)模型初步评估了NSAIDs混合物的生态风险.结果表明,相比于太湖中部,太湖北部、西部和东部水体的NSAIDs混合物赋存浓度较高,酮洛芬是NSAIDs混合物污染的主要贡献者;太湖水体中NSAIDs混合物在夏季(15.9~134.3 ng·L-1)和秋季(16.4~144.6 ng·L-1)的赋存浓度较高,而在春季(25.3~72.5 ng·L-1)和冬季(14.6~57.4 ng·L-1)的赋存浓度较低,其在太湖的分布分别与水体电导率和pH的相关性较大;MRQ模型评估结果发现全年共有9个断面处于NSAIDs混合物的高生态风险(MRQ>1),NSAIDs混合物的中高级别生态风险(MRQ>0.1)持续时间长,横跨春夏秋3个季节,其中秋季的生态风险最大.总体来看,太湖水体中NSAIDs混合物带来的污染不容忽视,尤其是秋季需要引起高度重视. 英文摘要 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are a class of drug residues with a high frequency of detection in Taihu Lake. However, little information is available about the occurrence of typical NSAID mixtures in Taihu Lake as a whole across the four seasons. Therefore, for each season, the concentrations of five typical NSAIDs including diclofenac, ibuprofen, indomethacin, naproxen, and ketoprofen were monitored in the water of Taihu Lake by the method of high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) at 19 transects covering the entire lake. The temporal and spatial occurrence of NSAID mixtures in the water of Taihu Lake and their correlation with environmental factors were analyzed, and the mixture risk quotient (MRQ) model was also used to assess the ecological risk of the NSAID mixtures. The research results are as follows:① The concentrations of NSAIDs in the northern, western, and eastern waters of Taihu Lake are at a higher level compared to those in the central waters. Ketoprofen is the main contributor to the contamination of NSAID mixtures in all regions of Taihu Lake. ② The concentrations of NSAIDs in Taihu Lake are higher in summer (15.9-134.3 ng·L-1) and autumn (16.4-144.6 ng·L-1) but lower in spring (25.3-72.5 ng·L-1) and winter (14.6-57.4 ng·L-1), being significantly correlated with water conductivity and pH, respectively. ③ The MRQ model evaluation reveals that there are nine sections in Taihu Lake showing a high ecological risk (MRQ>1) from NSAID mixtures throughout the year. The ecological risk of the NSAID mixtures at a medium or high level (MRQ>0.1) lasts for a long time spanning the spring, summer, and autumn seasons, of which the risk is greatest in autumn. Overall, the pollution caused by the NSAID mixtures in the water of Taihu Lake should not be ignored, and especially great attention should be paid to the pollution in autumn.



相关话题/环境 土木工程学院 江南大学 生态 北京