电子废弃物(WEEE)回收利用潜力环境效益管理策略京津冀 英文关键词
waste electrical and electronic equipment(WEEE)recycling potentialenvironmental benefitsWEEE managementBeijing-Tianjin-Hebei 中文摘要 电子废弃物是京津冀区域重要的"城市矿山"之一,全面系统地评估该地区电子废弃物产生量及其回收利用的资源环境效益,可为该区域通过电子废弃物协同精准管理来解决资源环境问题提供科学依据和方法支撑.基于改进的保有量系数法、物料系数法、市场价值法及污染系数法,通过估算废弃电视、电冰箱、空调、洗衣机和计算机5类主要产品("四机一脑" )的产生量、资源可回收量、资源回收价值及资源环境效益等,对2010~2025年京津冀电子废弃物的回收利用潜力及环境效益进行预测和评估.结果表明,2010~2025年京津冀废弃"四机一脑"产生量不断增加,2010~2018年期间年均增长率为7.75%,此后预计将以年均3.07%的速度递增,2025年废弃"四机一脑"总量将达到1861.74万台,可回收普通金属27.19万t、塑料12.75万t和贵金属19.45 t.2019~2025年期间,废弃空调和计算机的资源回收经济价值较高,二者之和占年回收总价值的77.22%;铜和金的回收经济价值贡献比分别为43.37%和19.82%,显著高于其他资源.预计2025年资源回收总价值达50.24亿元,是2010年的3.13倍,其中普通金属、贵金属和塑料的回收价值分别为28.68、13.27和8.29亿元.若2025年产生的电子废弃物全部被规范回收利用,能够减少原生矿石开采913.23万t,减少标准煤利用122.71万t,减少废水、废气、废渣及重金属排放量分别为1231.19、473.89、785.10和6.08万t,减少温室气体排放32.92万t (以CO
2-eq计).废弃空调的回收利用潜力最大,但资质处理企业废弃空调回收处理能力亟待提高.为高效回收利用京津冀电子废弃物,未来应尽快完善基金补贴制度,加强对非正规拆解部门的监督与管理,通过建立区域信息共享平台,实现电子废弃物全生命周期区域协同管理. 英文摘要 Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE or e-waste) is a significant urban mine in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. A comprehensive and systematic assessment of the amount of e-waste generated in the region and the resources and environmental benefits of e-waste recycling can provide scientific basis and methods to support collaborative and accurate management of e-waste in the region to solve resource and environmental problems. Based on the improved ownership coefficient method, material coefficient method, market value method, and pollution coefficient method, this study predicted and evaluated the recycling potential and environmental benefits of e-waste in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei from 2010 to 2025 by estimating the production, amount of recyclable resources, resource recycling value, and environmental benefits of waste televisions, refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, and computers (five major e-wastes). The results show that the amount of five major e-wastes will increase continuously from 2010 to 2025, with an annual average growth rate of 7.75% during the period of 2010 to 2018, and it is expected to increase at 3.07% after that. In 2025, the amount of the five major e-wastes in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei will reach 1861.74×10
4 units, with recycling of ordinary metal, plastic, and precious metal to 27.19×10
4, 12.75×10
4, and 19.45 tons, respectively. From 2019 to 2025, the economic value of recycling waste air conditioners and computers will be relatively higher than that of other e-wastes. The sum of the economic value of waste air conditioners and computers is 77.22% of the total annual recycling value. The economic value contribution ratios of copper and gold are 43.37% and 19.82%, respectively, which are significantly higher than that of other resources. It is estimated that the total value of resource recovery in 2025 will reach 5.02 billion yuan, which is 3.13 times that in 2010. Among them, the recovery values of common metals, precious metals, and plastics will be 2.87, 1.33, and 0.83 billion yuan, respectively. If all the five major e-wastes generated in 2025 are recycled in a standardized way, it will reduce the exploitation of primary ores by 913.23×10
4 tons, the utilization of standard coal by 122.71×10
4 tons, the emission of waste water, waste gas, waste residue, and heavy metals by 1231.19×10
4, 473.89×10
4, 785.10×10
4, and 6.08×10
4 tons, respectively, and the emission of greenhouse gases by 32.92×10
4 tons CO
2-eq. Waste air conditioners have the greatest recycling potential, but the recycling capacity of waste air conditioners in processing enterprises needs to be improved urgently. To effectively exploit e-waste in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the fund subsidy system should be improved as soon as possible, the supervision and management of informal dismantling departments should be strengthened, and a regional information sharing platform should be established to realize regional collaborative management of e-waste throughout its life cycle.