伊洛河流域水化学组成时空变化特征控制因素人为输入 英文关键词Yiluo River Basinhydro-chemical compositionstemporal and spatial variationscontrolling factorsanthropogenic input |
作者 | 单位 | E-mail | 刘松韬 | 河南理工大学资源环境学院, 焦作 454000 | reeborandme@qq.com | 张东 | 河南理工大学资源环境学院, 焦作 454000 | zhangdong@hpu.edu.cn | 李玉红 | 河南理工大学资源环境学院, 焦作 454000 | | 杨锦媚 | 河南理工大学资源环境学院, 焦作 454000 | | 邹霜 | 河南理工大学资源环境学院, 焦作 454000 | | 王永涛 | 河南理工大学资源环境学院, 焦作 454000 | | 黄兴宇 | 河南理工大学资源环境学院, 焦作 454000 | | 张忠义 | 东华理工大学江西省大气污染成因与控制重点实验室, 南昌 330013 | | 杨伟 | 河南理工大学资源环境学院, 焦作 454000 | | 贾保军 | 河南理工大学资源环境学院, 焦作 454000 | |
中文摘要 |
伊洛河是黄河中游南岸重要支流,由伊河和洛河在洛阳偃师汇合而成.流域上游矿产资源开采活动较多,下游城镇密集,工农业活动分布广泛.为探究不同类型人为活动对伊洛河流域河水水化学组成的影响,分别在丰水期(8月)和平水期(12月)采集伊洛河流域干流和支流河水样品,借助水体氢氧同位素组成和阴阳离子组成的时空分布特征,阐明水体来源以及水化学组成控制因素,说明人为活动的影响途径和方式.结果表明:①洛河干流河水丰水期和平水期δD和δ18O均值分别为-56‰和-7.9‰以及-55‰和-8.1‰,伊河干流河水丰水期和平水期δD和δ18O均值分别为-49‰和-6.9‰以及-53‰和-7.8‰,丰水期和平水期河水主要接受当地大气降水补给;②洛河及伊河干流河水水化学类型均为HCO3-SO4-Ca-Mg型,丰水期干流河水Ca2+和HCO3-当量浓度占比低于平水期,而丰水期SO42-当量浓度占比则高于平水期,显示丰水期较多硫酸盐输入;③碳酸和硫酸参与流域内碳酸盐岩和硅酸盐岩风化过程,洛河流域碳酸盐岩风化较明显,伊河流域硅酸盐岩风化较明显;④伊洛河流域人为输入影响表现在上游河水水化学组成受到金属矿产采选活动影响,下游河水水化学组成受工业废水和城镇生活污水的影响;⑤伊洛河流域上游和下游两种不同类型人为活动是河水硫酸盐硫同位素组成空间上变化的重要原因,上游河水硫酸盐硫同位素组成偏负,证实来自硫化物矿物氧化过程产生的硫酸盐贡献较大,进而间接证实硫酸参与岩石化学风化过程.下游河水硫酸盐硫同位素值偏正,与工业废水和城镇生活污水有关. |
英文摘要 |
An important tributary in the middle stream of the Yellow River, the Yiluo River consists of the Luohe River and Yihe River, which converge at Yanshi City. Mining activities were widely distributed in the upstream of the Yiluo River Basin (YRB), while residential areas concentrated in the downstream were coupled with extensively industrial and agricultural activities. To illustrate the influences of variable anthropogenic activities on the hydro-chemical composition of river water of the YRB, water samples from the main stream and tributaries were collected in the flood season (August) and normal season (December), respectively. The hydrogen and oxygen isotope values coupled with cation and anion content were analyzed. Temporal and spatial variations of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes and ion content were utilized to elucidate the sources and factors controlling the hydro-chemical composition of the river water, and to illustrate the pathways of human effects. The results demonstrated that:① Average hydrogen and oxygen isotope values (δD and δ18O) of Luo River water were -56‰ and -7.9‰, and -55‰ and -8.1‰ in the flood season and normal season, respectively. Mean δD and δ18O values of Yi River water were -49‰ and -6.9‰, and -53‰ and -7.8‰ in the flood season and normal season, respectively. These temporal variations indicated that river water was mainly recharged by local atmospheric precipitation. ② The dominant water hydro-chemical type was HCO3-SO4-Ca-Mg in the main stream of the YRB, and the ratios of Ca2+ and HCO3- molar equivalent concentrations in the flood season were lower than those in the normal season, while the ratios of SO42- molar equivalent concentrations were higher than those in the normal season, indicating more sulfate dissolved in the river water in the flood season. ③ Carbonic acid and sulfuric acid simultaneously reacted with carbonate and silicate rocks, and in the Luo River more carbonate rocks were weathered, while in the Yi River more silicate rocks were weathered. ④ Human effects on river water were mainly concentrated in the upstream where wastewater input was derived from mining activities, while in the downstream pollution of the river was due to industrial wastewater and sewage input. ⑤ Spatial variations of sulfate sulfur isotope values were mostly due to differences between anthropogenic activities in the upstream and downstream of the Yiluo River. Negative sulfur isotope values in the upstream river water confirmed dissolved sulfate from sulfide mineral oxidation, which also indirectly verified the rock chemical weathering by sulfuric acid in this area. Positive sulfur isotope values in downstream river water were connected with industrial wastewater and sewage. |