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中文关键词固定源脱硫塔(FGD)脱硫浆液携带可过滤PM2.5元素烟尘 英文关键词stationary sourceflue gas desulphurization (FGD)entrainment of desulphurization slurryfilterable PM2.5elementdust
邓建国清华大学环境学院, 北京 100084fengxing.luotuo@163.com
马子轸清华大学环境学院, 北京 100084
李振清华大学环境学院, 北京 100084
段雷清华大学环境学院, 北京 100084
国家环境保护大气复合污染来源与控制重点实验室, 北京 100084
蒋靖坤清华大学环境学院, 北京 100084
国家环境保护大气复合污染来源与控制重点实验室, 北京 100084
中文摘要 湿法脱硫系统被广泛应用于火电厂脱除烟气中的SO2,一方面对烟气中的PM2.5有一定的去除作用,但同时也会产生新的颗粒物,其净效应近年来受到广泛关注.选择3台装有不同湿法脱硫工艺的燃煤机组(石灰石-石膏单塔脱硫、石灰石-石膏双塔串联脱硫以及海水脱硫),采集了脱硫系统入口和出口的PM2.5样品,分析了PM2.5的质量浓度和元素组成.根据PM2.5化学组分物质守恒建议了一种估算脱硫塔对PM2.5去除率和增加率的方法,可选择Ti、Pb、Cr和V等元素作为参照.结果表明,所测试的3种湿法脱硫系统对PM2.5的去除率较为一致(67.5%~84.4%),平均为77.1%,但增加率差别较大.其中,石灰石-石膏双塔串联系统的PM2.5增加率较低,仅为8.6%,主要是由于二级吸收塔入口烟气温度降低,脱硫浆液液滴蒸发减弱导致携带减少;海水脱硫系统PM2.5增加率为23.9%,这可能与脱硫海水不循环从而所含固体浓度较低有关;而石灰石-石膏单塔脱硫系统可能由于除雾器运行效率较差导致PM2.5增加率高达162.3%. 英文摘要 Wet flue gas desulphurization (WFGD) is wildly used to control SO2 emission from coal-fired power plants. The influence of WFGD on particulate matter (PM) emission has recently drawn significant public attentions in China. In this study, PM2.5 was collected at both the inlet and outlet from three WFGD units, including a single scrubber lime-stone-gypsum FGD unit, a cascade scrubber lime-stone-gypsum FGD unit, and a seawater FGD unit. PM2.5 mass concentrations and their chemical compositions were analyzed. A method to calculate the addition and removal ratios is proposed according to the concertation of PM2.5 components, such as Ti, Pb, Cr, and V. The results indicate that the removal ratio was similar between the three WFGD units (77.1% on average). However, the addition ratio varied significantly. The performance of the cascade scrubber lime-stone-gypsum FGD unit was best, with a lower addition ratio of 8.6%, which is attributed to the weaker evaporation of desulphurization slurry droplets in their second tower under the low temperature of the flue gas. The addition ratio of the seawater FGD unit was also low (23.9%) because of its low concentration of solids in the seawater. The addition ratio of the single scrubber lime-stone-gypsum FGD system was highest, with a value of 162.3%, which was probably due to the low efficiency of the de-mister.



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