

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-31

中文关键词曲马多(TRA)芬太尼(FEN)污水流行病学污水固相萃取(SPE)超高效液相色谱-串联质谱联用仪(UPLC-MS/MS) 英文关键词tramadol (TRA)fentanyl (FEN)wastewater-based epidemiologywasterwatersolid phase extraction (SPE)ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) 中文摘要 曲马多和芬太尼是临床上常用的止痛药品,具有一定的成瘾性,其滥用问题被社会广泛关注.这两种药物经人体代谢后,会以代谢产物和原药的形式随尿液进入生活污水并汇入污水处理厂,经处理后被排入自然水体,带来潜在的环境风险.在国内外已有研究的基础上,建立了污水中曲马多和芬太尼的前处理及分析测定方法,并首次对北京市23家污水厂进出水中曲马多和芬太尼进行测定.进水中曲马多的浓度范围为(10.2±8.7)~(175.3±59.7) ng·L-1,而芬太尼在多数水样中未被检出.传统活性污泥工艺对曲马多的去除效果较差,其它工艺均能有效去除曲马多.北京市中心城区曲马多的负荷水平显著高于近郊的负荷水平.基于污水流行病学方法对北京市曲马多的使用进行了估算,海淀区曲马多的年使用量最高,约为202.5 kg.北京市夏季曲马多的使用量显著高于冬季.本研究为全国范围曲马多和芬太尼使用的污水流行病学调查提供了参考依据. 英文摘要 Tramadol (TRA) and fentanyl (FEN) are used as common painkillers in clinical practice, but they have been increasingly abused in recent years due to their addictive nature. Two substances and their metabolites enter wastewater through urine and are collected and treated by wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) before being discharged into the aquatic environment. In this study, wastewater analysis was performed to examine the patterns of TRA and FEN use in the urban area of Beijing for the first time. Influent and effluent samples were collected from 23 WWTPs during two sampling campaigns. Concentrations TRA in influents were found to range from(10.2±8.7)to(175.3±59.7) ng·L-1, while FEN was not detected in most of the samples, or occurred at very low concentrations. Relatively low TRA removal was observed at plants with activated sludge processes. Moreover, TRA loads in the central area of Beijing were significantly higher than those in the suburban areas. Annual TRA use was estimated through wastewater-based epidemiology. The greatest TRA use, approximately 202.5 kg, was found in Haidian district. Seasonal variation in TRA loads was significant, with greater use in the summer than in winter. The method presented in this study can be used as an important reference for monitoring TRA and FEN use via wastewater-based epidemiology and for assessing the risk of the abuse of these compounds in China.



相关话题/北京 过程 环境学院 实验室 城市