

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-31

中文关键词气象特征区域传输卫星遥感联防联控京津冀 英文关键词pollution meteorological characteristicsregional transmissionremote sensingregional joint modeBTH region 中文摘要 京津冀地区大气污染监管逐渐走向区域联防联控模式,卫星遥感可实现大范围实时动态监测,地基监测能够获取精细的网点信息.结合卫星和地基数据,可对区域污染的生消过程进行三维立体的跟踪.本文通过综合分析卫星遥感数据、地面PM2.5浓度数据、激光雷达垂直污染监测数据以及气象数据,分析了2018年3月8~10日京津冀区域污染的形成过程、传输路径、影响范围以及气象因子变化.结果发现,本次污染覆盖范围面积达20万km2左右,区域内以四级中度污染为主,区域间的污染传输过程非常典型.3月8~9日北京-保定偏南风频率为50%左右,冀南部分地区到达100%,在持续偏南风作用下,北京-保定一带空气质量由一级优迅速升至四级轻度污染,气溶胶光学厚度高值区由京津冀南部的邯郸-邢台西部山前推至北部燕山前.3月10日该区域转以弱偏北风为主,湿度明显升高,京津冀南部形成污染辐合,污染重心南移至邯郸-邢台东部;午后,北京转偏东风,空气质量由东向西递次转好.从激光雷达垂直观测结果看,重污染期间北京地区污染层主要出现在1000 m以下.近地面800 m以下,1200~1500 m多次出现双逆温层,且逆温强度高达4~7℃,非常不利于污染物垂直扩散.由此可见,在区域能源消耗和污染排放量依旧很大的背景下,一旦气象条件转差,很容易形成区域性重污染. 英文摘要 The air pollution control of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region (BTH region) is gradually moving toward regional joint mode. Remote sensing technology can be used to realize real-time dynamic monitoring over a wide range of space and ground-based monitoring can obtain accurate point information. Combining satellite with ground-based data, the formation and dissipation of pollution can be traced in three dimensions. For this paper, we analyzed the formation process, transmission path, coverage area, and the meteorological characteristics of the pollution process over the BTH region during March 8-10, 2018, using satellite remote sensing data, surface PM2.5 concentration data, meteorological data, and lidar data. The results showed that an area of 200000 km2 was affected by this pollution process and that the grade of the pollution reached the fourth level (moderate pollution level). The regional transmission process was very typical in this process. During 8-9 March, the occurrence frequency of the southward wind was about 50% in the Beijing-Baoding region and 100% over the southern part of Hebei. With the help of continuous southward wind, the air quality of the Beijing-Baoding area rises from the first level to the fourth level. The high value area of aerosol optical thickness moved from the western part of the Handan-Xingtai region to the front of Yanshan Mountain. On 10 March, the weak north wind affected the region and the humidity increased obviously. A pollution convergence formed in the southern part of the BTH region. The center of pollution moved southward to the east part of the Handan-Xingtai Region. In the afternoon, with the help of the eastern wind, the air quality of Beijing got better from East to West. The vertical lidar observation results showed the pollution layer above Beijing was mainly below 1000 m. There were two inversion layers below 800 m and 1200-1500 m, respectively. The inversion temperature was as high as 4-7℃, which is unfavorable for vertical diffusion of pollutants. Thus, under the high intensity of regional energy consumption and pollution emissions background, the regional heavy pollution form easily once the weather conditions are bad.



相关话题/北京 污染 数据 卫星 过程