水化学离子来源相关性分析地表水地下水 英文关键词
hydro-chemistryion sourcescorrelation analysissurface watergroundwater 中文摘要 为研究泾河支流(黑河流域)的水化学特征及其控制因素,2014~2015年先后采集枯水期及汛期地表水和地下水的水样242个,综合运用Piper三线图、相关性分析和Gibbs图等方法,分析了黑河流域水化学特征,并探讨了黑河流域的水化学演化规律.结果表明,研究区水体均呈弱碱性,2014年枯水期地表水和地下水阳离子以Na
3型.水化学样品点大部分分布在Gibbs图左中上部,说明流域水化学离子形成主要受岩石风化和蒸发-浓缩作用的影响,而人类活动对水化学的影响在枯水期较汛期更显著. 英文摘要 To study the hydrochemical characteristics of tributaries of the Jinghe River (Heihe River Basin) and their controlling factors, from 2014 to 2015, 242 samples of surface water and groundwater were collected during the dry and flood seasons from the Jinghe River. After determining the main water chemical ion content by comprehensively using correlation analysis, Piper three-line graphs, and Gibbs graph, the spatiotemporal changes in the hydrochemical characteristics of the Heihe River Basin were analyzed. The results showed that all the water samples in the study area were weakly alkaline. In the dry season of 2014, the cations in the surface water and groundwater were mostly Na
+, accounting for 56% and 58% of the total cations, respectively. The anions were mainly SO
42-, accounting for 33% and 39% of the total anions, respectively. In the other three periods, the main cation and anion components were HCO
3- and Na
+, accounting for 44%-46% and 42%-56% of the corresponding totals, respectively. In the dry season, the TDS of surface water and groundwater gradually increases along the river from upstream to downstream. From the dry season to the flood season, the hydrochemical types of the surface water changed from Na-Mg-Cl-SO
4 to Ca-Mg-HCO
3 and of the groundwater from Mg-Cl-SO
4 to Ca-Na-HCO
3. Most of the water chemistry samples were distributed in the middle and upper parts of the Gibbs diagram, indicating that the formation of hydrated chemical ions in the basin was mainly affected by rock weathering and evaporation-enrichment. However, the effects of human activities on water chemistry were more significant in the dry season than in the flood season.