

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-31


Abstract:Marine oil spill pollution is not only related to the destruction of natural fishery resources, seabirds and other organisms, the marine environment, and the coastline ecology, but also causes huge losses to fisheries, fishing, and tourism, and even directly or indirectly endangers human health. In the short term, on the one hand, when oil and fuel oil enter the ocean, they will affect marine living resources; on the other hand, it will harm the marine environment in the nearby sea area, and infringe marine life and the environment on which seabirds live and inhabit. In the long run, continuous ocean pollution leads to an imbalance in the ocean's ecological environment, and the productivity of the ocean decreases accordingly. As an important part of investigating the responsibility for pollution accidents and recovering marine resources and the environment as soon as possible, the assessment of fishery resources loss in oil spills needs continuous improvement and innovation. This article combines traditional assessment models with modern science and technology. In order to quantitatively determine the degree of loss of fishery resources after a marine oil spill, we integrated the interdisciplinary knowledge of marine dynamics, fluid mechanics, marine biology, environmental chemistry and other disciplines. Combining flow field wind field model, oil spill model, sea area survey and monitoring, satellite remote sensing technology, toxicity effect and fishery resource loss assessment method, a numerical simulation assessment model for fishery resource loss assessment is developed to improve fishery resource loss assessment system in oil spill accident. On the basis of on-site monitoring data of oil spill accidents, the corresponding oil spill models are selected using mathematical calculation theory, combined with the tide data and wind field data of specific oil spill accident cases, to simulate the spatial and temporal distribution of oil spill pollution at sea. By satellite remote sensing technology, the oil film information is processed and compared with the simulated oil film information to verify the model according to the different brightness performance of different oil products in the seawater. The model is modified to obtain the concentration distribution and the polluted extent of oil on the surface of contaminated sea, which could be combined with the toxic effects of oil spill pollution on different marine organisms so as to provide us the degree of fishery resources loss. Also, it provides a way for the assessment of fishery resources loss caused by oil spill accidents, and plays a certain reference and auxiliary role for the loss assessment and accident settlement after the oil spill.



相关话题/资源 渔业 海洋 环境 数据

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