Abstract:Fire is an important disturbance factor in forest. The severe fire will significantly change the structure and succession process of forest ecosystem. As an important component of soil microorganisms, fungi respond quickly to fire disturbance and are very sensitive to changes in soil physicochemical properties. The composition and function of fungal communities are important biological indicators for restoration after severe fire. When plants are disturbed by fire, the fungal community are also affected. In the case of severe fire, such a correlation will persist for a long time. The Great Xing'an Mountain forest ecosystem is of great strategic significance to China, and is also the area of frequent forest fires. L. gmelinii is the main zonal vegetation in this area. The restoration of L. gmelinii is of great importance to the restoration of forest ecosystem after fire. The relationship between the growth status of L. gmelinii and rhizosphere soil fungal community after severe fire has not been studied.The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of the rhizosphere soil fungal community of L. gmelinii in different growth status in the severe burned area of Great Xing'an Mountain, Genhe, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. We investigated the growth status of L. gmelinii, selected the burned dry wood (BDW), burned survival wood (BSW) and unburned control wood (CK). We measured the physicochemical properties of rhizosphere soil. The phospholipid fatty acid of rhizosphere soil was sampled and analyzed to understand the change of fungal community biomass, and the composition and function differences of the fungal community were analyzed by high-throughput sequencing. We also discussed the key environmental factors affecting the rhizosphere soil fungal community. Results show that:(1) compared with CK, the content of phospholipid fatty acid and alpha diversity of fungal community in the rhizosphere soil of BDW and BSW were significantly reduced. Beta diversity and community similarity analysis showed that there were significant differences in the rhizosphere soil fungal community between BDW, BSW and CK. (2) The relative content of Basidiomycota decreased significantly and the relative content of Ascomycetes increased significantly in the rhizosphere soil of BDW and BSW compared with those of CK. In Ascomycota, the relative content of endophyte fungi in the rhizosphere soil of BDW was significantly higher than that of BSW and CK, the relative content of saprophytic-ectomycorrhizal compound fungi in the rhizosphere soil of BSW was significantly higher than that of BDW and CK. (3) The contents of total phosphorus and total potassium in rhizosphere soil were the main environmental factors affecting the transformation of the dominant fungi phylum from Basidiomycota to Ascomycota in the rhizosphere soil of L. gmelinii after severe burned. The contents of total carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphorus were the main environmental factors that caused the differences in the composition and function of fungi in the rhizosphere soil between BDW and BSW. The study is helpful to understand the structure of soil fungal community in the Great Xing'an Mountain forest ecosystem and has reference value for the maintenance and management of fungal community diversity.
重度火烧迹地兴安落叶松(Larix gmelinii)根际土壤真菌群落研究
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-31
相关话题/土壤 环境 火烧 真菌 结构
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