

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-31


Abstract:Ecosystem services, as a bridge connecting natural and social ecosystems, are important tools for social-ecological system management and analysis. Ecosystem services tradeoff researches focus on the cognition and regulation of the relationship between ecosystem services, which plays an important role in coordinating multiple goals, maximizing human well-being, and supporting the sustainable use of social-ecological system. This paper summarizes the connotation and classification of ecosystem service tradeoff, divides ecosystem service tradeoff research into two categories:objective tradeoff law and management tradeoff decision, and systematically reviews the domestic and international progress of the research content, ideas and methods of ecosystem service tradeoff. In terms of objective tradeoff law, it mainly includes tradeoff relationship between ecosystem service supply and demand, and tradeoff relationship between ecosystem service supply or demand. Tradeoff relationship between ecosystem service supply and demand includes matching dimensions and matching research methods. Tradeoff relationship between ecosystem service supply or demand includes relationship recognition and driving force analysis. In the aspect of management tradeoff decision, it mainly includes the criterion determination and the problem-solving ideas. In the end, the overall evaluation and research prospect of the progress at home and abroad were made. At present, the research on objective tradeoff law is relatively mature, and following the supply side, the tradeoff research on the demand side of ecosystem service also gradually increased, but there remains some problems such as unclear application direction and insufficient robustness of research results. In the researches of management tradeoff decision, it is easy to ignore the setting of decision criterion, which makes the feasibility of the result doubtful. We suggested that the research paradigm of ecosystem service tradeoff needed to integrate the objective tradeoff law and management tradeoff decision, to make the objective tradeoff law researches more application oriented. In terms of the exploration of objective laws, we should deepen the research on the driving mechanism that forms the law of tradeoffs, carry out the research on the coupling of multiple space-time scales, and clarify the robustness of the law of tradeoffs. In the aspect of tradeoff decision management, it should attach importance to the setting of decision-making criteria, strengthen the participation of multiple parties in decision-making, and deeply explore the relationship between ecosystem services and human well-being, so as to make the tradeoff criteria more close to the real needs of regional management and improve the feasibility of decision-making results. In the aspect of empirical research, the research of trade-offs decision paid insufficient attention to Chinese protected areas. In the future, we should try to fill the research gap of the protected areas while continuing to promote the study of urban areas, to serve the urgent tradeoff management needs of the protected areas in China.



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