

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-31


Abstract:The littoral zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR), a water level fluctuation zone with 348.93 km2, has gradually formed a special ecosystem with a few dominant species due to the water transfer mechanism of long-term flooding in winter and drought in summer. However little is known about the effect of plant community evolution on ecological function of the littoral zone of TGR. Therefore, this study aims to reveal the characteristics of nutrient utilization and their adaptation to the ecological environment of dominant species in the water level fluctuation zone of TGR. Based on field investigation, we selected four representative species of plants that widely distributed in littoral zone of TGR, including Cynodon dactylon, Bidens tripartite, Abutilon theophrasti and Xanthium sibiricum, and collected their root, stems and leaf respectively in 11 sampling sections along the Yangtze River and three main tributaries. Then, total carbon (C), total nitrogen (N), total phosphorus (P), potassium (K) contents and stoichiometric ratio of all samples were analyzed and calculated to explore the nutrition distribution mechanism of the dominant plants in the littoral zone, and their spatial variation characteristics in different habitats. The results showed that: 1) compared with the plants in the terrestrial ecosystem and the natural wetland ecosystem, the four dominant species in the littoral zone of TGR had the lower C contents, C/N, C/P and C/K ratio, but the higher N, P and K contents. It indicated that the plants were featured with lower carbon sequestration and nutrient utilization efficiency but high nutrient accumulation and growth rate. Meanwhile, such stoichiometric characteristics of the four selected plants were closer to the wetland ecosystem, but deviated from the terrestrial. 2) There were some differences in nutrient contents and stoichiometric characteristics among the four selected plants. Particularly, the contents of N, P and K of Cynodon dactylon were much lower than those of the other three species of plants, while its C/N, C/P and C/K were comparatively high, demonstrating that Cynodon dactylon, as the most widely distributed plant species in the littoral zone of TGR, had the characteristics of low nutrient demand and high nutrient utilization efficiency. In addition, the variation coefficients of measurement parameters in Cynodon dactylon were lower than those in other three plants, represented Cynodon dactylon having a strong homeostasis to adapt to habitats change. These adaptive characteristics might result in Cynodon dactylon becoming the most widely distributed dominant species around the littoral zone of the TGR. 3) The four dominant species of plant had the similar nutrient allocation strategies for different plant organs, with that the leaves had the comparatively low C contents but the highest contents of N, P and K compared with roots and stems. As a related result, C/N, C/P as well as C/K in leaves were lower, while the N/P and N/K were higher compared with roots and stems. The coefficient of variations of the most stoichiometric parameters in leaves was smaller than that in roots and stems. It revealed that plants under stress environment had the characteristic that priority was given to improving the stability of nutrient content by reducing the sensitivity of leaves to environmental changes. 4) Affected by the N limiting of soil, topography and other geographical factors, the spatial variability of nutrient content and stoichiometric characteristics among different plants was obvious, and the variability of N, C/N as well as N/P were high, while the variability of C, P, and K were weak. Ecological stoichiometric characteristics of the littoral zone plants of the TGR had obvious variability and particularity, would play an important driving force for the succession of plant communities and the evolution of ecosystem functions.



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