

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-31


Abstract:As a special cover, snow cover directly affects soil temperature, soil moisture distribution, freezing depth and freezing rate, and affects the local eco-hydrological processes. The existence of snow can affect the frozen soil, the interaction of surface-atmosphere, and change the energy exchange and temperature transfer between the soil and the atmosphere. The freezing-thawing process of soil has an important impact on soil water content. It is of great significance for the effective utilization of frozen soil resources, the guidance of irrigation water, the study of soil evaporation, groundwater recharge and local eco-hydrological cycle. In this paper, meteorological data, soil temperature and moisture data and snow cover data were used to analyze the characteristics of seasonal frozen soil temperature and moisture changes in the study area. Based on the data of soil water content from November 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018 in the Alatobe Basin, Ili, on the northern slope of Tianshan Mountains, the different freezing-thawing stages of soil were divided, and the effects of snow melting on the temperature and moisture of seasonal frozen soil were analyzed. The results show that snow melting has a great influence on the temperature and moisture of seasonal frozen soil. The soil was frozen beginning in November in Alatobe Basin, and the soil freezing time lagged with the increase of soil depth. The soil freezing process is one-way, starting from the surface, while the melting process is two-way, starting from both the surface and the bottom. During the whole freezing-thawing period, the change of soil temperature and moisture depends on the depth of snow cover, atmospheric temperature and snow surface temperature. And it mainly affects the surface soil temperature. The deeper the soil depth is, the more slightly the change of soil temperature and moisture is. During the soil freezing stage, the soil temperature and moisture continued to decline, the surface soil temperature and moisture were greatly affected by temperature, and the fluctuation was obvious, while the deep soil temperature and moisture changed slightly. When the soil was completely frozen, there was stable snow cover. Because the high reflectivity and low thermal conductivity of snow affected the heat transfer of surface-atmosphere, the change of soil temperature and moisture was relatively stable, and the snow cover had a certain degree. During the thawing stage, the temperature rises, the snow melts and the surface exposes. The soil temperature varies with the change of temperature. The closer to the surface, the higher the soil temperature, the larger the change range, which is completely contrary to the freezing period. Soil moisture increases rapidly due to the infiltration of snowmelt water. Further analysis of the correlation between snow cover and soil temperature and moisture shows that the influence of snow cover on soil temperature and moisture can be divided into different periods. The influence on soil temperature is mainly in snow cover, and the influence on soil moisture is mainly in snow melting period, which has a certain reference value for the study of the eco-hydrology cycle and the simulation and prediction of subsequent snowmelt flood in this area.



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