

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-31


Abstract:During 40 years after the great reform and opening-up policy, China’s economy has been developing rapidly, and the people’s living standards have been constantly improving. Due to climate change and unreasonable human activities, however, the eco-environment continues to be destroyed. Many ecological problems emerged, such as energy shortage, population surge, and natural resource destruction, which became a major bottleneck of the sustainable development. In order to solve the eco-environmental problems, a series of ecological engineering programs have been implemented by central and local governments, like the Three North Shelterbelt program, the Grain for Green project, the Beijing-Tianjin Wind and Sand Source Control project, and so on. The Chinese and foreign scholars pay attention to the effects of China’s ecological engineering programs and have individually carried out their research on evaluation of the engineering programs benefits. Through literature analysis method and comparative study method, this paper conducted a comparative analysis of the domestic and foreign research on evaluating benefits of China’s ecological engineering programs from three aspects: evaluation index, evaluation object, and evaluation theory and method. The results showed that: 1) The domestic research on benefits evaluation had some disadvantages. They paid too much attention on "quantification", and only focused on evaluating the benefits themselves while nearly never evaluated the sustainability of benefits realization. 2) There were some advantages in the foreign research on benefits evaluation. They chose some indicators that were much closer to real life and were good at evaluating the sustainability of benefits realization. Also, they applied multi-disciplinary theories and methods to the benefits evaluation studies. 3) There were essential differences between the Chinese and foreign research on benefits evaluation. The Chinese research on benefits evaluation were more focused on theory and based on deductive methods, and also emphasized further the entire process of evaluation. While the foreign research was more focused on real life and based on inductive methods, and also emphasized further the real benefits being evaluated. 4) Learning from the foreign research, there were several improvements for the domestic research on benefits evaluation. Firstly, it should place emphasis on the role of qualitative evaluation methods and combine the qualitative methods with the quantitative methods in benefits evaluation. Secondly, it should evaluate the sustainability of benefits realization, and also explore the coupling and coordination issues between diverse benefits. Thirdly, it should purposefully learn and draw on the theories and methods of other disciplines, so as to conduct benefits evaluation research in a multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary context. We expected to help the implementation and improvement of China’s ecological engineering programs in the future, as well as the construction of beautiful China.



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