

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-31


Abstract:Since the 20th century, the rapid growth of population, the over-exploitation of natural resources, and environmental pollution have severely restricted regional social and economic development. There is a gradual realization that the sustainable development of human society is closely related to the health of the ecosystem. The key to solve ecological deterioration is to study the ecological carrying capacity. In the context of rapid urbanization, urban space is constantly expanding to the urban fringe areas. In turn, the ecological problems in the urban fringe areas are prominent. As the "twelfth five-year" period of the rapid advance of Dalian global urbanization, the sustainable development of environment, economy, and society in urban fringe areas will be the focus of Dalian ecological livable city construction. It is of great practical significance to solve and attach importance to the problem of ecological carrying capacity in Ganjingzi District, where urban and rural areas merge. In this milieu, we studied the specific characteristics of ecological carrying capacity of Ganjingzi District. It can provide reference to evaluate and plan ecological carrying capacity in Liaoning Province and the national urban fringe of China. From the national perspective, the spatial expansion of most large-and medium-sized cities is very strong, and the ecological carrying capacity problems in urban fringe areas are widespread. Moreover, the ecological carrying capacity in urban fringe areas is not fully understood and excavated. It has important reference value for decisions pertaining to the development and utilization of urban fringe areas in the future, by combining with the regional development strategy of Ganjingzi District and overall planning goals of Dalian. Herein, the characteristics of ecological carrying capacity of urban fringe areas in China were studied based on the actual situation of Ganjingzi District. We aimed to improve the construction of Dalian and the ecological environment service. From the land use data of 1998 and the remote sensing data of 2003, 2007, and 2013 SPOT5, we used the data on ecological carrying capacity, which is represented by the state space, to calculate the ecological carrying capacity of community in urban fringe areas. The temporal and spatial differences in the ecological carrying capacity of Ganjingzi District of Dalian from 1998 to 2013 were also studied. The results obtained were reasonable. The results showed the following. (1) In terms of time, from the overall trend of ecological carrying capacity of urban fringe areas, the ecological carrying capacity of Ganjingzi District decreased rapidly from 1998 to 2013, and the ecological state showed three different stages. (2) In terms of space, from the level of ecological carrying capacity of urban fringe areas, the ecological carrying capacity of semi-urbanized areas showed the characteristics of interdisciplinary distribution between the eastern and western regions, similarity between the same bearing capacity, and similarity in the bearing capacity. (3) From the perspective of community difference in the ecological state of urban fringe areas, the ecological carrying capacity of the communities within the Ganjingzi District was significantly different. The ecological carrying capacity of the community near the urban area has changed significantly during the last 15 years, and the ecological carrying capacity has decreased rapidly. The ecological carrying capacity of some communities away from the urban area has changed marginally and the ecological environment is well maintained.



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