

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-22

姓名: 曹垒 性别: 女

职称: 研究员 学历: 博士

电话: 传真:

Email: leicao@rcees.ac.cn 邮编: 100085

地址: 北京市海淀区双清路18号

曹垒,中国科学院生态环境研究中心研究员,中国科学院大学教授,博士生导师。长期致力于湿地和生物多样性研究及保护、运动生态学研究。近年来,先后主持国家自然科学基金项目和国际合作研究项目等20余项。在Nature、Nature Communications, Current Biology等国际著名期刊发表学术论文和著作80余篇(部)。2014年应邀在“第26届国际鸟类学大会”上做大会邀请报告, 2019年应邀在英国鸟类年学会做阿尔弗雷德·牛顿荣誉讲席报告。
2013/12-至今: 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,研究员,博士生导师。
2011/07-2011/09:澳大利亚Charles Sturt大学,客座教授;




2016 年至今:Wetlands、Frontiers in Environmental Science杂志副主编;
2014 年至今:Avian Research杂志编委;
2014 年至今:世界鸟类学家联合会(IOU)成员;
2011 年至今:Bird Conservation International 杂志副主编;
2009 年至今:中国动物学会鸟类学分会第十届理事会理事;
2005 年至今:世界自然保护联盟/湿地国际(IUCN/WI)雁类专家组成员;
2004 年至今:国际太平洋海鸟工作组成员。


2013 年:中国动物学会青年科技奖,颁奖机构:中国动物学会
2012 年:全国五一劳动奖章,颁奖机构:全国总工会
2011 年:安徽省五一劳动奖章、五一巾帼标兵,颁奖机构:安徽省总工会
2010 年:安徽省教学成果奖二等奖,颁奖机构:安徽省教育厅
2009 年:中国科学技术大学杰出研究校长奖,颁奖机构:中国科学技术大学
2006 年:第七届“郑作新鸟类科学青年奖”,颁奖机构:中国动物学会鸟类学分会

1.Wang X, Cao L*, Fox AD, Fuller R, Griffin L, Mitchell C, Zhao Y, Moon OK, Cabot D, Xu Z, Batbayar N, K?lzsch A, van der Jeugd H, Madsen J, Chen L, and Nathan R*. 2019. Stochastic simulations reveal few green wave surfing populations among spring migrating herbivorous waterfowl. Nature Communications 10: 2187. doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-09971-8
2.Deng X, Zhao Q, Fang L, Wang X, He H, Cao L*, and Fox AD. 2019. Spring migration duration exceeds that of autumn migration in Far East Asian Greater White-fronted Geese (Anser albifrons). Accepted by Avian Research.
3.Gu D, Chai Y, Gu Y, Hou J *, Cao L*, and Fox AD. 2019. Annual migration routes, stopover patterns and diurnal activity of Chinese-wintering Eurasian Bittern Botaurus stellaris. Accepted by Bird Study.
4.An A, Cao L*, Jia Q, Wang X, Zhu Q, Zhang J, Ye X, and Gao D. 2019. Changing Abundance and Distribution of the Wintering Swan Goose Anser cygnoides in the Middle and Lower Yangtze River Floodplain: An investigation combining a field survey with satellite telemetry. Sustainability 11(5):1398. doi.org/10.3390/su**.
5.Chen Y, Zhang Y*, Cao L*, de Boer WF, and Fox AD. 2019. Wintering Swan Geese maximize energy intake through substrate foraging depth when feeding on buried Vallisneria natans tubers. Avian Research 10:6.
6.An A, Zhang Y, Cao L*, Jia Q, and Wang X. 2018. A potential distribution map of wintering Swan Goose (Anser cygnoides) in the middle and lower Yangtze River foodplain, China. Avian Research 9:43.
7.Wang X, Cao L*, Batbayar N, and Fox AD. 2018. Variability among autumn migration patterns of Mongolian Common Shelducks (Tadorna tadorna). Avian Research 9:46.
8.Zhang Y*, Fox AD., Cao L*, Jia Q, Lu C and Prins HH., and de Boer WF. 2019. Effects of ecological and anthropogenic factors on waterbird abundance at a Ramsar Site in the Yangtze River Floodplain. Ambio 48:293–303.
9.Cao L, Wang X, and Fox AD*. 2018. Letter to the editor regarding: Sponge Wetlands: restoring functional flood relief to China’s great rivers. Wetlands Ecology and Management 26(5):729-731.
10.В.Ю. Ильяшенко, O.V. Belyalov, E.I. Ilyashenko, A.E. Gavrilov, S. Zaripova, Ma M, Batbayar N, and Cao L. 2018. Results of crane marking in Tuzkol Lake, Kazakhstan in 2017. Newsletter Crane Working Group of Eurasia14:89-101.
11.Rozenfeld SB, Zamyatin DO, Vangeluwe D, Kirtaev GV, Rogova NV, Cao L, and Popovkina AB. 2018. The taiga Bean Goose (Anser Fabalis Fabalis) in Yamalo-Nenets autonomous okrug. Casarca 20:28-52.
12.Zhao Q, Wang X, Cao L*, and Fox AD. 2018. Why Chinese wintering geese hesitate to exploit farmland. Ibis 160:703-705.
13.Wang X, Cao L*, Bysykatova I, Xu Z, Rozenfeld S, Jeong W, Vangeluwe D, Zhao Y, Xie T, Yi K, and Fox AD. 2018. The Far East taiga forest: unrecognized inhospitable terrain for migrating Arctic-nesting waterbirds? Peer J 6:e4353.
14.Jia Q, Wang X, Zhang Y, Cao L*, and Fox AD. 2018. Drivers of waterbird communities and their declines on Yangtze River floodplain lakes. Biological Conservation 218:240–246.
15.Ye X, Xu Z, Aharon-Rotman Y, Yu H, and Cao L*. 2018. First description of Grey Heron Ardea cinerea migration recorded by GPS/GSM transmitter. Ornithological Science 17(2):223-228.
16.Aharon-Rotman Y*, McEvoy J, Zheng Z, Yu H, Wang X, Si Y, Xu Z, Zeng Y, Jeong W, Cao L*, and Fox, AD. 2017. Water level affects availability of optimal feeding habitats for threatened migratory waterbirds. Ecology and Evolution 7(23):10440–10450.
17.Yu H, Wang X, Cao L*, Zhang L, Jia Q, Lee H, Xu Z, Liu G, Xu W, Hu B, and Fox AD. 2017. Are declining populations of wild geese in China “prisoners” of their natural habitats? Current Biology 27(10):376-377.
18.Zhang L, Wang X, Zhang J, Ouyang Z, Chan S., Crosby M, Watkins D, Martinez J, Su L, Yu Y, Szabo J, Cao L*, and Fox AD. 2017. Formulating a list of sites of waterbird conservation significance to contribute to China’s Ecological Protection Red Line. Bird Conservation International 27:153–166.
19.Jia Q, Cao L*, Ye′sou H, Huber C, Fox AD. 2017. Combating aggressive macrophyte encroachment on a typical Yangtze River lake: lessons from a long-term remote sensing study of vegetation. Aquatic Ecology 51(1):177–189.
20.Zhang Y*, Prins HH., Versluijs M, Wessels R, Cao L*, and de Boer WF. 2016. Experimental Evidence Shows the Importance of Behavioural Plasticity and Body Size under Competition in Waterfowl. PloS ONE 11(10):e**.
21.谢世林, 逯非, 曹垒, 周伟奇, 欧阳志云*. 2016. 北京城区公园景观格局对夏季鸟类群落的影响. 景观设计学 4(3):10-21.
22.Yang Y, Zhan A, Cao L*, Meng F, and Xu W. 2016. Selection of a marker gene to construct a reference library for wetland plants, and the application of metabarcoding to analyze the diet of wintering herbivorous waterbirds. Peer J 4:e2345.
23.Yang Y, Deng Y, and Cao L*. 2016. Characterizing the interspecific variations and convergence of gut microbiota in Anseriformes herbivores at wintering areas. Scientific Reports 6:32655.
24.Xie S, Lu F, Cao L, Zhou W, and Ouyang Z*. 2016. Multi-scale factors influencing the characteristics of avian communities in urban parks across Beijing during the breeding season. Scientific Reports 6:29350.
25.Choi CY, Takekawa JY, Prosser DJ, Smith LM, Ely CR, Fox AD, Cao L, Wang X, Batbayar N, Natsagdorj T, and Xiao X *. 2016. Chewing Lice (Phthiraptera) of Swan Geese (Anser cygnoides): New Host-Parasite Associations. The Korean Journal of Parasitology 54(5):685-691.
26.Choi CY, Lee KS, Poyarkov ND, Park JY, Lee H, Takekawa JY, Smith LM, Ely CR, Wang X, Cao L, Fox AD, Goroshko O, Batbayar N, Prosser DJ, and Xiao X*. 2016. Low Survival Rates of Swan Geese (Anser cygnoides) Estimated from Neck-Collar Resighting and Telemetry. Waterbirds 39(3):277-286.
27.Zhang Y, Prins HH., Cao L*, Zhao M, and de Boer WF. 2016. Variation in Elevation and Sward Height Facilitate Coexistence of Goose Species through Allometric Responses in Wetlands. Waterbirds 39(1):34-44.
28.Jia Q, Kazuo K., Chang Y, Kim H., Cao L*, Gao D, and Fox, AD. 2016. Population estimates and geographical distribution of swans and geese in East Asia based on counts during the non-breeding season. Bird Conservation International 26:397–417.
29.Zhang Y*, Jia Q, Prins HH., Cao L*, and de Boer WF. 2015. Effect of conservation efforts and ecological variables on waterbird population sizes in wetlands of the Yangtze River. Scientific Reports 5:17136.
30.Han R, Zhang J, Cao L, and Lu X*. 2015. Propulsive performance of a passively flapping plate in a uniform flow. Journal of Hydrodynamics 27(4):496-501.
31.Zhang Y, Jia Q, Prins HHT, Cao L*, and de Boer WF. 2015. Individual-Area Relationship Best Explains Goose Species Density in Wetlands. PloS One 10 (5):e**.
32.Zhao M, Cao L*, Klaassen M, Zhang Y, and Fox AD. 2015. Avoiding competition? Site use, diet and foraging behaviours in two similarly sized geese wintering in China. Ardea 103:27-38.
33.Wang X, Fox AD, Zhuang X, Cao L*, Meng F, and Cong P. 2014. Shifting to an energy-poor diet for nitrogen? Not the case for wintering herbivorous Lesser White-fronted Geese in China. Journal of Ornithology 155:707-712.
34.Fox AD, Meng F, Liu J, Yang W, Shan K, and Cao L*. 2014. Effects of the length of inundation periods on investment in tuber biomass and sexual reproduction by Vallisneria spinulosa SZ Yan Ramets. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems DOI:10.1051/kmae/**.
35.Barter M, Zhuang X, Wang X, Cao L*, Lei J, Solovyeva D, and Fox AD. 2014. Abundance and distribution of wintering Scaly-sided Mergansers Mergus squamatus in China: where are the missing birds? Bird Conservation International 24:406-415.

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