

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-13

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1.Public Economics
2.Public Budgeting and Fiscal Policies
3.Urban and Regional Economics
4.Housing and Real Estate Economics
5.Managerial Economics
6.Economic Development Policies
7.Chinese Economy
8.China Land and Urban Economics

-城市规划与设计学院经济学教授/博士生导师, 2018年2月8日-至今
-经济学副教授 / 终身教职/博士生导师,1999年7月1日 – 现今 (2007年7月1日 - 2013年7月31日岗位休假,2018年2月-至今岗位休假)
-印第安纳大学驻中国办公室学术主任,2015年1月1日 – 2017年7月31日
-印第安纳大学中国政治与商务研究中心主任,2015年1月1日 – 2017年7月31日
-经济学助理教授,1992年8月1日 – 1999年6月30日
-印第安纳大学公共政策研究中心资深研究员,1992年8月1日 - 2005年5月30日
-经济学教授/博士生导师,2009年9月1日 – 2014年12月31日
-创始主任,2007年10月1日 – 2013年9月31日
-资深研究员,2007年10月1日 – 2013年12月31日
-资深研究员暨中国项目主任,2007年7月1日 – 2013年9月31日
-访问研究员,2013年10月1日 – 2015年7月31日
-顾问,2012 , 2013
-兼职教授,2009年7月1日 – 2013年6月30日
-访问教授,2004年7月1日 – 2006年6月30日
-访问教授,2005年4月1日 – 2006年12月31日
-政策研究院研究助理,1989年1月1日 – 1992年7月31日
-公共卫生学院研究助理,1989年7月1日 – 1992年7月31日
-经济学系助教 ,1987年8月1日 – 1989年5月31日
-教师,1984年7月1日 – 1985年6月30日
-经济学博士(Ph. D. ) (1993年)
-经济学硕士(M. A. ) (1989年)
-英语学士 (B.A.) (1984年)


1.Chinese National Social Science Foundation Significant Project Grant for the research project on “Study of Key and Difficult Issues of China’s Urbanization.” January 2014 to December 2016 (Co-Principle Investigator).
2.World Bank, Washington, D. C. “Evaluation of Property Tax Reform and Experiments in China,” April to September 2013 (Principle Investigator).
3.China Center for International Economic Exchanges (中国国际经济交流中心), “Fiscal Reform and Tax Restructuring: Policy Options,” 2013. (Co-principle Investigator)
4.World Bank, Washington, D. C. “Improving Accessibility to Jobs and Urban Services for the Urban Poor in a Metropolitan Area, Case Study of Beijing,” October 2012 (Principle Investigator)
5.State Administration of Taxation of China, “Cross-country Study of International Experiences of Property Tax Regulation, Assessment and Administration,” 2012 (Principle Investigator)
6.Ministry of Land and Resources of China, “Cross-Country Study of Laws and Regulations of Land Requisition and land Use Management,” 2012 (Principle Investigator)
7.Center for Urban and Environment Policy, Indiana University and Lilly Endowment grant for the study on fiscal policies and economic development (Principal Investigator)
8.Center for Urban and Environment Policy, Indiana University, Lilly Endowment grant for the research project on “Public Infrastructure and Regional Growth in Central Indiana,” 2000-2001 (Principal Investigator)
9.Center for Urban and Environment Policy, Indiana University, grants for the co-edited book project on Tax Increment Financing: Uses, Structures, and Impact, 1996-1997 (Principal Investigator).
10.Indiana State Board of Tax Commissioners. Research grant for the project on "The Impact of Converting to a Fair Market Value Assessment System in Indiana," 1995-1997 (Co-Principal Investigator).
11.Center for Urban and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University, grant for the project on "Tax Increment Financing and Economic Performance," 1992-1994 (Principal Investigator)
12.National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, research grant for the project on “Macroeconomic Analysis of the Linkages Between Transportation Investments and Economic Performance,” 1992-1993
1.Chen, Jie, Mark Stephens and Joyce Yanyun Man, eds. The Future of Public Housing: Ongoing Trends in the East and the West. Springer-Verlag GmbH, Germany: Springer, 2013
2.Joyce Yanyun Man, ed. China’s Environmental Policy and Urban Development. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2013
3.Joyce Yanyun Man, ed. China’s Housing Reform and Outcomes. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2011.
4.Joyce Y. Man and Yuhung Hong. eds. China’s Local Public Finance in Transition. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2011.
5.Tax Increment Finance and Economic Development: Uses, Structures and Impact. Craig John and Joyce Man, eds. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, 2001.
1.Liu, Zhilin, Juan Jing and Joyce Yanyun Man. International Experiences of Affordable Housing Policy: Models and Instruments. Beijing, China: The Commercial Press, August 2016. (刘志林 景娟 满燕云 著: 可支付住房政策:国际经验与中国借鉴,中国北京:商务印书馆, 2016)
2.Joyce Yanyun Man, Long, Guoqiang and Jing Juan, ed. Low-Income Housing in China: Current Issues and Policy Design. Beijing China: The Commercial Press, 2011. (满燕云 隆国强 景娟 主编:中国低收入住房:现状及政策设计。中国北京:商务印书馆,2011)。
3.Joyce Y. Man and Yuhung Hong. ed. China’s Local Public Finance in Transition. Beijing, China: Economy & Management Publishing House, 2012 ( 满燕云 康宇雄 主编:转型中的中国地方公共财政。中国北京:经济管理出版社,2012年)
4.Joyce Yanyun Man, ed. China’s Housing Reform and Outcomes. Beijing, China: Economy & Management Publishing House, 2010 ( 满燕云 主编: 中国的住房改革及成效。中国北京:经济管理出版社,2010年).
1.Joyce Man, “An Evaluation of China’s Land Policy and Urban Housing Markets,” in George McCarthy, Gregory Ingram and Samuel Moody eds. Land and the City. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2015, pp.277-291.
2.Chun Zhang and Joyce Y. Man, “Examining Job Accessibility of the Urban Poor by Urban Metro and Bus: A Case Study of Beijing,” Urban Rail Transit, October 2015, pp.1-11.
3.Jie Chen, Juan Jing, Zan Yang and Joyce Yanyun Man. “Public Housing in Mainland China: History, Ongoing Trends, and Future Perspectives,” in Chen, Jie, Mark Stephens and Joyce Yanyun Man, eds. The Future of Public Housing: Ongoing Trends in the East and the West. Springer-Verlag GmbH, Germany: Springer, 2013.
4.Joyce Yanyun Man, “Environmental Policies, Regulations and Investment in China,” in Joyce Man, ed. China’s Environmental Policy and Urban Development. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2013
5.Joyce Yanyun Man and Yinger Zheng, “Environment-Related Taxes in China: A Comparative Study,” in Joyce Man, ed. China’s Environmental Policy and Urban Development. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2013
6.Joyce Yanyun Man, Xinye Zheng and Tao Lang, “Taxation and Economic Performance: Evidence from China,” The Social Science Journal, Volume 48, Issue 3, September 2011, pp.553-559.
7.Joyce Yanyun Man, Siqi Zheng and Rongrong Ren. “China’s Housing Policy and Housing Markets: Trends, Patterns and Affordability,” in Joyce Man, ed. China’s Housing Reform and Outcomes. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2011.
8.Joyce Yanyun Man and Siqi Zheng, “Effects of Local Taxation and Public Spending on Housing Values: Empirical Evidence,” in Joyce Man, ed. China’s Housing Reform and Outcomes. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2011.
9.Joyce Yanyun Man, “Local Public Finance in China: An Overview,” in Joyce Yanyun Man and Yu-Hung Hong, eds., China’s Local Public Finance in Transition. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2011.
10.Joyce Yanyun Man and Xinye Zheng, “Tax Structure and Economic Growth,” in Joyce Yanyun Man and Yu-Hung Hong, eds., China’s Local Public Finance in Transition. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2011.
11.Joyce Yanyun Man, “China’s Housing Reform and Emerging Middle Class,” in Cheng Li, ed. China’s Emerging Middle Class: Beyond Economic Transformation. Washington D.C. : Brookings Institution Press, 2010.
12.Payton, Seth, Lindsey, Greg, John Wilson, John Ottensmann and Joyce Man, “Valuing the Benefits of the Urban Forest: A Spatial Hedonic Approach” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Volume 51, Issue 6 November 2008, pages 717 – 736.
13.Ottensmann, John, Seth Payton and Joyce Man, “Urban Location and Housing Values Within a Hedonic Model.” Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, Vol. 38(1), 19-35. 2008.
14.Greg Lindsey, Joyce Man, Seth Payton and Kelly Dickson, “Property values, Recreation values, and Urban Greenways.” Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 69-90 (2004).
15.Joyce Y. Man, “Can State and Local Tax Incentive Programs Spur Job Growth?” was published as National Tax Association 95th Annual Conference 2002 proceedings, National Tax Association, Washington, DC (2003).
16.Joyce Y. Man, “Effects of Tax Increment Financing on Economic Development,” in Tax Increment Finance and Economic Development: Uses, Structures and Impact, Craig Johnson and Joyce Y. Man, eds. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press (May 2001).
17.Joyce Y. Man, “Determinants of the Municipal Decision to Adopt Tax Increment Financing,” in Tax Increment Finance and Economic Development: Uses, Structures and Impact, Craig Johnson and Joyce Y. Man, eds. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press (May 2001).
18.Joyce Y. Man, “Introduction,” in Tax Increment Finance and Economic Development: Uses, Structures and Impact, Craig Johnson and Joyce Y. Man, eds. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press (May 2001).
19.Joyce Y. Man, “Fiscal Pressure, Tax Competition, and the Adoption of Tax Increment Financing,” Urban Studies, Vol. 36, No.7, pp. 1151-1167 (1999).
20.Joyce Y. Man, “The Impact of Tax Increment Financing Programs on Local Economic Development.” Public Budgeting, Accounting, and Financial Management, Vol.11, No. 3 (Fall 1999).
21.Joyce Y. Man and Mark Rosentraub, "Tax Increment Financing and Its Effect on Property Value Growth," Public Finance Review, Vol. 26, No. 6, pp. 523-547 (November 1998).
22.Joyce Y. Man, "Transportation Infrastructure and Regional Economic Growth in China," in the Symposium of “Administrative Developments in China,” International Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 21, No. 9, pp. 1307-1321 (1998).
23.Joyce Y. Man and Michael Bell, “Transportation Investment and Economic Activity: Evidence from Public Sector Demand Analysis,” in Macroeconomic Analysis of the Linkages Between Transportation Investments and Economic Performance, Michael Bell and Therese McGuire, eds. National Cooperative Highway Research program Report 389, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1997.
24.Joyce Y. Man, "The Incidence of Differential Commercial Property Taxes: Empirical Evidence," National Tax Journal, XLVIII No. 4, 479-496 (December 1995).
25.Joyce Y. Man and Michael Bell, "The Impact of Local Sales Taxes on Owner-Occupied Housing," Journal of Urban Economics, 39: 114-130 (1996).
26.Joyce Y. Man and Michael Bell, "Trends in Federal Grants-In-Aid for Infrastructure: An Ad Hoc Strategy and Policy Issues," Public Budgeting and Finance, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 9-22 (Fall 1993).
27.Joyce Y. Man, "Infrastructure Financing in a Developing Country," in Managing Municipal Change, C. F. Bonser, ed. Bloomington, IN: School of Public and Environmental Affairs, November 1994), chapter 3, 1995.
1.晁恒,满燕云,王砾,李贵才. 国家级新区设立对城市经济增长的影响分析. 经济地理 2018(06):19-27
2.何杨, 满燕云, 刘威. 房地产税税基及税收优惠设计的国际经验. 社会科学论坛2018(01): 30-34
3.张纯 李晓宁 满燕云. 北京城市保障性住房居民的就医可达性研究——基于GIS网络分析方法. 人文地理 2017 (32-2): 59-64
7.颜 燕, 满燕云. 土地财政与基础设施投融资. 中国高校社会科学, 2015 (06):131-155.
9.何杨,满燕云,刘威.公有土地可以开征房地产税吗?[J].国际税收, 2015,(05):42-46.
10.刘威,满燕云,何杨.东欧转型国家房地产税制及经验[J].国际税收, 2015, (04):38-42.
17.李晓宁,满燕云.京津冀城市群土地集约利用分析[J].商业时代, 2014,(26):131-134.
20.财政部财政科学研究所、北京大学林肯中心"中国土地财政研究"课题组,苏明,唐在富,满燕云,颜燕.中国土地财政研究[J].经济研究参考, 2014,(34):3-4.
21.财政部财政科学研究所、北京大学林肯中心"中国土地财政研究"课题组,苏明,唐在富,满燕云,颜燕.一、土地财政的内涵与范围[J].经济研究参考, 2014,(34):5-9.
22.财政部财政科学研究所、北京大学林肯中心"中国土地财政研究"课题组,苏明,唐在富,满燕云,颜燕.二、中国土地相关制度和体制[J]. 经济研究参考, 2014,(34):9-13.
27.财政部财政科学研究所、北京大学林肯中心"中国土地财政研究"课题组,苏明,唐在富,满燕云,颜燕.七、地方土地财政案例分析[J].经济研究参考, 2014,(34):35-43.
29.财政部财政科学研究所、北京大学林肯中心"中国土地财政研究"课题组,苏明,唐在富,满燕云,颜燕.九、改革思路与建议[J].经济研究参考, 2014,(34):47-57.
30.苏明,唐在富,满燕云,颜燕.土地财政现象的演变与现状[J].中国财政, 2014,(10):18-20.
31.满燕云,高辉娜.香港等地公有土地收益管理比较与借鉴[J].中国财政, 2014,(10):24-26.
32.颜燕,贺灿飞,刘涛,满燕云.工业用地价格竞争、集聚经济与企业区位选择—基于中国地级市企业微观数据的经验研究[J]. 城市发展研究, 2014,(03):9-13.
36.郑思齐.征收房产税的民意调查[N]. 21世界经济报道, 2012-12-03(014).
37.满燕云,刘威.房地产税与土地出让金冲突吗[J].中国地产市场, 2012,(10):72-73.
41.何杨,满燕云.地方融资平台债务:规模、风险与治理[J].财政研究, 2012,(02):34-37.
1.Recipient of China National Social Science Foundation Significant Project Grant, 2014-2016
2.The Johns Hopkins University, Department of Economics Scholarships, 1986-1988

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