Jincai Luo, M.D. Ph.D.
Principal Investigator, Laboratory of Vascular Biology
Room 234, New Life Sciences Building
Peking University, Beijing, China 100871
E-mail: jincailuo@ gmail.com,jincailuo@ pku.edu.cn
Phone: 86-10-6275-0922
Dr. Jin-Cai Luo received his bachelor degree from Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine in1986,China, and was granted Ph.D. at the University of Tokyo, Japan, in 1999. He received his postdoctoral training at Harvard Medical School, USA. In 2005, he became a faculty member at IMM, PKU, as a Co-PI of the Laboratory of Vascular Biology. He is now focusing on the signal transduction in cardiac vascular system, tumor-related angiogenesis and adipocyte differentiation.
Selected Publications:
1. Luo JC, Toyoda M, Shibuya M (1998) Differential inhibition of fluid accumulation and tumor growth in two mouse ascites tumors by an anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor/ Vascular Permeability Factor neutralizing antibody. Cancer Research, 58: 2594-2600.
2. Luo JC, Yamaguchi S, Shinkai A, Shitara K, Shibuya M (1998) Significant expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor/Vascular Permeability Factor in mouse ascites tumors. Cancer Research, 58: 2652-2660.
3. Shibuya M, Luo JC, Toyoda M, Yamaguchi S (1999) Involvement of VEGF and its receptors in ascites tumor formation. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 43 (Suppl): S72-S77. (Invited review)
4. Luo JC, Shibuya M (2000) Vascular permeability and ascites. Graphic Med Mag, 3: 56-63. (Invited review)
). Oncogene, 20: 1435-1444.?5. Luo JC, Shibuya M (2001) A novel variant of bipartite nuclear localization signal is required for nuclear translocation of hypoxia inducible factors (1, 2 and 3
6. Zhang SQ, Yang W, Kontaridis MI, Bivona TG, Wen G, Araki T, Luo JC, Thompson JA, Schraven BL, Philips MR, Neel BG (2004) Shp2 regulates Src family kinase activity and Ras/Erk activation by controlling Csk recruitment. Mol Cell, 13, 341-355.
7. Sathish JG, Walters J, Luo JC, Johnson KG, LeRoy FG, Brennan P, Kim KP, Gygi SP, Neel BG, Matthewsa RG (2004) CD22 is a functional ligand for SH2 domain-containing protein-tyrosine phosphatase-1 in primary T cells. J Biol Chem, 279:47783-47791.
8. Wu G*, Luo JC*, Rana JS, Laham R, Sellke FW, Li J (2006) Involvement of COX-2 in VEGF-induced angiogenesis via P38 and JNK pathways in vascular endothelial cells. Cardiovasc Res, 69: 512-519. (*Co-first author)
9. Yu M*, Luo JC*, Yang W, Wang Y, Mizuki M, Kanakura Y, Besmer B, Neel BG, Gu H (2006) The scaffolding adapter gab2, via SHP-2, regulates kit-evoked mast cell proliferation by activating the Rac/JNK pathway. J Biol Chem, 281:28615-28626. (*Co-first author)
10. Xiong Y, Huo YQ, Chen C, Lu XF, Wei CL, Zeng HY, Ruan CG, Zhang XY, Hu ZQ, Shibuya M, Luo JC* (2009) Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Receptor-2 Tyrosine 1175 Signaling Controls VEGF-induced von Willebrand Factor Release from Endothelial Cells via Phospholipase C-g1- and Protein Kinase A-dependent Pathways J Biol Chem, 284:23217–23224. (*Corresponding author)
11. Yang Y*, Jiang B, Huo Y, Luca P, Jean D, Thomas B, Luo JC* (2011) Shp2 suppresses PyMT-induced transformation in mouse fibroblasts by inhibiting Stat3 activity. Virology, 409:204–210. (*Corresponding author)
12. Lu Y, Xiong Y, Huo Y, Han J, Yang X, Zhang R, Zhu DS, Klein-He?ling S, Li J, Zhang X, Han X, Li Y, Shen B, He Y, Shibuya M, Feng GS, Luo JC* (2011) Gab1 regulates postnatal ischemic and VEGF-induced angiogenesis through activation of the PKA-eNOS pathway. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 108:2957–2962. (*Corresponding author)
13. Luo JC*, Xiong Y, Han X, Lu Y (2011) VEGF inducible endothelial factors mediate Non-angiogenic VEGF Functions. J Mol Med, 89: 635-645. (*Corresponding author, invited review)
14. Bir SC, Xiong Y, Kevil CG*, Luo JC* (2012) Emerging role of PKA/eNOS pathway in therapeutic angiogenesis for ischaemic tissue diseases. Cardiovasc Res, 95: 7-18. (*Co-corresponding author, invited review)
15. Xiong Y, Hu Z, Han X, Jiang B, Zhang R, Zhang X, Lu Y, Geng C, Li W, He Y, Huo Y, Shibuya M, Luo JC* (2013) Hypertensive stretch regulates endothelial exocytosis of Weibel-Palade bodies through VEGF receptor 2 signaling pathways. Cell Res, 23(6): 820-834. (*Co-corresponding author)
16. Hu ZQ, Xiong Y, Han XF, Geng CY, Jiang B, Huo YQ, Luo JC*(2013) Acute mechanical stretch promotes eNOS activation in venous endothelial cells mainly via PKA and Akt pathways. PLoS One, 14;8(8): e71359. (*Co-corresponding author)
17. Sun L, Chen C, Jiang B, Li Y, Deng Q, Sun M, An X, Yang X, Yang Y, Zhang R, Lu Y, Zhu DS, Huo Y, Feng GS, Zhang Y*, Luo JC*(2014) Grb2-associated binder 1 is essential for cardioprotection against ischemia/reperfusion injury. Basic Res Cardiol, 109(4): 420-434. (*Co-corresponding author)
18. Deng Q, Huo Y, Luo JC*(2014) Endothelial mechanosensors: the gatekeepers of vascular homeostasis and adaptation under mechanical stress. Sci China Life Sci, 57(8): 755-762. (*Co-corresponding author, invited review)
19. Jiang B, Deng Q, Huo Y, Li W, Shibuya M, Luo JC*(2015) Endothelial Gab1 deficiency aggravates splenomegaly in portal hypertension independent of angiogenesis. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol, 308(5): G416-26. (*Co-corresponding author)
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