

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-13

Xiao-Chun Xu, Ph.D, MBA
Guest Investigator
Research Area: Stem Cell Biology
E-mail: xcxu@boyalife.com
Address:Room 322, Ying-Jie Conference Center, Peking University, 100871
Dr. Xiao-Chun Xu received a Bachelor with Honors from University of Saskatchewan (Canada), a Ph.D. degree in Immunology from Washington University School of Medicine (US), and an EMBA from Emory University (US). Dr. Xu has over 15 years of experiences in biomedicine and drug development, and extensive business knowledge and managerial experiences in pharmaceutical industry. He has served as Project Manager at Pfizer, Director of Research at two NASDAQ public companies, and Vice President at Found Institute of Biopharmaceutical Research. In 2009, Dr. Xu founded INCOSC (www.incosc.com) and currently serves Chairman & CEO at BoyaLife Group Co.. Through his career, he has successfully managed many projects and has advanced several drug candidates into clinical trials and/or market launch. Dr. Xu has expertise across diverse therapeutic areas including arthritis & inflammation, cardiovascular disease, autoimmunity, oncology, and diabetes. He is involved in the launch of Celebrex which generates a revenue of $4.7 billion in 2004 and Bextra which reached $1.3 billion of sale the second year after launch.
I. Book Chapters
1. Xu XC. Role of natural killer cells in clinical transplantation. In: Fangzhen Lin, eds. Xenotransplantation. Beijing: 2008.
2. Xu XC, Jaramillo A and Mohanakumar T. 2000. Minor histocompatibility and non-MHC antigens. In: Duquesnoy RJ, Chou KY, eds. Clinical Transplantation Immunology. Beijing: 2000.
II. Selected Publications
3. Serebruany V, Malinin A, Qiu FH, Xu XC, Kunsch C, Scott R; ALPS Study Group. 2009. Selective thromboxane inhibition after vascular protectant AGI-1067: results of assessment of lipoprotein profiles (ALPS) biomarkers in vitro and in vivo substudy. J Thromb Thrombolysis. Vol 27:438-446.
4. Ramachandran S, Jaramillo A, Xu XC, McKane BW, Chapman WC, Mohanakumar T. 2004. Human immune responses to porcine endogenous retrovirus-derived peptides presented naturally in the context of porcine and human major histocompatibility complex class I molecules: implications in xenotransplantation of porcine organs. Transplantation. 77:1580-1588.
5. McKane BW, Ramachandran S, Xu XC, Olack BJ, Chapman WC, Mohanakumar T. 2004. Natural antibodies prevent in vivo transmission of porcine islet-derived endogenous retrovirus to human cells. Cell Transplant. 13:137-143.
6. McKane BW, Ramachandran S, Yang J, Xu XC, Mohanakumar T. 2003. Xenoreactive anti-Galalpha(1,3)Gal antibodies prevent porcine endogenous retrovirus infection of human in vivo. Human Immunology. 64:708-717.
7. Xu XC, Sasaki H and Mohanakumar T. 2002. Species Specific Induction of IFN-g to Porcine Xenoantigens through IL-12 Dependent and Independent Natural Killer Cell Activation Pathways. American Journal of Transplantation. 2:314-322.
8. Xu XC, Howard T, and Mohanakumar T. 2001. Tissue-specific peptides influence human T cell repertoire to porcine xenoantigens. Transplantation. 72:1205-1212.
9. Sasaki H, Xu XC, and Mohanakumar T. 1999. Human HLA-E and HLA-G expression protects porcine endothelial cells from human xenoreactive natural killer cells through CD94/NKG2A dependent and independent pathways. Journal of Immunology. Vol 163:6301-6305.
10. Chen M, Xu XC, Wu WS and Mohanakumar T. 1999. Analysis of TCR Vb usage in the human anti-porcine xenoresponse. Transplantation. Vol 68:586-589.
11. Xu XC, Naziruddin B, Sasaki H, Smith DM, Shenoy S, Lowell J, Howard T and Mohanakumar T. 1999. Mechanism of xenorecognition: human anti-swine cytolytic lymphocyte recognizes xenogeneic MHC-peptide complex. Transplantation Proceedings. Vol 31: 916-917.
12. Chen M, Xu XC, Howard T and Mohanakumar T. 1999. Preferred TCR Vb usage in human anti-swine xenogeneic response. Transplantation Proceedings. Vol 31: 930-931.
13. Sasaki H, Xu XC, Smith DM, Shenoy S, Lowell J, Howard T and Mohanakumar T. 1999. HLA-G expression protects porcine enodthelial cells against natural killer cell mediated xenogeneic cytotoxicity. Transplantation Proceedings. Vol 31: 953-954.
14. Sasaki H*, Xu XC*, Smith DM, Howard T and Mohanakumar T. 1999. HLA-G expression protects porcine enodthelial cells against natural killer cell mediated xenogeneic cytotoxicity. Transplantation, Vol 67: 31-37.
15. Xu XC, Naziruddin B, Sasaki H, Smith DM and Mohanakumar T. 1999. Allele specific and peptide-dependent recognition of swine leukocyte antigen class I by human cytotoxic T cell clones. Transplantation. Vol 68:473-479.
16. Shishido S, Naziruddin B, Xu XC, Howard T and Mohanakumar T. 1998. Indirect recognition of porcine xenoantigens by human CD4+ T cell clones. Transplantation. Vol 65: 706-712.

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