

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-11

Atmospheric Chemistry and Health Effects Group 北京大学环境科学与工程学院 Group Leader: Prof. Qi Chen
qichenpku@pku.edu.cn (email)

Aerodyne Instruments

RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS Modelling secondary organic aerosols in China Chen et al., National Science Review, 10.1093/nsr/nwx143, 2017

Dramatic improvements in air quality may result from reduction in residential emissions Liu, J. et al., PNAS, 113, 7756-7761, 10.1073/pnas., 2016.

Laboratory OA explains some key differences in OA observed across different environments but significant gaps exist Chen, Q., Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 4182-4189, 10.1002/2015gl063693, 2015.

Special Symposium on Aerosol Mass Spectrometry at 2019 AAC (May 27-30, Hong Kong). Abstract due on 1 Dec, 2018.
Special Symposium on OFRs at 2018 IAC (Sep 2-7, St. Louis, MO). Abstract due on 1 Feb, 2018.
1st AMS/ACSM Chinese Clinic, 20-22 April, 2018 at Nanjing Univ.?Click Here for More Information
1st Aerodyne AMS/CIMS Users Meeting in China, 8-12 May, 2017 at PKU. Click Here for More Information

Prospective Postdocs (博士后)— We are looking for talented, motivated researchers to join our group. Individuals with experience in aerosol measurements or mobile-lab applications are a particular asset to the group. Please contact Prof. Qi Chen if you are interested in. 课题组目前招收博士后1名,从事大气化学模式模拟。欢迎获得博士学位不超过五年,年龄不超过35周岁,具有相关专业背景的申请者与我们联系。申请材料包括个人简历、 第一/通讯作者SCI论文全文、至少两封推荐信(其中一封来自博士导师)。正式招聘公告见 http://postdocs.pku.edu.cn/zpxx/zwxx/hjkxygcxy/58009.htm;?https://postd...
Prospective Students(研究生)— 课题组每年招收1-2名研究生。请关注北京大学环境科学与工程学院每年举办的全国优秀大学生夏令营活动,活动中可与导师直接见面交流,并后续申请免试推荐研究生资格。
PKU Undergrads(本科生科研)—? 课题组随时欢迎北大的本科生加入,并参与到科学研究实践当中。

Atmospheric Chemistry and Health Effects Group 北京大学环境科学与工程学院 Group Leader: Prof. Qi Chen
qichenpku@pku.edu.cn (email)

Aerodyne Instruments

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Our research focuses on better understanding air quality problems in the developing countries and the health effects of air pollution. We use advanced mass spectrometry to quantify air pollutants and to study the chemistry under highly polluted conditions. We also use global 3-D models of atmospheric composition to?interpret the ambient observations and to estimate the health risks of pollutants.
Mass spectrometers: HToF-APi-CIMS, LToF-SP-AMS, PTR-QiTOF, ToF-ACSM
PAM Reactor
Mobile Lab
GEOS-Chem models
(1) Understanding sources of organic aerosol in heavily polluted environment:
- We developed a novel system to detect non-refractory PM2.5/PM1chemical composition based on Aerodyne Time-of-Flight Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor equipped with a Capture Vaporizer. We do field observations for organic aerosol and investigate their sources.

- We conduct OFR experiments in the lab to simulate the atmosphere. For such experiments, we use modern time-of-flight mass spectrometers (provided in a PKU CESE facility) to study the chemical composition and the evolution of specific SOA and their precursors.
- Current projects also include on-road OFR experiments on a new mobile-lab platform for studying the secondary contribution of vehicle emissions to organic aerosol.
(2) Understanding the health and climate effects of PM by using GEOS-Chem.
- We have our own cluster (earth.pku.edu.cn) to support global/regional scale chemical transport model simulations. The current projects include simulations of PM2.5 in Asia to study the formation mechanism of PM components, and the build-up of energy-air quality-health connections to study energy policy effectiveness.

Atmospheric Chemistry and Health Effects Group 北京大学环境科学与工程学院 Group Leader: Prof. Qi Chen
qichenpku@pku.edu.cn (email)

Aerodyne Instruments

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User's Meeting Information
1st AMS/ACSM Chinese Clinic at Nanjing Univ. (20-22 April 2018)
Presentation slides should not be distributed or reused without permissions from the authors.
Visit?AMS wiki hosted by CU, Boulder for fully archived user meeting information.
20 April - AMS/ACSM Quantification
Qi Zhang:?Overview of the instruments and EI mass spectrometry
Qi Chen:?Overview of AMS quantification: IE and RIE
Yan Zheng:?Mass-based calibration in AMS and ACSM: multiple charge and hygroscopicity
Weiwei Hu:?Overview of CE: standard vs capture vaporizer
21 April - AMS Data Analysis
Qi Zhang:?Overview of mass spectrometry: UMR vs HR
Qi Chen:?Overview of frag-table method
Qi Chen:?How to set up a sampling line for AMS/ACSM
Doug Worsnop:?Mass spectrometry of organics in the atmosphere
Xinlei Ge:?SP-AMS analyses on BC-containing particles in China
Jianzhong Xu:?Chemical characteristics of submicron particles at the central Tibetan Plateau
Rujing Huang: Global PMF for source apportionment
Dandan Huang:?Formation and evolution of aqSOA from direct photolysis of phenolic carbonyls
Yele Sun:?Characterization of organic nitrogen with aerosol mass spectrometry in Beijing
Junfeng Wang: SP-AMS observations of fullerene soot??
Xinlei Ge: HR-AMS analyses on organic nitrogen compounds
Song Guo:?Particulate Organonitrate in Beijing
Shan Huang:?Source apportionment of marine OA form cruise measurements over Indian ocean
22 April - PMF
Qi Zhang:?Overview of PMF analysis of AMS/ACSM data
Weiwei Hu:?Determination of IEPOX-SOA from AMS measurements
Yele Sun:?PMF/ME2 analysis of two-year measurements of organic aerosols
Yan Zheng:?Sources and chemical composition of urban PM1 and PM2.5
Xinghua Zhang:?Long-range transport biomass burning emissions to the Himalayas

Discussion and Open Mike
Yan Zheng:?ACSM valve issue - low IE and low sensitivity
Yao He:?ToF-ACSM issues and intercomparisons
Yan Zheng:?ACSM RIE Issue - Acquisition mode or Calibration mode
Xinghua Zhang: Influence of AP240 temperture on HR-AMS
Yan Zheng:?ToF-ACSM CV Issue - walking mz30/mz46
Keren Liao:?Sulfate fragtable modifications for capture vaporizer
Dandan Huang:?H2O correction and non-OA CO2 subtraction
Xinghua Zhang:?CO2 correction for clean environment at Tibet
Wei Zhou:?ACSM PMF and ME-2 issues choose a-value
Kangwei Li:?Chamber aerosol quantification issue
Tianzeng Chen:?Operation problems

相关话题/工程学院 环境科学