

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-10

吴虹 邮  箱:hongwu@pku.edu.cn
职  称:教授

教育经历:1984 - 1991 , 博士 , 哈佛医学院
1978 - 1983 , 学士 , 北京医学院
工作经历:2013 - 至今 , 院长 , 北京大学生命科学学院
2011 - 2013 , 主任 , 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校分子医学研究所  
2009 - 至今 , David Geffen Chair in Medical Research , 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校
2008 - 2011 , 副主任 正式成员 , 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校分子医学研究所
1997 - 2004 , 助理研究员 , 霍华德-休斯医学研究所
1996 - 2013 , 助理教授、副教授、教授 , 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校分子与医学药理学系
1991 - 1996 , 博士后 , 麻省理工学院Whitehead研究所
    吴虹教授长期致力于肿瘤分子遗传学的研究,重点探讨抑癌基因在肿瘤发生、发展及耐药中的分子机制。她所领导的团队在抑癌基因信号传递、肿瘤干细胞及基因工程动物模型等研究方面做了大量的杰出工作,其研究成果对于发现肿瘤发生的分子机制以及肿瘤治疗的新途径有重大的理论及实际意义。截至2018年3月,吴虹教授发表SCI收录科学论文160余篇,引用2万余次。基于她在肿瘤分子遗传学领域的重大贡献及卓越成就,曾获得皮尤学者(Pew Scholar)、霍华德休斯助理研究员(HHMI Assistant Investigator)等多项奖励和荣誉,并于2010年当选为美国科学促进会会士(Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science),2016年当选为欧洲分子生物学组织(European Molecular Biology Organization, EMBO)外籍院士。
    1. PTEN调控干细胞和肿瘤干细胞的分子遗传机制;
    2. PI3K与其他信号通路的相互作用在肿瘤发生、转移和耐药中的功能;
    3. 中国人群前列腺癌和T细胞急性淋巴细胞白血病基因组图谱
1. Zhu, H., Zhang, L., Wu, Y., Dong, B., Guo, W., Wang, M., Yang, L., Fan, X., Tang, Y., Liu, N., Lei X., and Wu H. (2018). T-ALL leukemia stem cell 'stemness' is epigenetically controlled by the master regulator SPI1. Elife 7. PMID: **
2. Zou, Y., Qi, Z., Guo, W., Zhang, L., Ruscetti, M., Shenoy, T., Liu, N., and Wu, H. (2018). Cotargeting the Cell-Intrinsic and Microenvironment Pathways of Prostate Cancer by PI3Kalpha/beta/delta Inhibitor BAY**. Mol Cancer Ther 17, 2091-2099. PMID: **
3. Shenoy, T.R., Boysen, G., Wang, M.Y., Xu, Q.Z., Guo, W.L., Koh, F.M., Wang, C., Zhang, L.Z., Wang, Y., Gil, V., Aziz, S., Christova, R., Rodrigues, D.N., Crespo, M., Rescigno, P., Tunariu, N., Riisnaes, R., Zafeiriou, Z., Flohr, P., Yuan, W., Knight, E., Swain, A., Ramalho-Santos, M., Xu, D.Y., de Bono, J. and Wu, H. (2017) CHD1 loss sensitizes prostate cancer to DNA damaging therapy by promoting error-prone double-strand break repair. Ann Oncol. Jul 1;28(7):1495-1507.PMID: **
4. Schubbert S., Jiao, J., Ruscetti, M., Nakashima, J., Wu, S., Lei, H., Xu, Q., Yi, W., Zhu, H., Wu, H. (2016) Methods for PTEN in Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells Methods Mol. Biol. 1288:233-85. PMID:**
5. Ruscetti, M., Dadashian, E.L., Guo, W., Quach, B., Mulholland D.J., Park J.W., Tran, L.M., Kobayashi, N., Bianchi-Frias, D., Nelson, P.S., Xing, Y. and Wu, H. (2016) HDAC Inhibition Impedes Epithelial-Mesenchymal Plasticity and Suppresses Metastatic, Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer. Oncogene. 2016.7.21, 35(29): 3781~3795 PMID:**
6. Ruscetti, M., Quach, B., Dadashian, E.L., Mulholland, D.J. and Wu, H. (2015) Tracking and functional characterization of EMT and mesenchymal-like tumor cells in prostate cancer metastasis. Cancer Res. 75:2749-59. PMCID:PMC**.
7. Schubbert S, Cardenas A, Chen H, Garcia C, Guo W, Bradner JE, Wu H.  Targeting the MYC and PI3K pathways eliminates leukemia-initiating cells in T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. (2014) Cancer Res74:7048-59.PMCID:PMC**
8. Pulido R, Baker SJ, Barata JT, Carracedo A, Cid VJ, Chin-Sang ID, Davé V, den Hertog J, Devreotes P, Eickholt BJ, Eng C, Furnari FB, Georgescu MM, Gericke A, Hopkins B, Jiang X, Lee SR, L?sche M, Malaney P, Matias-Guiu X, Molina M, Pandolfi PP, Parsons R, Pinton P, Rivas C, Rocha RM, Rodríguez MS, Ross AH, Serrano M, Stambolic V, Stiles B, Suzuki A, Tan SS, Tonks NK, Trotman LC, Wolff N, Woscholski R, Wu H, Leslie NR. (2014) A Uniform Nomenclature and Amino Acid Numbering for Human PTEN. Science Signal. 7: pe15PMCID:PMC**
9. Garcia, A.J., Ruscetti, M., Arenzana, T.L., Tran, L.M., Frias D.B., Sybert, E., Priceman, S.J., Wu, L., Nelson, P., Smale, S and Wu, H. (2014) Pten null prostate epithelium promotes localized MDSC expansion and immune suppression during tumor initiation and progression. Mol Cell Biol. 34:2017-2028. PMCID:PMC**
10. Ruscetti, M and Wu, H. (2013) PTEN in Prostate Cancer. In Prostate Cancer: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Genetics and Protein Reviews. Don J. Tindall (editor). Mayo Clinic (in press).
11. Mulholland, D., and Wu, H. (2013) A Book Chapter in “Stem Cells and Prostate Cancer”; Chapter 5 – Genetic and Signaling Pathway Regulations Springer Science-Business Media 77-89.
12. Smith, K.B., Tran, L.M., Tam, B.,Shurell, E.M., Li, Y., Braas, D., Tap, W.D., Christofk, H.R., Dry, S.M., Eiber, F.C., and Wu, H. (2013) Novel dedifferentiated liposarcoma xenograft models reveal PTEN down regulation as a malignant Signature and Response to PI3K Pathway Inhibition. American Journal of Pathology 182(4):1400-11. PMCID: PMC**.
13. Schlacher, K., Wu, H., and Jasin, M. (2012) A Distinct Replication Fork Protection Pathway Connects Fanconi Anemia Tumor Suppressors to RAD51-BRCA1/2. Cancer Cell 22(1):106-16. PMID: **
14. Hubner, A., Mulholland, D., Standen, C., Karasarides, M., Cavanagh-Kyros, J., Barrett, T., Chi, H., Greiner, D., Tournier, C.,  Flavell, R., Sawyers, C., Wu H., and Davis, R. (2012) JNK and PTEN co-operatively control the development of invasive adenocarcinoma of the prostate. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA109(30):12046-51. PMCID: PMC**
15. Mulholland, D., Kobayashi, N., Ruscetti, M., Zhi, A., Tran, L.M., Huang, J., Gleave, M and Wu, H (2012) Pten loss and RAS/MAPK activation coorperate to promote EMT and prostate cancer metastasis initiated from stem/progenitor cells. Cancer Res.72 (7):1878-89. PMCID: PMC**
16. Tran, L.M., Chang, C., Plaisier, S., Dang, J., Mischel, P.S., Liao, J., Graeber, T.G. and Wu, H. (2012) Determining PTEN functional status by network component deducted transcription factor activities. PLoS One 7(2):e31053. PMCID: PMC **
17. Donahue, T.R., Tran, M.L., Hill, R., Li, Y, Kovochich, A., Calvopina, J., Patel, S.G., Farrell, J.J., Li, X., Dawson, D. and Wu, H. (2012) Integrative survival-based molecular profiling of Human Pancreatic Cancer. Clinic Cancer Res.18(5): 1352-63. PMID: **
18. Valamehr, B., Tsutsui, H., Ho, C.M., and Wu, H (2011) Developing defined culture system for human pluripotent stem cells. Regen. Med. 6:623-634. PMID: **
19. Mulholland, D., Tran, M.L., Cai, H., Morim, A., Wang, S., Plaisier, S., Huang, J., Garraway, I., Graeber, T. and Wu, H. (2011) Cell autonomous role of PTEN in regulating castration-resistant prostate cancer growth. Cancer Cell 19, 792-804. PMCID:PMC**.
20. Schlacher, K., Christ, N., Siaud, N., Egashira, A., Wu, H. and Jasin, M. (2011) Homologous recombination independent role for BRCA1 in blocking stalled replication folk degradation by MRE11. Cell145, 529-542. PMCID: PMC**
21. Le Belle, J., Orozco, N.M., Paucar, A., Saxe, J., Mottahedeh, J., Pyle, A., Wu, H. and Kornblum, H. (2011) Proliferative neural stem cell maintain high endogenous levels of reactive oxygen species that regulate self-renewal and neurogenesis in a PI3K/AKT-dependent manner. Cell Stem Cell 8 (1): 59-71.PMCID: PMC**
22. Guo, W., Schubbert, S., Chen, J-Y, Valamehr, V., Mosessian, S., Shi, H., Garcia, C., Theodoro, M.F., Varella-Garcia, M and Wu, H. (2011) Suppression of leukemia and leukemia stem cell transformation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108, 1409-14.PMCID: PMC**
23. Lukacs, R., Memarzadeh, S., Wu, H. and Witte, O (2010) Bmi-1 is a crucial regulator of prostate stem cell self-renewal and malignant transformation. Cell Stem Cell 7(6):682-93. PMCID: PMC**
24. Tsutsui, H., Valamehr, B., Hindoyan, A., Qiao, R., Ding, X., Guo, S., Witte, O., Liu, X., Ho, C.M., and Wu, H. (2011) An optimized small molecule inhibitor cocktail supports long-term maintenance of human embryonic stem cells. Nature Communications 2:167. PMCID: PMC**
25. Hill, R., Calvopina, J.H., Kim, C., Wang, Y., Dawson, D.W., Donahue, T.R., Dry, S., Wu, H. (2010) PTEN Loss Accelerates KrasG12D-Induced Pancreatic Cancer Development. Cancer Res 70 (18):7114-24.PMCID: PMC**
26. Gregorian, G., Nakashima, J., Dry, S.M., Nghiemphu, P.L., Smith, K.B., Ao, Y., Dang, J., Lawson, G., Mellinghoff, I.K., Mischel, P.S., Phelps, M., Parada, L., Liu, X., Sofroniew, M.V., Eilber, F.C. and Wu, H. (2009) PTEN Dosage is Essential for Neurofibroma Development and Malignant Transformation.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106: 19479-84. PMCID: PMC**
27. Mosessian, S., Avliyakulov, N.K., Mulholland, D.J., Boontheung, P., Loo, J.A. and Wu, H. (2009) Analysis of PTEN Complex Assembly and Identification of Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein C as a Component of the PTEN-associated Complex. J. Biol. Chem 284: 30159-66. PMCID: PMC**
28. Mulholland, D.J., Xin, L., Morim, A., Lawson, D., Witte, O., and Wu, H (2009)Lin-Sca-1+CD49high stem/progenitors are tumor-initiating cells in the Pten-null prostate cancer model. Cancer Res 69:8555-8562. PMCID: PMC**
29. Guertin, D.A., Stevens, D.M., Saitoh, M., Crosby, K., Cormier, K.S., Mulholland, D.J., Magnuson, M.A., Wu, H., Sabatini, D.M. (2009) The mTOR complex 2 is required for the development of prostate cancer induced by PTEN loss in mice.  Cancer Cell 15:148-59. PMCID: PMC**
30. Gregorian, C., Nakashima, J., Ohab, J., Kim, R., Liu, A., Groszer, M., Garcia, D., Sofroniew, M., Carmichael, T., Liu, X. and Wu, H. (2009) Pten Deletion in Adult Neural Stem/Progenitor Cells Enhances Constitutive Neurogenesis. J. Neuroscience 29: 1874-86. PMCID: PMC**
31. Valamehr, B., Jonas, S., Polleux, J., Kam, K, Qiao, R., Stiles, B., Luo, T., Witte, O., Liu, X., Dunn, B. and Wu, H. (2008) Hydrophobic Surfaces for Enhanced Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105:14459-64.PMCID: PMC**
32. Burton JB, Johnson M, Sato M, Koh SB, Stout S, Mulholland D, Chatziioannou AF, Phelps M, Wu H. and Wu L. (2008) Adenovirus Mediated Gene Expression Imaging to Directly Detect Sentinel Lymph Node Metastasis of Prostate Cancer. Nature Med.14:882-9. PMCID: PMC**
33. Kwon, C.H., Zhao, D., Chen, J., Alcantara, S., Li, Y., Burns, D., Mason, R.P., Lee, E.Y-H., Wu, H and Parada, L. (2008) Ptenhaploinsufficiency accelerates formation of high grade astrocytomas. Cancer Res. 68:3286-94. PMCID: PMC**
34. Mulholland, D.J., Jiao, J. and Wu, H (2008) Hormone refractory prostate cancer: lesions leaned from the PTEN prostate cancer model. Adv Exp Med Biol 617:87-95. PMID:**
35. Chang, C., Mulholland, D., Valamehr, B., Mosessian, S., Sellers, W. andWu, H. (2008) PTEN Nuclear Localization Is Regulated by Oxidative Stress and Responsible for p53-Dependent Tumor Suppression. Mol. Cell. Biol. 28:3281-9. PMCID: PMC**
36. Guo, W., Lasky, J, Chang, C., Mosessian, S., Lewis, X., Xiao, Y., Yeh, J., Chen, J., Iruela-Arispe, L., Varella-Garcia, M. and Wu, H. (2008) Multi-genetic events collaboratively to Pten-null leukaemia stem-cell formation. Nature 453: 529-533.PMCID: PMC**
37. Tahk S., Liu, B., Chenishof, V., Wong, K., Wu, H. and Shuai, K (2007) Control of specificity and magnitude of NF-kB and STAT1-mediated gene activation through PIASy and PIAS1 co-operation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104: 11643-11648. PMCID: PMC**
38. Jiao, J., Wang, S., Qiao, R., Vivanco, I., Watson, P., Sawyers, C. and Wu, H. (2007) Murine Cell Lines Derived from Pten Null Prostate Cancer Demonstrate the Critical Role of PTEN in Hormone Refractory Prostate Cancer Development. Cancer Res 67: 6083-91. PMID: **
39. Vivanco, I., Palaskas, N., Tran, C., Finn, S.P., Getz, G., Kennedy, N.G., Jiao, J., Rose, J., Xie, W., Loda, M., Golub, T., Mellinghoff, I., Davis, R., Wu, H. and Sawyers, C.L (2007) Identification of the JNK Signaling Pathway as a Functional Target of the Tumor Suppressor PTEN. Cancer Cell 11: 555-569. PMID:**
40. He, X., Zhang, J., Grindley, J.C., Tian, Q., Sato, T., Tao, W.A., Dirisina, R., Porter-Westpfahl, K.S., Hembree, M., Johnson, T., Wiedemann, L., Barrett, T., Hood, L., Wu, H. and Li, L. (2007) Inactivation of PTEN leads to enhanced activation of intestinal stem cells and biasing on lineage fate determination. Nature Genetics 39: 189-98. PMID: **
41. Freeman, D., Lesche, R., Kertesz, N., Wang, S-Y., Li, G., Gao, J., Groszer, M., Martinez-Diaz, H., Rozengurt, N., Thomas, G., Liu, X., and Wu, H. (2006) Genetic Background Controls Tumor Development in Pten Deficient Mice. Cancer Res 66: 6492-6496. PMID:**
42. Zhang, J., Grindley, J., Yin, T., Jayainghe, S., He, X., Ross, J., Haug, J., Rupp, D., Porter-Westpfahl, K., Wiedemann, L., Wu, H., and Li, L (2006) An essential role of PTEN in hematopoietic stem cell maintenance, lineage choice, and leukemia prevention. Nature 441: 518-522. PMID: **
43. Lei, Q., Jiao, J., Xin, L., Chang, C., Wang, S., Gao, J., Gleave, M.E., Witte, O., Liu, X. and Wu, H. (2006) NKX3.1 stabilizes p53, inhibits AKT activation and delays prostate cancer initiation caused by PTEN loss. Cancer Cell 9: 367-78. PMID:**
44. Yilmaz, O.H., Valdez, R., Threisen, B.K., Guo, W., Ferguson, D.,O., Wu, H., Morrison, S.J. (2006) Pten dependence distinguishes hematopoietic stem cells from leukemia initiating cells. Nature 441: 475-482. PMID:**
45. Li, G., Hu, Y., Liu, M., Huo, Y., Freeman, D., Gao, J., Liu, X., Wu, D-C., Wu, H. (2006) PTEN deletion leads to up-regulation of a secreted growth factor pleiotrophin. J. Biol. Chem. 281:10663-10668. PMID:**
46. Stiles, B., Kurlawalla-Martinez, C., Guo, W., Gregorian, C., Wang, Y., Tian, J. Magnuson, M.A. and Wu, H. (2006) Selective deletion of Pten in pancreatic ?-cells leads to increased ? cell mass and resistance to STZ-induced diabetes. Mol. Cell Biol. 26:2772-81. PMCID: PMC**
47. Tsai, P., Ohab, J., Kertesz, N., Groszer, M., MatterC, Gao, J., Liu, X., Wu, H. and Carmichael, S.T. (2006) A Critical Role of Erythropoietin Receptor in Neurogenesis and post-stroke recovery. J. Neurosciences 26:. PMID:**
48. Wang, S., Garcia, A., Wu, M., Lawson, D., Witte, O. and Wu, H. (2006) Ptendeletion leads to the expansion of prostatic stem/progenitor cell subpopulation and tumor initiation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103:1480-1485. PMCID: PMC**
49. Groszer, M., Erickson, R., Scripture-Adams, D., Dougherty, J., LeBelle, J., Zack, J., Geschwind, D., Liu, X., Kornblum, H. and Wu, H. (2006) PTEN Negatively Regulates Neural Stem Cell Self-Renewal by Modulating G0-G1 Cell Cycle Entry. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103:111-116. PMCID: PMC**
50. Stanger, B.Z., Stiles, B., Lauwers, G., Bardeesy, N., Mendoza, M., Wang, Y., Greenwood, A., Cheng, K., McLaughlin, P., Brown, D., DePinho, R., Wu, H., Melton D. and Dor Y. (2005) Supplemental data Pten constrains centroacinar cell expansion and malignant transformation in the pancreas. Cancer Cell 8:185-172. PMID:**
51. Yue, Q., Groszer, M., Gil, J.S., Berk, A.J., Messing, A., Wu, H., Liu, X. (2005) PTEN deletion in Bergmann glia leads to premature differentiation and affects laminar organization. Development 132:3151-3326.PMID:**
52. Sanchez, T., Thangada, S., Wu, M.T., Kontos, C., Wu, D., Wu, H. And Hla T. (2005) PTEN as an effector in the signaling of anti-migratory G protein-coupled receptor. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102:4312-7. PMCID: PMC555509
53. Liu, B., Yang, R., Wong, K.A. Getman, C., Stein, N., Cheng, G., Wu, H., and Shuai K. (2005) Negative Regulation of NF-kB signaling by PIAS1. Mol. Cell Biol.25:1113-23. PMCID: PMCID: 544018
54. Wu, H., Khodavirdi, A., and Roy-Burman, P (2005) Capturing Signal Anomalies of Human Prostate Cancer into Mouse Models. Chapter in “Prostate Cancer: Basic Mechanisms and Therapeutic Approaches” World Scientific Publishing Co. 393-421.
55. Kurlawalla-Martinez, C., Stiles, B., Wang, Y., Devaskar, S., Kahn, B., and Wu, H. (2005) Insulin Hypersensitivity and Resistance to Streptozotocin Induced Diabetes in Mice Lacking PTEN in Adipose Tissue. Mol. Cell Biol. 25:2498-510. PMCID: PMC**
56. Liu, B., Mink. S., Wong, K.A., Stein, N., Getman, C., Dempsey, P., Wu, H., Shuai, K. (2004) PIAS1 Selectively Inhibits a Subset of IFN-Inducible Genes and Is Important in Innate Immunity. Nature Immunology 5:891-898. PMID:**
57. Kertesz, N., Wu, J., Chen, T., Sucov, H. and Wu,H. (2004) The role of erythropoietin in regulating angiogenesis. Devel. Biol. 276: 101-110. PMID:**
58. Stiles, B., Groszer, M., Wang, S., Jiao, J. and Wu, H (2004) PTENless means more. Devel.  Biol. 273:175-184. PMID:**
59. Chang, Chun-ju, Freeman, D. and Wu, H. (2004) PTEN regulates Mdm2 expression through the P1 promoter. J. Biol. Chem. 279:29841-29848. PMID:**
60. Wong, K., Kim, R., Christofk, H., Gao, J. and Wu, H. (2004) Protein inhibitor of activated STAT Y (PIASy) enhances sumoylation but is not essential for embryogenesis and adult life. Mol. Cell Biol. 12:5577-5586. PMCID: PMC419860
61. Stiles, B., Wang, Y., Stahl, A., Bassilian, S., Lee, W.P., Kim, Y-J., Sherwin R., Devaskar, S., Lesche, R., Magnuson, M., and Wu, H. (2004) Live-Specific Deletion of negative regulator Pten Results in Fatty Liver and Insulin Hypersensitivity. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA101: 2082-2087. PMCID: PMC357055
62. Wang, S., Gao, J., Lei, Q-Y., Rozengurt, N., Pritchard, C., Jiao, J., Thomas, G., Li, G., Roy-Burman, P., Nelson, P., Liu, X., and Wu, H. (2003) Prostate-specific deletion of the murine Pten tumor suppressor gene leads to metastatic prostate cancer. Cancer Cell 4:209-221.PMID: **
63. Tsai, P., Lee, R.A., and Wu, H., (2003) BMP4 acts upstream of FGF in modulating thymic stroma and regulating thymopoiesis. Blood 102:3947-3953. PMID:**
64. Wong, K., Tsai, P., Jegalian, A., Kertesz, N., Lee, R. and Wu, H. (2003) Erythropoietin, Biochemistry of. In Encyclopedia of Hormones Academic Press 561-569.
65. Anzelon, A., Wu, H., and Rickert R. (2003) Pten Inactivation Alters Peripheral B Lymphocyte Fate and Reconstitutes CD19 Function. Nature Immunology 4:287-294. PMID:**
66. Freeman, D., Wei, G., Li, H., Li, A., Lesche, R., Whale, A., Martinez-Diaz, H., Rozengurt, N., Liu, X. and Wu, H. (2003) PTEN Tumor Suppressor Gene Regulates p53 Through Both MDM2-Dependent and Independent Mechanisms. Cancer Cell 3:117-129.
67. Li, G., Robinson, G.W., Lesche, R., Martinez-Diaz, H., Jiang, Z.R., Rozengurt, N., Wagner, K., Wu, D.C., Lane, T.F., Liu, X., Hennighausen, L., and Wu, H. (2002) Conditional loss of PTEN leads to precocious development and neoplasia in the mammary gland. Development 129:4159-4170. PMID:**
68. Stiles, B., Gilman, V., Khnzenzon, N., Lesche, R., Li, A., Qiao, R., Liu, X., and Wu, H. (2002) The Essential Role of AKT-1/PKB? in PTEN Controlled Tumorigenesis. Mol. Cell. Biology 22: 3842-3851. PMCID: PMC133830
69. Lesche, R., Groszer, M., Gao, J., Wang, Y., Messing, A., Liu, X., and Wu,H. (2002) Cre/loxp-Mediated Inactivation of The Murine Pten Tumor Suppressor Gene. Genesis32: 148-149. PMID: **
70. Jegalian, A., Acurio, A., Dranoff, G., Wu, H. (2002) Erythropoietin receptor haploinsufficiency and in vivo interplay with granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor and interleukine 3. Blood 99:2603-2605. PMID:**
71. Jegalian, A. and Wu, H. (2002) Regulation of SOCS gene expression by the proto-oncogene Gfi-1B: Two Routes for STAT5-Target Gene Induction by Erythropoietin. J. Biol. Chem. 277: 2345-2352. PMID:**
72. Groszer, M., Erickson, R., Scripture-Adams, D., Lesche, R., Trumpp, A., Zack, J., Kornblum, H., Liu, X., and Wu, H. (2001) Negative Regulation of Neural Stem/Progenitor Cell Proliferation by the Pten Tumor Suppressor Gene In Vivo. Science 294: 2186-2189. PMID:**
73. Neshat, M., Mellinghoff, I., Tran, C., Stiles, B., Thomas, G., Wu, H., and Sawyers, C. (2001) Enhanced sensitively of PTEN-Deficient Tumors to Inhibition of FRAP/mTOR. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98: 10314-10319. PMCID: PMC56958
74. Lee, R., Kertesz, N., Joseph, S., Jegalian, A. and Wu, H. (2001) Erythropoietin (Epo) and EpoR Expression and Two Waves of Erythropoiesis. Blood 98: 1408-1415.
75. Liliental,J., Lesche, R., Moon, S-Y., Mamillapalli, R., Gavrilova, N., Sun, H., Zheng, Y., and Wu, H. (2000) Genetic Deletion of the Pten Tumor Suppressor Gene Promotes Cell Motility by Activation of Rac1 and Cdc42 GTPases. Current Biology10,401-404. PMID:**
76. Wu, H., Lee, S-H, Gao, J., Liu, X. and Iruela-Arispe, L. (1999) Inactivation of Erythropoietin Leads to Defects in Cardiac Morphogenesis. Development 126:3597-3605. PMID:**
77. Sun, H., Lesche, R., Li, DM., Liliental, J., Zhang, H., Gao, J., Garvarina, N., Mueller, B., Liu, X. and Wu, H. (1999) PTEN Modulates Cell Cycle Prograssion and Cell Survival by Regulating PIP3 and AKT/PKB Signaling Pathway. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96: 6199-6204. PMCID: PMC26859
78. Klingmuller, K., Wu, H., Hsiao, J., Duckworth, B., Toker, A., Cantley, L.C. and Lodish, H.F. (1997) Identification of a novel pathway important for proliferation and differentiation of primary erythroid progenitors. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94, 3016-3021. PMCID: PMC20314
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