
北京大学物理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陈 斌

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-10

陈斌 教授 教育背景:中国科学院博士(1997年)
联系方式:Email bchen01_at_pku.edu.cn

陈 斌个人信息
姓名:陈斌 性别:男 出生日期:1969.12.22 籍贯:四川宜宾 国籍:中国
健康状况:优秀 婚姻状况:已婚 Email: bchen01@pku.edu.cn
教育情况 1992.09-1997.08 中国科学院理论物理研究所 攻读硕士博士 于1997年秋获博士学位
1987.09-1992.09 中国科技大学 近代物理系 获学士学位
工作经历 1997.11-1999.11 日本大阪大学理学部 日本学术振兴会客座研究员
1999.12-2000.08 日本大阪大学理学部 教授助理
2000.09-2002.09 意大利国际理论物理中心高能组 博士后
2002.10-2003.02 韩国高等科学技术研究院物理系 助理教授
2003.03-2003.09 台湾国立理论科学中心 访问学者
2003.10-2005.6 中国科学院理论研究所(交叉中心) 副研究员
北京大学物理学院 副教授
Research StatementMy main research interests focus on the various physical and mathematical problems in string theory. More precisely, in the past few years, I have been working in
Integrability in SYM and its applications to AdS/CFT correspondence;
String theory in time-dependent background;
Colliding plane waves in string theory;
Other topics, including matrix models, noncommutative geometry, string field theory.
I am now interested in the subjects in the string cosmology, AdS/CFT correspondence and mathematical physics in string theory.
Selected Papers: The Time-dependent Supersymmetric Configurations in M-theory and Matrix Models
Author/s Bin Chen
Reference: to appear in PLB, Arxiv: hep-th/**
The Fate of Massive F-Strings
Author/s Bin Chen, Miao Li and Jian-Huang She
Reference JHEP 0506 (2005) 009
Dbrane Near NS5-branes: with Electromagnetic Field
Author/s Bin Chen, Miao Li and Bo Sun
Reference JHEP 0412 (2004) 057
Colliding Plane Wave Solutions in String theory Revisited
Author/s Bin Chen
Reference JHEP 0412 (2004) 016
Open Spin Chain and Open Spinning String
Author/s Bin Chen, Xiao-Jun Wang and Yong-Shi Wu
Reference Phys. Lett. B591:170-180, 2004
Integrable Open Spin Chain in Super Yang-Mills and the Plane-wave/SYM duality
Author/s Bin Chen, Xiao-Jun Wang and Yong-Shi Wu
Reference JHEP 0402:029, 2004
Gravitational Radiation of Rolling Tachyon
Author/s Bin Chen, Miao Li and Feng-li Lin
Reference JHEP 0211:050, 2002
Star Spectroscopy in the Constant B Field Background
Author/s Bin Chen and Feng-li Lin
Reference Nucl Phys B637 (2002)199-218
p-p' System with B field, Branes at Angles and Noncommutative Geometry
Author/s B. Chen, H. Itoyama, T. Matsuo and K. Murakami
Reference Nucl Phys B576 (2000)177
Nonabelian Monopoles from Matrices: Seeds of Our Spacetime
Author/s B. Chen, H. Itoyama and H. Kihara
Reference Nucl Phys B577 (2000)23
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