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Dr. Ji FengBoya Distinguished Professor
Contact Information
Office:Physics Building W574, 物理楼西574
Personal Homepage:http://feng.pku.edu.cn/
Cornell University
Chemical Engineering
National University of Singapore
Chemical Engineering
National University of Singapore
Professional Appointments
Full Professor
ICQM, School of Physics, Peking University
Tenured Associate Professor
ICQM, School of Physics, Peking University
Tenure-track Associate Professor
ICQM, School of Physics, Peking University
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Materials Science, University of Pennsylvania
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Chemistry, Harvard University
Research Interests
Condensed matter physics; computational materials modeling
1. Density-functional theory and materials modeling
2. Berry phase of Bloch bands: topological states;valleytronics
3. Correlation effects: magnetic order; electron-phonon coupling; charge-density wave
4. Elastic strain: charge carrier dynamics; orbital effects; molecular dynamics
5. Materials of interest: chalcogenides; topological materials; graphene; complex oxides; multiferroics
Honors and Awards
2017 Distinguished Young Scholars, NSFC
Excellent Young Scientist Grant, NSFC
Recruitment Program of Global Experts (Junior Program), China
Wentink Prize, Cornell University
Wachter Prize, Cornell University
Selected Publications
1. Kaige Hu, Fa Wang, &Ji Feng, “The magnetic structure of Na2IrO3: a LSDA+U+SOC study”Physical Review Letters(2015).
2. Tianyi Cai, Xiao Li, Fa Wang, Sheng Ju,Ji Feng, & Chang-De Gong. “Single-spin Dirac Fermion and Chern insulator based on simple oxides”.Nano Letters(2015).
3. Shaofeng Ge, Chaokai Li, Zhiming Zhang, Chenglong Zhang, Yudao Zhang, Jun Qiu, Qinsheng Wang, Junku Liu, Shuang Jia,Ji Feng, and Dong Sun, “Dynamical evolution of anisotropic response in black phosphorus under ultrafast photoexcitation”.Nano Letters15, 4650 (2015).
4. Jingshan Qi, Xiao Li, Qian Niu, &Ji Feng. “Giant and tunable valley degeneracy splitting in MoTe2”.Physical Review B(Rapid Comm.), 2015.
5. Yuwen Hu, Feipeng Zheng, Ren Xiao,Ji Feng, & Yuan Li, “Charge--density wave and phonon--electron coupling in ZrTe3”.Physical Review B,91, 144502 (2015).
6. Hua Jiang,Haiwen Liu,Ji Feng, Qingfeng Sun & X.C. Xie,“Transport discovery of emerging robust helical surface states in Z2= 0 systems”.Physical Review Letters,112, 176601 (2014).
7. Xuewen Fu, Cong Su, Qiang Fu, Xinli Zhu, Rui Zhu, Chuanpu Liu, Jun Xu, Wanlin Guo,Ji Feng, Ju Li & Dapeng Yu,“Tailoring exciton dynamics by elastic strain-gradient in semiconductors”.Advanced Materials26, 2572 (2014).
8. Xiao Li, Ting Cao, Qian Niu, Junren Shi &Ji Feng,“Coupling the valley degree of freedom to antiferromagnetic order”.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences110, 3738 (2013).
9. Ting Cao, Gang Wang, Wenpeng Han, Huiqi Ye, Chuanrui Zhu, Junren Shi, Qian Niu, Pingheng Tan, Enge Wang, Baoli Liu &Ji Feng,“Valley-selective circular dichroism in monolayer molybdenum disulphide”.Nature Communications3, 887 (2012).
Highlight:Nature Nanotechnology'News and Views'.
10.Ji Feng, Xiaofeng Qian, Cheng-Wei Huang & Ju Li,“Strain-engineered artificial atom as a broad-spectrum solar energy funnel”.Nature Photonics6, 866 (2012).
Highlight: 'Optical materials: Inspired by strain' (by Arend van der Zande and James Hone).News and ViewsofNature Photonics6,804-806 (2012).
11.Ji Feng, Liang Qi, Jian-Yu Huang, and Ju Li, “Geometric and electronic structure of graphene bilayer edges.”Physical Review B,80, 165407 (2009).
12.Ji Feng, Richard G Hennig, NW Ashcroft, and Roald Hoffmann,“Emergent reduction of electronic state dimensionality in dense ordered Li-Be alloys.”Nature,451, 445 (2008).
Major media coverage:Natureeditor'ssummary;Natureinterviewwith Roald and Neil; National Science Foundation'spress release;C&EN News.
13. Wojciech Grochala, Roald Hoffmann,Ji Feng, and Neil W Ashcroft,“The chemical imagination at work in very tight places.”Angewandte Chemie International Edition,46, 3620 (2007).
14.Ji Feng, Neil W. Ashcroft, Roald Hoffmann.'Theoretical indications of singular structural and electronic features of Laves-phase CaLi2 under pressure'.Physical Review Letters98, 247002 (2007).
15.Ji Feng, Wojciech Grochala, Tomasz Jaroń, Roald Hoffmann, Aitor Bergara, and NW Ashcroft,“Structures and potential superconductivity in SiH4 at high pressure: En route to metallic hydrogen.”Physical Review Letters,96, 017006 (2006).NatureHighlight.
Open Positions
I may accept one PhD student per year. Interested undergrads are also welcome to explore possibilities available in my group. For postdoctoral position, please contact me directly.
5th & 6th Floor, Physics Building, Peking University No. 209 Chengfu Road, Haidian District Beijing, 100871, China 地址:北京市海淀区成府路209号北京大学物理学院西楼五、六层 邮编:100871
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