

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-10

刘运全 教授
电话:** E-mail:yunquan.liu_at_pku.edu.cn

北京大学 长江特聘教授 国家杰出青年基金获得者. 1979年出生于安徽泗县。2001年本科毕业于西北工业大学,2006年获中科院物理所博士学位,2006-2008年在Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics做博士后研究;2009年获教育部新世纪人才计划(B类)支持,同年被聘为北京大学百人计划特聘研究员,2010年获饶毓泰基础光学奖一等奖,2011年获国家杰出青年基金支持,2012获王选青年学者奖,2013获王大珩中青年光学奖,2014获聘教育部长江特聘教授,2014年入选科技部中青年科技创新人才计划, 获2014-2015年度中国物理学会饶毓泰奖,入选2016年第二批中组部”****“。

Email:yunquan.liu 'at 'pku.edu.cn
Book and Book Chapters:"Advances of atoms and molecules in strong-laser fields”, edited by Yunquan Liu, World Scientific Publishing (Nov. 2015).
近期部分论文: (1) Yunquan Liu, S. Tschuch, A. Rudenko, M. Dürr, M. Siege, U. Morgner, R. Moshammer and J. Ullrich, “Strong-field double ionization of Ar below the recollision threshold,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 053001(2008).
(2) Yunquan Liu, Difa Ye, J. Liu, S. Tschuch, A. Rudenko, M. Dürr, M. Siege, U. Morgner, Qihuang Gong, R. Moshammer and J. Ullrich, “Multiphoton double ionization of Ar and Ne close to threshold,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 173002(2010).
(3) Yunquan Liu, Xianrong Liu, Yongkai Deng, Chengyin Wu, Hongbing Jiang,and Qihuang Gong, “Selective steering of molecular multiple dissociative channels with strong few-cycle laser pulses,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 073004(2011).
(4) Xianrong Liu, Yunquan Liu, Hong Liu, Yongkai Deng, Chengyin Wu, and Qihuang Gong, “Fully differential measurement on above threshold ionization of CO and CO2 molecule in strong laser fields,” J. Opt. Soc. A. B 28, 293 (2011).
(5) Yunquan Liu, Xianrong Liu, Yongkai Deng, Chengyin Wu, and Qihuang Gong, “Low-Energy Photoelectron Angular Distributions of Above-ThresholdIonization of Atoms and Molecules in Strong Laser Fields,” IEEE J. of Sel. Top. Quan. Elec. 18, 195(2012).
(6) Yongkai Deng, Yunquan Liu, Xianrong Liu, Hong Liu, Yudong Yang, Chengyin Wu, and Qihuang Gong,“Differential study on molecular suppressed ionization in intense linearly and circularly polarized laser fields,” Phys. Rev. A 84, 065405 (2011).
(7) Min Li, Yunquan Liu, Hong Liu, Yudong Yang, Jialei Yuan, Xianrong Liu,Yongkai Deng, Chengyin Wu, and Qihuang Gong “Photoelectron angular distributions of low-order above-threshold ionization of Xe in the multiphoton regime,” Phys. Rev. A 85, 013414 (2012)
(8) C. Y. Wu, Y. D. Yang, Y. Q. Liu, Q. H. Gong, M. Wu, X. Liu, X. L. Hao, W. D. Li, X. T. He, and J. Chen, "Characteristic Spectrum of Very Low-Energy Photoelectron from Above-Threshold Ionization in the Tunneling Regime," Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 043001(2012).
(9) Yuanxing Liu, Yunquan Liu, and Qihuang Gong, “Phase dependence of dynamical manipulation of NaI predissociation,”Phys. Rev. A 85, 023406(2012).
(10) Cong Wu, Gongqiu Zhang, Chengyin Wu, Yudong Yang, Xianrong Liu, Yongkai Deng, Hong Liu, Yunquan Liu, and Qihuang Gong, "Dissociative double ionization of CO2 induced by intense femtosecond laser pulses,"Phys. Rev. A 85, 063407(2012).
(11) Hong Liu, Yunquan Liu, Libin Fu, Guoguo Xin, Difa Ye, Jie Liu, X. T. He, Yudong Yang, Xianrong Liu, Yongkai Deng, Chengyin Wu, and Qihuang Gong, “Low Yield of Near-Zero-Momentum Electrons and Partial Atomic Stabilization in Strong-Field Tunneling Ionization,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 093001 (2012).
(12) Yuanxing Liu, Yunquan Liu, and Qihuang Gong, “Control of Landau-Zener transitionin NaI predissociation with chirped femtosecond laser pulses" European physics Letter 101,68006 (2013).
(13) Min Li, Yunquan Liu, Hong Liu, Qicheng Ning, Libin Fu, Jie Liu, Yongkai Deng, Chengyin Wu, Liangyou Peng, and Qihuang Gong, "Subcycle dynamics of Coulomb asymmetry in strong elliptical laser fields,"Phys. Rev. Lett. 111,023006(2013).
(14) Cong Wu, Chengyin Wu, Di Song, Hongmei Su, Yudong Yang, Zhifeng Wu, Xianrong Liu, Hong Liu, Min Li, Yongkai Deng, Yunquan Liu, Liang-You Peng, Hongbing Jiang, and Qihuang Gong, "Nonsequential and Sequential Fragmentation of CO3+2 in Intense Laser Fields," Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 103601 (2013).
(15) Yuanxing Liu, Yunquan Liu, and Qihuang Gong, "Intensity dependence of NaI predissociation in midinfrared femtosecond laser fields,", Phys. Rev. A 87, 055402(2013).
(16) Hong Liu, Song-Feng Zhao, Min Li, Yongkai Deng, Chengyin Wu, Xiao-Xin Zhou, Qihuang Gong, and Yunquan Liu, “Molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions of strong-field tunneling from inner orbitals,” Phys. Rev. A(Rad. Commu.) 88, 061401(2013).
(17) Min Li, Liang Qin, Chengyin Wu, Liangyou Peng, Qihuang Gong, and Yunquan Liu, "Rescattering and frustrated tunneling ionization of atoms in circularly polarized laser fields", Phys. Rev. A 89,013422(2014).
(18) Yunquan Liu, Libin Fu, Difa Ye, Jie Liu, Min Li, Chengyin Wu, Qihuang Gong, R. Moshammer, and J. Ullrich, "Strong-field double ionization through sequential release from double excitation with subsequent coulomb scattering," Phys. Rev. Lett. 112,013003(2014).
(19) Jialei Yuan, Min Li, Xufei Sun, Qihuang Gong and Yunquan Liu, “Tunneling coordinates of high-energy photoelectrons in above threshold ionization,” J. Phys B 47,015003(2014).
(20) Min Li, Hong Liu, Cong Wu, Yongkai Deng, Chengyin Wu, Qihuang Gong, and Yunquan Liu, "Charge oscillation in multiphoton and tunneling ionization of rare-gas dimers," Phys. Rev. A 89,025402(2014).
(21) Min Li, Ji-Wei Geng, Hong Liu, Yongkai Deng, Chengyin Wu, Liang-You Peng, Qihuang Gong, and Yunquan Liu, "Classical-quantum correspondence for above threshold ionization," Phys. Rev. Lett. 112,113002(2014).
(22) Min Li, Jialei Yuan, Xufei Sun, Jizhou Yu, Qihuang Gong, and Yunquan Liu, "Recollision-induced subcycle interference of molecules in strong laser fields," Phys. Rev. A 89, 033425(2014).
(23) Xufei Sun, Min Li, Jizhou Yu, Yongkai Deng, Qihuang Gong, and Yunquan Liu, "Calibration of the initial longitudinal momentum spread of tunneling ionization," Phys. Rev. A 89,045402(2014).
(24) Yongkai Deng, Min Li, Jizhao Yu, Yuanxing Liu, Yunquan Liu, and Qihuang Gong, "Measuring Carrier-Envelope Phase of Few-Cycle Laser Pulses Using High-Order Above-Threshold Ionization Photoelectrons," Chin. Phys. Lett. 31, 044207(2014).
(25) Xiguo Xie, Cong Wu, Yirong Liu, Wei Huang, Yongkai Deng, Yunquan Liu, Qihuang Gong, and Chengyin Wu,"Identifying isomers of carbon-dioxide clusters by laser-driven Coulomb explosion,"Phys. Rev. A 90, 033411(2014)
(26)Jia Tian, Min Li, Jizhou Yu, Yongkai Deng and Yunquan Liu, "Wavelength-dependence of Double Optical Gating for attosecond pulse generation," Chin.Phys. B 23,104211(2014)
(27) Ji-Wei Geng, Liang Qin, Min Li, Wei-Hao Xiong, Yunquan Liu, Qihuang Gong and Liang-You Peng, "Nonadiabatic tunneling ionization of atoms in elliptically polarized laser fields," J. Phys. B, 47, 204027(2014).
(28) Xufei Sun, Min Li, Difa Ye, Guoguo Xin,Libin Fu, Xiguo Xie, Yongkai Deng, Chengyin Wu, Jie Liu, Qihuang Gong and Yunquan Liu, "Mechanisms of strong-field double ionization of Xe," Phys. Rev. Lett. 113,103001(2014)
(29) Min Li, Xufei Sun, Xiguo Xie, Yun Shao, Yongkai Deng, Chengyin Wu, Qihuang Gong1, & Yunquan Liu, "Revealing backward rescattering photoelectron interference of molecules in strong infrared laser fields," Scientific Report 5, 8519(2015).
(30) Hong Liu, Min Li, Xi-Guo Xie, Cong Wu, Yongkai Deng, Chengyin Wu, Qihuang Gong, and Yunquan Liu, "Charger Resonance Enhanced Multiple Ionization of H2O Molecules in Intense laser fields." Chin. Phys. Lett. 32, 063301(2015).
(31) Yun Shao, Min Li, Mingming Liu, Xufei Sun, Xiguo Xie, Peng Wang, Yongkai Deng, Chengyin Wu, Qihuang Gong, and Yunquan Liu, "Isolating resonant excitation from above-threshold ionization," Phys. Rev. A 92, 013415(2015)
(32) Martin Richter, Maksim Kunitski, Markus Sch?ffler, Till Jahnke,Lothar P.H. Schmidt, Min Li, Yunquan Liu,and Reinhard D?rner,"Streaking temporal double slit interference by an orthogonal two-color laser field," Phys. Rev. Lett.114, 143001(2015).
(33) Min Li, Ji-Wei Geng, Ming-Ming Liu, Xu Zheng, Liang-You Peng, Qihuang Gong, and Yunquan Liu,"Spatial-temporal control of interferences of multiple tunneling photoelectron wave packets," Phys. Rev. A 92, 013416(2015).
(34) Difa Ye, Min Li, Libin Fu, Jie Liu, Qihuang Gong, Yunquan Liu,and J. Ullirich, "Scalling laws of the two-electron sum-energy spectrum in strong field double ionization," Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 123001(2015).
(35) Xiguo Xie, Chengyin Wu, Zongqiang Yuan, Difa Ye, Peng Wang, Yongkai Deng, Libin Fu, Jie Liu, Yunquan Liu, and Qihuang Gong, "Dynamical coupling of electrons and nuclei for Coulomb explosion of argon trimers in intense laser fields," Phys. Rev. A 92, 023417(2015).
(36) Jizhou Yu, Xufei Sun, Yun Shao, Min Li, Qihuang Gong, Yunquan Liu,"Retrieving the ionization dynamics of high-energy photoelectrons in ellipitically polarizied laser fields," Phys. Rev. A 92,043411(2015).
(37) Xu Zheng, Ming-Ming Liu, Hui Xie, Peipei Ge, Min Li, and Yunquan Liu,"Control of photoelectron interference in asymmetric momentum distributions using two-color laser fields," Phys. Rev. A 92, 053422(2015).
(38) Min Li, Ji-Wei Geng, Meng Han, Ming-Ming Liu, Liang-You Peng, Qihuang Gong and Yunquan Liu,"Subcycle nonadiabatic strong-field tunneling ionization," Phys. Rev. A 93, 013402(2016).
(39) Ming-Ming Liu, Min Li, Chengyin Wu, Qihuang Gong, André Staudte, and Yunquan Liu,"Phase Structure of Strong-Field Tunneling Wave Packets from Molecules," Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 163004 (2016).
(40) Ming-Ming Liu and Yunquan Liu,"Application of Partial Fourier-Transform approach for tunnel ionization of molecules," Phys. Rev. A 93, 043426 (2016).
(41) Xufei Sun, Min Li,Yun Shao, Ming-Ming Liu, Xiguo Xie, Yongkai Deng, Chengyin Wu, Qihuang Gong, and Yunquan Liu,"Vibrationally resolved electron-nuclear energy sharing in above-threshold multiphoton dissociation of CO," Phys. Rev. A 94, 013425(2016).
(42) Min Li,Ming-Ming Liu,Ji-Wei Geng, Meng Han, Xufei Sun, Yun Shao, Yongkai Deng, Chengyin Wu,Liang-You Peng, Qihuang Gong,and Yunquan Liu,"Experimental verification of the nonadiabatic effect in strong-fieldionization with elliptical polarization,"Phys. Rev. A 95, 053425(2017).
(43) Ming-Ming Liu, and Yunquan Liu, "Semiclassical models for strong-field tunneling ionization of molecules," J. Phys. B, 50, 105602(2017).
(44) Peipei Ge, and Yunquan Liu, "Control of the yield of surviving Rydberg atoms in strong-field ionization with twocolor laser fields," J. Phys. B 50, 125001(2017).
(45) Yun Shao, Peilun He, Ming-Ming Liu, Xufei Sun, Min Li, Yongkai Deng, Chengyin Wu, Feng He,Qihuang Gong, and Yunquan Liu,"Fully differential study on dissociative ionization dynamics of deuteron moleculesin strong elliptical laser fields," Phys. Rev. A (rapid communication) 95, 031404(R)(2017).
(46)Xiaochun Gong, Cheng Lin, Feng He, Qiying Song, Kang Lin, Qinying Ji, Wenbin Zhang, Junyang Ma, Peifen Lu, Yunquan Liu, Heping Zeng, Weifeng Yang, and Jian Wu, "Energy-Resolved Ultrashort Delays of Photoelectron Emission Clocked by Orthogonal Two-Color Laser Fields," Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 143203(2017).
(47) Meng Han,Min Li,Ming-Ming Liu,and Yunquan Liu, "Tunneling wave packets of atoms from intense elliptically polarized fields in natural geometry," Phys. Rev. A 95, 023406(2017).
(48) Meng Han, Peipei Ge, Yun Shao, Ming-Ming Liu, Yongkai Deng, Chengyin Wu, Qihuang Gong, and Yunquan Liu,"Revealing Sub-barrier Phase Using a Spatiotemporal Interferometer with Orthogonal Two-color Laser Fields at Comparable-intensity," Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 073201(2017).
(49) Ming-Ming Liu, Min Li, Yun Shao, Meng Han, Qihuang Gong, and Yunquan Liu, "Effects of orbital and Coulomb potential in strong-field nonadiabatic tunneling ionization of atoms," Phys. Rev. A 96, 043410(2017).
(50) Yun Shao, Zongqiang Yuan, Difa Ye, Libin Fu, Ming-Ming Liu, Xufei Sun, Chengyin Wu, Jie Liu, Qihuang Gong and Yunquan Liu, "Phase-space perspective on the wavelengthdependent electron correlation of strongfield double ionization of Xe," J. Opt., 19 124004(2017).
(51) Ming-Ming Liu, Yun Shao, Meng Han,Peipei Ge, Yongkai Deng, Chengyin Wu,Qihuang Gong, and Yunquan Liu,"Energy- and Momentum-Resolved Photoelectron Spin Polarization in Multiphoton Ionization of Xe by Circularly Polarized Fields," Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 043201 (2018).
(52) Meng Han,Peipei Ge, Yun Shao, Qihuang Gong, and Yunquan Liu,"Attoclock photoelectron interferometry with two-color corotating circular fields to probe the phase and the amplitude of emitting wave packets," Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 073202 (2018).
(53) Ming-Ming Liu, Meng Han, Peipei Ge, Chaoxiong He, Qihuang Gong, and Yunquan Liu,"Strong-field ionization of diatomic molecules in orthogonally polarized two-color fields," Phys. Rev. A 97, 063416 (2018).
(54) Jian-Hong Chen, Song-Feng Zhao, Meng Han, and Yunquan Liu, "Photoelectron momentum distributions of Fions by a few-cycle laser pulse," Optics Express 26, 14084(2018).
(55) Xiaoyang Yu, Min Li, Meng Han, and Yunquan Liu, "Controlling backward-scattering photoelectron holography by attosecond streaking," Phys. Rev. A 98, 013415 (2018).
(56) Peipei Ge, Meng Han, Ming-Ming Liu, Qihuang Gong, and Yunquan Liu, "Probing time delays and coherent imaging of multiphoton resonant ionization," Phys. Rev. A 98, 013409 (2018).
(57) Jian-Hong Chen, Meng Han, Xiang-Ru Xiao, Liang-You Peng, and Yunquan Liu, "Atomic-orbital-dependent photoelectron momentum distributions for F? ions by orthogonal two-color laser fields," Phys. Rev. A 98, 033403 (2018).
(58) Peipei Ge, Meng Han,Yongkai Deng, Qihuang Gong, and Yunquan Liu, "Universal Description of Attoclock with Two-color Corotating Circular Fields," Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 013201 (2019)
(59) Meng Han, Peipei Ge, Ming-Ming Liu, Qihuang Gong, and Yunquan Liu , "Spatially and temporally controlling electron spin polarization in strong-field ionization using orthogonal two-color laser fields," Phys. Rev. A 99, 023404(2019)
(60) Yiqi Fang, Chaoxiong He, Meng Han, Peipei Ge, Xiaoyang Yu, Xueyan Ma, Yongkai Deng, and Yunquan Liu,"Strong-field ionization of Ar atoms with a 45° cross-linearly-polarized two-color laser field,", Phys. Rev. A 100, 013414(2019).
(61) Xiaoyang Yu and Yunquan Liu, "Strong-field tunneling ionization in the relativistic regime," Phys. Rev. A 99, 053406 (2019).
(62) Meng Han, Peipei Ge, Yiqi Fang, Yongkai Deng, Chengyin Wu, Qihuang Gong, and Yunquan Liu, "Quantum effect of laser-induced rescattering from the tunneling barrier," Phys. Rev. A 99, 023418 (2019).
(63) Meng Han, Peipei Ge, Yiqi Fang, Xiaoyang Yu, Zhenning Guo, Xueyan Ma, Yongkai Deng, Qihuang Gong, and Yunquan Liu, "Unifying Tunneling Pictures of Strong-Field Ionization with an Improved Attoclock,"Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 073201 (2019).


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