姓 名: 汪越胜 性 别: 男
出生年月: 1965年4月30日 民 族: 汉族
毕业院校: FUDAN UNIV.(本科),HIT(博士)
职 称: 教授 职 务: 系所主任
办公电话: 51688417
通讯地址: 北京交通大学力学所
电子邮件: yswang@center.njtu.edu.cn
1988年复旦大学应用力学系本科毕业,1993年哈尔滨工业大学航天工程与力学系获博士学位,1995年哈尔滨建筑大学力学博士后出站并被北方交通大学工程力学所聘为副教授。1998年被学校破格评为教授,2000年评为博士生导师,2001年担任所长,2002年被聘为学校一级岗特聘教授,现担任校学术委员会副主任委员,是学校“九五”科技工作先进集体、北京市重点学科 ─ 固体力学学科学术带头人。
I. 主持
1.摩擦滑移界面波及其引起的界面失稳滑移, 国家杰出青年科学基金(10025211), 2001.1-2004.12
2.材料和结构性能退化的监测预报, 国家杰出青年科学基金 —— 海外青年学者合作研究基金(10228204), 2003.1-2005.12(国内合作者)
3.基于位错的断裂动力学微细观分析,教育部跨世纪优秀人才培养计划 (教技函[2001]3号), 2001.1- 2003.12
4.动载下裂尖的位错发射及对裂纹开裂的影响, 国家自然科学基金(19602001), 1997.1-1999.12
5.单侧摩擦约束夹杂物的弹性波非线性散射, 国家自然科学基金(19872001), 1999.1-2001.12
6.功能梯度材料热力冲击载荷作用下的断裂动力学行为, 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20020004005), 2003.1-2005.12
II. 参加
7.液体饱和多孔各向异性介质中波的传播, 国家自然科学基金(19372001), 1994.1-1996.12
8.弹性波与单侧界面间相互作用的理论与实验研究, 国家自然科学基金(19472026), 1995.1-1997.12
9.各向异性介质接触界面波的理论与实验研究, 国家自然科学基金(49974007), 2000.1-2002.12
10.单侧摩擦约束土─基结构的地震波响应分析, 国家自然科学基金(59878004) , 1999.1-2001.12
11.液体饱和孔隙介质物理参数的动力学反演, 国家自然科学基金(19872001) , 1999.1-2001.12
12.新型形状记忆合金智能复合材料的力学性能研究, 国家自然科学基金“十五”重大研究计划——空间飞行器的若干重大基础问题(90205007), 2003.1-2005.12
13.液体饱和地质中的波动问题, 北京市自然科学基金(8932003), 1994.1-1996.12
14.压电智能材料中接触界面波的传播特性, 北方交通大学“十五”科技专项基金(2002SM010), 2003.1 -2004.12
15.Ti3SiC2系滑板技术基础与多场耦合问题研究, 北方交通大学“十五”科技基金重大项目(2002SZ008), 2004.1-2005.12
I. 研究前沿综述
1.王铎, 汪越胜. 界面动力学研究近况. 上海力学, 1993, 14(4): 1-15.
2.王铎, 邹振祝, 马兴瑞, 汪越胜. 固体动力学近况. 见: 固体力学发展趋势, 黄克智, 徐秉业主编, 北京理工大学出版社, 1995, p33-54.
3.汪越胜, 王铎, 马兴瑞, 邹振祝. 奇异积分方程在裂纹体弹性波散射问题中的应用. 力学进展, 1997, 27(1): 39-55.
4.汪越胜, 于桂兰, 章梓茂, 冯仰德. 复杂界面(界面层)条件下的弹性波传播问题研究综述. 力学进展, 2000, 30(3): 378-390.
5.魏培君, 章梓茂, 汪越胜. 弹性动力学问题的非线性及其迭代反演. 力学与实践, 2001, 23(5): 1-7
6.税国双, 汪越胜, 曲建民. 材料力学性能退化的超声无损检测与评价. 力学进展, 2005, 35(1): 52-68.
II. 界面部分脱胶夹杂物的弹性波散射
6.Wang Y S and Wang D. Dynamic stress intensity factors of a circular arc-shaped crack subjected to anti-plane shear wave. International Journal of Fracture, 1993, 59(2): R33-38.
7.Wang Y S and Wang D. Scattering of elastic waves by a rigid cylindrical inclusion partially debonded from its surrounding matrix, I. SH case. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 1996, 33(19): 2789-2815.
8.Wang Y S and Wang D. Scattering of elastic waves by a rigid cylindrical inclusion partially debonded from its surrounding matrix, II. P and SV cases. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 1996, 33(19): 2817-2840.
9.Wang Y S and Wang D. Elastic wave scattering from a partially debonded elastic cylindrical inclusion. Journal of Harbin Institution of Techology, 1994, E-1(1): 70-78.
10.Wang Y S and Wang D. Elliptic arc crack subjected to anti-plane shear wave. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 1994, 48(2): 289-297.
11.Wang Y S and Wang D. Shear wave scattering from a partially debonded elastic elliptic inclusion. Mechanics Research Communications, 1995, 22(1): 79-86.
12.Wang Y S and Wang D. Dynamic analysis of a buried rigid elliptic cylinder partially debonded from surrounding matrix under shear waves. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 1995, 8(1): 51-63.
13.Wang Y S, Qiu Z Y and Yu G L. Scattering of SH waves from a partially debonded rigid elliptic cylinder. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2001, 21(2): 139-149.
14.Wei P J, Zhang Z M and Wang Y S. Interaction of general plane P wave and cylindrical inclusion partially debonded from its viscoelastic matrix. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2002, 18(2): 133-145.
15.汪越胜, 王铎. 弧形裂纹的弹性波散射问题研究. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 1992, 24(增刊): 149-154.
16.汪越胜, 王铎. 剪切波作用下圆弧形界面裂纹的动应力强度因子. 固体力学学报, 1993, 14(4): 362-367.
17.汪越胜, 王铎. SH波对有部分脱胶衬砌的圆形孔洞的散射. 力学学报, 1994, 26(4): 462-469.
18.汪越胜, 王铎. 剪切波作用下埋藏刚性椭圆柱与周围介质部分脱胶时的动力分析. 固体力学学报, 1995, 16(1): 31-40.
19.汪越胜, 王铎. P波对界面部分脱胶的刚性圆柱夹杂物的散射. 应用力学学报, 1996 , 13(1): 1-9.
20.汪越胜, 于桂兰, 王铎. 与土体部分脱离的刚性半圆形基础的出平面动力响应. 工程力学, 1997, 14(2): 26-33.
21.Wang Y S and Wang D. Diffraction of elastic waves by a circular inclusion partially debonded from matrix. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics [ISBN 7-301-02168-2] (Beijing, 8/1993). Eds. Chien W Z, Guo Z H and Guo Y Z. China/Beijing: Peking University Press. 1993, p202-205.
22.Wang Y S and Wang D. Scattering of SH—waves from a cavity with a partially debonded liner. Accepted by: The 2nd International Conference on Vibration Problems. West Bengal, India, 11/1993.
23.Wang Y S, Yu G L and Wang D. Dynamic analysis of an embedded semi-cylindrical foundation partially debonded from soil. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering (HongKong, 12/1994). Eds. Lee P K K, Tham L G and Cheung Y K. Hong Kong: China Translation & Printing Services Ltd. 1994, p318-323.
24.Wei P J, Zhang Z M and Wang Y S. Scattering of P wave by a cylindrical inclusion partially debonded from its viscoelastic matrix. In: Proceedings of 8th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (HongKong, 7/2001). Eds. Cheng L, Li K M and So R M. HongKong: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. 2001, p 2297-2304.
III. 位错与裂纹的瞬态运动及动载下裂尖的位错发射
25.Wang Y S and Wang D. Moving dislocation model of propagating self-similar interface crack. International Journal of Fracture, 1992, 54(1): R9-14.
26.Wang Y S. Transonic extension of a self-similar interface crack. International Journal of Fracture, 1996, 78(1): R13-19.
27.Wang Y S, Wang H Y. Self-similar propagation of an in-plane interface crack. International Journal of Fracture, 1996, 81(1): R3-11.
28.Wang Y S and Wang D. Transient motion of an interface dislocation and self-similar propagation of an interface crack: anti-plane motion. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 1996, 55(5): 717-725.
29.Wang Y S, Zhang Z M, Wang D. Dynamic self-similar debonding of interface with very high velocity: anti-plane case. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 1996, 9(4): 283-295.
30.Wang Y S, Zhang Z M, Yu G L. High-speed self-similar debonding of an interface between two orthotropic materials: the anti-plane shear case. International Journal of Fracture, 1997, 87(2): 119-138.
31.Wang Y S, Gross D, Huang G Y. Transient dislocation emission from a crack tip under dynamic mode III loading. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2001, 71(8): 567-576.
32.Huang G Y, Wang Y S, Gross D. Transient dislocation emission from a crack tip under dynamic mode II loading. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 2002, 53(5): 839-854.
33.汪越胜, 王铎. 界面位错的瞬态运动和界面裂纹的自相似扩展. 宇航学报, 1996, 17(3): 31-39.
34.汪越胜, 章梓茂, 王铎. 界面超高速自相似动态分层分析. 固体力学学报, 1997, 18(2): 124-132.
35.Wang Y S, Yu G L. Dislocation emission and fracture initiation under dynamic loading. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Strength Theory: Application, Development and Prospects for 21st Century [ISBN 1880132346] (Xi’an, 9/1998). Eds. Yu M H and Fan S C. New York, Beijing: Science Press, 1998, p471-476.
36.Wang Y S, Huang G Y, Gross D. Criterion for transient dislocation emission from a crack tip – shear mode. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium of Young Scholars on Mechanics and Material Engineering for Science and Experiments [ISBN 1-880132-79-6] (Changsha/Zhangjiajie, 8/2001). Eds. Zhou Y C, Gu Y X and Li Z. New York, Elmhurst: Science Press New York Ltd, 2001, p475-478.
IV. 弹性波与层状介质中单侧摩擦接触界面的相互作用
37.Wang Y S, Yu G L, Gai B Z. Slip with friction between a layer and a substrate caused by an SH pulse. Mechanics Research Communications, 1997, 24(1): 85-91.
38.Yu G L, Wang Y S, Gai B Z. Slip with friction between a layer and a substrate caused by SH waves. Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 1997, 64(4): 1019-2001.
39.Yu G L, Wang Y S, Gai B Z. In-plane motion induced by an SH pulse at a frictional contact interface. Mechanics Research Communications, 1998, 25(2): 203-210.
40.Wang Y S, Yu G L, Gai B Z. Re-polarization of elastic waves at a frictional contact interface, I. incidence of an SH wave. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 1998, 35(16): 2001-2021.
41.Wang Y S, Yu G L, Gai B Z. Propagation of SH waves in a layered half space with a frictional contact interface. Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, 1998, 88(5): 1300-1310.
42.Wang Y S, Yu G L. Re-polarization of elastic waves at a frictional contact interface, II. incidence of a P or SV wave. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 1999, 36(30): 4563-4586.
43.Wang Y S, Yu G L. Transmission of SH waves through an elastic layer between two solids with frictional contact interfaces. Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 1999, 66(3): 729-737.
44.Yu G L, Wang Y S. Anti-plane motion induced by a P or SV pulse at a frictional contact interface. Mechanics Research Communications, 2001, 28(5): 551-560.
45.Wang Y S, Yu G L, Dai H H. Transmission of elastic waves through a frictional contact interface between two anisotropic dissimilar media. Wave Motion, 2003, 37(2): 137-156.
46.Wang Y S, Yu G L, Qu J M. Subsonic slip waves along the Interface between two anisotropic elastic half-spaces in sliding contact with separation. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2003, 41(15): 1785-1798.
47.Wang Y S, Yu G L, Dai H H. Addendum and Corrigendum to “Transmission of Elastic Waves through a Frictional Contact Interface between Two Anisotropic Dissimilar Media” [Wave Motion, 37(2003), 137-156]. Wave Motion, 2004, 39(3): 275-278.
48.Wang Y S, Hui D D, Yu G L. Non-linear interaction of an elastic pulse with a frictional contact interface between two anisotropic dissimilar media. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2004, 126(1): 108-117.
49.Li N, Wang Y S, Yu G L. Analysis of dynamic instability of interfacial slip waves based on the surface impedance tensor. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2004, 25(9): 1022-1030.[基于表面阻抗张量的界面滑移波动态失稳分析. 应用数学和力学, 2004, 25(9): 935-942.]
50.于桂兰, 汪越胜, 盖秉政. 简谐SH波引起的弹性层与半空间之间的摩擦滑动. 固体力学学报, 1997, 18(增刊): 100-105.
51.于桂兰, 汪越胜, 李楠. 一般各向异性单侧接触界面上波的反射和折射. 力学学报, 2003, 35(5): 561-568.
52.Yu G L, Wang Y S, Gai B Z. Propagation of shear waves through a unilateral constrained elastic interlayer. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics [ISBN 7-81058-036-1] (Shanghai, 8/1998). Eds. Chien W Z, Cheng C J, Dai S Q and Liu Y L. China/ Shanghai: Shanghai University Press, 1998, p411-415.
53.Wang Y S, Yu G L, Li Nan. Subsonic interfacial slip waves propagating along the interface between two smoothly contact anisotropic elastic solids with separation. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics [ISBN 7-81058-077-9] (Shanghai, 8/2002). Eds. Chien W Z, Cheng C J, Dai S Q Guo X M and Dong L Y. China/Shanghai: Shanghai University Press, 2002, p357-363.
54.Wang Y S, Yu G L, Li Nan. Nonlinear acoustic interaction on a frictional contact interface between two anisotropic solids. In: Proceedings of 9th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (Central Florida, USA. 7/2002), CD-Edition.
55.Yu G L, Wang Y S, Gai B Z. Slip with friction between an elastic layer and a half space caused by an SH pulse. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Engineering Science’97 (San Jose, Costa Rica, USA, 5/1997).
56.Wang Y S, Yu G L, Gai B Z. Slip between an elastic layer and a substrate with a frictional contact interface subjected to SH waves. Accepted by: XIXth International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 1996. (detailed abstract)
V. 单侧摩擦约束夹杂物的弹性波非线性散射
57.Feng Y D, Wang Y S, Zhang Z M. Transient scattering of SH waves from an inclusion with a unilateral frictional contact interface – a 2D time domain boundary element analysis. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2003, 19(1): 25-36.
58.Feng Y D, Wang Y S, Zhang Z M, Time Domain BEM Analysis of Dynamic Response of a Cylinder Embedded in Soil with Frictional Slip at the Interface. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2003, 23(4): 303-311.
59.Feng Y D, Wang Y S, Zhang Z M, Cui J Z. Dynamic interaction of plane waves with a unilaterally frictionally constrained inclusion – time domain boundary element analysis. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2003, 16(3): 189-196. [单侧摩擦接触约束夹杂物与平面波的动力相互作用-时域边界元分析. 固体力学学报, 2003, 24(3): 249-257]
60.Feng Y D, Wang Y S, Zhang Z M. Analysis of transient waves scattering from an inclusion with a unilateral smoothly contact interface by BEM. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2004, 73(5-6):337-347.
61.Feng Y D, Wang Y S, Zhang Z M. Transient scattering of plane waves from an inclusion with a unilateral frictional contact interface—a 2D time domain boundary element analysis. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2004, 20(4): 265-278.
62.冯仰德, 汪越胜, 章梓茂. 考虑单侧接触结构—介质动力相互作用的边界元分析. 重庆建筑大学学报, 2000, 22(6): 12-15. (第六届全国工程中边界元法学术会议论文集, 重庆, 12/2000).
63.冯仰德, 章梓茂, 汪越胜. 强震作用下地埋结构的数值模型. 中国安全科学学报, 2001, 11(6): 16-19.
64.冯仰德, 汪越胜, 章梓茂. 单侧摩擦约束夹杂物的瞬态弹性波散射的时域边界元分析-反平面情况. 固体力学学报, 2002, 23(3): 301-305.
65.Feng Y D, Wang Y S, Zhang Z M. Dynamic interaction between rocks and an embedded structure with frictional contact interface-BEM analysis. In: Frontiers of Rock Mechanics and Sustainable Development in the 21st Century, Proceedings of the 2001 ISRM International Symposium - 2nd Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium [ISBN 90 2651 851 X] (China, Beijing, 9/2001). Eds. Wang S J, Fu B J and Li Z K. Netherlands/Rotterdam: A A Balkema Publishers, (Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers Lisse), 2001, p295-297.
66.Feng Y D, Wang Y S, Cui J Z. Transient BEM analysis of plane wave scattering from an invlusion with a unilateral frictional contact interface. In: Boundary Element Techniques, Proceedings of the 3ed International Conference on Boundary Element Techniques [ISBN 7-302-05745-1] (China, Beijing, 9/2002). Eds. Yao Z H and Abliabadi. China: Tsinghua University Press & Springer-Verlag, 2002, p27-32.
VI. 液体饱和孔隙介质中的弹性波传播
67.Wang Y S, Zhang Z M. Propagation of Love waves in a transversely isotropic fluid-saturated porous layered half-space. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 1998, 103(2): 695-701.
68.汪越胜, 章梓茂. 横观各向同性液体饱和多孔介质中平面波的传播. 力学学报, 1997, 29(3): 257-268.
69.汪越胜, 章梓茂. 各向异性液体饱和孔隙岩石中波的传播与衰减. 岩石力学与工程学报, 1996, 15(增刊): 464-469.
70.汪越胜, 章梓茂, 于桂兰. 饱和土层中LOVE波的传播特性. 振动工程学报, 1998, 11(2): 177-183.
71.魏征, 汪越胜, 章梓茂. 波由单相弹性介质向横观各向同性液体饱和多孔介质传播时的反射和透射. 固体力学学报, 2002, 23(2): 183-189.
72.韩华, 章梓茂, 汪越胜, 魏培君. 双相介质波动方程孔隙率反演的同伦方法. 力学学报, 2003, 35(2): 235-239.
73.Wang Y S, Zhang Z M, Yu G L. Wave propagation in layered transversely isotropic fluid-saturated porous media. In: Proceedings of 5th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (South Australia, 12/1997). Eds. Hansen C H et al. Australia: Causal Productions PTY Ltd. 1997, Vol. 3, p1423-1430.
74.Wei Z, Wang Y S, Zhang Z M. Reflection and transmission of elastic waves at the interface of two transversely isotropic liquid-saturated porous media. In: Frontiers of Rock Mechanics and Sustainable Development in the 21st Century, Proceedings of the 2001 ISRM International Symposium - 2nd Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium [ISBN 90 2651 851 X] (China, Beijing, 9/2001). Eds. Wang S J, Fu B J and Li Z K. Netherlands/Rotterdam: A A Balkema Publishers, (Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers Lisse), 2001, p153-156.
VII. 含裂纹非均匀介质(功能梯度材料)的动静态断裂力学分析
75.Wang Y S, Gross D. Resonance of a layered half-space with periodic cracks subjected to SH waves. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 2001, 81(S2): S381-382. (Presented at GAMM 2000, Gottingen, Germany, 2-7/4/2000.)
76.Wang Y S, Gross D. Transfer matrix method of wave propagation in a layered medium with multiple interface cracks: anti-plane case. Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2001, 68(3): 499-503.
77.Wang Y S, Gross D. Interaction of harmonic waves with a periodic array of interface cracks in a multi-layered medium: anti-plane case. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2001, 38(26-27): 4631-4655.
78.Wang Y S, Gross D. Analysis of a crack in a functionally gradient interface layer under static and dynamic loading. Key Engineering Materials, 2000, 183-187: 331-336.
79.Huang G Y, Wang Y S, Gross D. Fracture analysis of functionally graded coatings: antiplane deformation. European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids, 2002, 21(3): 391-400.
80.Huang G Y, Wang Y S, Gross D. Fracture analysis of functionally gradient coatings: in-plane deformation. European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solid, 2003, 22(4): 535-544.
81.Wang Y S, Huang G Y, Gross D. On the mechanical modeling of functionally graded interfacial zone with a Griffith crack: anti-plane deformation. Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2003, 70(5): 676-680.
82.Huang G Y, Wang Y S. Dynamic fracture of a functionally graded coating. Materials Science Forum, 2003, 423-425: 645-650.
83.Lei J, Wang Y S, Gross D. Dynamic interaction between a sub-interface crack and the interface in a bi-material—time domain BEM analysis. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2003, 73(3-4): 225-240.
84.Huang G Y, Wang Y S, Yu S W. Fracture analysis of a functionally graded interfacial zone under plane deformation. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2004, 41(3-4): 731-743.
85.Huang G Y, Wang Y S. A new model for fracture analysis of a functionally graded interfacial zone under anti-plane harmonic loading. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2004, 71(13-14): 1841-1851.
86.Wang Y S, Huang G Y, Gross D. On the Mechanical Modeling of Functionally Graded Interfacial Zone with a Griffith Crack: Plane Deformation. International Journal of Fracture, 2004, 125(1): 185-205.
87.Huang G Y, Wang Y S, Yu S W. A new model of functionally graded coatings with a crack under thermal loading. Journal of Thermal Stress, 2004, 27(6): 491-512.
88.Lei J, Wang Y S, Gross D. Time domain BEM analysis of a rapid growing crack in a bi-material. International Journal of Fracture, 2004, 126(2): 103-121.
89.Huang G Y, Wang Y S, Yu S W. A new model for fracture analysis of functionally graded coatings under plane deformation. Mechanics of Materials, 2005, 37(4): 505-514.
90.Wang Y S, Huang G Y, Gross D. The fracture analysis of a graded coating/substrate system of finite thickness with arbitrary spatial variations of coating properties: plane deformation. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2005, 72(12): 1942-1953.
90.黄干云, 汪越胜. 功能梯度材料涂层的III型断裂分析. 固体力学学报, 2002, 23(专辑): 20-24.
91.祝英, 汪越胜. 剪切波在周期裂纹界面上的反射和折射. 现代电力, 2003, 20(2): 6-9.
92.陆建飞, 汪越胜, 蔡兰. 与两相材料界面接触的裂纹对SH波的散射. 力学学报, 2003, 35(4): 432-436.
93.黄干云, 汪越胜, 余寿文. 功能梯度涂层中的III型周期裂纹问题. 机械强度, 2004, 26(专辑): 97-99.
94.黄干云, 汪越胜, 余寿文. 功能梯度材料的平面断裂力学分析. 力学学报, 2005, 37(1): 1-8.
93.Wang Y S, Wang D. The scattering of elastic waves by multiple interface cracks in layered composites. Accepted by: XVIIIth International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Haifa, Isreal, 8/1992. (detailed abstract).
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VIII. 周期与失谐周期结构中的波传播
97.Wang Y S. Nonlocal elastic analogy for wave propagation in periodic layered composites. Mechanics Research Communications, 1999, 26(6): 719-723.
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100.李凤明, 汪越胜. 压电周期结构振动主动控制研究. 振动工程学报, 2004, 17(增刊): 828-830.
VIII. 其他
96.Yu G L, Wang Y S, Gai B Z. A new cumulative damage rule for multilevel cyclic loading with mean stresses. International Journal of Fracture, 1996, 75(2): R29-35.
99.李峰, 汪越胜, 赵经文. 油气井压裂裂缝高度分析. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 1999, 31(4): 22-25.
I. 博士生
1.冯仰德 (1998-2001) 研究题目:单侧摩擦接触埋置结构与波的动力相互作用
2.黄干云 (2000-2003) 研究题目:功能梯度材料的新分层模型及其在断裂力学分析中的应用
3.李 楠 (2001-2005) 论文题目:各向异性介质单侧摩擦接触界面波若干问题的理论研究
4.雷 钧 (2002-????) 研究方向:裂纹与界面的动力相互影响 - 边界元分析
5.侯 鹏 (2002-????) 研究方向:裂纹的弹性波散射
6.程 哲 (2002-????) 研究方向:滑移界面波
7.闫志忠 (2003-????) 研究方向:固体中的非线性波
8.白玉柱 (2003-????) 研究方向:压电固体接触界面波
9.税国双 (2003-????) 研究方向:无损超声检测
10.柯燎亮 (2004-????) 研究方向:功能梯度材料的接触力学
11.刘铁军 (2004-????) 研究方向:受电弓多场耦合力学分析
12.庞 玉 (2004-????) 研究方向:压电固体的断裂力学
II. 硕士生
1.魏 征 (1998-2001) 论文题目:波在横观各向同性液体饱和孔隙介质交界面上的反射与透射效应
2.黄干云 (1998-2000) 研究方向:动载下II型裂纹尖端的位错瞬态发射
3.李 楠 (1999-2001) 研究方向:摩擦滑移界面波及其稳定性
4.雷 钧 (2000-2002) 研究方向:裂纹与界面的动力相互影响 -边界元分析
5.刘宾生 (2001-2004) 论文题目:动载下基体裂纹穿越/偏向界面问题初探
6.柯燎亮 (2002-2004) 研究方向:非均匀液体饱和介质中的Love波传播
7.路桂华 (2002-2005) 论文题目:弹性波在压电介质摩擦接触界面上的反射与透射
8.李晶晶 (2003-????) 研究方向:断裂力学
9.高晓霞 (2003-????) 研究方向:功能梯度材料断裂
10.陈阿丽 (2003-????) 研究方向:压电失谐周期结构中的波
11.兰 剑 (2004-????) 研究方向:(待定)
1998年获德国洪堡研究奖学金(Humboldt Research Fellowship)
力学学报(中文版) 编委(2000年至今)
研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-26
基本信息 姓 名: 阎贵平 性 别: 男 出生年月: 1953年4月22日 民 族: 汉族 毕业院校: 同济大学 职 称 ...北京交通大学通知公告 研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-26北京市北京交通大学土建学院杨庆山老师介绍
基本信息 姓 名: 杨庆山 性 别: 男 出生年月: 1968年8月10日 民 族: 汉族 毕业院校: 哈尔滨工业大学(原哈 ...北京交通大学通知公告 研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-26北京市北京交通大学土建学院石志飞老师介绍
基本信息 姓 名: 石志飞 性 别: 男 出生年月: 1965年1月23日 民 族: 汉族 毕业院校: 哈尔滨船舶工程学院 ...北京交通大学通知公告 研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-26北京市北京交通大学土建学院刘保国老师介绍
基本信息 姓 名: 刘保国 性 别: 男 出生年月: 1964年1月20日 民 族: 汉族 毕业院校: 同济大学 职 称 ...北京交通大学通知公告 研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-26北京市北京交通大学土建学院姚谦峰老师介绍
基本信息 姓 名: 姚谦峰 性 别: 男 出生年月: 1956年8月8日 民 族: 汉族 毕业院校: 西安建筑科技大学 ...北京交通大学通知公告 研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-26北京市北京交通大学土建学院赵成刚老师介绍
基本信息 姓 名: 赵成刚 性 别: 男 出生年月: 1955年3月14日 民 族: 汉族 毕业院校: 哈尔滨建筑工程学院 ...北京交通大学通知公告 研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-26北京市北京交通大学土建学院贺少辉老师介绍
基本信息 姓 名: 贺少辉 性 别: 男 出生年月: 1966年11月14日 民 族: 汉族 毕业院校: 北京科技大学 职 ...北京交通大学通知公告 研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-26北京市北京交通大学土建学院刘维宁老师介绍
基本信息 姓 名: 刘维宁 性 别: 男 出生年月: 民 族: 汉族 毕业院校: 西南交通大学 职 称: 教授 职 ...北京交通大学通知公告 研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-26北京市北京交通大学土建学院许兆义老师介绍
基本信息 姓 名: 许兆义 性 别: 男 无照片 出生年月: 1900年12月12日 民 族: 汉族 毕业院校: 中国地质大学( ...北京交通大学通知公告 研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-26北京市北京交通大学土建学院张鸿儒老师介绍
基本信息 姓 名: 张鸿儒 性 别: 男 出生年月: 民 族: 汉族 毕业院校: 同济大学 职 称: 教授 职 ...北京交通大学通知公告 研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-26