

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-09

冯衍全 职称:教授

1979~1983Bachelor, majoring inMathematics, Shanxi University
1985~1988Master, majoring inGroup Theory, Shanxi University
1994~1997Doctor, majoring inAlgebraic Graph Theory, Peking University
1997~1999Post Doctor, majoringin Algebraic Graph Theory, Beijing Jiaotong University

1983~1985:AssistantProfessor, Shanxi Normal University, Teaching
1988~1994:AssistantProfessor, Associate Professor, Shanxi Financial University, Teaching
1999~2000:AssociateProfessor,Beijing Jiaotong University, Teaching and Research
2001~present:FullProfessor, Beijing Jiaotong University, Teaching and Research




国家自然科学基金中韩科技合作项目,,Algebraic and Topological Properties of Graphs and Maps,2013/06-2015/05,8万元,已结题,主持。
国家自然科学基金中韩科技合作项目,,Coverings, Maps and Enumeration,2009/06-2011/05,8万元,已结题,主持。



1. Jin-XinZhou, Jin Ho Kwak, Yan-Quan Feng, Zhen-Lin Wu, Automorphism group of thebalanced hypercube, ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA12 (2017) 145-154.

2. Yan-QuanFeng, Rong-Xia Hao, Jin-Xin Zhou, On computing of a conditional edgeconnectivity of alternating group network, Linear and Multilinear Algebra,2017, accepted.

3. Jia-LiDu, Yan-Quan Feng, Jin-Xin Zhou, Pentavalent symmetric graphs admittingvertex-transitive non-abelian simple groups, European Journal of Combinatorics,2017, accepted.

4. YiWang and Yan-Quan Feng, Half-arc-transitive graphs of prime-cube order of smallvalencies, ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA 13 (2017) 343–353.

5. Da-WeiYang, Yan-Quan Feng, Pentavalent symmetric graphs of order 2p^3, Science China Mathematics59 (2016) 1851-1868.

6. SejeongBang, Yan-Quan Feng, Jaeun Lee, On the numbers of Palindromes, KyungpookMathematical Journal 56 (2016) 349-355.

7. Jin-XinZhou and Yan-Quan Feng , Cubic non-Cayley vertex-transitive bi-Cayley graphs overa regular p-group, Electronic journal of combinatorics 23(3) (2016) p.1-10,#P3.34.

8. YiWang, Yan-Quan Feng, Jin-Xin Zhou, Cayley digraphs of 2-genetic groups ofprime-power order, Journal of Combinatorial Theory A 143 (2016) 88-106.

9. Yan-QuanFeng, Jin-Xin Zhou, Yan-Tao Li, Pentavalent symmetric graphs of order twice aprime power, Discrete Mathematics 339 (2016) 2640-2651.

10. Xiuyun Wang, Yanquan Feng, Jinxin Zhou, Jihui Wang, Qiaoling Ma, Tetravalent half-arc-transitive graphs oforder a product of three primes, Discrete Mathematics 339 (2016) 1566-1573.

11. Jin-Xin Zhou and Yan-Quan Feng, Theautomorphisms of bi-Cayley graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory B 116 (2016)504-532.

12. Da-Wei Yang, Yan-Quan Feng, Jin Ho Kwak,Jin-Xin Zhou, Fault-tolerant edge-bipancyclicity of faulty hypercubes under theconditional-fault model, Information Sciences 329 (2016) 317-328.

13. Da-Wei Yang, Yan-Quan Feng, Jia-Li Du, Pentavalentsymmetric graphs of order 2pqr, Discrete Mathematics 339 (2016) 522-532.

14. Rong-Xia Hao, Mei-Mei Gu, Yan-Quan Feng, Thepessimistic diagnosabilities of some general regular graphs, TheoreticalComputer Science 609 (2016) 413-420.

15. Mei-Mei Gu, Rong-Xia Hao, Yan-Quan Feng, EdgeFault-Tolerant Strong Hamiltonian Laceability of Balanced Hypercubes, Journalof Interconnection Networks Vol. 16, No. 2 (2016) **, pp1-17. 111

16. Mei-Mei Gu, Rong-Xia Hao, Yan-Quan Feng, Fault-TolerantCycle Embedding in Balanced Hypercubes with Faulty Vertices and Faulty Edges, Journalof Interconnection Networks 15 (2015) **, pp1-16.

17. Dongqin Cheng, Rong-Xia Hao, Yan-QuanFeng, Embeddingeven cycles on folded hypercubes with conditional faulty edges, InformationProcessing Letters 115 (2015) 945–949

18. Song-Tao Guo, Yan-Quan Feng, Cai Heng Li, Edge-primitivetetravalent graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory B 112 (2015) 124-137.

19. Yan-Quan Feng, Cai Heng Li and Jin-Xin Zhou,Symmetric cubic graphs with solvable automorphism groups, European Journal ofCombinatorics 45 (2015) 1-11.

20. Yan-Quan Feng, Klavdija Kutnar, DraganMarusic, Cui Zhang, Tetravalent one-regular graphs of order 4p2, Filomat 28(2014) 285-303.

21. Dongqin Cheng, Rong-Xia Hao and Yan-QuanFeng, Odd cycles embedding on folded hypercubes with conditional faulty edges, Information Sciences 282 (2014) 180-189.

22. Jin-Xin Zhou and Yan-Quan Feng, Cubic bi-Cayleygraphs over abelian groups, European Journal of Combinatorics 36 (2014) 679-693.

23. Jin-Xin Zhou and Yan-Quan Feng, Edge-transitivedihedral or cyclic covers of cubic symmetric graphs of order 2p, Combinatorica34 (2014) 115-128

24. Yan-Quan Feng, Mohsen Ghasem and Da-WeiYang, Cubic symmetric graphs of order $8p^3$, Discrete Mathematics 318(2014)62-70.

25. Rong-Xia Hao, Ru Zhang, Yan-Quan Feng andJin-Xin Zhou,Hamiltonian cycle embedding for faulttolerance in balanced hypercubes, Applied Mathematics and Computation 244(2014) 447-456.

26. Dongqin Cheng, Rong-Xia Hao and Yan-QuanFeng, Two node-disjoint paths in balanced hypercubes, Applied Mathematics andComputation 242 (2014) 127-142.

27. Dongqin Cheng, Rong-Xia Hao and Yan-QuanFeng, Vertex-fault-tolerant cycles embedding in balanced hypercubes, InformationSciences 288 (2014) 449–461

28. Yan-Quan Feng, Jin Ho Kwak and Jin-Xin Zhou,Enumerating reflexible 2-cell embeddings of connected graphs, Science China Mathematics,56 (2013), 933–950.

29. Dongqin Cheng, Rong-Xia Hao and Yan-QuanFeng, Conditional edge-fault pancyclicity of augmented cubes, TheoreticalComputer Science, 510 (2013) 94–101.

30. Song-Tao Guo, Yan-Quan Feng and Cai HengLi, The Finite Edge-primitive Pentavalent Graphs, Journal of AlgebraicCombinatorics 38 (2013) 491-497.

31. Dongqin Cheng, Rong-Xia Hao and Yan-QuanFeng, Cycles embedding on folded hypercubes with faulty nodes, Discrete AplliedMathematics 161 (2013), 2894-2900.

32. Rongxia Hao, Yan-Quan Feng and Jin-Xin Zhou,Conditional diagnosability of alternating group graphs, IEEE Transactions onComputers, 62 (2013), 826-831.

33. Jin-Xin Zhou and Yan-Quan Feng, Super-cyclicallyedge-connected regular graphs, J Comb Optim, (2013) 26, 393–411.

34. Jin-Xin Zhou, Yan-Quan Feng, Cubicvertex-transitive non-Cayley graphs of order 8p, The Electronic Journal ofCombinatorics 19(2012) #P53: 1-13.

35. Song-Tao Guo and Yan-Quan Feng, Tetravalentsymmetric graphs of order $9p$, J. Korean Math. Soc., 49(2012), 1111-1121.

36. Xiuyun Wang and Yan-Quan Feng, Tetravalenthalf-edge-transitive graphs and non-normal Cayley graphs, Journal of GraphTheory, 70(2012), 197-213.

37. Marston D.E. Conder and Yan-Quan Feng, Arc-regularcubic graphs of order four times an odd integer, Journal of AlgebraicCombinatorics, 36 (2012) 21-31.

38. Song-Tao Guo and Yan-Quan Feng, A note onpentavalent s-transitive graphs, Discrete Mathematics 312 (2012) 2214-2216

39. Jin-Xin Zhou, Yan-Quan Feng, Regular mapsof graphs of order $4p$, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 28 (2012),989–1012.

40. Jin-Xin Zhou, Yan-Quan Feng,Edge-transitive cyclic regular covers of the Mobius-Kantor graph, EuropeanJournal of Combinatorics 33 (2012) 139–147.

41. Song-Tao Guo, Jin-Xin Zhou and Yan-QuanFeng, Pentavalent symmetric graphs of order $12p$, Electronic Journal ofCombinatorics 18(2011) #P233: 1-13.

42. Xiao-Hui Hua, Yan-Quan Feng and Jaeun Lee, Pentavalentsymmetric graphs of order $2pq$, Discrete Mathematics 311 (2011) 2259–2267.

43. Xiao-Hui Hua and Yan-Quan Feng, Cubicsemisymmetric graphs of order $8p^3$, Science in China 54 (2011) 1937-1949.

44. Yan-Quan Feng, Jin Ho Kwak, Xiuyun Wang andJin-Xin Zhou, Tetravalent half-arc-transitive graphs of order $2pq$, Journal ofAlgebraic Combinatorics 33 (2011) 543-553.

45. Xiao-Hui Hua, Yan-Quan Feng, Cubic graphsadmitting transitive non-abelian characteristically simple groups, Proceedingsof the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 54 (2011) 113-123.

46. Yan-Quan Feng and Yan-Tao Li, One-regulargraphs of square-free order of prime valency, European Journal of Combinatorics32 (2011) 265–275.

47. Jin-Xin Zhou and Yan-Quan Feng, Cubicvertex-transitive graphs of order $2pq$, Journal of Graph Theory 65 (2010)285-302.

48. Xiuyun Wang and Yan-Quan Feng, Half-arc-transitivegraphs of order $4p$ of valency twice a prime, ARS Mathematica Contemporanea3(2010) 151-163.

49. Jin-Xin Zhou and Yan-Quan Feng, Superconnected but not super edge-connected graphs, Information Processing Letters111 (2010) 22-25.

50. Jin-Xin Zhou and Yan-Quan Feng, Semisymmetricelementary abelian covers of the Heawood graph, Discrete Mathematics 310 (2010)3658–3662

51. Yan-Quan Feng, Mohsen Ghasemi and ChangqunWang, Cubic semisymmetric graphs of order $6p^3$, Discrete Mathematics 310(2010) 2345-2355.

52. Yan-Tao Li and Yan-Quan Feng, Pentavalentone-regular graphs of square-free order, Algebra Colloquium 17 (2010) 515-524.

53. Jin-Xin Zhou and Yan-Quan Feng, Tetravalent$s$-transitive graphs of order twice a prime power, Journal of the AustralianMathematical Society 88(2010) 277-288.

54. Jin-Xin Zhou and Yan-Quan Feng, Onsymmetric graphs of valency five, Discrete Mathematics 310(2010) 1725-1732

55. Xiuyun Wang and Yan-Quan Feng, There existsno tetravalent half-arc-transitive graph of order $2p^2$, Discrete Mathematics310(2010) 1721-1724.

56. Yan-Quan Feng, Jin Ho Kwak and Jin-Xin Zhou, Congruence classes of orientable$2$-cell embeddings of bouquets of circles and dipoles, ElectronicJournal of Combinatorics 17(2010) #R41:1-15.

57. Yan-TaoLi and Yan-Quan Feng, Cubic vertex-transitive graph of order 4p, Chinese Annals of Mathematics30A(2009) 677-684.

58. Yan-Tao Li and Yan-Quan Feng, Cubicvertex-transitive graph of order $4p$, ChineseJournal of Contemporary Mathematics 30 (2009) 395-405.

59. Xiuyun Wang and Yan-Quan Feng, Hexavalenthalf-arc-transitive graphs of order $4p$, European Journal of Combinatorics 30(2009) 1263-1270.

60. Cui Zhang, Jin-Xin Zhou and Yan-Quan Feng, Automorphismsof cubic Cayley graphs of order 2pq, Discrete Mathematics 309 (2009) 2687-2695.

61. Qiang Ji, Yan-Quan Feng, Normality ofCayley digraphs of valency 2 oforder 6p, Journal of Systems Science andMathematical Sciences, 29(2009), 153–161。

62. Jin-Xin Zhou and Yan-Quan Feng, Tetravalentone-regular graphs of order 2pq, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 29(2009) 457-471.

63. Yan-Tao Li, Yan-Quan Feng, Cyclicarc-transitive covers of K5, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 31(2008) 871-876.

64. Yan-Quan Feng, Zaiping Lu and Mingyao Xu,Automorphism groups of Cayley digraphs, Applications of Group Theory toCombinatorics, Taylor & Francis Group: CRC Press, Boca Raton, London, NewYork, Leiden, 2008, 13-26.

65. Jin-Xin Zhou and Yan-Quan Feng, Cubic one-regulargraphs of order twice a square-free integer, Science in China 51(2008)1093-1100.

66. Yan-Quan Feng, Jin Ho Kwak, Mingyao Xu andJin-Xin Zhou, Tetravalent half-arc-transitive graphs of order $p^4$, EuropeanJournal of Combinatorics 29(2008) 555-567.

67. Yan-Quan Feng, Klavdija Kutnar, Aleksander Malnic,Dragan Marusic, On 2-fold covers of graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory B 98(2008) 324-341.

68. Yan-Quan Feng and Jin-Xin Zhou, A note onsemisymmetric graphs, Discrete Mathematics 308(2008) 4031-4035.

69. Yan-Quan Feng and Jin Ho Kwak, Cubicsymmetric graphs of order a small number times a prime or a prime square,Journal of Combinatorial Theory B 97(2007) 627-646.

70. Yan-Quan Feng, Kaishun Wang and ChuixiangZhou, Tetravalent half-transitive graphs of order 4p, European Journal ofCombinatorics 28(2007) 726-733.

71. Jin-Xin Zhou and Yan-Quan Feng, Twosufficient conditions for non-normal Cayley graphs and their applications,Science in China 50(2007) 201-216.

72. Yan-Quan Feng, Jin Ho Kwak and ChuixiangZhou, Constructing even radius tightly attached half-arc-transitive graphs ofvalency four, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 26(2007) 431-451.

73. Chuixiang Zhou and Yan-Quan Feng,Automorphism groups of connected cubic Cayley graphs of order 4p, AlgebraColloquium 14(2007) 351-359.

74. Chuixiang Zhou and Yan-Quan Feng, A note onWeichsel’s conjecture, Advances in Mathematics 36(2007) 61-66.

75. Yan-Quan Feng, Automorphism groups ofCayley graphs on symmetric groups with generating transposition sets, Journalof Combinatorial Theory B 96(2006) 67-72.

76. Kaishun Wang and Yan-Quan Feng, Dezadigraphs, European Journal of Combinatorics 17(2006) 995-1004.

77. Yan-Quan Feng and Jin Ho Kwak, Classifyingcubic symmetric graphs of order 10p or 10p^2, Science in China 49(2006) 300-319.

78. Yan-Quan Feng and Jin Ho Kwak, Cubicsymmetric graphs of order twice an odd prime-power, Journal of the AustralianMathematical Society 81(2006) 153-164.

79. Kaishun Wang and Yan-Quan Feng, Lattices generatedby orbits of flats, Communication in Algebra 34(2006) 1691-1697.

80. Yan-Quan Feng, Jin Ho Kwak and Mingyao Xu, Cubics-regular graphs of order 2p^3, Journal of Graph Theory 52(2006) 341-352.

81. Chuixiang Zhou and Yan-Quan Feng, Aninfinite family of tetravalent half-arc-transitive graphs, Discrete Mathematics306(2006) 2205-2211.

82. Yan-Quan Feng and Roman Nedela, Symmetriccubic graphs of girth at most 7, Acta Univ. M. Belii Math. 13(2006) 33-55.

83. Yan-Quan Feng, Jin Ho Kwak and KaishunWang, Classifying cubic symmetric graphs of order 8p or 8p2, European Journal of Combinatorics 26(2005) 1033-1052.

84. Yan-Quan Feng and Ming-Yao Xu, Normality oftetravalent Cayley graphs of odd prime-cube order and its application, ActaMathmatica Sinica, English Series 21(2005) 903-912.

85. Yan-Quan Feng and Mingyao Xu, Automorphismgroups of tetravalent Cayley graphs on regular p-groups, Discrete Mathematics305(2005) 354-360.

86. Yan-Quan Feng and Jin Ho Kwak, s-regularcubic graphs as coverings of the complete bipartite graphs K_{3, 3}, Journal ofGraph Theory 45(2004) 101-112.

87. Yan-Quan Feng and Jin Ho Kwak, s-regulardihedral coverings of the complete graph of order 4, Chinese Annals of Mathematics 25B(2004) 57-64.

88. Yan-Quan Feng and Jin Ho Kwak, One-regularcubic graphs of order a small number times a prime or a prime square, Journalof the Australian Mathematical Society 76(2004) 345-356.

89. Shao-Fei Du, Yan-Quan Feng, Jin Ho Kwak andMing-Yao Xu, Cubic Cayley graphs on Dihedral groups, Mathematical Analysis andApplications 7(2004) 224-234.

90. Yan-Quan Feng, Jin Ho Kwak and Ming-Yao Xu,On the stabilizer of the automorphism group of a 4-valent vertex-transitivegraph with odd-prime-power order, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, EnglishSeries 19(2003) 83-86.

91. Yan-Quan Feng and Jin Ho Kwak, An infinitefamily of cubic one-regular cubic graphs with insolvable automorphism groups,Discrete Mathematics 269(2003) 281-286.

92. Yan-Quan Feng and Kaishun Wang, s-regularcyclic coverings of the three-dimensional hypercube Q_3, European Journal ofCombinatorics 24(2003) 719-731.

93. Yan-Quan Feng, Yan-Pei Liu and Ming-Yao Xu,On the isomorphisms of Cayley graphs of abelian groups, Journal ofCombinatorial Theory B 86(2002) 38-53.

94. Yan-Quan Feng and Jin Ho Kwak, Constructingan infinite family of cubic 1-regular graphs, European Journal of Combinatorics23(2002) 559-565.

95. Yan-Quan Feng, On vertex-transitive graphsof odd prime-power order, Discrete Mathematics 248(2002) 265-269.

96. Yan-Quan Feng, Ru-Ji Wang and Ming-Yao Xu,Automorphism groups of 2-valent connected Cayley digraphs on regular p-groups,Graphs and Combinatorics 18(2002) 253-257.

97. Yan-Quan Feng, Jin Ho Kwak and Ru-Ji Wang,Automorphism groups of 4-valent connected Cayley graphs of p-groups, Chinese Annals of Mathematics 22B(2001) 281-286.

98. Yan-Quan Feng, Dian-Jun Wnag and Jing-LinChen, A family of nonnormal Cayley digraphs, Acta Mathematica Sinica, EnglishSeries 17 (2001) 147-152.

99. Y.G. Baik, Qan-Quan Feng and H.S. Sim, Onthe normality of Cayley graphs of abelian groups with valency 5, Systematic Scienceand Mathematics 13(2000) 425-431.

100. Y.G.Baik, Yan-Quan Feng, H.S. Sim and Ming-Yao Xu, On the normality of Cayleygraphs of abelian groups, Algebra Colloq. 5:3(1998) 297-304.

101. Yan-QuanFeng, Finite groups whose abelian subgroups orders are consecutive integers, J. Mathematical Research & Exposition18(1998) 503-506.

102. Yan-QuanFeng and Yu-Zi Dong, A note on normal Cayley graphs of prime-cube order, GraphTheory Notes of New York 33(1997) 20-23.

103. Yan-QuanFeng and Tai-ping Gao, Automorphism groups and isomorphisms of Cayley digraphsof abelian groups, Australasian J. Combin. 16(1997) 183-187.

104. Yan-Quan Feng and Ming-YaoXu, A note on isomorphisms of Cayley digraphs of abelian groups, AustralasianJ. Combin. 15(1997) 87-90.

105. Yan-quan Feng and Bao-lin Zhang, Frattinisubgroups relative to formation function, J. Pure and Appli. Algebra 64(1990) 145-148.





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