

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-09

桂文豪 职称:教授
电话:(010) ** -- 117

2004年8月--2009年8月 美国佛罗里达州立大学(Florida State University) 统计系 获统计学博士学位
导师: M. Wegkamp 教授

2014年7月--至今 北京交通大学理学院教授
2011年8月--2014年7月 美国明尼苏达大学数学与统计系 助理教授
(University of Minnesota)
2010年8月--2011年8月 美国南卫理公会大学统计系 客座助理教授
(Southern Methodist University)
2009年9月--2010年8月 美国康奈尔大学统计系博士后
(Cornell University)




本科生课程: 概率论与数理统计(英文),概率论与数理统计, 数理统计学,
研究生课程: 高等数理统计学,统计计算

[54] 高朔, 于娇, 桂文豪*. Pivotalinference for the inverted exponentiated Rayleigh distribution based onprogressive Type-II censored data, American Journal of Mathematical andManagement Sciences, Accepted. 2020-4-25. EI
[53] 毕启轩, 马延彬, 桂文豪*.Reliability Estimation for the Bathtub-Shaped Distribution Based onProgressively First-Failure Censoring Sampling, Communications in Statistics -Simulation and Computation, Accepted. 2020-3-17. SCI
[52] 马延彬, 桂文豪*. Entropy based and non-entropy basedgoodness of fit test for the Inverse Rayleigh Distribution with progressivelyType-II censored data, Probability in the Engineering and InformationalSciences, Accepted. 2020. SCI
[51] 胡雪华, 桂文豪*. Assessing the lifetime performanceindex with Lomax distribution based on progressive type I interval censoredsample, Journal of Applied Statistics, Accepted. 2019. SCI
[50] 马延彬, 桂文豪*. Point estimation and two newgoodness of fit tests for the scale family based on general progressivelyType-II censored samples, Communications in Statistics - Simulation andComputation, Accepted. 2019. SCI
[49] 高婧, 白岢函, 桂文豪*.Statistical Inference for the Inverted Scale Family Under General ProgressiveType-II Censoring, Symmetry, Vol. 12, No.5, Article Number 731, 21 pages, 2020.SCI
[48] 张逢时, 桂文豪*. Parameter and reliability inferencesof Inverted Exponentiated Half-Logistic distribution under the progressivefirst-failure censoring, Mathematics, Vol. 8, No.5, Article Number 708, 29pages, 2020. SCI
[47] 陈思易, 桂文豪*. Statistical Analysis of a LifetimeDistribution with Bathtub-Shaped Failure Rate Function Under AdaptiveProgressive Type-II Censoring, Mathematics, Vol. 8, No.5, Article Number 670,21 pages, 2020. SCI
[46] 秦薪颜, 桂文豪*. Statistical Inference of Burr-XIIDistribution Under Progressive Type-II Censored Competing Risks Data withBinomial Removals, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol.368,Article Number 112922, 15 pages, 2020. SCI
[45] 张悦, 桂文豪*. A goodness of fit test for thePareto distribution with progressively type II censored data based on thecumulative hazard function, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,Vol.368, Article Number 112557, 13 pages, 2020. SCI
[44] 李绍伟,桂文豪*. Bayesian survival analysis forgeneralized Pareto distribution under progressively type II censored data,International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, Vol. 27,No.1, Article Number **, 16 pages, 2020. EI
[43] 任君汝, 桂文豪*. A statistical inference for thegeneralized Rayleigh model under Type-II progressive censoring with binomialremovals, Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp.206--223, 2020. SCI
[42] 于娇, 桂文豪*, 单宇琪.Statistical inference on the Shannon entropy of Inverse Weibull distributionunder the progressive first-failure censoring, Entropy, Vol. 21, No.12, ArticleNumber 1209, 21 pages, 2019. SCI
[41] 徐融, 桂文豪*. Entropy Estimation of inverseWeibull distribution under adaptive type-II progressive hybrid censoringschemes, Symmetry, Vol. 11, No.12, Article Number 1463, 23 pages, 2019. SCI
[40] 尚洁, 桂文豪*. Inference on the lifetimeperformance index for the Gompertz distribution with the progressivelyfirst-failure censored samples, International Journal of Innovative Computing,Information and Control, Vol.15, No. 6, pp.2039--2052, 2019. EI
[39] 高朔, 桂文豪*. Evaluating the lifetime performanceindex with the inverted exponentiated Rayleigh distribution based on censoredsample, International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and ScientificComputing, Vol. 10, No.5, Article Number **, 19 pages, 2019. EI
[38] 高朔, 桂文豪*. Parameter estimation of the invertedexponentiated Rayleigh distribution based on progressively first-failurecensored samples, International Journal of System Assurance Engineering andManagement, Vol.10, No. 5, pp.925--936, 2019. EI
[37] 刘姝含, 桂文豪*. Estimating the entropy for Lomaxdistribution based on generalized progressively hybrid censoring, Symmetry,Vol. 11, No.10, Article Number 1219, 17 pages, 2019. SCI
[36] 聂嘉欣, 桂文豪*. Parameter Estimation of LindleyDistribution Based on Progressive Type-II Censored Competing Risks Data withBinomial Removals, Mathematics, Vol. 7, No.7, Article Number 646, 15 pages,2019. SCI
[35] 廖红怡, 桂文豪*. Statistical inference of Rayleighdistribution based on progressively tpye-II censored competing risks data,Symmetry, Vol. 11, No.7, Article Number 898, 18 pages, 2019. SCI
[34] 胡雪华,桂文豪*. Statistical inference for theexponentiated half logistic distribution based on censored data, Journal ofComputational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 362, pp.219--244, 2019. SCI
[33] 张政,桂文豪*. Statistical inference of reliabilityof Generalized Rayleigh distribution under progressively type-II censoring, Journalof Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 361, pp.295--312, 2019. SCI
[32] 杜宇歌,桂文豪*. Goodness of fit Tests forLog-logistic Distribution Based on Cumulative Entropy under Progressive Type IICensoring, Mathematics, Vol. 7, No.4, Article Number 361, 20 pages, 2019. SCI
[31] 尚洁, 桂文豪*. Pivotal inference for thetwo-parameter Rayleigh distribution based on progressive first-failurecensoring scheme, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information andControl, Vol. 15, No.2, pp.503--518, 2019. EI
[30] 马延彬, 桂文豪*. Pivotal inference for the InverseRayleigh Distribution based on general progressively Type-II censored samples,Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol. 46, No.5, pp.771--797, 2019. SCI
[29] 胡雪华, 桂文豪*. Bayesian and non-Bayesian inferencefor the generalized Pareto distribution based on progressive type II censoredsample, Mathematics, Vol. 6, No.12, Article Number 319, 26 pages, 2018. SCI
[28] 桂文豪*, 郭蕾. Statistical inference for thelocation and scale parameters of the skew normal distribution, IndianJournal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 49, No.4, pp.633--650, 2018. SCI
[27] 李绍伟, 桂文豪*. Bayesian and classical estimation ofstress-strength reliability for Weibull lifetime models, AppliedMathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities--Series A, Vol. 33, No.4,pp.397--413, 2018.
[26] 杜宇歌, 郭宇, 桂文豪*.Statistical Inference for the Information Entropy of the Log-logisticDistribution under Progressive Type-I Interval Censoring Schemes, Symmetry,Vol. 10, No.10, Article Number 445, 17 pages, 2018. SCI
[25] 郭蕾, 桂文豪*. Statistical Inference of theReliability for Generalized Exponential Distribution under ProgressiveType-II Censoring Schemes, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol.67, No.2, pp.470--480, 2018, SCI.
[24] 郭蕾, 桂文豪*. Bayesian and classical estimation ofthe inverse Pareto distribution and its application to strength-stress models,American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, Vol.37, No.1, pp.80--92, 2018, EI.
[23] 桂文豪*,郭蕾, Different estimation methods and jointconfidence regions for the parameters of a generalized inverted family ofdistributions, Hacettepe journal of mathematics and statistics , Vol.47, No.1,pp. 203--221, 2018, SCI.
[22] 桂文豪, Y. Qi. Spectral Radii of Truncated Circular Unitary Matrices, Journal ofMathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol.458, No.1, pp. 536--554, 2018, SCI.
[21] 桂文豪*. Reliability estimation for the two-parameter exponential familybased on progressively type II censored data,International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, Vol.25,No.1, 15pages, 2018, EI.
[20] 桂文豪*,X. Lu, Double acceptance sampling planbased on the Burr type X distribution under truncated life tests, InternationalJournal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Vol.28, No.3, pp. 319--330,2018, EI.
[19] 桂文豪*, H.Zhang, L. Guo. The complementary Lindley-geometric distributionand its application in lifetime analysis, Sankhya B, Vol.79, No.2, pp. 316--335, 2017.
[18] 桂文豪*. Exponentiated Half Logistic Distribution: Different EstimationMethods and Joint Confidence Regions, Communications in Statistics - Simulationand Computation. Vol.46, No.6, pp. 4600--4617, 2017. SCI
[17] 毕启轩, 桂文豪*. Bayesian and classical estimation ofstress-strength reliability for Inverse Weibull lifetime models, Algorithms, Vol.10,No.2, Article 71, 2017, EI.
[16] M. Aslam, 桂文豪, N.Khan, C-H Jun, Double moving average–EWMA control chart for exponentially distributedquality, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, Vol.46, No.9, pp. 7351--7364, 2017. SCI.
[15] 桂文豪*, M. Aslam. Acceptance sampling plans based on truncated life testsfor weighted exponential distribution, Communications in Statistics -Simulation and Computation, Vol.46, No. 3, pp. 2138--2151, 2017. SCI
[14] 桂文豪*,H. Zhang, Asymptoticproperties and expectation-maximization algorithm for maximum likelihoodestimates of the parameters from Weibull-Logarithmic model, Applied Mathematics-AJournal of Chinese Universities, Vol.31, No.4, pp. 425--438, 2016, SCI.
[13] 桂文豪*,Modified inverse moment estimation: itsprinciple and applications,(invited) Communications for StatisticalApplications and Methods , Vol.23, No.6, pp. 479--496, 2016.
[12] 桂文豪*,M. Chen, Parameter estimation and jointconfidence regions for the parameters of the generalized Lindley distribution,Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Vol.2016, Article ID **,13 pages, 2016, SCI
[11] 桂文豪*, M. Xu. Double acceptance sampling plan based on truncated lifetests for half exponential power distribution, Statistical Methodology. Vol.27,pp. 123--131, 2015. SCI
[10] 桂文豪*. An Alpha Half Normal Slash Distribution for Analyzing NonnegativeData, Communications in Statistics-- Theory and Methods, 44:4783--4795, 2015.SCI
[9] M. Xu, 桂文豪. A New Family of Exponential Slash Distributions with EllipticalContours, Journal of Mathematical Research With Applications ,Vol.35, No.2, pp.200--210, 2015.
[8] M. Xu, 桂文豪. An Exponential Slash Half NormalDistribution for Analyzing Nonnegative Data, Chinese Journal of appliedprobability and statistics ,Vol.31, No.1, pp. 57--70, 2015.
[7] 桂文豪*. A generalization of the slash half normal distribution:properties and inferences, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, Vol. 8,No. 2, pp. 283-296, 2014.
[6] 桂文豪*. The extended epsilon half normal distribution with applicationsto lifetime data, Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, Vol. 9, No. 1,pp. 1-11, 2014.
[5] 桂文豪*, S. Zhang. Acceptance sampling plans based on truncated life testsfor Gompertz distribution, Journal of Industrial Mathematics, Vol. 2014,Article ID 391728, 7 pages, 2014.
[4] 桂文豪*. A Generalization of the Slashed Distribution via Alpha SkewNormal Distribution, Statistical Methods and Applications, Vol.23, No.4, pp.547-563, 2014. SCI
[3] 桂文豪*. Double acceptance sampling plan for time truncated life testsbased on Maxwell distribution, American Journal of Mathematical and ManagementSciences, Vol.33, No.2, pp. 98--109, 2014. EI
[2] S. Zhang, 桂文豪*. Admissibility in Linear Model With Respect To InequalityConstraint Under Balanced Loss, Journal of Inequalities andApplications,Vol.70,No.1, 11 pages, 2014. SCI
[1] 桂文豪*, S. Zhang and X. Lu. The Lindley-Poisson distribution in lifetimeanalysis and its properties, Hacettepe journal of mathematics andstatistics,Vol.43, No.6, pp. 1063--1077, 2014. SCI

[2]. 桂文豪、王立春、孔令臣.《Probability and Statistics》英文版,清华大学出版社/北京交通大学出版社,2018年8月. ISBN: 26
[1]. 桂文豪、王立春. 《概率论与数理统计学习辅导及R语言解析》,清华大学出版社/北京交通大学出版社,2017年2月. ISBN:44
Note: 需要英文教材配套 PPT 以及相关资料的,可以来信联系。

All models are wrong, but some are useful. ---George E. P. Box
Statistics is the grammar of science. ---Karl Pearson
Statistical thinking will one day be as necessary for efficient citizenship as the ability to read and write! ---H. G. Wells
The best thing about being a statistician is that you get to play in everyone's backyard. ---John Tukey




8. 理学院优秀教师,2019年
7. 智瑾奖优秀青年教师,2018年
6. 理学院优秀共产党员,2018年
5. 理学院优秀教师,2017年
4. 理学院教师教学贡献奖,2017年
3. 北京交通大学教学成果二等奖,2016年
2. 理学院优秀教师,2015年
1. 北京交通大学优秀主讲教师, 2015年10月

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