

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-09

徐征 职称:研究员


1983-1987 中科院长春物理所
1987-1992 天津理工学院
1992-1993 日本甲南大学
1993-1996 天津理工大学
1996-2004 北京交通大学
2004-2005 葡萄牙波尔图理工大学
2005-至今 北京交通大学





1. ->Zicha Li,Suling Zhao,Zheng Xu,Wageh Swelmcd,Dandan Songab,Bo Qiao,Jiao Zhaoab,Jingli Liuab,Binbin YuanabandXinyu XuabImproving charge transport by the ultrathin QDsinterlayer in polymer solar cells[J].RSC Adv.,2018,8, 17914-17920
2. ->BinbinYuan,SulingZhao,ZhengXuDandan Song,Bo Qiao,Yang Li,ZilunQin,JuanMeng andXurong Xu, Improving the photovoltaic performance of planarheterojunction perovskite solar cells by mixed solvent vapor treatment[J]., RSC Adv., 2018,8, 11574-115793. ->D Huang,T Goh, Y Zheng, Z Qin,J Zhao, S Zhao, Z XuAn additive dripping technique usingdiphenyl ether for tuning perovskite crystallization for high-efficiency solarcells[J].Nano Research,20184. ->Youqin Zhu, Jingli Liu,Jiao Zhao, Yang Li, Bo Qiao,Dandan Song, Yan Huang, Zheng Xu, Suling ZhaoandXurong Xu,Improving the Charge CarrierTransport and Suppressing Recombination of Soluble Squaraine-Based Solar Cellsvia Parallel-Like Structure[J].Materials2018,11(5),759;
5. ->陈跃宁,徐征,尹飞飞,刘启东,基于有机薄膜晶体管电特性曲线获取迁移率方法的研究[J].光电子·激光,20171174-1179
6. ->李同锴,徐征,赵谡玲,徐叙瑢,薛俊明,过渡区p型氢化硅氧薄膜结构和光电特性的研究[J].物理学报,2017267-274
7. ->Yong-Xin Yang(杨永馨),Zheng Xu(徐征),Su-Ling Zhao(赵谡玲),Zhi-Qin Liang(梁志琴),Wei Zhu(朱薇) andJun-Jie Zhang(张俊杰),Shape controllable synthesis andenhanced upconversion photoluminescence of-NaGdF4:Yb3+, Er3+nanocrystalsby introducing Mg2+[J].ChinesePhysics B2017. 478-484
8. ->刘毅,徐征,赵谡玲,乔泊,李杨,秦梓伦,朱友勤,双添加剂处理电子传输层富勒烯衍生物[6,6]-苯基-C61丁酸甲酯对钙钛矿太阳能电池性能的影响[J].物理学报,2017397-404
9. ->陈毅翔,赵谡玲,徐征,张成文,徐叙瑢,电致发光衰减测量系统的搭建及应用[J].光谱学与光谱分析,20171993-1996
10. ->陈跃宁,李琳,徐征,张成文,基于有限元方法的有机薄膜晶体管性能分析[J].沈阳师范大学学报(自然科学版)2017129-132
11. ->Di Gao, Bo Qiao, Zheng Xu, Dandan Song, Pengjie Song,Zhiqin Liang, Zhaohui Shen, Jingyue Cao, Junjie Zhang, and Suling ZhaoPostsynthetic, Reversible Cation Exchange between Pb2+ and Mn2+ inCesium Lead Chloride Perovskite Nanocrystal[J].TheJournal of Physical Chemistry C2017121(37), 20387-20395
12. ->Di Huang,Tenghooi Goh,Jaemin Kong,Yifan Zheng,Suling Zhao,Zheng XuandAndré D. TaylorPerovskite solar cells with a DMSO-treated PEDOT:PSS hole transport layerexhibit higher photovoltaic performance and enhanced durability[J].Nanoscale, 2017,9,4236-424313. ->Bo Qiao,Pengjie Song,JingyueCao,Suling Zhao,Zhaohui Shen,DiGao,Zhiqin Liang,Zheng 14. Xu,DandanSongandXurongXu, Water-resistant, monodispersedand stably luminescent CsPbBr3/CsPb2Br5core–shell-like structure leadhalide perovskite nanocrystals[J].Nanotechnology.2017,445602-445611 15. ->Li Y, Xu Z,Zhao S, et al. Highly Efficient pin Perovskite Solar Cells Utilizing Novel LowTemperatureSolutionProcessedHole Transport Materials with Linear πConjugated Structure[J]. Small, 2016, 12(35):4902-4908.
16. ->金士琪徐征赵谡玲赵蛟李杨邓丽娟基于PTB7Bis-PC70BMPCroBM的高效率有机三元太阳能电池,物理学报02):368-374,2016年。
17. 刘珊珊,徐征,赵谡玲,梁志琴,朱薇,氟离子浓度对稀土掺杂上转换发光纳米材料形貌及荧光寿命的影响[J].物理化学学报,20162108-2112,
18. 黄迪,徐征,赵谡玲,赵蛟,李杨,赵玲,不同受体对PTB7聚合物太阳能电池的性能影响的研究[J].光谱学与光谱分析,20162363-2367
19. ->HUANG D, XU Z,ZHAO S, et al. Understanding the Effected Efficiencies of Polymer Solar CellsEmploying Different Fullerene Multiadducts as Acceptors[J]. 2016.
20. ->LIU S S, XU Z,ZHAO S L, et al. Effects of F-Concentration on the Morphologies and FluorescentLifetimes of Ln 3-Doped Up-Conversion Nanocrystals Outline[J]. 2016.
21. ->LIU S S, XU Z,ZHAO S L, et al. Effects of F-Concentration on the Morphologies and FluorescentLifetimes of Ln 3-Doped Up-Conversion Nanocrystals Outline[J]. 2016.
22. ->邓丽娟赵谡玲徐征赵玲王林三元P3HTPTB7-ThPCBM聚合物太阳能电池性能的研究,物理学报07):331-336,2016年。
23. 杨照坤,赵谡玲,徐征,黄清雨,利用瞬态电致发光方法研究有机电致发光器件内部电荷行为[J].光谱学与光谱分析,20163134-3137
24. ->Zhao L, Zhao S, Xu Z, et al. Two effects of 1, 8-diiodooctane on PTB7-Th: PC 71 BM polymersolar cells[J]. Organic Electronics, 2016, 34: 188-192.
25. ->Yin H L, Zhao S L, Xu Z, et al. Light-Emitting Diodes Based on All-Quantum-DotMultilayer Films and the Influence of Various Hole-Transporting Layers on thePerformance [J]. Chinese Physics Letters, 2016, 33(3): 037301.
26. ->孙立志, 赵谡玲, 徐征, . 基于量子点和 MEH-PPV 的白光发光二极管的研究[J]. 物理学报, 2016, 65(6): 67301-067301.
27. ->Long Z, Zhao S, Xu Z, et al. The electroluminescence mechanism of non-doping PhOLEDs basedon CBP/Ir (ppy) 3 investigated by delayed EL measurements[J]. OrganicElectronics, 2016, 28: 225-228.
28. ->Wang P, Zhao S, XuZ, et al. The Electroluminescence Mechanism of Solution-Processed TADFEmitter 4CzIPN Doped OLEDs Investigated by Transient Measurements[J].Molecules, 2016, 21(10): 1365.
29. ->Liang Z, Zhao S, XuZ, et al. Controllable synthesis of tetragonal LiScF 4: Yb 3+, Er 3+nanocrystals and its upconversion photoluminescence properties: Lithiumscandium fluoride nanocrystals[J]. Optical Materials, 2016, 62: 255-260.
30. ->Qiao B, Zhao S, XuZ, et al. Synthesis of ZnO quantum dots and their agglomeration mechanismsalong with emission spectra based on ageing time and temperature[J]. ChinesePhysics B, 2016, 25(9): 098102.
31. ->Liang Z, Zhao S, XuZ, et al. Shape-Controlled Synthesis of All-Inorganic CsPbBr3 PerovskiteNanocrystals with Bright Blue Emission[J]. ACS Applied Materials &Interfaces, 2016, 8(42): 28824-28830.
32. ->Zhao J, Zhao S, XuZ, et al. Revealing the Effect of Additives with Different Solubility onthe Morphology and the Donor Crystalline Structures of Organic Solar Cells[J].ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8(28): 18231-18237.
33. ->Zhao J, Zhao S, XuZ, et al. Revealing the Effect of Additives with Different Solubility onthe Morphology and the Donor Crystalline Structures of Organic Solar Cells[J].ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8(28): 18231-18237.
34. ->Wang L, Zhao S, XuZ, et al. Integrated Effects of Two Additives on the Enhanced Performanceof PTB7: PC71BM Polymer Solar Cells[J]. Materials, 2016, 9(3): 171.
35. ->尹慧丽赵谡玲徐征孙立志Light-Emitting Diodes Based on All-Quantum-Dot Multilayer Films and theInfluence of Various Hole-Transporting Layers on the Performance中国物理快报:英文版03):91-94,2016年。
36. ->孙健陈跃宁徐征尹飞飞基于单端反激式LED驱动电源的设计,电源技术402):413-415,2016年。
37. 孙立志,赵谡玲,徐征,尹慧丽,张成文,龙志娟,洪晓霞,王鹏,徐叙瑢,基于量子点和MEH-PPV的白光发光二极管的研究[J].物理学报,2016301-306
38. ->王志军田植尤建琦石献齐帅李亚民杨志平李盼来徐征,白光发光二极管用单体白色荧光粉的研究进展,硅酸盐学报441):172-180,2016年。
39. ->Zhu W, Zhao S, Liang Z, et al. The color tuning andmechanism of upconversion emission from green to red in NaLuF 4: Yb 3+/Ho 3+nanocrystals by codoping with Ce 3+[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016,659: 146-151.
40. ->Zhu W, Wu Q, Zhao S, et al. Enhanced upconversionfluorescence and altered particle size of β-NaGdF 4: Yb 3+/Er 3+ nanocrystalsby codoping with Mo 3+ ions[J]. Optical Materials Express, 2016, 6(9):3001-3007.
41. ->Chen Y, Zhu Y, Yang D, et al. An AzuleneContaining LowBandgap Small Molecule for Organic Photovoltaics with High OpenCircuitVoltage[J]. Chemistry-A European Journal, 2016, 22(41): 14527-14530.
42. ->Zhang C, Qiao B, Zhao S, et al. Transient analysis onstored charges in organic light-emitting diodes and their applicationin alternating current driven electroluminescence[J]. Organic Electronics,2016, 39: 348-353.
43. ->Yao ChenYouqin ZhuDaobin Yang Suling ZhaoLei ZhangLin YangJianglin WuDr. Yan HuangZheng Xu Zhiyun LuAn AzuleneContaining Low BandgapSmall Molecule for Organic Photovoltaics with High OpenCircuit Voltage[J]. chemistry a European journal,201614527-14530
44. ->Zhang C, Zhao S, Xu Z, et al. The storage of chargesand its optical application in organic light-emitting diodes measured by atransient electroluminescence method[J]. Organic Electronics, 2015, 27:114-118.
45. ->Ling Zhao,Suling Zhao,Zheng Xu,Qianqian Yang,Di Huang andXurong Xu,A ,simple method to adjust the morphology of gradient three-dimensionalPTB7-Th:PC71BM polymer solar cell[J].Nanoscale,2015,7, 5537-5544
46. ->Cui Y, Huang D, Li Y, et al. Aluminium nanoparticlessynthesized by a novel wet chemical method and used to enhance the performanceof polymer solar cells by the plasmonic effect[J]. Journal of MaterialsChemistry C, 2015, 3(16): 4099-4103.
47. ->Huang D, Xu Z, Zhao S, et al.Solvent-treated PEDOT: PSS on the improvement PTB7 based on polymer solar cellsperformance[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2015, 353: 1253-1259.
48. ->Zhu Y, Yang L, Zhao S, et al. Improved performances ofPCDTBT: PC 71 BM BHJ solar cells through incorporating small molecule donor[J].Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2015, 17(40): 26777-26782.
49. ->Huang D, Li Y, Xu Z, et al. Enhanced performance andmorphological evolution of PTB7: PC 71 BM polymer solar cells by using solventmixtures with different additives[J]. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2015, 17(12): 8053-8060.
50. ->Zhi-Qin L, Su-Ling Z, Yue C, et al. Phase transformation andmorphology tuning of β-NaYF4: Yb3+, Er3+ nanocrystals through K+ ionscodoping[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2015, 24(3): 037801.
51. ->Zhao L, Zhao S, Xu Z, et al. The Effects of ImprovedPhotoelectric Properties of
PEDOT: PSS by Two-Step Treatments on thePerformance of Polymer Solar Cells Based on PTB7-Th: PC71BM[J]. ACS appliedmaterials & interfaces, 2015, 8(1): 547-552
52. ->申崇渝,徐征,赵谡玲,黄清雨,LED蓝光泄露安全性研究[J].光谱学与光谱分析.2014316-321
53. ->占红明,徐征,董学,陈明,金雄,布占场,邵喜斌,李成圭[J].彩色液晶显示器件色差补偿优化,液晶与显示,2014916-921.
54. ->Zhan H, Xu Z, Wang Y, et al. Low-voltage, hightransmittance fringe-field switching mode liquid crystal for monitordisplay[J]. Liquid Crystals, 2014, 41(6): 755-760.
55. ->Zhan H, Xu Z, Tian C, et al. Achieving standard widecolor gamut by tuning led backlight and color filter spectrum in LCD[J].Journal of the Society for Information Display, 2014, 22(11): 545-551.
56. ->Cui Y, Zhao S, Liang Z, et al. Optimized upconversionemission of NaLuF 4: Er, Yb nanocrystals codoped with Gd 3+ ions and itsmechanism[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 593: 30-33.
57. ->Song G, Su-Ling Z, Zheng X, etal. Near ultraviolet luminescence characteristics of ZnO nanoparticle film[J].2014.
58. ->Liang Z, Cui Y, Zhao S, et al. The enhanced upconversionfluorescence and almost unchanged particle size of β-NaYF 4: Yb 3+, Er 3+nanoparticles by codoping with K+ ions[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2014, 610: 432-437.
59. ->Chen Y, Deng H, Xu Z, et al. Electrochromic Properties ofNi-W Oxide Thin Films by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering[J]. Energy Procedia,2014, 57: 1834-1841.
60. ->Cui Y, Zhao S, Tao D, et al. Synthesis of size-controlled anddiscrete core–shell aluminum nanoparticles with a wet chemical process[J].Materials Letters, 2014, 121: 54-57.
61. ->Yin F, Xu Z, Zhao S, et al. A DC current–voltage model fororganic thin film transistor for circuit design[J]. Optik-International Journalfor Light and Electron Optics, 2014, 125(1): 257-259.
62. ->Huang Q, Zhao S, Xu Z, et al. Exciplex emission and decay ofco-deposited 4, 4′, 4 ″-tris [3-methylphenyl (phenyl) amino] triphenylamine:tris-[3-(3-pyridyl) mesityl] borane organic light-emitting devices withdifferent electron transporting layer thicknesses[J]. Applied Physics Letters,2014, 104(16): 161112.
63. ->Fan X, Zhao S, Huang Q, et al. Excitons dynamics of1-chloronaphthalene added P3HT: PC 61 BM solar cells[J]. Journal ofLuminescence, 2014, 152: 112-116.
64. ->Zhang Y, Zhao S, Xu Z, et al. Delayed Electroluminescence ofDoped Fluorescent Single Layer Organic Light-Emitting Devices[J]. Journal ofnanoscience and nanotechnology, 2014, 14(5): 3481-3484.
65. ->Yang Q, Yang D, Zhao S, et al. The improved performance ofsolution-processed SQ: PC 71 BM photovoltaic devices via MoO 3 as the anodemodification layer[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2013, 284: 849-854.
66. ->Gong W, Xu Z, Zhao S, et al. Investigation of the effects ofMoO3 buffer layer on charge carrier injection and extraction bycapacitance–voltage measurement[J]. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014, 59(8):747-753.
67. ->Tian L, Xu Z, Zhao S, et al. The Upconversion Luminescence ofEr3+/Yb3+/Nd3+ Triply-Doped β-NaYF4 Nanocrystals under 808-nm Excitation[J].Materials, 2014, 7(11): 7289-7303.
68. ->王坚强,刘邦武,夏洋,徐征,高效黑硅电池组件反光板角度的模拟研究[J].物理学报,2014417-421
69. ->Zhao L, Zhao S, Xu Z, et al. Influence of Morphology ofPCDTBT: PC71BM on the Performance of Solar Cells[J]. Applied Physics A, 2014,114(4): 1361-1368.
70. ->Gao S, Zhao S L, Xu Z, et al. Heterojunction of ZnOnanoparticle/PMMA and its ultraviolet electroluminescence[J]. Optics letters,2014, 39(9): 2633-2636.
71. ->Zhi-Min L, Su-Ling Z, Zheng X, et al. Luminescencecharacteristics of PVK doped with red-emitting quantum dots[J]. 2014.
72. ->Qian-Qian Y, Dao-Bin Y, Su-Ling Z, et al. UV-ozone-treatedMoO3 as the hole-collecting buffer layer for high-efficiency solution-processedSQ: PC71BM photovoltaic devices[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2014, 23(3): 038405.
73. ->Hai-Tao C, Zheng X, Su-Ling Z, et al. Organic light-emittingdevices based on PCDTBT as emitting layer[J]. 2014.
74. ->Yue-Di H, Zheng X, Su-Ling Z, et al. Electroluminescentenergy transfer of hybrid quantum dotsdevice[J]. 2014.
75. ->Wei G, Zheng X, Su-Ling Z, et al. Effects of NPB anode bufferlayer on the performances of inverted bulk heterojunction polymer solarcells[J]. 2014.
76. ->刘志民, 赵谡玲, 徐征, . 红光量子点掺杂 PVK 体系的发光特性研究[J]. 物理学报, 2014, 63(9): 97302-097302.
77. ->刘志方,赵谡玲,徐征,杨倩倩,赵玲,刘志民,陈海涛,杨一帆, 高松,徐叙瑢,利用Ag2O/PEDOT :PSS复合缓冲层提高P3HT: PCBM 聚合物太阳能电池器件性能的研究,物理学报,636,2014
78. ->陈海涛, 徐征, 赵谡玲, . PCDTBT 作为发光层的有机电致发光器件研究[J]. 物理学报, 2014, 63(16): 167802-167802.
79. ->何月娣, 徐征, 赵谡玲, . 混合量子点器件电致发光的能量转移研究[J]. 物理学报, 2014, 63(17): 177301-177301
80. ->Yue Cui, Zhao S, Liang Z,Zheng Xu, et al. Optimized upconversion emission of NaLuF4:Er,Yb nanocrystalscodoped with Gd3+ions and its mechanism[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,593(2014)30-33.
81. ->Liu Y, Zhang F, Dai H, et al. Interfacial layer forefficiency improvement of solution-processed small molecular solar cells[J].Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2013, 118: 135-140.
82. ->ZHU H, XU Z, ZHENG N, et al. Study on the PhotoluminescenceProperties of Type Quantum Well System under Reverse BiasModulation[J]. Advanced Display, 2013: Z1.
83. ->Zhan H, Xu Z, Lin L, et al. Novel Estimation Method ofThree-Dimensional Vertical View Angle for Polarized Stereoscopic Display[J].Journal of Display Technology, 2014, 10(10): 871-876. Cao S, Ji X, Qiu K, etal. Resolving exciton diffusion in InGaAs quantum wells usingmicro-photoluminescence mapping with a lateral excitation[J]. SemiconductorScience and Technology, 2013, 28(12): 125004.
84. ->Su-Ling Z, Yong-Sheng W, Song G, et al. The Effect of theOxygen Plasma Treatment for ITO and ZnO Nanorods on the Electroluminescence ofZnO Nanorod/MEH-PPV Heterostructure Devices[J]. Chinese Physics Letters, 2013,30(3): 037802.
85. ->CHEN Y, XU Z, SUN J, et al. Commercialization of large areaelectrochromic smart glasses: present and future[J]. Journal of FunctionalMaterials, 2013, 17: 002.
86. ->Wang J, Zhang F, Zhang J, et al. Key issues and recentprogress of high efficient organic light-emitting diodes[J]. Journal ofPhotochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews, 2013, 17: 69-104.
87. ->李凌亮, 张福俊, 王梓轩, . 基于稀土配合物的有机光盲型紫外探测器[J]. 物理化学学报, 2013, 29(12): 2624-2629.
88. ->LI L L, ZHANG F J, WANG Z X, et al. Organic visible-blindultraviolet photodetectors based on rare earth complex[J]. Acta Physico-ChimicaSinica, 2013, 29(12): 2624-2629.
89. ->Zhi-Fang L, Su-Ling Z, Zheng X, et al. Enhancement ofperformance of P3HT: PCBM based polymer solar cell by Ag 2 O/PEDOT: PSScomposite buffer layer[J]. 2014.
90. ->Di H, Zheng X, Su-Ling Z. Enhanced performance of organiclight-emitting diodes by using PTB7 as anode modification layer[J]. 2013.
91. ->王健,张福俊,刘博,王永生,徐征,张坚.Emission colour-tunablephosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes based on the self-absorptioneffect and excimer emission[J]Journal of physics D: AppliedPhysics2013-01146),1510415104
92. ->Zhu H N, Xu Z, Zheng N. Enhancing Efficiency ofOrganic Light Emitting Diodes by Using Multi-Period Quantum Well Stucture[J].Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals and Displays, 2013, 28(2): 188-193.
93. -> 孔超,徐征,赵谡玲.水溶性酞菁化合物对有机电致发光器件亮度和效率的影响[J]。发光学报,2012-013318892
94. -> 龚伟,Faist,Daukes,徐征.Influence of energetic disorderon electroluminescence emission in polymer:fullerene solar cells[J]PHYSICAL REVIEW B2012-0986024201),19
95. -> 王庆伟,徐征,赵谡玲.硅太阳电池扩散方阻与栅线宽度匹配的研究[J]。半导体光电,2012-06333),350353
96. -> 李盼来,王永生,赵谡玲,张福俊,徐征.Ca2BO3Cl:Ce3+, Tb3+: A noveltunable emitting[J]Chin. Phys. B2012-102112),16
97. -> 李盼来,徐征,赵谡玲,王永生,张福俊.The concentration quenching andcrystallographic[J]Chin. Phys. B2012-01214),15
98. -> 李盼来,徐征,赵谡玲,张福俊,王永生.Luminescent characteristics andenergy transfer of Ca2BO3Cl:Sm3+,[J]Materials Research Bulletin2012-054722),38253829
99. -> 李盼来,徐征,赵谡玲,张福俊,张妍斐.用于白光LED的Ca2BO3Cl:Eu2+发光特性研究[J]。光电子· 激光,2012-102310),18511855
100. -> 王庆伟,徐征,赵谡玲.有机溶剂对太阳能电池银浆丝网印刷影响的研究[J]。贵金属,2012-08333),2226
101. -> 张妍斐,赵谡玲,徐征.The Formation of Exciplex andImproved Turn-on Voltage in a Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Light-Emitting Diode[J]CHIN. PHYS. LETT2012-111129),117302117302
102. -> 张天慧,赵谡玲,徐征.Application of TiO2 withdifferent structures in solar cells[J]Chin. Phys. B2012-111121),118401118401
103. -> 李盼来,徐征,赵谡玲,张福俊,张妍斐.用于白光LEDCa2BO3Cl:Eu2+发光特性研究[J]。光电子?激光,2012-101023),18511855
104. -> 田雪雁,徐征,赵谡玲.非溶剂掺杂完善自组织机理提升高度区域规则的3-己基噻吩有机场效应晶体管器件性能的研究[J]。物理学报,2011-0360037201),17
105. -> 刘瑞,徐征,赵谡玲.利用不同阴极缓冲层来改善Pentacene/C60太阳能电池的性能[J]。物理学报,2011-0560058801),16
106. -> 孙钦军,徐征,赵谡玲.铕配合物Eu(UVA) 3PhenPVK掺杂体系发光特性的研究[J]。光谱学与光谱分析,2011-103110),26762679
107. -> 朱海娜,徐征,赵谡玲.Study on the influences ofquantum well structure on the performance of organic light emitting devices[J]Displays2011-0132?),102105
108. -> 田雪雁,徐征,赵谡玲.高分子有机场效应晶体管中退火引起的自组织微观结构变化的研[J]。物理学报,2011-0560057201),16
109. -> 高利岩,赵谡玲,徐征.水溶性CuPc旋涂转速及退火方式对蓝色有机电致发光器件性能的影响[J]。物理学报,2011-03603),1622
110. -> 闫悦,赵谡玲,徐征.多环类苝四甲酸二酐插入层对ZnO纳米棒/[2-甲氧基-5-2-乙基-己氧基)-14-苯撑乙烯撑]复合太阳能电池性能的影响[J]。物理学报,2011-08608),8880388803
111. -> 闫光,赵谡玲,徐征,张福俊.The effect of PCBM doping on theelectroluminescent performance of organic light-emitting diodes [J]Phys. Status Solidi A2011-1020810),23172320
112. -> 田雪雁,徐征,赵谡玲.高分子有机场效应晶体管中半导体薄膜结晶行为及微观结构变化的研究[J]。物理学报,2011-0260027201),19
113. -> 赵谡玲,徐征.Influence of Yb3+ concentrationon the upconversion luminescence of oxyfluoride material doped with Er3+[J]SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics& Astronomy2010-12253),310314
114. -> 刘志平,赵谡玲,徐征.PECVD沉积氮化硅膜的工艺研究[J]。太阳能学报,2011-01132),5459
115. -> 闫光,赵谡玲,徐征.The enhanced performance oforganic light-emitting diodes by using PCBM as the anode modification layer[J]Physica B2011-0510406),18451848
116. -> 闫悦,赵谡玲,徐征.The effect of modified layers onthe performance of inverted ZnO nanorods/MEH-PPV solar cells[J]SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics& Astronomy2011-03354),453458
117. -> 张天慧,赵谡玲,徐征,朴玲钰.Solar cells based on thepoly(N-vinylcarbazole):porphyrin: tris(8-hydroxyquinolinato) aluminium blendsystem[J]Chin. Phys. B2011-06320),3840138401
118. -> 王大伟,赵谡玲,徐征.The improvement ofnear-ultraviolet electroluminescence of ZnO nanorods/MEH-PPV heterostructure byusing a ZnS buffer layer[J]Organic Electronics2011-01112),9297
119. -> 程志明,徐征,赵谡玲,张福俊.一种新型有机聚合物深红色发光材料的合成及发光特性的研究[J]。光谱学与光谱分析,2010-12Vol.30N0.2),
120. -> 程志明,徐征,张福俊.一种新型有机稀土配合物的合成及发光特性的研[J]。光学学报,2010-12Vol.30N0.4),
121. -> 程志明,徐征,赵谡玲.一种新型有机聚合物深红色发光材料的合成及发光特性的研究[J]。光谱学与光谱分析,2010-12Vol.30No.2),
122. -> 程志明,张福俊,徐征.10-羟基-苯并喹啉的合成及发光特性的研究[J]。中国激光,2010-12Vol.37N0.3),
123. -> 张福俊,徐征,刘小君,赵谡玲,卢丽芳,王永生,徐叙容.Studies on morphology andmolecular arrangement ofpentacene on different substrates[J]Superlattices and Microstructures2009-121.645),
124. -> 胡涛,张福俊,徐征,赵谡玲,岳欣,袁广才.Effect of UV–ozone treatment onITO and post-annealing on the performance of organic solar cells[J]Synthetic Metals2009-121.1597-8),
125. -> 宋晶路,徐征,张福俊,赵谡玲,胡涛,厉军明,刘晓东,岳欣,王永生."The effect of annealingtreatment on the performance[J]。《中国科学》G辑,2009-125210),
126. -> 厉军明,徐征,赵谡玲,张福俊,宋丹丹,刘晓东,宋晶路,徐叙容,王永生.不同加速层材料对固态阴极射线发光的影响[J]。光谱学与光谱分析,2009-121129),
127. -> 宋丹丹,赵谡玲,徐征,张福俊,岳欣,朱海娜.磷光材料fac-tris(2-phenylpyridinato-N,C2’) iridium (III)对不同荧光材料的敏化作用及发光机制分析[J]。光谱学与光谱分析,2009-122910),
128. -> 宋丹丹,赵谡玲,张福俊,徐征,厉军明,岳欣,朱海娜,王永生.A key Issue of OrganicLight-emitting Diodes: Enhancing Hole Injection by Interface Modifying[J]Journal of Luminescence2009-1212912),
129. -> 田雪雁,徐征,张福俊,袁广才.Effects of concentration andannealing on the performance of regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene)field-effect transistors[J]Chinese Physics B2009-12188),
130. -> 田雪雁,徐征,张福俊,袁广才.Effects of concentration andannealing on the performance of regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene)field-effect transistors[J]Chinese Physics B2009-12188),
131. -> 田雪雁,徐征,赵谡玲,张福俊,袁广才.Vacuum relaxation andannealing-induced enhancement of mobility of regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene)field-effect transistors[J]Chinese Physics B2009-121811),
132. -> 田雪雁,徐叙容,徐征,赵谡玲,张福俊,袁广才.Effects of concentration andannealing on the performance of regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene)field-effect transistors[J]Chinese Physics B2009-12119),
133. -> 田雪雁,徐征.Laser annealing ofPb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 thin films for the pyroelectric detectors[J]Thin Solid Films2009-12
134. -> 田雪雁,徐征,张福俊,赵谡玲,袁广才.Influence of thermal treatment onthe performance of copper phthalocyanine thin-film transistors[J]Current Applied Physics2009-12
135. -> 赵谡玲,徐征,张福俊,王永生,徐叙容."A sharp challenge to thetraditional method of determining the luminescence[J]JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS2009-12
136. -> 熊莎,黄世华,唐爱伟,滕枫,梁春军,徐征.基于MEH-PPV/ZnSe纳米器件的电致发光特性的研究[J]。光谱学与光谱分析,2008-12282),
137. -> 张福俊,赵谡玲,徐征,黄金昭,徐叙瑢.Transient demonstration ofExciton behaviors in solid state cathodoluminescence under different drivingvoltage[J]Chinese Physics2007-12165),
138. -> 张福俊,赵谡玲,徐征,黄金昭,袁广才,李远,王勇,徐叙瑢.How to restrain electroplexemission and enhance red emission intensity of Eu3+ complex?[J]Optical materials2007-12,无(30),
139. -> 张福俊,赵谡玲,赵德威,姜薇薇,李远,袁广才,朱海娜,徐征.Electroplex emission frombi-layer blue emitting organic materials[J]Physica Scripta2007-1275(无),
140. -> 张福俊,A. Vollmer,J. Zhang,徐征,J.P. Rabe,N. Koch.Energy levelalignment and morphology of interfaces between molecular and polymeric organicsemiconductor[J]Organic electronics2007-12,无(8),
141. -> 张福俊,徐征,赵德威,赵谡玲,姜薇薇,袁广才,宋丹丹,王永生,徐叙瑢.Influence of evaporationconditions of Alq3 on the performance of organic light emitting diodes[J]J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.2007-12,无(40),
142. -> 张福俊,徐征,赵谡玲,刘玲,姜薇薇,Bo Sun,刘德昂,黄金昭,裴娟.Electroluminescence ofTb(o-BBA)3(phen) based on an organic–inorganic heterostructure[J]Journal of Luminescence2007-12122-123(无),
143. -> 宋淑芳,赵德威,徐征,徐叙瑢.有机多层量子阱的能量转移[J]。物理学报,2007-12566),
144. -> 张福俊,赵谡玲,徐征,黄金昭,徐叙瑢.Transient demonstration ofExciton behaviors in solid state cathodoluminescence under different drivingvoltage[J]Chinese Physics2007-1216(5)(?),
145. -> 张福俊,徐征,赵德威,赵谡玲.Influence of evaporationconditions of Alq3 on the performance of organic light emitting diodes[J]J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.2007-1240(无),
146. -> 黄金昭,徐征,赵谡玲,李远,张福俊,宋林,王永生,徐叙瑢.Organic/inorganichetero-structures for enhanced electroluminescence[J]Solid State Communications2007-121427),
147. -> 黄金昭,徐征,赵谡玲,张福俊,王勇.Luminescence properties of type-quantumwell light-emitting diodes formed with NPB and Alq3[J]Applied Surface Science2007-1225310),
148. -> 黄金昭,徐征,赵谡玲,李远,袁广才.Identification of conduction andhot electron property in ZnS, ZnO and SiO2[J]Physica B2007-123941),
149. -> 黄金昭,徐征,张福俊,赵谡玲,李远,宋林.Dissociation of excitons inorganic light-emitting diodes[J]Microelectronics Journal2007-123838),
150. -> 黄金昭,徐征,赵谡玲,张福俊,王勇.NPB /Alq3有机量子阱光电特性研究[J]。光谱学与光谱分析,2007-12274),
151. -> 黄金昭,徐征,赵谡玲,张福俊,王勇.NPB /Alq3有机量子阱光电特性研究[J]。光谱学与光谱分析,2007-12274),
152. -> 黄金昭,徐征,李海玲,亢国虎,王文静.氧化铁镍薄膜的制备与表征[J]。光电子?激光,2007-12184),
153. -> 黄金昭,徐征,赵谡玲,李远,宋林.固态阴极射线发光的发现及证实[J]。华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)2007-1235(增),
154. -> 黄金昭,徐征.Investigation of Spectrum BlueShift in Organic Quantum Well Electroluminescent Devices[J]Optoelectronics Letters2007-1231),
155. -> 袁广才,徐征,张福俊,王勇,许洪华,孙小斌.在不同衬底上制备的ZnO薄膜透射率的研究[J]。光谱学与光谱分析,2007-12277),
156. -> 袁广才,徐征,张福俊,王勇,许洪华.溅射条件及RTA处理对ITO薄膜光电特性的影响[J]。材料研究学报,2007-12213),
157. -> 袁广才,徐征,张福俊,王勇,许洪华,孙小斌.Al2O3/AlN为复合绝缘缓冲层的ZnO-TTFT透过率的研究[J]。功能材料,2007-12382),
158. -> 黄金昭,徐征,李海玲,王文静.纳米晶Ni-Mo-Fe催化阴极的制备与表征[J]。北京交通大学学报,2007-12316),
159. -> Ling Liu,徐征,娄志东.photoluminescence andelectroluminescence mechanism on a novel complex Eu(o-BBA)3(phen)[J]Journal of luminescence2007-12122-123(无),
160. -> Shanyu Quan,滕枫,徐征,侯延冰,王永生,徐叙容.Temperature dependence ofphotoluminescence in MEH-PPV blend films[J]Journal of luminescence2007-12124(无),
161. -> 张福俊,赵谡玲,徐征,黄金昭,袁广才,李远,王勇,徐叙容.How to restrain electroplexemission and enhance red emission intensity of Eu3+ complex?[J]Optical materials2007-1230(无),
162. -> 张福俊,A. Voller,J. Zhang,徐征,J. P. Rabe,N. Koch.Energy levelalignment and morphology of interfaces between molecular and polymeric organicsemiconductor[J]Organic electronics2007-128(无),
163. -> 张福俊,徐征,赵谡玲,Ling Liu.Electroluminescence ofTb(o-BBA)3(phen) based on an organic–inorganic heterostructure[J]Journal of Luminescence2007-12122-123(无),
164. -> Lei Qian,徐征,滕枫.influence of dehydrated nanotubedtitanic acid on charge transport and luminescent properties of polymer lightemitting- diodes with fluorescent dye[J]Solid State Communications2007-12143(无),
165. -> Deang liu,滕枫,徐征,杨盛谊,王永生,徐叙容.Enhanced brightness andefficiency in organic light-emitting diodes using SiO2 as buffer layer andelectron-blocking layer[J]Journal of luminescence2007-12122-123(无),
166. -> Chong Qu,徐征,滕枫,徐叙容.Spectral properties and frequencyresponse of solid state cathodoluminescence dased on MEH-PPV[J]Journal of luminescence2007-12122-123(无),
167. -> Yan Jiang,杨盛谊,滕枫,徐征,侯延冰,徐叙容.influences of organichole-transport layer on the emission of organic-inorganic heterostructuredevices[J]Journal of luminescence2007-12122-123(无),
168. -> 黄金昭,徐征,赵谡玲,Haina Zhu,宋丹丹.Study on energy transfer inorganic multilayer well structure[J]Synthetic Metals2007-1215718-20),
169. -> 袁广才,徐征,张福俊,王勇,许洪华.ITO薄膜制备及RTA处理对发光期间特性的影响[J]。光电子.激光,2007-12188),
170. -> 张妍斐,徐征,吕玉光,张福俊,王勇,张敬畅.Study on Luminescence Propertiesof a Novel Rare Earth Complex Eu TTA2 N-HPA Phen[J]Journal of Rare Earths2007-12252),
171. -> 姜薇薇,徐征,张福俊,赵谡玲,黄金昭.cathodoluminescence-likephenomenon based on ZnSe[J]optoelectronics and advancedmaterials-rapid communications2007-1218),
172. -> 姜薇薇,徐征.spectral characteristics ofoptical storage material CaSrS:Eu,Sm[J]materials letters2007-1261(无),
173. -> 姜薇薇,徐征,张福俊.preparation of SrS:Eu,Sm and itsphotostimulated luminescence[J]Journal of materials processingtechnology2007-12184(无),
174. -> 王勇,赵谡玲,王永生,徐征.共惨杂稀土配合物Tb0.5Eu0.5(TTA)3Dipy发光性质的研究[J]。光谱学与光谱分析,2007-12275),
175. -> 王勇,赵谡玲,徐征,黄金昭.Study of elctroplex emission fromorganic electroluminescenct devices with rare earth complex[J]Journal of Rare Earths2007-1225(无),
176. -> 王勇,赵谡玲,张福俊,徐征.study of elctroplex emission froma blend of two basic blue-emitting materials PVK and NPB[J]Microelectronics Journal2007-1238(无),
177. -> 宋林,徐征,赵谡玲.一种新型共掺杂稀土配合物Gd0.5Eu0.5(TTA)3Dipy的电致发光特性[J]。中国稀土学报,2007-12253),
178. -> 宋林,徐征,赵谡玲.electroluminescent property of anew novel co-doped rare earth complex[J]Journal of Rare Earths2007-1225(无),
179. -> 宋林,徐征,赵谡玲,张福俊.双栅酞菁铜有机薄膜晶体管[J]。液晶与显示,2007-12224),
180. -> 赵德威,张福俊,S.F.Song,C.Xu,徐征.The influence of exciton behavioron luminescent characteristics of orgainclight-emitting diodes[J]Applied Surface Science2007-12253(无),
181. -> 赵德威,S.F.Song,张福俊,赵谡玲,徐征,徐叙容.use of multiple layers to adjustenergy transfer for raising intensity of photoluminescence[J]J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.2007-1240(无),
182. -> 赵德威,S.F.Song,赵谡玲,张福俊,徐征.comparison of photoexcited anengytransfer in the organic doble-layer and multiayer quantum well structures[J]Microelectronics Journal2007-1238(无),
183. -> 赵德威,徐征,张福俊,S.F.Song,赵谡玲.The effect of electric fieldstrength on electroplex emission at the interface of NPB/PBD organiclight-emitting diodes[J]Applied Surface Science2007-12253(无),
184. -> 赵谡玲,徐征,张福俊,王永生,徐叙容.schematic design of a complexthin-film luminescent screen usable for vacuum fluorescent and filed emissiondisplay[J]optics letters2007-123215),
185. -> 张妍斐,徐征,吕玉光,张福俊,王勇,张敬畅.一种新型稀土配合物Eu TTA2 N-HPA Phen的发光特性研究[J]。中国稀土学报,2007-12246),
186. -> T.Zhang,徐征,滕枫,王永生,徐叙容.optical and morphologicalinvestigation in interaction of dual dopants in poly(N-vinylcarzole)[J]Journal of luminescence2007-12122-123(无),
187. -> T.Zhang,徐征,S.Zhao,王永生,徐叙容.investigation into luminescentdynamics in solid-state cathoodoluminescences strcture[J]Chemical Physics letters2007-12437(无),
188. -> T.Zhang,徐征,滕枫,王永生,徐叙容.carrier transport andluminescences properties of nanocomposites of poly[2-methoxy-5-(2-ethylhexyloxy)-p-phenlene vinlene] and dehydrated nanotubestitanic adcid[J]Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology2007-127(无),
189. -> 赵德威,S.F.Song,张福俊,赵谡玲,徐征.The effect of multilayer quantumwell structure on the characteristics[J]Displays2007-12282),
190. -> 姜燕,杨盛谊,滕枫,徐征,侯延冰,徐叙容.Influences of organichole-transport layer on the emission of organic-inorganic heterostructuredevices[J]Journal of Luminescence2007-12122-123(无),
191. -> 杨盛谊,刘德昂,姜燕,滕枫,徐征,侯延冰,徐叙容.Impact of electric fields on theemission from organic light-emitting diodes based on polyvinylcarbazole(PVK)[J]Journal of Luminescence2007-12122-124(无),
192. -> 娄志东,衣兰杰,滕枫,徐征,杨盛谊.铥铽及铕离子掺杂的BaA1204膜的阴极射线发光特性[J]。发光学报,2007-12283),
193. -> 娄志东,衣兰杰,滕枫,杨盛谊,徐征.CdWO4膜的制备及发光特性的研究[J]。液晶与显示,2007-12223),
194. -> 娄志东,衣兰杰,滕枫,徐征,杨盛谊.稀土离子掺杂的铝酸盐的低压阴极射线发光[J]。液晶与显示,2007-12223),
195. -> 刘德昂,滕枫,徐征,杨盛谊,钱雷,贺卿芳,王永生,徐叙容.Enhanced brightness andefficiency in organic light-emitting diodesusing SiO2 as buffer layer andelectron-blocking layer[J]journal of luminescence2007-12122-123(无),
196. -> 权善玉,滕枫,徐征,钱垒,章婷,侯延冰,王永生,徐叙容.Temperature dependence ofphotoluminescence in MEH-PPV blend films[J]Journal of luminescence2007-12124(无),
197. -> 全善玉,滕枫,徐征,钱垒,张婷,侯延冰,王永生,徐叙容.Temperature dependence of photoluminescencein MEH-PPV blend films[J]journal of luminescence2007-12124(无),
198. -> 杨盛谊,D.Liu,姜燕,滕枫,徐征,侯延冰.Charge carriers bulkrecombination instead of electroplex emission after their tunneling throughhole-blocking layer in OLEDs[J]The european physics journal B2006-12??52),
199. -> 杨盛谊,L.Qian,滕枫,徐征.Alternating-currentelectroluminescence from an organic heterojunction sandxiched between twoamorphous SiO2 lqyers[J]Journal of applied physics2006-12????),
200. -> 杨盛谊,姜燕,滕枫,徐征,侯延冰.The roles of zinc selenidesandwiched between organic layers and its applications in white light-emittingdiodes[J]Solid state communicatins2006-12??139),
201. -> 杨盛谊,姜燕,滕枫,徐征,侯延冰.Electroluminescence of blends ofhole-blocking polymer and hole-blocking polymer[J]Physica B2006-12??373),
202. -> 杨盛谊,姜燕,滕枫,徐征,侯延冰.Electroluminescence of blends ofhole-blocking polymer and hole-blocking polymer[J]Physica B2006-12??373),
203. -> 姜燕,杨盛谊,张秀龙,滕枫,徐征,侯延冰.基于ZnSe的有机-无机异质结电致发光器件[J]。物理学报,2006-12559),
204. -> 姜燕,杨盛谊,张秀龙,滕枫,徐征,侯延冰.基于ZnSe的有机-无机异质结电致发光器件[J]。物理学报,2006-12559),
205. -> 刘德昂,滕枫,徐征.Influence of capacitance effecton alternating-current organic light-emitting diodes[J]Solid state communication2006-12137(无),
206. -> 刘德昂,徐征,滕枫,赵谡玲,王永生,徐叙容.驱动电压频率对固态阴极射线发光影响的研究[J]。光谱学与光谱分析,2006-12266),
207. -> 钱磊,滕枫,徐征,权善玉,刘德昂,王元敏,王永生,徐叙容.掺杂二氧化钛纳米管对有机电致发光性能的影响[J]。物理学报,2006-12552),
208. -> 黄金昭,徐征.Electrochemical studies ofiron-doped nickel oxide electrode for oxygen evolution reaction[J]。电化学,2006-12122),
209. -> 黄金昭,徐征.Ettects of sputtering conditionson electrochemical behavior and physical properties of Ni-Mo alloy electrode[J]Transactions of nonterrous metalssociety of China2006-1216(无),
210. -> 黄金昭,徐征.Ettects of sputtering conditionson electrochemical behavior and physical properties of Ni-Mo alloy electrode[J]Transactions of nonterrous metalssociety of China2006-1216(无),
211. -> 张福俊,徐征,滕枫.Estimation of the accelerationability for elextrons in SiO2 and the tunneling effect[J]Journal of luminescence2006-12117(无),
212. -> 张福俊,徐征,滕枫.频控变色场致发光器件及机理研究[J]。光谱学与光谱分析,2006-12261),
213. -> 张福俊,徐征,黄金昭,王勇.有机无机异质结中稀土配合物电致发光的研究[J]。光谱学与光谱分析,2006-12268),
214. -> 张福俊,徐征,赵谡玲.Improvements of rare-earthcomplex electroluminescence by using organic-inorganic heterostructure[J]Physica B2006-12381(无),
215. -> 张福俊,徐征,赵谡玲,徐叙容.Influence of the electriccharacteristics of - semiconductor material on theelectroluminescenceof lanthanide complex[J]The european physical journal B2006-1252(无),
216. -> 张福俊,徐征,赵谡玲,杨盛谊,徐叙容.Estimation of luminesence lifetimein frequency domain[J]Chniese physics2006-12153),
217. -> 和青芳,徐征,滕枫,徐叙容.Improvements of tne analyticalmodel monte carlo[J]Chniese physics letters2006-12233),
218. -> 和青芳,徐征,刘德昂,徐叙容.An analytical model of MonteCarlo electron scattering in ZnS[J]Solid state electronics2006-1250(无),
219. -> 和青芳,徐征,刘德昂,徐叙容.蒙特卡罗方法模拟薄膜电致发光器件中碰幢离化的作用[J]。物理学报,2006-12554),
220. -> 权善玉,滕枫,徐征,杨盛谊,侯延冰,王永生.Temperature effects onphotoluminescence of poly[J]Materials letters2006-1260(无),
221. -> 权善玉,滕枫,徐征,侯延冰,王永生,徐叙容.Solvent and concentration effectson fluoresence emission in MEH-PPV solution[J]European polymer journal2006-1242(无),
222. -> 权善玉,滕枫,徐征,王永生.improved polymer light-emittingdiodes by the tuning of charge balance[J]Solid state communicatins2006-1250??),
223. -> 权善玉,滕枫,徐征,王永生.effect of inorganic nanolayers onelectron injection in polymer light-diods[J]physics letters2006-12352??),
224. -> 袁广才,徐征,张福俊,王勇,许洪华,孙小斌.不同的制作方法对ZnO-TTFT光学特性的影响[J]。液晶与显示,2006-12215),
225. -> 王勇,赵谡玲,徐征,黄金昭,袁广才,张妍斐.稀土配合物红色有机电致发光器件的研究[J]。光学与光电技术,2006-1245),
226. -> 王勇,赵谡玲,徐征,袁广才,赵德威.稀土配合物有机电致发光器件中的电致激基复合物发光性质的研究[J]。中国稀土学报,2006-12245),
227. -> 徐征,张福俊,赵谡玲.Slimultaneous determination oftrap depth and the ratio of the rate of recombination to that of capture fromthermo-luminesence[J]Chinese physics2006-12158),
228. -> 黄金昭,徐征,李海玲.太阳能制氢技术研究发展[J]。太阳能学报,2006-12279),
229. -> 黄金昭,徐征,李海玲.射频磁控溅射制备纳米晶Ni-Mo催化阴极及其表征[J]。高等学校化学学报,2006-12275),
230. -> 黄金昭,徐征,赵谡玲,张福俊.有机量子阱发光的研究[J]。光学与光电技术,2006-1245),
231. -> T.Zhang,徐征,滕枫,徐叙容.influence of ZnO nanord on theluminescentand electrical properties of fluorescent dye-doped polymernanocomposite[J]Optical materials2006-1229(无),
232. -> 李云白,徐叙容,滕枫,徐征,侯延冰.聚烷基芴电场调制光谱研究[J]。光谱与光谱分析,2005-12257),
233. -> 孙世菊,徐征,滕枫.PVK:TPB薄膜稳态光谱的研究[J]。《光谱与光谱分析》,2005-12256),
234. -> 滕枫,王元敏,徐征.PVK/BCP体系电致激基复合物的研究[J]。《光谱与光谱分析》,2005-12255),
235. -> 王丽伟,滕枫,徐征,徐叙容.从热释光曲线同时确定电子复合与俘获之比及陷阱深度[J]。光谱学与光谱分析,2005-122510),
236. -> 王丽伟,徐征,滕枫,张福俊,姜薇薇.一种计算稀土材料陷阱深度的方法[J]。中国稀土学报,2005-12235),
237. -> 张福俊,侯延冰,滕枫,徐征,徐叙容.发光寿命在发光特性表征中的重要影响[J]。发光学报,2005-12262),
238. -> 张福俊,徐征.无机薄膜电致发光的研究现状及面临的挑战[J]。光子技术,2005-12?1),
239. -> 张福俊,徐征.无机薄膜电致发光的研究现状及面临的挑战[J]。光子技术,2005-12?1),
240. -> 张延芬,徐征,滕枫.对于电泳液中颜料粒子运动性能的研究[J]。《光谱与光谱分析》,2005-12252),
241. -> 于文革,徐征,徐叙容,滕枫,杨盛谊.Blue electroluminescence of ZnSethin film in an organic-inorganic heterostructures device[J]Physics letters A2005-12?338),
242. -> 王元敏,ChangqiMa,滕枫,王永生,杨盛谊,徐征,侯延冰,徐叙容.Green to white to blue OLEDs byusing PBD as chromaticity-tuning layer[J]Display2005-12?25),
243. -> 王元敏,侯延冰,王永生,滕枫,徐征,徐叙容.Electroplex emission from a blendof poly(N-vinylcarbazole) and 2,9-dimethyl-4,7-diphenyl-1, 10-phenanthroline[J]European Polymer Journa2005-12?41),
244. -> 黄金昭,徐征.Fe:NiOx阳极催化膜电极过程动力学研究[J]。表面技术,2005-12344),
245. -> 黄金昭,徐征.太阳能光电化学电池分解水制氢技术及其研究发展[J]。临沂师范学院学报,2005-12266),
246. -> 王元敏,滕枫,徐征.Trap effect of an ultrathin DCJTBlayer in organic light-emitting diodes[J]MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS2005-12922),
247. -> 王元敏,滕枫,徐征.Electroplex emission from a blendof poly(N-vinylcarbazole) and 2,9-dimethyl-4,7-diphenyl-1, 10-phenanthroline[J]EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL2005-12415),
248. -> 王元敏,徐征,滕枫.Enhancement of electroplexemission by using multi-layer device structure[J]APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE2005-122431-4),
249. -> 权善玉,徐征,徐叙容,滕枫,王永生.Charge carrier injection andtransport in polymer blend films[J]Solid state communications2005-12?134),
250. -> 章婷,滕枫,徐征,徐叙容.The condition for electroplexemission from an europium complex doped poly[J]Chemical physics letters2005-12?415),
251. -> 章婷,徐征,滕枫,徐叙容.Improved emission of Eu3+ byenergy transfer via Tb3+ in copreciptates TbxEu(1+X)(axpirin)3(phen)[J]Journal of applied physics2005-12?98),
252. -> 章婷,滕枫,徐征,徐叙容.The influence of ZnS nanorods onthe poly-(3.4-ethylendioxythiophene)[J]Institute of physics publishing2005-12?16),
253. -> 章婷,何志群,徐征,徐叙容,滕枫.Investigation into the effect ofLiF at the organic interface on electroluminescence[J]Thin solid films2005-12?483),
254. -> 赵慧,徐征.多孔硅在多晶Si太阳能电池中的应用研究[J]。光电子激光,2004-12155),
255. -> 段晓霞,徐征,滕枫,黄世华.基于电泳技术的电子纸研究进展[J]。液晶与显示,2004-12??),
256. -> 李海玲,滕枫,王永生,徐征.MEH-PPV/ZnO纳米晶无机有机复合电致发光器件的研究[J]。光谱学与光谱分析,2004-12??),
257. -> 刘俊峰,侯延冰,滕枫,徐征.一种新型稀土配合物Tb(m-benzoicacid)3的发光特性的研究[J]。光谱学与光谱分析,2004-12??),
258. -> 刘姗姗,徐征,滕枫,刘明,孙世菊,徐叙容.SiO2厚度对类阴极射线发光中电子加速的影响[J]。光谱与光谱分析,2004-12??),
259. -> 曲崇,滕枫,徐征,钱磊,于文革,权善玉,徐叙容.Origin and characteristics ofblue light emission in solid state cathodluminescence of MEH-PPV[J]Chinese physics Letters2004-12??),
260. -> 曲崇,徐征,滕枫,徐叙容.MEH-PPV固态阴极射线发光动力学研究[J]。物理学报,2004-12??),
261. -> 孙世菊,徐征,滕枫.聚乙烯基咔唑与Alq3混合薄膜的发光性能与能量传递过程[J]。物理学报,2004-12??),
262. -> 王元敏,钱磊,刘德昂,徐征,滕枫,章婷.CuI)配合物型光功能材料研究进展[J]。自然科学进展,2004-12??),
263. -> 徐征,徐叙容,滕枫,曲崇,赵谡玲.Properties of solid-statecathodluminescence(CL-like) for inorganic/organic heterojunction[J]Physica B2004-12348?),
264. -> 徐征.Anisotropic transport ofelectrons in ZnS thin-film electrolumin escence displays[J]Acta physica polonica2004-121054),
265. -> 徐征,曲崇,赵谡玲,滕枫,徐叙容.Properties of solid-statecathodluminescence(CL-like) for inorganic/organic heterojunction[J]Physica B2004-12??),
266. -> 徐征.Anisotropic transport ofelectrons in ZnS thin-film electrolumin escence displays[J]Acta physica polonica2004-12??),
267. -> 于文革,徐征,曲崇.基于有机无机异质结的白色电致发光器件[J]。光电子激光,2004-12??),
268. -> 王元敏,徐征,徐叙容,滕枫,王永生,Changqi Ma,侯延冰,杨盛谊.Green to white blue OLEDs byusing PBD as a chromaticity-tuning layer[J]Displays2004-12??),
269. -> 王元敏,徐叙容,徐征,滕枫,侯延冰,王永生.Enhancement of electroplexemission by using multi-layer device structure[J]applied surface science2004-12??),
270. -> 白峰,吴瑾光,邓振波,徐征,高新,李勇,徐怡庄.一种新型共搀杂稀土配合物的发光特性[J]。光谱学与光谱分析,2004-12??),
271. -> 曲崇,滕枫,徐征,徐叙容.Origin and characteristics ofblue light emission in solid state cathodluminescence of MEH-PPV[J]Chinese physics Letters2004-1221?),
272. -> 曲崇,徐叙容,滕枫,徐征.Origin and characteristics ofblue light emission in solid state cathodluminescence of MEH-PPV[J]Chinese physics Letters2004-1221?),
273. -> 赵谡玲,徐叙容,侯延冰,Xiaojing Pei,徐征.Upconversion luminescence ofKZnF3:Er3+,Yb3+ synthesized by hydrothermal method[J]Journal of Alloys and Compounds2004-12??),
274. -> 王元敏,杨盛谊,侯延冰,滕枫,徐征.White emission via electroplexformation at poly(N-vinylcarbazole)/2,9-dimethyl-4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline interface[J]Applied surface science2004-12??),
275. -> 李海玲,王永生,滕枫,徐征.MEH-PPV/ZnO纳米晶无机有机复合电致发光器件的研究[J]。光谱学与光谱分析,2004-122410),
276. -> 王元敏,徐征,滕枫,杨盛谊,侯延冰.White emission via electroplexformation at poly(N-vinylcarbazole)/2,9-dimethyl-4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline interface[J]Applied surface science2004-12236?),
277. -> 王元敏,ChangqiMa,侯延冰,杨盛谊,滕枫,徐征,王永生,徐叙??.Green to white blue OLEDs byusing PBD as a chromaticity-tuning layer[J]Displays2004-12???),
278. -> 王元敏,王永生,侯延冰,滕枫,徐征,徐叙??.Enhancement of electroplexemission by using multi-layer device structure[J]applied surface science2004-12??),
279. -> 白峰,徐怡庄,李勇,邓振波,徐征,高新,吴瑾光.一种新型共搀杂稀土配合物的发光特性[J]。光谱学与光谱分析,2004-12241),
280. -> 段晓霞,黄世华,徐征,滕枫.基于电泳技术的电子纸研究进展[J]。液晶与显示,2004-12195),
281. -> 曲崇,滕枫,徐征,徐叙??.Origin and characteristics ofblue light emission in solid state cathodluminescence of MEH-PPV[J]Chinese physics Letters2004-12213),
282. -> 赵谡玲,XiaojingPei,侯延冰,徐征,徐叙??.Upconversion luminescence ofKZnF3:Er3+,Yb3+ synthesized by hydrothermal method[J]Journal of Alloys and Compounds2004-12368(?),
283. -> 赵谡玲,徐征,侯延冰,裴小将.Dependence of Temperature onUpconversion Emission of YLiF4:Er3+[J]Journal of rare earths2003-12214),
284. -> 章婷,徐叙容,徐征.Deped organic electroliminescencefrom a novel rare earth complex Tb(3-metho)3phen[J]Journal of rare earths2003-12214),
285. -> 沈鸿,杨军,徐征,陶栋梁,徐怡庄.Emission of are earth complexTb0.5Eu0.5(asprin)3phen[J]Journal of rare earths2003-12215),
286. -> 刘舒曼,S.Wageh,徐叙容,徐征.CdSe纳米晶的制备及性能表征[J]。光电子激光,2003-12141),
287. -> 曲崇,徐叙容,徐征,滕枫.Characteristics of solid stateCathodoluminescence of PPV[J]Chinese physics letters2003-12207),
288. -> 何志毅,孙力,徐征,王永生.(Ca,Sr)S:Eu,Sm的激励发光和电子俘获机理的研究[J]。光电子.激光,2003-12147),
289. -> 沈鸿,徐怡庄,杨军,徐征,陶栋梁,陈晓红,章婷.稀土配合物Eu(asprin)3phen发光特性的研究[J]。光谱学与光谱分析,2003-12232),
290. -> 徐征,滕枫,曲崇,衣立新,徐叙容.Enhanced organicelectroluminescence(OEL)by integration with cathodoluminescence-like (cl-like)emission[J]Journal of Luminescence2003-12102-103?),
291. -> 刘明,徐征,衣立新,滕枫.SiO2/C9-PPV异质结中类阴极射线发光及有机电致发光的交互增强[J]。物理学报,2003-12524),
292. -> 刘峻峰,滕枫,侯延冰,徐征.富勒稀在光电导中的应用[J]。液晶与显示,2003-12176),
293. -> 刘舒曼,徐征,S.Wageh,徐叙容.CdSe/PVK纳米晶及其电致发光特性[J]。光电子激光,2003-12142),
294. -> 陈晓红,徐征,徐叙容,侯延冰,张希清,李云白.溶剂效应对聚喹啉铝发光特性的影响[J]。发光学报,2002-12231),
295. -> 徐征,章婷,沈鸿,陈晓红,刘育新.非共轭聚合物PPV衍生物中烷氧基因聚合物有机发光二极管发光性能的研究[J]。发光学报,2002-12232),
296. -> 张希清,徐叙容,王永生,梅增霞,段宁,徐征.CdSe/CdMnSe多量子阱的激光光学性质的研究[J]。物理学报,2001-12506),
297. -> 董金凤,刘舒曼,杨盛谊,徐征.聚乙烯基咔唑对稀土络合物发光特性的影响[J]。光电子 激光,2001-12125),
298. -> 王晓峰,徐征,张希清,陈晓红,何大伟,王永生.MEH-PPV夹层结构的430nm蓝色电致发光[J]。光电子 激光,2001-12125),
299. -> 陈晓红,樊中朝,王振家,侯延冰,刘育新,徐征.O-PPV中的残余溶剂对载流子传输特性的影响[J]。光电子 激光,2001-12123),
300. -> 张希清,梅增霞,徐征,段宁,王永生,徐叙容.Exciton optical properties ofCdSe/CdZnSe superlattices grown by molecular beam pitaxy[J]Acta Optica Sinica2001-12221),
301. -> 张希清,段宁,王永生,梅增霞,徐征,徐叙容.Optical properties of CdSe/CdMnSequantum wells grown by molecular beam epitaxy[J]Acta Physica Sinica2001-12506),
302. -> 张希清,徐征,王永生.Epitaxial growth and excitonrecombination properties of CdTe/Cd0.8Mn0.2Te quantum wells[J]Acta Photonica Sinica2001-12
303. -> 林葵,赵谡玲,侯延冰,林铁生,徐征.Er3+,YB3+掺杂氟氧化物微晶玻璃上转换发光的研究[J]。光电子.激光,2001-12125),
304. -> 杨盛谊,徐征,张希清,王振家,侯延冰,徐叙容.Electroluminescence in organicsingle-layer light-emitting diodes at high fields[J]Science in China(Series F)2001-12443),
305. -> 衣立新,徐叙容,徐征,张希清,侯延冰,何大伟,王永生.富锌型氧化锌薄膜的蓝区及近紫外区发光特性[J]。科学通报,2001-12463),
306. -> 杨晓辉,徐征,王振家,侯延冰,徐叙容.carriers recombination in bilayerorganic lightemitting diodes at high electric fields[J]Chemical physics2001-12
307. -> 许秀来,王振家,徐征,侯延冰,陈晓红,张希清,徐叙容.Direct interband transitions intris-(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum thin films[J]journal of applied physics2001-12892),
308. -> 杨盛谊,徐征,王振家,徐叙容.recombination efficiency inorganic single-layer light-emitting diodes at high fields[J]applied physics letters2001-127916),
309. -> 刘姗姗,杨盛谊,徐征.平板波导的非线性耦合[J]。北方交通大学学报,2001-12256),
310. -> 徐叙容,许秀来,徐征,王晓峰,侯延冰.Mixed Excitation inElectroluminesence[J]Chinese Journal of polymer science2001-12196),
311. -> 杨盛谊,KangLee,徐叙容,徐征,张希清.An accurate method calculate thenegative dispersion generated by prism pairs[J]optics and lasers in engineering2001-12
312. -> 章婷,徐征.调制变色有机电致发光器件中的能量传递[J]。发光学报,2001-12
313. -> 孙力,何志毅,董金凤,王永生,徐征.电子俘获光存储材料的研究进展[J]。激光与红外,2001-12315),
314. -> 陈晓红,樊中朝,杨盛谊,王振家,侯延冰,徐征,刘育新,高新,徐叙容.电场作用下的可溶性PPV衍生物发光性质研究[J]。发光学报,2000-122112#),
315. -> 杨盛谊,张希清,王振家,徐征,董金凤.Bu(TTA)m复合体系的电致发光双层器件[J]。,2000-122112#),
316. -> 杨晓辉,陈晓红,徐征,徐叙容.聚合物分散体系蓝色发光二级管特性的研究[J]。,2000-122112#),
317. -> 赵辉,王永生,徐征.Temperature dependence of highfield transport in ZnS[J]Czechoslovak Journal of Physics2000-125010),
318. ->An Q, Zhang F, Zhang J, et al. Enhanced performance ofpolymer solar cells through sensitization by a narrow band gap polymer[J].Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2013, 118: 30-35.
319. -> 侯延冰,徐征,何大伟.The photo- and electro- luminescence properties of ZnO:Zn thin film[J]Displays2000-12
320. -> 赵辉,徐征,王永生.Influence of spatial charges ontransport properties of thin film electroluminescent displays[J]Displays2000-12
321. -> 许秀来,侯延冰,徐征.Photoluminescence andElectroluminescence of (Gd2O3-Ga2O3):Ce Thin Film[J]Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.2000-12
322. -> 杨盛谊,刘姗姗,徐征.有机材料激光器研究的进展[J]。激光与红外,2000-12305),
323. -> 印寿根,徐征.Synthesis ofPoly(2,5-Diphymyl-1,3,4-thicadiazolyl).[J]Chinese journal of Polymer Science1999-12174),
324. -> 徐征,徐春祥等.Mechanism of SrS:ce thin film...[J]Jouinalof rare earths1999-12172),
325. -> 徐征,徐叙容等.SRSCE薄膜电致发光机制[J]。中国稀土学报,1999-12173),
326. -> 徐征,赵辉等.场发射显示技术研究发展[J]。半导体光电,1999-12203),
327. 会议论文-> 田雪雁,徐征.铁电薄膜退火方法的研究。第六届中国功能材料及其应用学术会议,武汉,2007-12
328. 会议论文-> 滕枫,侯延冰,徐征,徐叙容.有机/聚合物的固态类阴极射线发光及混合发光。中国化学会第二十四届学术年会,湖南长沙,2004-12
329. 会议论文-> 王元敏,滕枫,徐征.OLED中电致激基复合物(Electroplex)的研究。第十届全国发光学学术会议,大连,2004-12
330. 会议论文-> 刘德昂,滕枫,徐征,杨盛谊,徐叙容.有机电致发光器件的发光与激发的时间特性研究。第十届全国发光学学术会议,大连,2004-12
331. 会议论文-> 于文革,徐征,侯延冰,陈晓红,何大伟,徐叙容.Blue Electroluminescence of ZnSeThin FilmEL2002(11th International Workshop onInorganic and Organic Electroluminescence & 2002 International Conferenceon the Science and Technology of Emissive Displays and Lighting),比利时,2002-12
332. 会议论文-> 赵谡玲,裴小将,徐征,侯延冰,徐叙容.Upconversion luminescence ofKZnF3:Er3+EL2002(11th International Workshop onInorganic and Organic Electroluminescence & 2002 International Conferenceon the Science and Technology of Emissive Displays and Lighting),比利时,2002-12
333. 会议论文-> 徐征,曲崇,许秀来,陈晓红,赵谡玲,徐叙容.Experimental Proof ofCathodoluminescence-like(CL-like)Emission for Inoraganic/Organic HeterojunctionEL2002(11th International Workshopon Inorganic and Organic Electroluminescence & 2002 InternationalConference on the Science and Technology of Emissive Displays and Lighting),比利时,2002-12
334. 会议论文-> 陈晓红,侯延冰,徐征,于文革,徐叙容,ShuWang.Luminescence properties of some novel poly(phenelenevinylene) derivatives containing oxadiazole segmentsEL2002(11th International Workshop on Inorganic and OrganicElectroluminescence & 2002 International Conference on the Science andTechnology of Emissive Displays and Lighting),比利时,2002-12
335. 会议论文-> 侯延冰,徐征.The probe to blue thin filmselectroluminescence devicesIUMRS-ICAM991999-12

1.《徐叙瑢科技活动生涯》北方交通大学 中国发光学会编 科学出版社2002年4月
2.《营造绚丽多彩的光世界――发光学趣谈》徐叙瑢主编 清华大学出版社 暨南大学出版社 2002年8月
3.《发光材料与显示技术》徐叙瑢主编 化学工业出版社 2003年1月
4.《产品设计与机构动力学分析》和青芳 徐征等著 机械工业出版社2004年1月
5.《New Developments in Condensed Matter Physics》美国NOVA Science出版社(ISBN: 1-59454-822-6)
6.《New Topics in Condensed Matter Research 》美国NOVA Science出版社(ISBN: 1-60021-023-6)
7.《Rare Earths: Research and Applications》美国NOVA Science出版社(ISBN: 978-1-60456-218-7)
8.《Cathodoluminescence》日本Naoki Yamamoto出版社(ISBN978-953-51-0362-2)

1.分层优化新型薄膜电致发光器件(ZL 92 1 05896.9)1996年11月
2.固态类阴极射线发光平板显示器件 (ZL 01 1 20505.9)2002年3月
3.场发射增强的发光平板显示器件 (ZL 01 1 36072.0)2003年9月
4.太阳能电池(ZL 6.5) 2004年6月25日
5. 混合激发发光平板显示器件(ZL 01 1 24195.0)2004年9 月
6.提高有机化合物场致发光亮度及效率的新方法(ZL 02 1 58706.X)2005年3月
7.一种用于VFD、FED真空阴极射线平板显示的薄膜发光屏(ZL 8.9) 2006年11月2日
8.带有复合加速层的单发光材料的白光器件( ZL 2.6) 2007年1月23日
9.单一有机材料的变色场致发光屏(ZL 2004 1 **.6)2007年9月12日
10.单一无机粉末场致发光材料的频控变色屏(ZL 2004 1 **.X)2007年9月19日
11.真空阴极射线和注入混合激发的纳米材料平板显示屏(ZL2.2) 2007年11月26日
12.有机薄膜晶体管的制造方法(ZL 9.6) 2007年12月20日
13.在频域内测量有机半导体载流子迁移率的方法(ZL 2005 1 **.1)2008年1月30日
14.追踪太阳感光器(ZL 9.1) 2008年7月21日
15.发光真实寿命的测量方法(ZL 3.2) 2008年7月23日
16.同步光泵浦的有机薄膜晶体管(ZL1.1) 2008年7月4日
17. 液压型三杆支撑式太阳能追踪装置(ZL 1.X) 2008年10月23日
18.ZnO纳米棒/有机发光材料复合层的真空紫外电致发光器件(ZL 5.X) 2010年10月 23日
19.抑制激子态改善有机场致发光亮度的器件(ZL 5.7) 2009年1月5日
20.高真空场调制有机小分子定向纳米薄膜的制备方法及系统(ZL 7.6) 2009年1月9日
21.倾斜式生长形貌可控的纳米发光柱状薄膜的方法及装置(ZL 7.9) 2009年1月16日
22.圆环形闭合沟道有机薄膜晶体管(ZL 0.4) 2009年6月26日
23有机薄膜晶体管的制造方法(ZL 9.6)2009年7月15日
24.真空阴极射线和注入混合激发的纳米材料平板显示屏(ZL 2.2)2009年7月8日
25. 基于并五苯为空穴传输层的电致发光器件(ZL 1.9)2009年3月11日
26.一种提高光输出耦合效率的有机电致发光器件及其制备方法(ZL 8.1) 2010年5月20日
27.一种反型结构的有机小分子太阳能电池(ZL 5.5) 2010年10月12日
28.用变频交流电源测定有机场致发光的发光期间的方法(ZL 4.5) 2010年10月26日


6. 第九届詹天佑铁道部科技奖北京交通大学专项奖 2008年12月。
7. “固态阴极射线发光及相关发光材料”2009年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术)自然科学奖一等奖(证书号:2009-009) 2009年12月。
8. “2012年度首都大学生暑期社会实践先进工作者” 中共北京市委宣传部、北京市教育委员会,2012年11月。

民盟中央科技委员会委员、镇江市“十二五”创新创业领军人才、中国光学学会光电专业委员会 委员、中国可再生能源学会太阳能建筑专业委员会委员、中国建筑金属结构协会光电建筑应用委员会委员、中国仪器仪表学会光机电技术与系统集成分会理事、“能量转换与存储材料北京市重点实验室”学术委员会委员、国际SID学会会员。《太阳能》杂志编委、《太阳能学报》杂志编委、《液晶与显示》杂志编委、《光电子·激光》杂志编委 、《光谱学与光谱分析》杂志编委、《现代显示》杂志编委、《光伏产业观察》杂志编委。 科技部863、973经费评估专家、评审专家,发改委、工信部、财政部、建设部评审专家,北京市科委评审专家,国家基金、河北省自然基金、广西自然基金、天津市自然基金等地函审专家,国家级评标专家等等。《Solar Energy》、《Chinese Physics Letters》、《IEEE TRANS. ELECTRON DEVICES》、《物理学报》、《半导体学报》、《太阳能学报》等10几本学术期刊的审稿人。

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